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Fundamental Programming


Adapted from C++ for Everyone and Big C++ by Cay

This material is also come from SPDBs material, CIS dept.,
Univ. Tech. Petronas


To learn about the architecture of computers

To learn about machine languages and higherlevel programming languages
To become familiar with your compiler
To compile and run your first C++ program
To recognize syntax and logic errors
To understand the notion of an algorithm
To understand the activity of programming

What Is a Computer? Hardware

Computers can handle repetitive chores

without becoming bored or exhausted.
A computer is programmable to handle
different task - flexible:

Processing words
Playing Games
Browsing Internet

Computer actions are composed of

huge numbers of extremely primitive
It executes these operations a great

What Is a Computer Program?

- Software

The programs the computer executes are called

the software.
A computer program tells a computer, the
sequence of steps that are needed to fulfill a task.
A typical operation may be one of the following:
Add up these two numbers.
If this value is negative, continue the program
at a certain instruction.

What is Programming?

The act of designing and implementing computer

programs is called programming.
A programmer designs and implements these
Most computer users are NOT computer
Programming is not the only skill required to be a
successful computer scientist.
Early programming experiences are mundane
and will not rival sophisticated software that you
are familiar with.

What is Programming?

For example, to tell the computer to write

Hello World! on the screen, you will write a
You will be creating software:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
return 0;

The Anatomy of a Computer

Translating Human-Readable
Programs to Machine Code
(Machine Instructions)

Extremely primitive:
Encoded as numbers:

161 40000 45 100 127 11280

Move the contents of memory location 40000 into CPU

If the value is > 100, continue with the instruction that is
stored in memory location 111280

Tedious and error prone to look up numeric

codes and enter them manually.
Each processor has its own set of machine

Translating Human-Readable
Programs to Machine Code

Assigns short names to commands:

mov 40000, %eax

sub 100, %eax
jg 11280

Makes reading easier for humans.

Translated into machine instructions by another
Still processor dependent

Translating Human-Readable
Programs to Machine Code
(Higher-level Languages)

Independent of the underlying hardware.

Easiest for humans to read and write.
if (int_rate > 100)
message_box("Interest rate error");

Translated by compilers into machine


The Evolution of C++

Ancient history (pre 1972)

C (1972)
ANSI Standard C (1989)
Meanwhile, Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T adds features of the language
Simula (an object-oriented language designed for carrying out
simulations) to C resulting in:
C++ (1985)
ANSI Standard C++ (1998)
ANSI Standard C++ [revised] (2003)
The present C++
a general-purpose language that is in widespread use for systems and
the most commonly used language for developing system software
such as databases and operating systems

Your First Program

At this point you should write your first C++ program:

the classic program: Hello World!
(everyone starts with this one)
Its job is to write the words Hello World!
on the screen.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
return 0;

Your First Program Explained

But first, some things about the code:


is case sensitive. Typing:

int MAIN()
will not work

has free-form layout

int main(){cout<<"Hello, World!"<<endl;return 0;}
will work (but is practically impossible to read)
A good program is readable.

Your First Program Explained

The main Function

A function is a collection of programming instructions that carry out a

particular task.
The construction
int main()
return 0;

defines a function.

The functions name is main.

The function returns the integer 0
(which indicates that the program finished successfully).

Every C++ program must have one and only ONE main function.
Most C++ programs contain other functions besides main (more about
functions later).

Your First Program Explained

#include<iostream> - read the file iostream

that contains the definition for the stream
input/output package.
using namespace std; - all names in the
program belong to the "standard namespace"

Your First Program Explained

The Output Statement
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;

Each C++ statement ends in a semicolon.

"Hello World!" is called a string.
The endl symbol denotes an end of line marker.

cout << "Hello World!\n";

The sequence of characters enclosed in quotations

marks ("Hello, World\n") is called a string.

Escape sequence indicates a newline.

Errors (Syntax and Logic Errors)

Syntax error or compile-time error:

Something violates the language rules.

Compiler finds the error.
cot << "Hello, World!";
cout << "Hello, World!\";

Logic error or run-time error:

Program doesn't do what it's supposed to do. The syntax is

correct, but executes without performing the intended action.
Programmer must test and find the error.
cout << "Hell, World\n";
cout << "Sum of num1 and num2:" << 5 - 6;

The Compilation Process

The compiler translates C++ programs into machine

The linker combines machine code with library code into an executable program.

The Edit-Compile-Run
This process reflects the way
programmers work

(shown as a flowchart)

A sequence of steps that is unambiguous,
executable, and terminating is called an algorithm.


Algorithmic cooker using a recipe to cook a meal

An algorithm is a recipe for finding a solution

The Software
Development Process
For each problem
the programmer goes
through these steps

Describing an Algorithm with


An informal description
Not in a language that a computer can understand, but easily
translated into a high-level language (like C++).
The method described in pseudocode must be


There are precise instructions for what

to do at each step
and where to go next.


Each step can be carried out in practice.


It will eventually come to an end.

Describing an Algorithm with


Consider this problem:

You put RM10,000 into a bank account that earns 5%
interest per year. How many years does it take for the
account balance to be double the original?
Determine the inputs and outputs.
In our sample problem, we have these inputs:
Bank deposit : RM10,000
Interest rate : 5%
We simply want to how many years does it take for the account
balance to be double the original (10k x 2 = 20k).
That is the desired output.

Describing an Algorithm with


Step 1: Set balance to 10,000 and year to 0

Step 2: Repeat steps 2a-2c while balance < 20,000

Step 2a. Add one more than the preceding year's value
Step 2c. Calculate the new balance value, the preceding
balance value, multiplied by 1.05.

Describing an Algorithm with


Step 3: Report the last value of the year in the repetition

process. That value is the number of years required to double
the investment
After Year

Balance (RM)


10,000.00 x 1.05 = 10,500.00

10,500.00 x 1.05 = 11,025.00

11,025.00 x 1.05 = 11,576.25

11,576.25 x 1.05 = 12,155.06

After year 14 , Balance = RM 19799.32

After year 15 , Balance = RM 20789.28

Describing an Algorithm with


Flowchart - Example
Sub-process/function (Add Value)

Describing an Algorithm with


year = 0 , balance = 10 000

balance = balance * 1.05
year = year + 1

balance <20k
Print year,


1. A computer program is a sequence of instructions and
2. Programming is the act of designing and implementing
computer programs.
3. Computer programs are stored as machine instructions in a
code that depends on the processor type.
4. High-level programming languages are independent of the
5. A syntax error is a part of a program that does not conform to
the rules of the programming language while logic errors are
errors in a program that executes without performing the
intended action.
6. The compiler translates C++ programs into machine code.


The linker combines machine code with library code into an

executable program.
An algorithm for solving a problem is a sequence of steps
that is unambiguous, executable, and terminating.
Algorithm can be described using pseudocode and


Big C++ 2nd Edition, Cay S. Horstmann, Timothy A.

Budd, Wiley.
C++ for Everyone, 1st Edition, Cay S.

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