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Def of Health: is a state of physical,
mental & social well being & not
merely the absence of disease or
NURSING: assist the individual sick
or well in the performance of those
activities contributing to health or its
recovery or to a peaceful death that
he would perform unaided if he had
the necessary strength, will or
knowledge. It is likewise her function


To establish &promote implementation

of standards of nursing practice,
nursing education &nursing services as
defined by statutory bodies.
To encourage members to adhere to
the ethical obligations of nurses as
patients advocates.
To promote & protect the economic &
general welfare of nurses.
To continually review & clarify the role
of the nurse in the delivery of health

To interpret the aims of the various educational

programmes & career opportunities in nursing to nurses,
prospective nurses & the public.
To identify the educational needs of practitioners & to
work with appropriate groups to provide programmes to
ensure current nursing practice.
To initiate legislation & proposals for government al
regulations & take stands supporting or opposing those
which affect the health of the people of the state,
nursing, or nurses.
To speak for the nsg.profession in relationships with
professional, community & governmental groups,& with
the public.
Provide for representation of nsg,interests statewide,
nationally & internationally & to present nsg.policies &
positions on issues that may have statewide, nation or
international implications.

Concept of nursing as a
vocation, calling,
especially one which involves some

branch of learning or service as the learned professions

of divinity ,law, medicine etc
Utilizes in its practice a well defined and well organized
body of specialized knowledge, which is on the
intellectual level of higher learning.
Constantly enlarges the body of knowledge he uses &
improves his techniques of education & service by the
use of the scientific method.
Entrusts the education of the practitioners to institutions
of higher education.
Applies the body of knowledge in practical services,
which are vital to human & social welfare.
Functions autonomously in the formulation of
professional policy & in the control of professional

Attracts individuals of intellectual &

personal qualities who exalt service
above the personal gain & who
recognize their chosen occupation as
a life work.
Strives to compensate its practioners
by providing freedom of action,
opportunity for continuous
professional growth & economic
A profession criteria
1. intellectual

Registered nurse (clinical decision
making & case management, care
giver, communicator, teacher)
Manager & coordinator of care
Entry level
Prepared to practice in all health care
settings critical care, o.p care, public
health, & mental health
Design & manage care skills in critical
care, understand treatment &
symptoms, supervise other staff,


Providing quality nsg.care, placing emphasis
on the needs of clients&caregivers
Cooperating with nsg.units & all other depts
Active participation in client care & continuing
self education & health education, quality
improvement programmes
Maintaining standards
Ensure safety & security
Cooperation between all health team members
Utilizing resources effectively
adhering to all infection control policies
Complying with the professional code of ethics


Development of nursing as a profession

Factors influencing trends

International trends in nsg.profession

Health needs of the society
Awareness of health needs by society
Economic conditions
New developments in medicine
New knowledge & procedures
developed through research in
Need for specialization in nursing
Opportunities for service & education


Development of modern diagnostic &
therapeutic procedures.
Changes in health care concepts
Change in outlook of public toward
Change influenced by learners,
teachers, society
Change in educational policy,
national health policy &health
Concept of research, professional


1. upholding the dignity & honour of
2. promoting a sense of e spirit de
corps among all nurses
3.enabling members to take counsel
together on matters relating to their
Upgrading , developing &

S.N.A.I. :
To help students to uphold the
dignity & ideals of the profession for
which they are qualifying.
Promote a corporate spirit among
students for the common good.
furnish nurses in training with
advice in their courses of study
leading to professional qualifications
Encourage leadership ability
Increase social contacts & world wide

The International Council Of Nurses

Promote strong national nurses association
Assists at national level to improve standards of
Assists national nurses association to improve the
status of nurses in their own countries.
Take up nsg.matters & serve as authoritative voice for
nurses internationally.
The Indian Nursing Council
State nursing council & registration:
Recognize officially & inspect SON in their state
Conduct examination & prescribe rules of conduct &
take disciplinary actions
Maintain registers for diploma, graduate , midwives,
M.P.H.W nurses.

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