Biomechanics of Cartilage

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Articular cartilage is the highly specialized connective

tissue of diarthrodial joints. Its principal function is to
provide a smooth, lubricated surface for articulation and
to facilitate the transmission of loads with a low frictional
--------------------------------------------------------------Diarthroidal joint: is a joint classification used when
considering joint function (degree of movement). These
are joints which are freely moveable, meaning they allow
a great deal of movement, such as the elbows, knees, and

Articular cartilage is hyaline cartilage and is 2 to 4 mm thick.



Unlike most tissues, articular cartilage does not have blood vessels, nerves, or
It is composed of a dense extracellular matrix (ECM) with a sparse distribution
of highly specialized cells called chondrocytes.
The ECM is principally composed of water, collagen, and proteoglycans, with
other non collagenous proteins and glycoproteins present in lesser amounts


Chondrocytes contribute to the

various zones of articular
superficial zone, middle zone,
deep zone, and calcified zone

------------------------------------------------------------- superficial (tangential) zone protects deeper layers from shear stresses and makes up
approximately 10% to 20% of articular cartilage thickness.

This zone is in contact with synovial fluid and is responsible for most of the tensile
properties of cartilage, which enable it to resist the sheer, tensile, and compressive forces
imposed by articulation.

Middle (transitional)

Provides an anatomic and functional bridge between the

superficial and deep zones.
The middle zone represents 40% to 60% of the total cartilage
volume, and it contains proteoglycans and thicker collagen fibrils.
Functionally, the middle zone is the first line of resistance to
compressive forces
chondroitin 6-sulfate

keratan sulfate

Proteoglycan: proteins that are covalently


bonded at multiple sites along the protein chain







glycosaminoglycans that involves chondroitin




dermatan sulfate


dermatan sulfate, and hyaluronate


The deep zone represents approximately 30% of articular cartilage volume

Responsible for providing the greatest resistance to compressive forces, given that
collagen fibrils are arranged perpendicular to the articular surface.

Deep zone

The deep zone contains the largest diameter collagen fibrils in a radial disposition, the
highest proteoglycan content, and the lowest water concentration.
The calcified layer plays an integral role in securing the cartilage to bone, by anchoring
the collagen fibrils of the deep zone to subchondral bone. In this zone, the cell population
is scarce and chondrocytes are hypertrophic.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chondrocytes are highly specialized, metabolically active cells that play a unique role in


the development, maintenance, and repair of the ECM.

Chondrocytes originate from mesenchymal stem cells and constitute about 2% of the total
volume of articular cartilage. Respond to a variety of stimuli, including growth factors,
mechanical loads, piezoelectric forces, and hydrostatic pressures.

Is the most abundant structural macromolecule in ECM, and it makes up about 60% of the dry weight of cartilage.
All members of the collagen family contain a region consisting of 3 polypeptide chains (-chains) wound into a

triple helix.


Type II collagen represents 90% to 95% of the collagen in ECM and forms fibrils and fibers intertwined with

proteoglycan aggregates. Collagen types I, IV, V, VI, IX, and XI are also present but contribute only a minor
The amino acid composition of polypeptide chains is primarily glycine and proline, with hydroxyproline providing

stability via hydrogen bonds along the length of the molecule.


Collagen structure

The second-largest group of macromolecules in the ECM and account for 10% to

15% of the wet weight.


Articular cartilage contains a variety of proteoglycans that are essential for

normal function, including aggrecan, decorin, biglycan, and fibromodulin.

The largest in size and the most abundant by weight is aggrecan, a proteoglycan

that possesses more than 100 chondroitin sulfate and keratin sulfate chains.
Aggrecan is characterized by its ability to interact with hyaluronan (HA) to form

large proteoglycan aggregates via link proteins


Water is the most abundant component of articular cartilage, contributing up

to 80% of its wet weight.
Approximately 30% of this water is associated with the intrafibrillar space


within the collagen, although a small percentage is contained in the

intracellular space. The remainder is contained in the pore space of the matrix.
Inorganic ions such as sodium, calcium, chloride, and potassium are dissolved
in the tissue water. The relative water concentration decreases from about
80% at the superficial zone to 65% in the deep zone.
The flow of water through the cartilage and across the articular surface helps
to transport and distribute nutrients to chondrocytes, in addition to providing

Articular cartilage is a thin layer of specialized connective tissue with unique

viscoelastic properties.
The biomechanical behavior of articular cartilage is best understood when the tissue is
Biomechanical function

viewed as a biphasic medium.

Articular cartilage consists of 2 phases: a fluid phase and a solid phase.
The initial and rapid application of articular contact forces during joint loading causes

an immediate increase in interstitial fluid pressure. The local increase in pressure

causes the fluid to flow out of the ECM, generating a large frictional drag on the matrix
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Articular cartilage is viscoelastic and exhibits time-dependent behavior when subjected


to a constant load or deformation

Two types of mechanisms are responsible for viscoelasticity in articular cartilage: flow

dependent and flow independent.

The flow-dependent mechanism depends on interstitial fluid and the frictional drag
associated with this flow.
The drag resulting from the interstitial fluid is known as biphasic viscoelastic

The flow-independent component of viscoelasticity is caused by macromolecular

motionspecifically, the intrinsic viscoelastic behavior of the collagen proteoglycan
As a result, the fluid pressure provides a significant component of total load support,
thereby reducing the stress acting upon the solid matrix.

The intrinsic viscoelasticity of the solid matrix was also taken into account in the BPVE
theory. The nonlinear permeability, K, was assumed to depend on the applied
compressive volumetric strain.

where Ko and M are constants and e sis the volumetric strain of the solid phase. ko= 2.510^15m^4/Ns and M=10.
K as a function of porosity, we assumed for the porosity a linear variation with deformation
:=i+(1i), being i the initial porosity. Therefore, the Averaged Method assumes that Ko and M

are related as follows

For the first few moments after the load is applied, a linear relation =t exists between the
deformation and the square root of time (t) where , for small strains, is:

Where h is the cartilage disk thickness. So the Initial Slope Method assumes that Ko and M are
through Eq. (above), where is determined by fitting with a line the first t points of the creep
Points relative is considered approximately to the first 0.03 seconds.

Articular cartilage also exhibits a creep and stress-relaxation response.

When a constant compressive stress is applied to the tissue, its deformation
increases with time, and it will deform or creep until an equilibrium value is

Similarly, when cartilage is deformed and held at a constant strain, the stress
will rise to a peak, which will be followed by a slow stress-relaxation process
until an equilibrium value is reached.

Age determines the composition of the ECM as well as the organization of

chondrocytes and their response to external factors such as cytokines.
With increasing age, there are zonal changes in the distribution of chondrocytes;
however, the total number of chondrocytes remains essentially unchanged.
Age and development

With increasing age, there is a decrease in the hydration of the matrix, with a
corresponding increase in compressive stiffness.
The size of proteoglycan aggregates within the ECM decreases with age. This
may occur as a result of a decrease in the available binding sites of the HA chain


or as the result of proteolytic damage to link proteins and their

glycosaminoglycan chains.
Aggregation may also affect pore size distribution and solute permeability. There
is also an increased ratio of keratin sulfate to chondroitin sulfate.


Articular cartilage is a highly specialized connective tissue of diarthrodial

joints. Its principal function is to provide a smooth, lubricated surface for
articulation and to facilitate the transmission of loads with a low frictional
The mechanical behavior of this tissue depends on the interaction. A
schematic depiction of the main components of articular cartilage when
the tissue is unloaded (A) and when tensile load is applied (B). When the
tissue is loaded, collagen fibrils align along the axis of tension.
The unique and complex structure of articular cartilage continues to make
its treatment and repair a significant challenge

---------END---------------------THANK YOU-----------

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