Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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FID Free induction decay

FSE Fast spin echo
GRE Gradient echo
IR Inversion recovery
MHz Megahertz
MR Magnetic resonance
MRA Magnetic resonance angiography
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
msec Milliseconds
NMR Net magnetization vector
PC MRA Phase-contrast MR angiography
PD Proton density
ppm Parts per million
RF Radiofrequency
SAR Specific absorption rate
SE Spin echo
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio
T Tesla
TE Echo time
TOF Time of flight
TR Repetition time

z-direction and xy-plane are

frequently used. In all figures, the main
magnetic field, B0, is represented from
bottom to top and its direction is
designated by z. The other two
dimensions of the magnetic field are
denoted by x and y. The xy-plane is
perpendicular to the z-axis and is thus
represented horizontally in the figures.


Spin and the Nuclear Magnetic

Resonance Phenomenon
Medical magnetic resonance (MR) imaging
uses the signal from the nuclei of hydrogen
atoms (1H) for image generation. A
hydrogen atom consists of a nucleus
containing a single proton and of a single
electron orbiting the nucleus . The proton
having a positive charge and the electron a
negative charge, the hydrogen atom as a
whole is electrically neutral. The proton is
of interest here.


Apart from its positive charge, the

proton possesses spin, an intrinsic
property of nearly all elementary
particles. This means that the proton
rotates about its axis like a spinning


1. As a rotating mass (m), the proton
has angular momentum and acts like a
spinning top that strives to retain the
spatial orientation of its rotation axis

2. As a rotating mass with an electrical

charge, the proton additionally has
magnetic moment (B) and behaves like
a small magnet. Therefore, the proton
is affected by external magnetic fields
and electromagnetic waves and, when
it moves, induces a voltage in a
receiver coil.


There is another, very important

difference: while a spinning top can be
slowed down and thus finally comes to
a standstill, a protons spin always has
the same magnitude and can neither
be accelerated nor decelerated,
precisely because it is a fundamental
property of elementary particles. Spin
is simply there all the time!

How will a spin behave when

brought into a strong magnetic field?

When an external force (typically the

earths gravitational field G) acts on a
spinning top and tries to alter the
orientation of its rotational axis, the top
begins to wobble, a process called
precession. At the same time,
friction at the point of contact withdraws
energy from the spinning top and slows
down its rotation. As a result, its axis
becomes more and more inclined and the
top finally falls over.

Back to our hydrogen nuclei: when these are

exposed to anexternal magnetic field, B0, the
magnetic moments, or spins, align with the
direction of the field like compass needles. The
magnetic moments do not only align with the
field but, like spinning tops, undergo
precession. Precession of the nuclei occurs at a
characteristic speed that is proportional to the
strength of the applied magnetic field and is
called Larmor frequency. Alignment of the
spins parallel to the magnetic field is a gradual
process and, as with spinning tops, is
associated with the dissipation of energy

NOTE: The Larmor frequency is a very

important concept that is at the core of
MR imaging.
The Larmor or precession
frequency is the rate at which spins
wobble when placed in a magnetic

The Larmor frequency is directly proportional to the strength

(B0) of the
magnetic field and is given by the Larmor equation:

What happens to the spins precessing and slowly

aligning inside the
magnetic field?

While the spin system relaxes and

settles into a stable state, longitudinal
magnetization Mz is building up in the
z-direction because the magnetic
vectors representing the individual
magnetic moments add together.

NMV- when a slightly larger fraction of

the spins align with the main magnetic
field. It is this small difference that
actually produces the measurable net
magnetization Mz and is represented
by the net magnetization vector

- Mz increases with the field strength.

Energy can be introduced into such a

stable spin system by applying an
electromagnetic wave of the same
frequency as the Larmor frequency.
This is called the resonance

The required electromagnetic wave is

generated in a powerful radio
transmitter and applied to the object
to be imaged by means of an antenna

The process of energy absorption is known as

excitation of the spin system and results in
the longitudinal magnetization being more
and more tipped away from the z-axis toward
the transverse (xy-)plane perpendicular to
the direction of the main magnetic field. All of
the longitudinal magnetization is rotated into
the transverse plane by a radiofrequency (RF)
pulse that is strong enough and applied long
enough to tip the magnetization by exactly
90 (90 RF pulse). The resulting
magnetization is now denoted by Mxy rather
than Mz because it now lies in the xy-plane.

no external magnetic field present, spins rotate about their axes in random
ction (a). In the presence of a magnetic field, slightly more spins align parallel
he main magnetic field, B0, and thus produce longitudinal magnetization, Mz (b)
ulse (c) tips the magnetization vector by exactly 90, causing the entire longitud
netization to flip over and rotate into transverse magnetization, Mxy (d)

Whenever transverse magnetization is

present, it rotates or precesses about
the z-axis, which has the effect of an
electrical generator and induces an
alternating voltage of the same
frequency as the Larmor frequency in
a receiver coil: the MR signal. This
signal is collected and processed with
sensitive receivers and computers to
generate the MR image.


What happens to the spins after they

have been excited?



1.spin-lattice interaction
2. spin-spin interaction.
Thesetwo processes cause T1
relaxation and T2 relaxation,

T1: Longitudinal

T1 relaxation. Decay of transverse magnetization and regrowth of magnetization

along the z-axis require an exchange of energy

The transverse magnetization remaining

within the xy-plane strictly speaking the
projection of the magnetization vector onto
the xy-plane decreases slowly and the MR
signal fades in proportion. As transverse
magnetization decays, the longitudinal
magnetization, Mz the projection of the
magnetization vector onto the z-axis is
slowly restored. This process is known as
longitudinal relaxation or T1 recovery.

The nuclei can return to the ground

state only by dissipating their excess
energy to their surroundings (the
lattice, which is why this kind of
relaxation is also called spin-lattice

The time constant for this recovery is

T1 and is dependent on the strength
of the external magnetic field,B0,
and the internal motion of the
molecules (Brownian motion).
Biological tissues have T1 values of
half a second to several seconds at
1.5 T.

T2/T2*: Transverse

se. Vector B has a phase of +10 relative to A while C has a phase of 30.
e that all vectors rotate about the z-axis while their phases differ by the respecti

-PHASE -refers to the position of a

magnetic moment on its circular
precessional path and is expressed as an
angle. Consider two spins, A and B,
precessing at the same speed in the xyplane. If B is ahead of A in its angular
motion by 10, then we can say that B
has a phase of +10 relative to A.
Conversely, a spin C that is behind A by
30 has a phase of -30 .

ase. Vector B has a phase of +10 relative to A while C has a phase of 30.
te that all vectors rotate about the z-axis while their phases differ by the respect

Immediately after excitation, part of

the spins precess synchronously. These
spins have a phase of 0 and are said
to be in phase. This state is called
phase coherence.

2 and T2* relaxation. Spins get out of phase (lose phase coherence), resulting in
he loss of transverse magnetization without energy dissipation

Transverse Relaxation is the decay of

transverse magnetization because
spins lose coherence (dephasing)

Transverse relaxation differs from

longitudinal relaxation in that the spins
do not dissipate energy to their
surroundings but instead exchange
energy with each other.

Coherence is lost in two ways:

1. Energy transfer between spins as a
result of local changes in the magnetic

Such fluctuations are due to the fact that

the spins are associated with small magnet
fields that randomly interact with each
other. Spins precess faster or slower
according to the magnetic field variations
they experience.

2. Time-independent inhomogeneities of the

external magnetic field B0.
These are intrinsic inhomogeneities that
are caused by the magnetic field generator
itself and by the very person being imaged.
They contribute to dephasing, resulting in
an overall signal decay that is even faster
than described by T2. This second type of
decay occurs with the time constant T2*,
which is typically shorter than T2

Most of the inhomogeneities that

produce the T2* effect occur at tissue
borders, particularly at air/tissue
interfaces, or are induced by local
magnetic fields (e.g. iron particles).
The loss of the MR signal due to T2*
effects is called free induction decay
(FID). T2* effects can be avoided by
using spin echo sequences.

Difference of T2 and T2*

T2 denotes the process of
energy transfer between spins,
while T2* refers to the effects of
additional field inhomogeneities
contributing to dephasing.

T1 and T2 relaxation are completely

independent of each other but occur
more or less simultaneously! The
decrease in the MR signal due to T2
relaxation occurs within the first 100
300 msec, which is long before there
has been complete recovery of
longitudinal magnetization Mz due to
T1 relaxation (0.55 sec).

Image Contrast

Three intrinsic features of a biological

tissue contribute to its signal intensity
or brightness on an MR image and
hence image contrast:

1. The proton density, i.e. the

number of excitable spins per unit
volume, determines the maximum
signal that can be obtained from a given
tissue. Proton density can be
emphasized by minimizing the other two
parameters, T1 and T2. Such images are
called proton density-weighted or
simply proton density images.

2. The T1 time of a tissue is the time

it takes for the excited spins to recover
and be available for the next
excitation. T1 affects signal intensity
indirectly and can be varied at
random. Images with contrast that is
mainly determined by T1 are called
T1-weighted images (T1w)

3. The T2 time mostly determines

how quickly an MR signal fades after
excitation. The T2 contrast of an MR
image can be controlled by the
operator as well. Images with contrast
that is mainly determined by T2 are
called T2-weighted images (T2w).

Proton density and T1 and T2 times are intrinsic

features of biological tissues and may vary
widely from one tissue to the next. Depending
on which of these parameters is emphasized in
an MR sequence, the resulting images differ in
their tissue-tissue contrast. This provides the
basis for the exquisite soft-tissue discrimination
and diagnostic potential of MR imaging: based
on their specific differences in terms of these
three parameters, tissues that are virtually
indistinct on computed tomography (CT) scans
can be differentiated by MRI without contrast
medium administration.

Repetition Time (TR) and T1

In order to generate an MR image, a slice
must be excited and the resulting signal
recorded many times.
Repetition time (TR) is the interval
between two successive excitations
of the same slice.

Repetition time (TR) is the length of the

relaxation period between two excitation
pulses and is therefore crucial for T1
contrast. When TR is long, more excited
spins rotate back into the z-plane and
contribute to the regrowth of longitudinal
magnetization. The more longitudinal
magnetization can be excited with the next
RF pulse, the larger the MR signal that can
be collected.

If a short repetition time (less than about 600 msec)

is selected, image contrast is strongly affected by
T1 Under this condition, tissues with a short T1 relax
quickly and give a large signal after the next RF
pulse (and hence appear bright on the image).
Tissues with a long T1, on the other hand, undergo
only little relaxation between two RF pulses and
hence less longitudinal magnetization is available
when the next excitation pulse is applied. These
tissues therefore emit less signal than tissues with a
short T1 and appear dark. An image acquired with a
short TR is T1-weighted because it contains mostly
T1 information.

If a fairly long repetition time

(typically over 1500 msec) is selected,
all tissues including those with a long
T1 have enough time to return to
equilibrium and hence they all give
similar signals As a result, there is less
T1 weighting because the effect of T1
on image contrast is only small.

Short TR strong T1 weighting
Long TR low T1 weighting

The relationship between the MR

signal of a tissue and its appearance
on T1-weighted images is as follows:
Tissues with a short T1 appear bright
because they regain most of their
longitudinal magnetization during the
TR interval and thus produce a
stronger MR signal.
Tissues with a long T1 appear dark
because they do not regain much of
their longitudinal magnetization
during the TR interval and thus
produce a weaker MR signal.

Echo Time (TE) and T2


What is an echo, anyway?

For the time being it is sufficient to know that

these gradients serve to induce controlled
magnetic field inhomogeneities that are
needed to encode the spatial origin of the
MR signals. However, the gradients also
contribute to spin dephasing. These effects
must be reversed by applying a refocusing
pulse before an adequate MR signal is
obtained. The signal induced in the receiver
coil after phase coherence has been restored
is known as a spin echo and can be

ship between TE and T2 contrast. When TE is very short (A), there is

no signal difference between two tissues with different T2 times where
nces become apparent when TE is longer (B): a tissue with a short T2 rapidly
nd becomes dark while a tissue with a long T2 retains its brighter signal for a

Echo time (TE) is the interval

between application of the
excitation pulse and collection of
the MR signal.

Short TE low T2 weighting

Long TE strong T2 weighting

Tissues with a short T2 appear

dark on T2-weighted images,
tissues with a long T2 appear
bright on T2-weighted images!

MR images that combine T1 and T2 effects are known

as proton density-weighted images (PD images).
PD sequences are especially useful for evaluating
structures with low signal intensities such as the bones
or connective tissue structures such as ligaments and
tendons. Proton density weighting is often used for
high-resolution imaging. SE sequences are preferred
over FSE sequences for PD imaging because SE images
are less prone to distortion. In the clinical setting, PD
sequences are mainly used for imaging of the brain,
spine, and musculoskeletal system.

Saturation at Short Repetition

SATURATION- is when a series of
excitation pulses is applied, the MR
signal becomes weaker and weaker
after each repeat pulse. This process
is known as saturation

Signal intensities of different tissues on T1- and T2-weighted images

Relative proton densities (%) and intrinsic T1 and T2 times (in msec) of different

chanism of saturation. With a very short TR, the longitudinal magnetization,

that will recover in the interval and be available for subsequent excitation decre
r each RF pulse. In the example shown, the TR is so short that slightly less than
he original longitudinal magnetization can regrow before the next excitation puls



gitudinal magnetization at short repetition time. After repeat excitation at

y short intervals, the amount of longitudinal magnetization, Mz, restored after ea
se settles at a low level (equilibrium or steady state). In this situation, the individ
signals that form after each excitation are very weak

Saturation is an important issue when

fast or ultrafast MR techniques are
used. Here the MR signal may become
very weak due to the very short
repetition times.

Flip Angle (Tip Angle)

Partial flip angle imaging is a
technique that can be used to
minimize saturation and obtain an
adequate MR signal despite a very
short repetition time.

A smaller flip angle does not deflect the magnetization all the way
through. Mechanism of saturation. With a very short TR, the
longitudinal magnetization, Mz, that will recover in the interval and
be available for subsequent excitation decreases after each RF
pulse. In the example shown, the TR is so short that slightly less
than half of the original longitudinal magnetization can regrow
before the next excitation pulse is deliveredF. Longitudinal
magnetization at short repetition time. After repeat excitation at
very short intervals, the amount of longitudinal magnetization, Mz,
restored after each pulse settles at a low level (equilibrium or
steady state). In this situation, the individual MR signals that form
after each excitation are very weak 90 but only by some
fraction of 90 (e.g. 30). As a result there is less transverse
magnetization and the individual MR signals are smaller while more
longitudinal magnetization is available for subsequent excitation
even if TR is very short. However, the overall signal is larger than
the one obtained with a 90 flip angle.

In general, the shorter the TR, the

smaller the flip angle that is needed to
prevent excessive saturation. The flip
angle maximizing the signal for a
given TR and TE is known as the

Ernst angle.

Slice Selection and Spatial

For illustration, we consider a transverse (axial) slice or
cross-section through the body. The magnetic field
generated by most MR scanners is not directed from
top to bottom, as in the illustrations we have used so
far, but along the body axis of the person being
imaged. From now on, this is the direction that will be
designated by z since, as already said, z stands for
the direction of the main magnetic field. The magnetic
field gradients that now come into play are represented
by wedges with the thick side indicating the higher
field strength and the tip the lower field strength.

If a uniform field of identical strength were

generated throughout the body, all
protons would have the same Larmor
frequency and would be excited
simultaneously by a single RF pulse.
To enable selective excitation of a desired
slice, the magnetic field is therefore made
inhomogeneous in a linear fashion along
the z-direction by means of a gradient coil.

Gradients are additional magnetic fields that

are generated by gradient coils and add to or
subtract from the main magnetic field.
Depending on their position along the gradient,
protons are temporarily exposed to magnetic
fields of different strength and hence differ in
their precessional frequencies. A shallow
gradient generates a thicker slice while a steep
gradient generates a thinner slice. Slice position
is defined by changing the center frequency of
the RF pulse applied.

strength of the gradient applied defines slice thickness. An RF pulse of a

n frequency bandwidth produces a thin slice if the gradient is strong and a thick
e gradient is weak.

spatial encoding, is the most

difficult task in generating an MR
image and requires the application of
additional gradients that alter the
magnetic field strength along the yand x-axes.

Spatial encoding comprises two

steps, phase encoding and
frequency encoding.

a gradient in the y-direction (from top to
bottom) is switched on after the spins have
been excited and precess in the xy-plane.
Such a phase-encoding gradient alters the
Larmor frequencies of the spins according to
their location along the gradient. As a result,
the excited spins higher up in the scanner
experience a stronger magnetic field and thus
gain phase relative to the somewhat slower
spins further down. The result is a phase
shift of the spins relative to each other

When the gradient is switched off after

some time, all spins return to their
initial rate of precession yet are now
ahead or behind in phase relative to
their previous state. Phase now varies
along the y-axis in a linear fashion and
each line within the slice can thus be
identified by its unique phase.


This gradient generates a magnetic
field that increases in strength from
right to left. The corresponding
changes in Larmor frequencies make
spins on the left side precess slower
than the ones on the right side.

When we collect the MR signal while the

frequency-encoding gradient is switched on,
we do not obtain a single frequency but a
whole frequency spectrum comprising high
frequencies from the right edge of the slice
and low frequencies from the left edge. Each
column of the slice is thus characterized by a
specific frequency. Frequency and phase
together enable unique spatial identification
of each volume element (voxel).

quency encoding by means of the x-gradient. With the gradient switched off
t), only a single frequency is received, the Larmor frequency 0. With the gradie
tched on (right), a frequency spectrum is received with each column being ident
ts unique frequency

Fourier transform
(or frequency analysis)
This mathematical operation serves to
identify the individual frequencies that
make up a signal.

Data collected from the signals is
stored in a mathematical area known
as k-space.

pace. kx is the frequency axis, ky the phase axis. The data from each measurem
s a different horizontal line

Factors Affecting the

Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Image noise results from a number

of different factors:
Imperfections of the MR system such
as magnetic field inhomogeneities,
thermal noise from the RF coils, or
nonlinearity of signal amplifiers.
Factors associated with image
processing itself.
Patient-related factors resulting from
body movement or respiratory motion.

signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) The

relationship between the MR signal
and the amount of image noise

A high SNR is desirable in MRI. The SNR is

dependent on the following parameters:

Slice thickness and receiver bandwidth

Field of view
Size of the (image) matrix
Number of acquisitions
Scan parameters (TR, TE, flip angle)
Magnetic field strength
Selection of the transmit and receive
coil (RF coil)

Pixel, Voxel, Matrix

An MR image is digital and consists of a matrix of
pixels or picture elements.
A matrix is a two-dimensional grid of rows and
Each square of the grid is a pixel which is assigned
a value that corresponds to a signal intensity.
Each pixel of an MR image provides information on
a corresponding
three-dimensional volume element, termed a voxel
The voxel size determines the spatial resolution of
an MR image.

A voxel is the tissue volume represented by a pixel in the two-dimensional MR


The receiver bandwidth is the range

of frequencies collected by an MR
system during frequency encoding. Is
either set automatically or can be
changed by the operator.
A wide receiver bandwidth enables
faster data acquisition and minimizes
chemical shift artifacts but also
reduces SNR as more noise is included.

An interslice gap is a small space

between two adjacent slices.
two adjacent slices overlap at their
edges when closely spaced. Under
these conditions, the RF pulse for
one slice also excites protons in
adjacent slices. Such interference is
known as cross-talk.

a Ideal slice profile. b

slice profile in SE
imaging with
inadvertent excitation of
adjacent slices reduces
SNR. c With interslice
gaps, the drop in SNR is

Field of View and Matrix

pixel size changes with the FOV. A
smaller FOV results in a smaller pixel
size as long as the matrix is
unchanged. Pixel size is crucial for the
spatial resolution of the MR image.
With the same FOV, a finer matrix (i.e.
a matrix consisting of more pixels)
results in an improved spatial

Effect of the FOV on pixel size with the matrix size held constant

A smaller matrix size with the FOV held constant results in larger pixels and
thus a poorer spatial resolution

ect of matrix size on spatial resolution. Consider we are imaging a smiley

e with a fine matrix (top) and a coarse matrix (bottom). The pixels representing
e are black. The two depictions of the face illustrate the much poorer detail reso
en a coarser matrix (bottom right) is used: pupil and eye cannot be distinguished
open mouth appears to be closed

Number of Excitations
The number of excitations (NEX) or
number of signal averages (NSA)
denotes how many times a signal from
a given slice is measured. The SNR,
which is proportional to the square root
of the NEX, improves as the NEX
increases, but scan time also increases
linearly with the NEX.

Imaging Parameters
Other parameters affecting the SNR are
the sequence used, echo time (TE),
repetition time (TR), and the flip angle. The
SNR increases with the TR but the T1 effect
is also lost at longer TRs. Conversely, the
SNR decreases as the TE increases. With a
short TE, the T2 contrast is lost. For this
reason, the option of shortening TE to
improve SNR is available only for T1weighted sequences.

Magnetic Field Strength

Applying a higher magnetic field strength
increases longitudinal magnetization
because more protons align along the
main axis of the magnetic field, resulting
in an increase in SNR. The improved SNR
achieved with high-field systems can be
utilized to generate images with an
improved spatial resolution or to perform
fast imaging.

An effective means to improve SNR, without
increasing voxel size or lengthening scan time, is
selecting an appropriate radiofrequency (RF) coil. In
general, an RF coil should be as close as possible to
the anatomy being imaged and surround the target
organ. The nearer the coil can be placed to the
organ under examination, the better the resulting
signal. RF coils can be used either to transmit RF
and receive the MR signal or to act as receiver coils
only. In the latter case, excitation pulses are
delivered by the body coil. The basic coil types that
are distinguished are briefly described below.

Volume Coils
Volume coils may be used exclusively as receive
coils or as combined transmit/ receive coils.
Volume coils completely surround the anatomy to
be imaged. Two widely used volume coil
configurations are the saddle coil and the birdcage
coil. Volume coils are characterized by a
homogeneous signal quality. Another type of
volume coil is the body coil, which is an integral
part of an MR scanner and is usually located within
the bore of the magnet itself. Head and extremity
coils are further examples of volume coils.

Surface Coils
Most surface coils can only receive the
MR signal and rely on the body coil for
delivery of RF pulses. Combined
transmit/receive surface coils are also
available. Surface coils are used for
spinal MRI and imaging of small
anatomic structures.

Intracavity Coils
Intracavity coils are small local receive
coils that are inserted into body cavities
to improve image quality as a result of
the closer vicinity to the target organ. In
clinical MRI, endorectal coils are used
for imaging of the prostate and the anal
sphincter muscle. Experimental
applications include endovascular
imaging and imaging of hollow organs.

Phased-Array Coils
Phased-array coils serve to receive MR
signals. A phased-array system consists of
several independent coils connected in
parallel or series. Each coil feeds into a
separate receiver. The information from the
individual receivers is combined to create
one image. Phased-array coils yield images
with a high spatial resolution and allow
imaging with a larger field of view as they
improve both SNR and signal homogeneity.

Effects of different imaging and sequence

parameters on signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

Effects of matrix size, slice thickness, and

field of view (FOV) on spatial resolution

Effects of different sequence parameters on

scan time

The MR Scanner

major components of an MRI system.

They are:
A strong magnet to generate the static magnetic
field (B0).
A gradient system consisting of three coils to
produce linear field
distortions in the x-, y-, and z-directions and the
corresponding amplifiers.
A radiofrequency (RF) transmitter with a transmit
coil built into the scanner.
A highly sensitive RF receiver to pick up and
amplify the MR signal.
Alternatively, imagers may use a single RF coil
switched between the transmit and receive modes.

Additional coils, either receive coils or transmit/receive

Various computers for controlling the scanner and the
gradients (control computer), for creation of the MR images
(array processor), and for coordinating all processes (main
or host computer, to which are connected the operators
console and image archives).
Other peripheral devices such as a control for the patient
table, electrocardiography (ECG) equipment and respiration
monitors to trigger specialized MR sequences, a cooling
system for the magnet, a second operators console (e.g.
for image processing), a device for film exposure, or a PACS
(picture archiving and communications system).

The major components of an MR


The Magnet

The main magnetic field generated by the

magnet must have the following features:
An adequate strength, which typically ranges
from 0.1 to 3.0 T in medical MR imaging.
A high stability without fluctuations in field
The best homogeneity possible with a uniform
strength throughout the entire field and without
holes. Field homogeneity is usually expressed
in ppm relative to the main field over a certain
distance. Inhomogeneities throughout the scan
volume should be below 5 ppm (0.0005%).

Three types of magnets are

Resistive magnets are conventional
electromagnets that depend on a high and constant
power supply to create a magnetic field.
-The maximum field strength generated is about 0.3 T.
major disadvantages are the high operating costs
due to the large amounts of power required and a
field homogeneity that is often poor.
An advantage is the safety of the system as the field
can be turned off instantly in an emergency.

Permanent magnets consist of

ferromagnetic substances and create a
magnetic field that is maintained
without an external power supply.
However, permanent magnets are
very heavy, can generate a field with
a maximum strength of only 0.5 T,
and rely on a constant external

Superconducting magnets
consist of a coil made of a niobium-titanium
(Nb-Ti) alloy
using coolants known as cryogens (usually
liquid helium)
Very strong and highly homogeneous
magnetic fields of up to 18 T can be
95% of all MR systems used today have
superconducting magnets.

A quench refers to a magnets

sudden loss of superconductivity with
subsequent breakdown of the
magnetic field and may be induced
by very minute movements of the

Shimming-the process of making the

magnetic field homogenous

The Gradient System

A set of three separate gradient coils, each with
its own amplifier, is needed to alter the
magnetic field strength along the x-, y-, and zaxes.
The changing magnetic fields generated when
the gradients are switched lead to the typical
banging sound heard during an MR scan.
Similar to a loudspeaker, which is nothing but a
coil inside a magnetic field, the gradient coils
try to move when the current is switched on
and off, which causes a noisy clanging.

The Radiofrequency
The radiofrequency (RF) system
comprises a powerful RF generator
(the Larmor frequency at 1.5 T is 63.8
MHz, which is in the range of FM
transmitters) and a highly sensitive

Faraday cage-RF shielding of the

scanner room to prevent interference
from external sources.

The Computer System

The computers of an MRI system
control and coordinate many processes
ranging from turning on and off
gradients and the RF coils to data
handling and image processing.

Basic Pulse Sequences

sequence. The excitation pulse always has a flip angle of 90; the dephased
ns are refocused into the spin echo by the 180 pulse. The dashed lines indicate t
se-encoding steps

Black Blood Effect

-The black blood effect, or outflow
effect, refers to a natural high
contrast between flowing blood and
-a specific feature of SE sequences due
to the long echo time

Multislice Imaging

ltislice imaging (interleaved acquisition). The inactive repetition time, TR,

the first slice is used productively to acquire data from other slices. In the exam
own, we thus obtain four slices instead of only one in the same time. (The rectan
resent the different slices)

Inversion Recovery (IR)

An IR sequence is an SE sequence with an
additional 180 inversion pulse that
precedes the usual 90 excitation pulse
and 180 rephasing pulse of a conventional
SE sequence. The inversion pulse flips
longitudinal magnetization from the
positive z-direction into the negative zdirection which is indicated by the
longitudinal magnetization vector now
pointing in the opposite direction.

rsion recovery sequence with T1 relaxation. Following the 180 inversion

e (a), the longitudinal magnetization vector points in the opposite direction (b).
elaxation takes place from z to +z (c, d). No signal forms as long as there is no
ponent in the transverse plane (the null point of a tissue)

The time between the 180 pulse and

the 90 RF pulse is the inversion
time (TI).

Two IR techniques are widely used in

routine clinical applications:
The short TI inversion recovery (STIR)
sequence and
the fluid-attenuated inversion
recovery (FLAIR) sequence.

STIR (short TI inversion

STIR (short TI inversion recovery)
sequences are widely used for fat
suppression because they reliably
eliminate the signal from fat at all
magnetic field strengths.

FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion

FLAIR sequences a very useful for
detecting lesions with a poor contrast
to surrounding brain tissue.

Fast Pulse Sequences

There are several reasons why it is desirable to speed

up scanning.
A fast sequence allows one to perform dynamic studies, e.g. to track
contrast medium bolus.
Shorter acquisition is less prone to motion artifacts, which is
important in uncooperative patients.
A sequence that is fast enough can be acquired during breath-hold
and thus yields images without respiratory artifacts.
Various techniques are available to shorten scan time:
Use of state-of-the-art gradient and RF systems to full capacity and
more effective timing of conventional sequences ([ultra-]fast GRE).
Sampling of multiple echoes with different phase encodings (FSE,
echo planar imaging).
Incomplete filling of k-space (fractional echo imaging, partial Fourier
imaging, rectangular field of view).

Fast spin echo (FSE)

Fast spin echo (FSE) sequences (also
called turbo spin echo (TSE)
sequences by some manufacturers)
are modified SE sequences with
considerably shorter scan times.

Single-shot fast spin echo

Single-shot fast spin echo (SSFSE) and
half-Fourier acquisition single-shot fast
spin echo (HASTE) are alternative
names for a very fast MR technique
with scan times of 1 sec or less.

Echo Planar Imaging (EPI)

Echo planar imaging (EPI) enables
ultrafast data acquisition, making it an
excellent candidate for dynamic and
functional MR imaging. This method
requires strong and rapidly switched
frequency-encoding gradients.

MR Contrast Agents

Paramagnetic substances have

magnetic moment (resulting from
individual spins) because they
consist of atoms or molecules that
have magnetic moment due to
unpaired electron orbits in their outer
electron shells or unpaired nucleons
in their atomic nuclei.

Most of the clinically available MR

contrast media are paramagnetic
metal ion compounds (gadolinium
chelates, manganese, iron).

Superparamagnetic substances
have very strong paramagnetic

Ferromagnetic substances also consist

of large groups of atoms whose unpaired
electron spins are strongly entwined by
exchange coupling (solid state).
These substances retain their
magnetization even after the external
magnetic field has been removed and
subsequently become permanent magnets.
The best known example is iron (Fe).

An agent that enhances the signal is

called a positive contrast medium.

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