ABC Model For A University
ABC Model For A University
ABC Model For A University
Why use Activity-Based-
Underst and TRUE profit abilit y of our cust om ers,
product s, or services
Quant ify t he cost of non-value added act ivit ies
such as errors and reworks
Ident ify opport unit ies t o reduce cost s and/or
increase efficiency
Obt ain act ionable inform at ion t o negot iat e price
increases for unprofit able client s
Underst and why profit abilit y m ay be m ediocre
despit e good st rat egic fundam ent als
St rat ify overhead cost s so t hey can be m anaged
m ore effect ively
Difference Between Traditional and
ABC systems accumulate Traditional costing systems
costs into activity cost accumulate costs into
pools. These are designed facility-wide or
to correspond to the major departmental cost pools.
activities or business
processes. Traditional systems allocate
ABC systems allocate costs costs to products using
to products , services, and volume-based allocation
other cost objects from the bases: units, direct labor
activity cost pools using input, machine hours.
allocation bases
corresponding to cost Inexpensive to implement
drivers of activity costs.
and maintain.
Relatively expensive to
implement and maintain.
ABC Traditional
Focuses on estimating the costs Focuses on estimating the
of many cost objects of cost of a single cost object
interest: units , batches, —unit of product or
product lines, business service.
processes, customers, and
suppliers. Because of the inability to
Because of the ability to align align allocation bases with
allocation bases with cost cost drivers, leads to
drivers, provides more overcosting and
accurate information to undercosting problems.
support managerial decisions.
Allows for non-linearity of costs
Generally estimates all of the
within the organization by costs of an organization as
explicitly recognizing that being driven by the
some costs are not caused by volume of product or
the number of units produced. service delivered.
ABC Traditional
ABC-Steps to
Steps to implementation
Ident ify t he Resources (expendit ures) of an
organizat ion
Det erm ine Act ivit ies (work perform ed) t hat
are support ed by Resources
Define Cost Object s (product s, services,
cust om ers)
Develop Resource Drivers t o link Resources
t o Act ivit ies
Develop Cost Drivers t o link Act ivit ies t o
Cost Object s
XYZ Ltd plans to use activity based costing to determine it product costs . It
presently , uses a single factory overhead rate for allocating factory overhead
to products , based on direct labourhours . The total factory overhead cost is
as follows .
175000 = Rs 8 / labour
No of labour hours 25000 10000 140000
Recovery rate 8 8 8
Total production overhead by 200000 80000 1120000
No ofunit
units produced 10000 2000 50000
Factory overhead cost per 20 40 22.4
Overhead cost/unit 20 40 22.4
(Traditional method)
ABC model for a
Efficiency information
Annual Accounting Department Costs
Comparison of Traditional and ABC Cost
Traditional ABC
Faculty Salary Research
Other avenues Service
Research Teaching by program
Admin. Exp PPA
Infrastructure cost BBA
Travel MBA
Events Ph.D
Misc Unused Capacity
Total Total
Traditional costing gives information about
the costs of resources being supplied.
ABC perspective on the same data provides
information about what the college’s
constituents are getting for their money.
The problem of measuring the contributions
of departments to programs is solved.
Cost of unused capacity .
Disparity among various
Annual total cost per studentas per ABC costing (Rs )
Accounts Dept Cost
Allocated 1727 1935 17529
Infrastructure cost 1311 2227 13300
Support Dept Cost
Support Staff 3729 6821 2355
Space 2579 4948 1060
Total Cost 9346 16931 34244
Help estimating the amount of financial aid.
In governments and not-for-profits
organizations, expenditures must be linked
to specific institutional objectives.
Level of expenditures must be assessed in
relation to the priority assigned to those
Cost data necessary to assure consistency
between expenditures and objectives.
No comparable mechanism to detect and
root out inefficiencies.
Support costs
Support Staff cost per student per program
Program No. of Students Cost per student
MBA ### ###
BBA ### ###
Ph.D ### ###
Space cost per student per program
Program No. of Students Cost per Student
MBA ### ###
BBA ### ###
Ph.D ### ###