Criminology History of Security

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History of

by Rana Zulfiqar

History of Security
1. Physical Security Measures

2. Public Protection Forces and Tactics

3. Private Security Personnel and Technology

4. Individual Efforts for Protection and Maintenance of


History of Security
Physical Security Measures

A study of pre - history suggests that

1. Robert L. Carneiro (2003) theorizes that. The
rise of the first states in Egypt, Mesopotamia,
and Peru were linked to increasing conict
between neighboring villages once it was no
longer possible for villagers in one sector to
cultivate land sufciently to feed their hungry..
2. Neighboring communities battled with each
other as a consequence of limited resources
and resulted in creation of hierarchical
structures in early society
3. Farming societies gradually created chiefdoms,
reinforced by kinship, partially to create order
Pre History

History of Security
Physical Security Measures
A study of pre - history suggests that

1. Stratification in early society produced

numerous effects like establishing codes

(laws) to assure peaceful coexistence, stimulate
commerce, to encourage development of
specialized work, and to provide a structure for
dealing with threats from external forces.
2. The successful leader was likely to be one
who could be most effective in rousing the clan,
band, tribe, or community to ght ferociously
and successfully against aggressors, or to lead
people in attacks against others to increase
their own resources.
Pre History

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. Larger societies developed stratification with




kings, or their equivalents, serving as a leadership

lite with subordinate categories of social, political,
and economic distinctions.
Often these positions became hereditary and selfreinforcing.
Evolving creation of proto-government linked
with complex existence with competition for
limited resources which threatened security and
safety of the community.
The dev of early communities, the accumulation of
wealth, & improvement of local agricultural lands
made existence precarious from outside attack by
those who coveted such assets and resources.
Pre History
Fear of attacks led to the evolution of defensive

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. Fear of attacks led to the evolution of defensive

means to protect the community.

2. A fundamental strategy was to use physical
implementation wherever possible to protect from
external incursions.
3. Often geographic location could be signicant for
protection such as being situated on high locations or
surrounded by or alongside bodies of water.
4. While geo eased the vuln for some communities,
others required addl means of protection. From
Neolithic times on, excavated villages revealed
fortied living areas for indl families (Saint-Blanquat,
Physical Security 1986).

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. Posts, thick enclosures, heavy doors with stout closures,



animals, and traps all served to protect communities from

attack from alien forces.
Thus, a variety of physical and animate security resources
Yet nothing was comparable to the wall in terms of
simplicity of concept, construction requirements, the extent of
operating and construction costs, and the resultant shaping of
the protected community into a distinctive political entity
The wall was a critical aid to civility and security at least from
the later part of the Stone Age until the 19th century, and
continues in modern times on a more restricted basis.
From the Roman tradition on, the medieval town or city wall
- gates.
contained three elements: the wall itself,

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. The wall could be one to three meters wide with heights

sometimes over 20 meters.
2. Towers would be situated at periodic distances along
the extent of the wall in which soldiers or lookouts
could be stationed.
3. Gates controlled access to the interior. Beyond controlling entrance and egress, gates could be points
where visitors sometimes may be charged a gate fee to
enter, or visitors were obliged to provide evidence of
their reliability.
4. This physical structure significantly controlled
internal and external features to life on both sides
Physical Security of the wall



History of Security
Physical Security Measures
Fortifications in Central Asia date from the 4th century BC.
The Great Wall of China began during the reign of Emperor Shih
Huang-ti in 214 BC in which he linked earlier walled sections
(Gaubatz, 1996; Luo, 1981). The object was to protect ethnic
Chinese mainly against the northern Huns; the effect largely was
Over subsequent centuries the Great Wall was expanded, eventually
to reach over 2400 kilometers from the Gulf of Chihli of the Yellow
Sea to deep in Central Asia.
Hadrians Wall, 2nd century AD, constructed to seal Romans and
Saxons from warring Celtic tribes north.
When the southern part of Scotland was partially subdued, another
wall was constructed beginning 138 AD farther north between the
Clyde and the Forth of Firth. This was the Antonine
Wall, named
Physical Security for Antoninus Pius, the Roman emperor (HansonWalls
and Maxwell,

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. While vast walls covering great distances were
successful at deterring invaders for
considerable time, some walls eventually failed
due to the great cost of guarding and
2. A series of castles could accomplish the same
objective at less cost in enforcing hegemony within a
proximate area (Bradbury, 1992; Johnson, 2002;
Singman, 1999).
3. Advent of gunpowder changed the defensive
capacity of castle walls. Gunpowder is an explosive
mixture of saltpeter (potassium nitrate),Physical
and Walls

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. The advent of gunpowder, meant that previously

impenetrable walls were vulnerable from persistent,
well- supported attackers.
2. Growth of urban populations forced periodic
enlargements of many city walls, a costly defensive
utility which declined due to changing technology
and military strategy.
3. In the mid-19th century the invention of
nitroglycerine produced an even more powerful
agent against earthen and masonry construction. The
nature of threats to communities had changed.
4. Cities began removing walls due to their
needs for
Physical Security expansion and the limited use

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. In contemporary experience the wall remains as

an important protective structure: military outposts,
utilities, factories, and R&D facilities where walls
remain signicant for protection.
2. Gated communities protect millions of afuent and
semi-afuent residents throughout the world.
3. Walls were never ultimate barriers. They could be
penetrated by a sustained direct attack, dug under,
or surmounted. The wall remains important,
nonetheless, for its symbolic as well as its actual
signicance in deter- ring access and providing
physical security.
Physical Security 4. Walls reference protection that is both ancient

History of Security
Physical Security Measures
Animals for Protection
1. Animals probably preceded defensive structures to protect
2. Dogs are particularly suitable for security purposes.
3. Egyptian kings used sulukis to guard the kings residences.
4. The Egyptians also raised greyhounds and mastiffs to protect
5. Dogs as- canine alarms, to attack intruders, for hunting, and
for companionship.
6. Egyptian families would grieve when a favorite dog died.
7. The Romans employed Rottweiler as sentries to guard depots
against thieves.
Physical Security
8. From the Middle Ages through the advent of modern
guard dogs were important to protect homes, places
of work

History of Security
Physical Security Measures
Animals for Protection
1. Watchmen patrolled the wharves with dogs to detect and
deter thieves.
2. In modern times canine patrols serve law enforcement
around the world.
3. They are used to detect illegal contraband, the smuggling of
people, and the presence of prohibited foods, plants,
narcotics, and explosives.
4. Further millions of private citizens use dogs for compay and
security aids.
5. Other animals besides dogs played roles in protecting
people and property.
6. Livy described how geese in one of the Roman hills sounded
Physical Security an alarm to warn about Gaelic invaders seeking
to attack an

History of Security
Physical Security Measures
Protecting the Interior of Structures
1. Security is needed within as well as without a walled
2. To protect precious objects, including vital documents; hidden
places within walls or furniture or under oors were
frequently created. These were inexpensive to construct,
but might be discovered eventually by others.
3. Traps and snares were employed frequently for protection in
grounds and within structures.
4. The disadvantage with traps is that persons setting them
sometimes are injured, and others are inadvertently hurt.
5. Safes and strong boxes have served as protected containers
since ancient Egypt (Eras, 1974; Buehr, 1953).
Physical Security Locks

History of Security
Physical Security Measures
Protecting the Interior of Structures
1. Locks are among the oldest mechanisms invented.
2. The Lock Museum of America in Terryville, Connecticut, has Egyptian pin

lock, 4000 years old.

Through the centuries the need to protect precious metals and stones and
important documents created a market that advanced safe and vault
construction skills.
Lockable chests, often protected with ingenuous, elaborate mechanisms,
were common at the court during early medieval times.
The oldest piece of furniture owned by the Bank of England is a multipoint locking secured chest dated from about 1700, visible today in the
banks museum.
Mechanical locks were developed earlier than combination mechanisms.
Mechanical locks have three parts: the bolt, which must not be easily
accessible, the obstacle, and the key.

8. Locks with keys were widely available for purchase

from the
Middle Ages on.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures
Protecting the Interior of Structures
1. They were created as an inexpensive reliable means of deterring access.
2. Metal locks made in Nremberg were especially appreciated for their
3. By the 17th century, metal locks made in France developed their own
cach for artistry protection
4. In the 19th century, vault door manufacturers in the UK and the US
employed the language burglar-proof as part of their marketing efforts.

5. Attacks on keyed and combination locks occur throughout the history of

these security containers.
6. Safes and vaults could be attacked force- fully by tools, torches,
explosives, and acid; or skilled safe crackers hardly would leave a trace of
their presence by opening the combination lock on the safe or vault door
with nesse.
7. Combined with modern alarm systems, this target largely has been
achieved, evidenced through the long- term decline in high-loss
Physical Security Locks
commercial burglary rates among Western nations.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures
1. In the rst quarter of the 20th century, the standards movement resulted.



In the United States, Under- writers Laboratories (UL) promulgated

consensual standards for safe and vault door construction beginning in
In subsequent years UL developed a gradation of the burglary resistance
of certain products.
UL added variety of security products for which security standards are set
& tests are conducted Some of these are night depositories, vault
ventilating ports and ventilators, timelocks, and combination locks, in
addition to locking cylinders. These are mostly mechanical
With the advent of electric alarms, the requirement of protecting against
brute strength or stealth attacks against such structures has declined.
UL in the United States and Canada represents only a partial reection of
standards-setting activities that have guided the evolution and
development of physical security products.

Interior Protection
- Alarms
6. In the United States, other physical security standards
have been

developed by such organizations as ASTM International (formerly the

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1.The National Institute of Justice issues standards for

police equipment and supplies, having relevance to
pvt security equipment purchasers.
2.In the UK, extensive standards involving electronic,
mechanical, quality control, and procedural issues
been issued by the Brit Std Insn (BSI). Many of the
aspects of security alarm and system design
recognized by BSI been proposed under the authority
of Chief Police Ofcers ACPO).
3.The British Security Industry Association (BSIA), the
National Security Inspectorate (NSI), and other
organizations set standards for physical security
Interior Protection - Alarms

History of Security - Physical Security Measures

1. Conceptually, formal consensual standards took hold

because they increased the minimum level of
security and reliability provided by a product or
material and simplied product-type options.
2. They may be regarded as a historical stage in the
evolvement of technology.
3. In the current era, mechanical locks are important
part of security.
4. Derived from principles over 4000 years, locking
systems in use today bear similarities in concept and
function to old locking protection.
5. In the 21st century, electronic computer-operated
Physical Security Hybrid
safe and vault doors have become available

History of
by Rana Zulfiqar

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. As community is to protect itself through govt and personal

initiative, hierarchical stratification in early society occurred

partially to provide ldrship for defensive purposes.

2. According to the archeologist Robert Wenke (1999), human society

evolved from bands, consisting of foragers with 50 or fewer

members, to tribes, larger than bands and relying on kinship, then
to chiefdoms, consisting of a leaders directing activities
3. Later, kingdoms & occasionally queen-doms arose to mutual defense
& economic vitality.
4. Empires emerged combining multiple countries with various forms
of governance.

5. Over the millennia, kingdoms or their equivalents turned to forces

for defense and offense.

6. For most of history, these forces were convened on an ad-hoc basis.
7. When the need for fighters in defensive or offensive actions passed,
the groups disbanded.
8. As the techniques of warfare evolved and the need for ready forces

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

The Concept of an Organized Military

1. In the Western experience early forms of military forces could be

found among the Phoenicians and early Hebrews.

2. The rise of the Greeks eventually challenged the Phoenicians
maritime power.
3. The ensuing Hellenistic culture thrived until Rome absorbed it.
4. Military forces in Roman times illustrate a high degree of
organization and discipline.
5. Mostly, soldiers or sailors had fixed commitments of service, respect
for hierarchy, the development of specialized skills, & structure for
compensation and rewards.
6. Professional Army was important to extend the empire; it also was
vital to maintain it.
7. After conquest, Roman soldiers used architectural and engineering
skills to construct public works, ready or improve fortifications, and
laid grid for the conquered or newly established communities.
8. Beyond these tasks of community building, the military could play

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

The Concept Of Organized Military

1.Warships were first recorded by the Egyptians in 3000
2.This is established by archeological evidence, which
indicates that Egyptian ships were designed to support
offensive or defensive maneuvers, and not merely fitted
for conventional transportation.
3. While military forces were convened and disbanded as
needed over the cen turies, by contrast, rulers frequently
had personal security forces on a permanent basis
dedicated for their safety.
4.Nonetheless, over time, the need for permanent military
forces evolved.
5.With foreign occupation, soldiers were vital for
maintaining stability and assuring that the agenda set

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

The Concept Of An Organized Military

1. These adhoc warriors might be amply available, or they might have

to be called to service through coercion (conscription), suasion, or

2. While permitting the monarch his or her own personal protection
forces and perhaps a dedicated military corps, contravening centers
of power generally sought to limit the extent of standing armies.
3. Standing armies with no engagements, represented, in the Middle
Ages and Renaissance, a threat to freedom from royal subjugation,
hard won over the centuries, as well as a source of recurring cost to
be met.
4. In times of extensive military action, nonetheless, the military
became quasi-permanent.
5. In modern times, with the period of European conict from approx
1685 to 1714, the need to retain a skilled, well-supplied military
became apparent for national interests.
6. European states then created standing armies and navies with
attendant bureaucracies to support them.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

The concept of an organized military

1. The modern army, however, was characterized by a more faceted

preparation than in past.

2. Theories and practices of military conduct emerged in the early
18th century, which drew upon rapidly expanding technical
3. These developments helped solidify the position of permanent
status for the nations protective interests.
4. However, through all this period, the military had auxiliary,
temporary duties when domestic conicts or other emergencies
occurred that surpassed the capacity of society to deal with them
5. The military was always the nations ultimate power to maintain
order within cities when existing measures were overwhelmed .

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

The Concept Of An Organized Military

1. Military forces also needed within the countryside, which could be

dangerous for farmers and travelers beset by itinerant criminal

2. But soldiers and sailors were never ideal peacekeepers within a
disorderly community.
3. Trained and urged to kill in battle, they were inept at responding
with a measured, minimally oppressive way to a disorderly citizenry.
4. Public fear and loathing of loutish military behavior within cities
when their presence was required increased pressure to find an
option; the era of public police began.
5. The separation of military and law enforcement as public security
forces recognizes their different histories, goals, and methods.
6. British general Sir John Hackett stated: To employ soldiers as
police, or police as soldiersis grossly inefficient and contains a
serious threat to freedom (Villiers, 1998). By the 21st century,
military response to civilian domestic emergencies and disasters
became con- trolled and nuanced relative to earlier times. In

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Policing is inextricably linked to the emergence of the

city. The word derives from the Greek polis, referring to
the city-state, i.e organized government, the perfect
2. While the word polis may still be used to define civil
adm, since 18th century, the derivative term police is
associated internationally with a civil force entrusted
with the maint of public order, enforcing regs, punishing
breaches of the law, and detecting crime.
3.The police historian Charles Reith describes in The
Blind Eye of History (1975) early law enforcement in
Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic empires and
carries the discourse through policing in Britain and the
United States until the mid-20th century.
4.Reith notes an important distinction between

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1.The term law enforcement significantly reects the

supremacy of law, not the whims of an autocrat, local

politician, or power broker.
2.The term also implies that law enforcement involves
more than police, incorporating specialized units
generally possessing police powers but operating
separately from the regular police of city and town.
3.The law enforcement system today incorporates these
general and specialized police units as well as probation,
corrections, parole, and the criminal courts.
4. However, this discussion, drawing relationships among
the military and private security, concerns primarily
urban policing services.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures


1. Modern policing in the British experience geographically is

centered on Bow Street in London.

2. Here the first police office and later the most important
magistrates court was found. Henry Fielding (170754), a
magistrate and noted novelist, proposed the idea of permanent,
paid, honest magistrates who would command a small force of
permanent constables in district police offices (Battestin, 1989;
Thomas, 1991).
3. Fieldings prototype police force began in 1753 with seven men, six
of whom previously had been parish constables. The constables
quickly arrested gang of thieves.
4. On the recommendations of the court, the constables might receive
a reward that then could be divided between police officers and
victims of the crime.
5. Thus the Bow Street Patrols later popularly called Bow Street
Runners earned bonuses on top of their regular income. Rewards
were higher for solving vexing crimes.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. By the early 19th century, the uniformed Bow Street police squad

2. A foot patrol was started at night, and a horse patrol was tried

3. Two generations after organized protective forces began on Bow
Street, losses from crime imperiled the shipping industry centered
in London. Merchant shippers turned in 1798 to a quasi-civilian
group for protective services, called River Police or Maritime Police.
4. Patrick Colquhoun (17451820) and John Harriott (17451817),
both magistrates, conceived the idea of creating this dedicated
force to protect ships at port and storage facilities associated with
5. The West India Company agreed to pay 80 percent initially of the
costs. The officers possessed civil authority.
6. In July 1798, the Marine Police Office in Wapping High Street was
opened and employed about 200 constables and guards.
7. Colquhoun and Harriott seemed to espouse the concept of Cesare di

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1.The stalwart performance of the River Police helped

create support for the creation of the Metropolitan

Police three decades later.
2.Urban disorder reportedly grew in the early decades of
the 18th century reecting rapid urban growth from
growing industrialization.
3.Robert Peel (17881850), a pivotal figure in modern
policing, served as chief secretary for Ireland from 1810
4.While there, he formed the Irish Peace Preservation
Police chiey to patrol rural areas where a variety of
baronial police and rival oath-bound secret societies
used terror as a weapon.
5.This force grew to become the Royal Irish Constabulary.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. Peel left office before the committees inuence was fully achieved

but returned in 1828, and renewed the growing interest in

establishing a dedicated quasi-military police force, but not one like
the French in which espionage was part of the job description.
2. This innovation culminated in passage of the Metropolitan Police
Bill of 1829, which established a police force for London under a
unified command (Ramsay, 1971; Evans, 1991).
3. The act passed according to Reith in the face of intense and almost
unanimous public opposition by what amounts to little more than a
political party trick.
4. The act created a force of paid, round- the-clock constables, the new
police. Charles Rowan (c.17821852) and Richard Mayne (1796
1868) teamed as joint commissioners from 1829 until Rowan died in
5. The cabinet thought that co-commissioners made the strongest
man- agement team and Mayne, who continued in office, was joined
by a co-commis- sioner for three years. Thereafter, Mayne continued
as sole commissioner 185568 (Cobb, 1957).

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. They created a force that was to inspire, within just a few years, the
establishment of modern police departments in other parts of
Britain and the world.

2. The force was devoid of serious endemic corruption or the polit- ical
tyranny that had fanned fears prior to passage of the act.
3. The new police were unarmed except for a short wooden baton, a
truncheon, concealed under their coats.
4. They would be uniformed.
5. Rather than only learning by doing, a General Instructions book
described command structure and provided practice guidelines.

6. Constables were trained to respect civil rights of the public and to

treat the public with courtesy and to use the least firmness
necessary in the event of personal contact or arrest.
7. The new police could be and were termi- nated for drunkenness on
duty, absenteeism, talking with prostitutes, talking too long with
women who were not prostitutes, unnecessarily rough behavior in
making arrests, or associating with criminals.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures


1.Emphasis on prevention of crime over detection of

criminality became a characteristic.

2.The London had a daytime constabulary system and a
night watch since the Dutch era of the 17th century.
3.The system had become ineffective as New York City
exploded with growth supported by the surge of
industrialization in the early 19th century.
4.While Boston had created the first American major
urban police department in 1838 (Lane,1967), the
reorganization in the City of New York seven years later
was to have a great impact on the rest of the new nation.
5.Using the Metropolitan Police as the principal model,
New York revised its policing, adopting many of the
same char- acteristics from London.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures


1.The New York version of policing differed in some major

2.For the earliest decades New York police officers first
were reap- pointed on an annual basis then later for a
biennial period.
3.Support of a local politician was needed to secure a
4.When a new mayor was elected, some police officers
would be terminated immediately to be replaced by the
winners supporters.
5.In the last quarter of the 19th century, political
cronyism ceased to be the primary factor in selecting
and retaining officers. Men were chosen for their
abilities, and would have lifetime tenure if their records

History of Security
Physical Security Measures


1. If the military is primarily responsible for macro risks generally

occurring outside of the nation, police are responsible for internal

micro risks within the commu- nity.
2. To manage the peace sworn police officers always have possessed a
special power: to deprive people temporarily of their liberty for
reasonable cause.
3. What might be called the traditional, orthodox (Whig), or Reithian,
view of policing is as follows:
In the 19th century, an era of increased urbanization,
industrialization, and economic
change reshaped Western society.
Advances in communications and transportation
drew workers from
the farms and other nations into cities for employment
opportunity. Along with these changes, violent and property crime
increased markedly. Though police statistics were not accurate at
that time, the consensus was that urban society was imperiled from
waves of disorder, which had no adequate
countervailing response
from government. The old system of policing was inefficient,
inappropriate, political, and sometimes corrupt and tyrannical.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures


4.But a few revisionist criminologists have argued that

police fundamentally were class warriors fighting to

enforce bourgeois values.
5. The police were promoting codes of conduct, as bluecoated domestic missionaries, concomitant with a
long period of political struggle between different
economic and social forces (Philips and Storch, 1999).
6.Sometimes crime-fighting seemed like an after-thought
to those appointed to provide it.
7.David Taylor (1997) mentions the Huddersfield Crusade
of the 19th century in which the chief constable imposed
his own view on social issues in his district to an extreme

History of Security
Physical Security Measures


1. In one instant, police there arrested three men for watching a

cricket match on Sunday, when they had been ordered to attend

2. English-speaking nations follow the organizational structure of the
new police in London.
3. On the Continent cities also developed comparable modern police
forces. But in smaller communities and the countryside, gendarmes,
a military force historically linked to Revolutionary and Napoleonic
armies, provide polic- ing services (Emsley, 1999; Stead, 1983). In
China, policing grew out of a system of civil surveillance and control
from a feudal past (Dutton, 1992).
4. For ancient to modern history of China, state police controlled
behavior family intervention.
5. In recent times state policing involves multiple forces: the armed
police, administrative police, and criminal police. Also, the army
may intervene in broader threats to the nation.
6. At times when policing is inadequate for what- ever reason, the

History of Security
Physical Security Measures


Guarding and Patrolling

1. No person contributed more to the origin of modern, profit-making security
services than Allan Pinkerton did.

2. The son of a Glasgow police sergeant, young Pinkerton immigrated to the

United States in 1842.

3. After an apprenticeship as a cooper, a barrel maker, Pinkerton settled in

Dundee,in Chicago.

4. His business prospered: three years later eight men were working for him.
5. One day in 1846, Pinkerton was searching for trees to fell for barrels. He

encountered the remnants of a recent campfire on a seldom-visited island.

It was a suspicious location for such a fire as travelers would not have
camped there and picnics were not family activities that time of the year. On
several occasions he returned and found the location deserted as usual. Still
curious he returned one evening at dark and his suspicions were confirmed.
Pinkerton detected counter- feiters meeting around the campfire.

6. Without being discovered, Pinkerton returned to town and described what

he had observed to the sheriff. The sheriff, Pinkerton, and a posse returned
one evening and arrested a band who were seized with bogus dimes and

History of Security
Physical Security Measures


Guarding and Patrolling

1. Counterfeiting was a serious problem for commerce in mid-19th

century America; it was the most serious type of fraud. Pinkerton

soon learned about the presence of counterfeit ten-dollar banknotes
being passed in his community.
2. At the time numerous small banks issued their own notes. The only
institution whose banknotes were trusted in Dundee were those
issued by the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company of
3. Pinkerton was tipped off that the suspected counterfeiter of the
notes was at work in Dundee. Pinkerton angled to meet the man.
Dressed in overalls and barefooted, he said that he was working at a
cooperage but casually added that he was looking for a good
scheme that would bring him some fast cash.
4. After some effort Pinkerton was able to purchase a few counterfeit
banknotes and quickly thereafter the counterfeiter was arrested.
Allan Pinkerton became an instant local hero.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Guarding and patrolling

1. Significant arrests soon followed. In 1850, Pinkerton resigned but

was quickly hired by the United States Post Office, which appointed
him as a special agent in charge of solving a series of mail thefts.
Pinkertons suspicion fell upon a mail sorter: but where was the
evidence of his thefts? The suspect showed no indication that he
was living above his means from the money supposedly stolen from
the mails.
2. An arrest was made and the suspects boarding house simple room
was searched without success. Finally, Pinkerton suggested
examining the pictures on the wall. Concealed behind the pictures
$3738 was found. Pinkertons investigative Sagesse had paid off.
Pinkerton, with a partner briey, established an investigative office
in Chicago. The incipient firm began working for a consortium of
railroads which operated in Chicago.
3. By 1854, he had received retainers from six railroads for
investigative work. Their main problem was robbery: thieves could
stop the train at a remote junction and steal cash and other

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. Over the span of 20th century security services businesses grew


2. The Pinkertons were first and largest, but numerous other competitors
emerged. By the 1950s, some security services businesses expanded
from the United States to other nations.

3. By the 21st century in the United States alone, over 8000 private

security guard firms operated around the nation. Additionally, perhaps

11,000 investigators (detectives) operated. Further, security consultants
both general- ists and specialists plied their services.

4. In the United States, Securitas, with headquarters in London and

Stockholm, acquired Pinkerton, Burns International Security Services

and others. Elsewhere, the industry grew serving the security needs of
an expanding indus- trial base.

5. In England and Wales such firms as Group 4 Securitas and Securicor

(now merged into Group 4 Securicor), Securitas (founded in Sweden in

1913), and Reliance Initial were the largest firms based on employment
and revenues.

6. But perhaps 2000 smaller local and regional watch, guard, and patrol
companies operated as of 2005. These security service workers are

History of Security
Physical Security Measures


1. The trend for the past half-century is for employers to contract-

out routine security services, while maintaining in-house

supervisory and management responsibilities for the security
2. Whereas contract security employees were in the minority for
most of the brief history of the security services industry, they
are in the majority in many industrial countries.
3. Pvt security personnel also seized opportunities for privatization
of public services.

4. Today private security personnel offer their clients exibility,

skills, insurance of job-related liabilities, and cost-effective

services making the choice attractive for clients.
5. Private security firms sometimes operate for-profit correctional
facilities and provide services in government offices, educational
and research institutions, and within military compounds.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Security management
2. Security management emerged as a differentiative discipline in the
second half of the 20th century (McCrie, 1997).

3. Protection of assets from loss always mattered to profit-making

organizations, and guards, regular patrols, and watchmen were

tasked to protect private property from theft, fire, and vandalism
based on early payroll records. But in the Cold War era of the 1950s
conditions were right for development that produced first a few,
then more, finally thousands of managers and executives directing
ways to reduce losses in organizations and having the authority and
resources to establish programs to meet those objectives. The Cold
War was postulated on the belief that risks from the Soviet bloc
threatened life in the West.

4. The military-industrial complex would provide the products and

technology to deter risks and to respond, should an attack actually

occur. That meant that the industry must continue to develop
advanced and better technology with military and civilian

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Guarding and patrolling

1.The United States, the American Society for Industrial

Security (now ASIS International) began in 1954 when

five men, holding responsibilities for security at hightech production facilities, met to discuss the need for a
professional association (McCrie, 2005).
2.Later that year over 200 persons would join the incipient
trade and professional organization.
3. By 2005, ASIS International had over 30,000 members
throughout the world with an extensive program of
chapter activities, publications, and certifications.
4.The Security Industry Association began in 1967; the
National Council of Investigation and Security Services
started in 1975; and the International Security
Management Association began in 1976.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Guarding and patrolling

1. Elsewhere, interest in the field was also blooming. In Britain, the

BSIA was founded in 1967; the International Institute of Security in

1968; and the Scottish Security Association was formed in 1996.
Beyond these examples most other industrialized nations created
their own professional and trade associations for enterprises that
provide security services, products, and systems.
2. These groups started to improve the tradecraft of security
practitioners variously through education, training, leg- islation
standards, and mutual assistance. Industry development has
occurred because of the particular nature of security needs within

3. While all organizations need security, not all organizations require

security directors and personnel per se. Frequently, the duties can
be devolved to others. Nonetheless, certain industries have security
as a requirement. Others see improved protection as a cost-effective
means of maintaining optimal operations.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1.The earliest alarms to signal the approach of strangers

were animate and commu- nications depended upon

smoke and light signals.
2.In the modern era Informa- tion Technology (IT) traces
its origins to the patent of the telegraph by William
Cooke and Charles Wheatstone in 1836.
3.Three decades later, a functioning transatlantic cable
had been laid. Remote voice communication became
possible by Alexander Graham Bells patent of the
telephone in 1876 (Greer, 1979; Grosvenor, 1997).
4.Mechanical alarms first were offered in the mid-19th
5.An Englishman named Tildesley invented the first
burglar alarm.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1.The only sale Tildesley made was to a bank in

Massachusetts. In 1852, a Boston inventor, Augustus R.

Pope, filed a patent for the first electronic alarm. Popes
invention could sound an alarm at the unau- thorized
opening of doors or windows; it could also signal for the
fire depart- ment or to fetch a messenger.
2.The burglar alarm feature operated, once the system
was alarmed, when a magnetic contact between the
door or window and its frame was broken by
unauthorized entry.
3.Without producing a commer- cial prototype, Pope sold
the invention in 1857 to Edwin T. Holmes of Boston.
Holmes improved the systems reliability, reducing the
chances of error from electrical shorts. He then tried
without success to market the alarm service in the

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. The alarm industry grew in tandem with the telephone.

2. Holmes was able to have cable for alarm connec- tions laid at the same time
cables for telephones were being installed (Holmes, 1990).

3. The principle remained the same from the earliest mechanical lock: an
electrified magnetic contact between two points was established.

4. When a door or window was opened without authorization, an alarm

condition, monitored at a central station, would result. Personnel at the

central station monitoring burglar alarms would respond by contacting
police, or sending a guard or runner from the alarm monitoring office for
verification, or both.

5. While Holmes originally had envisioned the alarm service to protect

residences of wealthy individuals, the commercial and industrial markets

had become quickly more important for the alarm industry.

6. Alarms could be monitored from a central location operated by a contract

service, or firms could monitor their own alarms, or both, could occur.

7. For those unwilling to pay for an alarm moni- toring service or who were too
far away to benefit from one, local alarms could sound a loud noise in the
immediate area with the hope burglars would leave quickly.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

1. Wires historically transmitted alarm signals.

2. These signals may travel on a proprietary connection or on a common

carrier (telephone line) of various types. If a burglar cuts the common

carrier, alarm monitoring for a large number of cus- tomers may be

3. For most of the 20th century a monitoring clerk at the central alarm station
could not be sure if such alarms had been sounded due to electrical shorts,
cut by a storm or by accident, or if burglars had knocked out the conduit to
make identification of the crime difficult.

4. At such times monitoring personnel might notify customers and the police
that regular signals are not being received.

5. Another alarm type, where customers face high risks of burglary, depends
upon tiny microphones monitored by computers that signal an alarm if
human voices are heard when facilities are supposed to be vacant.

6. Some facilities use two or more alarm systems to assure backup in the event
that one system is inadvertently inoperative or compromised. In recent
decades wireless communi- cations and computer-based systems have
increased the reliability of such signals. An operator in a monitoring station
no longer is bound to record routine opening and closing signals. Now the

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Armored Transport (cash-in-transit)

1. Moving money is a security business; it is also a transportation enterprise.
2. In 1859, Washington Perry Brink began a package and furniture delivery
business in Chicago with one horse and wagon (Seng, 1959). Brink was
committed to reliable service.

3. He selected personnel carefully and slowly expanded his delivery service by

assuring reliability.

4. After over two decades of activity, Brink realized the many advantages of
delivering small, valuable objects over heavy, inexpensive ones.

5. It was gentler on the backs of workers, easier for horses, fast to complete,
and more profitable.

6. Money and monetary instruments became first a specialty, then the main

7. Most corporations believed it was their duty to transport funds t0 their

banks or fetch funds for payrolls.

8. Brink slowly convinced customers that his firm was able to perform these
services at less cost and frustration.

9. By the turn of the 19th century, Brinks, the money movers, transmitted
funds to and from banks and among business offices.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Armored Transport (cash-in-transit)

1. In the era during which funds were transported by buggy and wagon, the
driver or an assistant carried a rie on the oor.

2. After a robbery early in the 20th century, the money movers realized that
their vehicles must conform to an era of greater risks and be better

3. In more recent times Brinks and its competitors have provided services to
financial institutions for their automated teller machines (ATMs) by
replacing canisters of money.

4. Separate workers, usually, handle maintenance of the ATMs. Many banks

find that contracting-out for cash-handling services is cost-effective and

5. As a result, armored transit firms now often process cash for banks and
other large cash-handling operations (Dunbar and Kingwell, 2003).

6. Related to this business are the transport, storage, and service of computer
tapes for which originals need to be stored off-site as a precaution.

7. While these tapes are not ordinarily the subject of burglars interest, the
tapes themselves are valuable and could represent serious loss to an
organization should they be lost, destroyed, or fall into the hands of

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Electronic Systems
1. The physical security measures of earlier centuries have been enhanced
first by electrification and later by computerization.

2. A broad range of sensors has been developed for: CCTV, intrusion detection,
access control, and communications systems, as well as for alarms
previously discussed.

3. Intrusion detection has been improved in utility by the use of biometricbased automatic identification systems.

4. These assure with a higher degree of certainty that individuals who present
themselves at a security checkpoint are who they say they are.

5. The first biometric systems hand geometry and retinal identification

reached the marketplace in the 1960s.

6. Acceptance was slow due to the high cost, degree of reliability, and
invasiveness (requiring physical contact) of early systems.

7. Biometric systems rely on unique physical features possessed by an indi-

vidual: fingerprints, iris, retina, physical appearance, signature dynamics,

voice, gait, and other characteristics.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Electronic Systems
1. Combined with an identification card and a per- sonal identification

number, a system using biometric features will have a higher likelihood of

reliability than systems with fewer requirements.

2. Control, command, communications, computer resources and intelligence

(C 4 I) collection and analysis characterize modern large-scale systems.

3. All of these func- tions may be integrated into a whole system that can be
backed up and difficult for unauthorized to penetrate.

4. Interoperability refers to the capacity of interconnected parts and

subsystems to function without lapses.

5. Managers desire to monitor secu- rity systems from anywhere they may be.
6. In the past security operations were cen- tered only in a security office.
7. The trend is toward information disbursal, aided by internet power, so that
the master system can be accessed at the security center, atpersonal
workstations, from laptops or personal digital assistants, or from cellphones.

8. This systems approach has a brief history and continues to evolve quickly.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Cybercrime countermeasures

1.Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)

was constructed in 1946 at the University of

2.Transistors were invented in 1958.
3.About that time the first computer crimes occurred:
mostly theft of output and misuse of computing time
(theft of services).
4.The first federal prosecution of a computer crime in the
United States was in 1966.
5.Since comput- ing and particularly the internet were not
developed with security as a foremost consideration, it
was inevitable that serious abuses would emerge,
leading even- tually to what some people consider a
current crisis (Schell, 2004; Parker, 1976, 1998).

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Cybercrime countermeasures

1. A variety of types of computer crime now challenge

2.Some of these are cyber stalking, extortion, fraud,
hacking or cracking, identity theft, intellectual property
theft, and theft of money or assets.
3.Anarchists, common criminals, organized crime
syndicates, and terrorists use IT resources for their own
4.The original hackers were computer students at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the 1960s.
5.They believed in freedom of communications and
freedom of information, but they also espoused a moral
code against criminal use of computing resources.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures
Cybercrime countermeasures

1.Moral code alone would be insufficient to mitigate what

was to occur in the next few years.

2.Brute attacks on computing began in the 1970s.
3.Particularly significant was the 1983 hacking of a
Pentagon computer system by Kevin David Mitnick. Jim
Hauser, a Californian, claims he wrote the first computer
virus in 1982.
4. (Other hackers have disputed the claim.) In 1988,
Robert Tappan Morris, Jr., a graduate student at Cornell
University, introduced a worm (like a virus, spreading
itself among computers but without attaching itself to
programs in the process).
5.The Morris worm attacked 6000 computers using the
Unix platform.

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Cybercrime countermeasures
1.He was sentenced to proba- tion, community service,
and a fine of $10,000.
2.Today, virus-writing skills are detailed in books, traded
on internet, and taught in security courses.
3.The protection of computer communications, databases,
and data integrity requires electronic measures to
protect access.
4.Anti-virus and anti-hacking software programs have
become a major industry
5.Cybercrime and other IT issues have expanded at an
extraordinary rate. Their history is only a generation old

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Individual efforts for protection and order maintenance

1. From the earliest evidence of human experience, individuals have
taken respon- sibility for their own security.
2. This involved physical measures, described earlier in the chapter, as
well as protective procedures taken both individually and

3. While the military, civilian police, private security, and indeed

numer- ous other organizations provided by the state offer

protection, individual efforts are the oldest, most prevalent, and
most difficult activity to assess quantitatively and qualitatively.
4. Programs provided by the state and not-for-profit organizations
have been developed to mitigate risks in modern times. Recently,
innovative ways have helped communities reduce crime and
increase the perception of safety.

5. These include public/private programs like community policing.

6. A French scholar, Franck Vindevogel (2002), collected and analyzed
data on how private efforts were related to the decline of crime in

History of Security
Physical Security Measures

Individual efforts for protection and order maintenance

1. In addition to private security services, Vindevogels study also includes
volun- teer programs such as the Guardian Angels. This organization is
analogous to a vigilance committee in early America, prior to organized

2. Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) represent another significant

grassroots innova- tion.

3. BIDs are organizations that provide services a specific geographic area

desires but which are beyond the budget of government to provide. Greater
protection was the primary goal of urban commercial enterprises.

4. BIDs were approved by the New York State legislature in the early 1980s,

but almost a decade was required for the first BID to begin operations.
Today hundreds of BIDs, supported by additional taxes voluntarily agreed
to, operate throughout North America.

5. In the past half century numerous non-police-oriented, private sector

directed organizations have developed anti-crime programs to support

security of individ- ual homes, neighborhoods, and commercial enterprises.

6. A directory of the National Crime Prevention Council (2005) in the United

States lists over 75 of such resources.

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