Monumental Architecture

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Monumental Architecture By Louis I Kahn

Full Name

Louis Isadore Kahn

Original Name :

Itze-Leib Schmuilowsky




Kuressaare, Govt.of Estonia
Russian Empire


due to heart attack
Pennsylvania station,
New York city.

Background Timeline
1901: Born in Osel, Estonia
1905: Came to Philidelphia, USA
1928: Studied classical architecture in Europe
1937-1939: Participated in Public Housing Projects
1947: Taught at Yale Univ.
1955: Taught at Univ. of Pennsylvania
1965: F.A.I.A. Medal of Honor Danish Architectural
1971: Gold Medal, A.I.A.,
1972: Royal Gold Medal for Architecture, R.I.B.A.,
1974: Passed away


He trained in a rigorous Beaux-Arts tradition, with its emphasis on drawing, at

the University of Pennsylvania.

After completing his B.Arch in 1924, Kahn worked as a senior draftsman

in the office of City Architect John Molitor.
From 1929-1940, Kahn worked in the offices of Paul Philippe Cret, his former studio
critic at the University of Pennsylvania and in the offices of Zantzinger, Borie and Medary,
George Howe, German born architect Oscar Stonorov, in Philadelphia.
Kahn's teaching career began at Yale University in 1947, and he also worked as
Professor of Architecture and Planning at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1962
and at the University of Pennsylvania in1966 and was also a Visiting Lecturer
at Princeton
University from 1961 to 1967.





The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of a building
Louis Kahn

Kahn did not find his distinctive architectural
style until he was in his fifties.
Initially working in a fairly orthodox version of the
International Style, a stay at the American Academy
in Rome in the early 1950s marked a turning point
in Kahn's career.
The back-to-the-basics approach he adopted
after visiting the ruins of ancient buildings in Italy,
Greece, and Egypt helped him to develop his own
style of architecture influenced by earlier modern
Influenced by ancient ruins, Kahn's style tends
to the monumental and monolithic; his heavy
buildings do not hide their weight, their materials,
or the way they are assembled.

Early Learning Ground:

1) Philadelphia- hometown : Laboratory for the development of his
own Architectural principles
2) Structural laws : Foundation for the renewal of architecture
3) Landscape : Nature source of inspiration for Kahn

Five elements of Louis Kahns work:


The Sense of Composition

Reverence of material
Sense of room plan a society of rooms
Light as a maker of architecture
Architecture of Connection

Kahns work shows both

Modernism and Post-modernism

Who influenced Kahn?

Paul Cret, his supervisor during studies at Pennsylvania.

Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

''Even A

Brick Wants To

Be Something'' -

Louis Kahn

He believe that the buildings function should
determine the space that is going to be created, in
consequence color, materials, acoustic, rhythm, and
the projects circulation will depended on the
essence of the creation.
The importance of his buildings is due to the
almost perfect integration of mass and shape. For
Kahn, mass was always analyse rationally as a
question of destruction. Well space was to find more
mystically in terms of natural light.
Kahn used materials natural color and texture to
emphasize the importance of light in his
For Kahn it was natural light that brought
Architecture to life. The artificial light had a very
good quality in contrast to the ever changing
Working with simple materials especially Brick and
Concrete. Kahn apply his principles to create
buildings in steel with a spiritual quality for which he

He designed so as to be responsive to function,

disciplined in structure, expressive in articulation
and geometry, concerned with space and the nature
of space, with light and introduction of light.

His concept of served and servant spaces is a

realization of the separation between Equipment
space and use space. This statement about the
destination between servant and served spaces
coined to apply to the new hierarchy of spaces..
For Kahn, form is the realization of
appropriateness that brings conceptional strength
and unity to his Architecture.
He was also well known for his Brutalist aesthetic
and juxtaposing materials.
Kahns buildings are strong, unique, and rhythmic.
He uses just a few materials to center our attention
on the geometric position. So, when it comes to
Architecture and Design, Geometry is the
fountainhead of his great work.









Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut,
(19511953), the first significant commission of Louis
Kahn and his first masterpiece, replete with technical
innovations. For example, he designed a hollow concrete
tetrahedral space-frame that did away with the need for
ductwork and reduced the floor-to-floor height by
channeling air through the structure itself. Like many of
Kahn's buildings, the Art Gallery makes subtle references
to its context while overtly rejecting any historical style.

The Richards Medical Research Laboratories, located

on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. The building is
configured as a group of laboratory towers with a central
service tower. Rather than being supported by a
hidden steel frame, the building has a structure
of reinforced concrete that is clearly visible and openly
depicted as bearing weight. Built with precisely-formed
prefabricated concrete elements, the techniques used in
its construction advanced the state of the art for
reinforced concrete.

The Salk Institute, La Jolla, California, (1959

1965), was to be a campus composed of three
main clusters: meeting and conference areas,
living quarters, and laboratories. Only the
laboratory cluster, consisting of two parallel
blocks enclosing a water garden, was actually
built. The two laboratory blocks frame an
exquisite view of the Pacific Ocean, accentuated
by a thin linear fountain that seems to reach for
the horizon.

First Unitarian Church, Rochester, New York (19591969):

Kahn's idea of the building began with a concept sketch that
represented his understanding of Unitarian aspirations, with
several concentric circles surrounding a central question
mark. This led, through several iterations, to the final design
in which the sanctuary is surrounded by a corridor and
classrooms. The problem of bringing natural light into the
central space was solved by the four light towers which are
perhaps the most distinctive feature of the building.

Indian Institute of Management,

Ahmedabad, (1962).
The old campus was designed
by Louis Kahn, who was an
architecture. The most distinctive
features of the main structure are
the numerous arches and square
brick structures with circles carved
out in the facade.

Jatiyo Sangshad Bhaban (National

Assembly Building)
Dhaka, Bangladesh (19621974),
Kahn's key design philosophy optimizes the
use of space while representing Bangladeshi
heritage and culture. External lines are deeply
recessed by porticoes with huge openings of
regular geometric shapes on their exterior,
shaping the building's overall visual impact

Phillips Exeter Academy Library, Exeter, New

Hampshire, (19651972)
It is famous for its dramatic atrium with enormous
circular openings into the book stacks. Kahn made the
building's exterior relatively undramatic, suitable for a
small New England town. Its facade is primarily brick
with teak wood panels at most windows marking the
location of a pair of wooden carrels. The bricks
are load-bearing; that is, the weight of the outer
portion of the building is carried by the bricks
themselves, not by a hidden steel frame.

Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas,

(19671972), features repeated bays of
cycloid-shaped barrel vaults with light slits
along the apex, which bathe the artwork on
display in an ever-changing diffuse light.

Monumental Architecture
In English the word "monumental" is often used in reference to something of
extraordinary size and power, as in monumental sculpture, but also to mean simply
anything made to commemorate the dead, as a funerary monument or other example
of funerary art. The word comes from the Latin "monere," which means 'to remind', 'to
advise' or 'to warn.
Monumental architecture, to archaeologists refers to large man-made structures of
stone or earth. These generally are used as public buildings or spaces, such
as pyramids, large tombs, large mounds(but not single burials), plazas, platform
mounds, temples, standing stones, and the like. The defining characteristic of
monumental architecture is typically its public nature--the fact that the structure or
space was built by lots of people for lots of people to look at or share in the use of,
whether the labor was coerced or consensual.

Monumental Architecture
But monumental architecture can also include anything large and made by
humans. Some examples include Stonehenge, the Giza Pyramids, the Hagia
Sophia, Poverty Point earthworks, and Chankillo observatory.
Buildings designed as landmarks, usually built with extraordinary feature
such as tallest, largest or distinctive design such as the Burj Khalifa, the
world's tallest structure as the landmark of Dubai.
Structures created for others purposes that have been made notable by
their age, size or historic significance may also be regarded as monuments.
This can happen because of great age and size, as in the case of the Great
Wall of China, or because an event of great importance occurred there such
as the village of Oradour-sur-Glane in France. Many countries use Ancient
monument or similar terms for the official designation of protected structures
or archeological sites which may originally have been ordinary domestic
houses or other buildings.

Monumental Architecture

Monumental architecture is any architecture thats scale and elaboration exceed

the requirements of any practical functions that building is intend to perform. (Trigger) and includes pyramids, coliseums, temples, shrines and palaces. These
structures reflect the power of political leaders and elites who organized their

Monuments are ideological statements about social and political relations. These
statements are usually assumed to express relations of power and especially
domination/subordination, but may they also represent elements of social
integration.(-Pillock) This is significant, especially when only evaluating
architecture and maps in situations when little or no excavation has been

Types of Monumental Architecture:

Temples and Shrines,
Astronomical Observatory,
Synagogue or Church,
Megalithic Tombs and Monuments,
Large Shell Mounds called Megamiddens.




National Assembly Building

Architectural style


Structural system

Reinforced concrete


Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh





Total Area

200 acres (8,00,000 sq.m.)

It is one of the largest legislative complexes in the world.

It houses all parliamentary activities of Bangladesh.
He designed the entire complex, which includes lawns,
lake and residences for MPs.






Kahn's key design philosophy optimizes the use of
space while representing Bangladeshi heritage and
External lines are deeply recessed by porticoes with
huge openings of regular geometric shapes on their
exterior, shaping the building's overall visual impact.

The main building (the Bhaban) is divided into three parts:

The Main Plaza

: 76,000 m
South Plaza
: 21,000 m
Presidential Plaza :
6,000 m
Consists of 9 individual blocks: the 8 peripheral blocks
- height of 33.5m
the central octagonal block - height of 47.2m
All 9 blocks include different groups of functional spaces and have different levels,
inter-linked horizontally and vertically by corridors, lifts, stairs, and circular areas.
The entire structure is designed to blend into one single, non-differentiable unit, that
appears from the exterior to be a single story.



The most important part of the Main Plaza is the

Parliament Chamber, which can house up to 354

There are also two podiums and two galleries
for VIP visitors.
The Chamber has a maximum height of 35.6m
with a parabolic shell roof.
The roof was designed with a clearance of a
single story to let in daylight.
Daylight, reflecting from the surrounding walls
and octagonal drum, filters into the Parliament
The artificial lighting system has been carefully
devised to provide zero obstruction to the entry of
daylight. A composite chandelier is suspended
from parabolic shell roof. This chandelier in turn
consists of a metallic web, spanning the entire
chamber, that supports the individual light

Upper levels of the block (that contains the Chamber) contain the visitor and press
galleries, as well as communication booths, all of which overlook the Parliament
The block also contains:
at level one, a library;
at level three, MPs lounges; and
at the upper level, party rooms.


The South Plaza faces the Manik Mia Avenue. It gradually rises to a 6m height and
serves as a beautiful exterior as well as the main entrance to the Parliament Building.
It contains:
controlling gates;
a driveway;
a main mechanical plant room;
a telephone exchange;
offices of maintenance engineers;
equipment stores; and
an open plaza with steps and ramps
leading directly to the main building.

The Presidential Plaza lies to the North and faces the Lake Road. It functions as an
intimate plaza for the MPs and other dignitaries. It contains marble steps, a gallery
and an open pavement.

The predominant materials are the concrete and red brick exterior that give the image of the

The great mass of concrete lined with

strips of marble, marked by the outer wall
openings and the predominance of
geometric forms of circular and
rectangular concrete offer a great tribute
to the building.

One cannot find a column inside the
building. The columns have disappeared
inside the divisive elements that have
adopted the function of bearing walls.
It's more like a large mass of concrete
that has been digging and sculpting itself
to achieve a perfect functional entity.
One of the most important
considerations to take into account
during the project was protection from
the sun and heavy rains and at the same
time allow the free circulation of air. This
was achieved by giving the facades at
grade geometric openings in the form of
triangles, rectangles, circles and arcs.
It avoids any conventional method of
placing the windows on the outside as
well as the disadvantages of the
composition of a typical monument

Artificial lighting system

Natural lighting

If we look at the history of architecture since its beginning, say from the time of the
pyramids to modern times, and make a list of the most significant buildings, it is likely
that the National Assembly of Bangladesh will occupy quite a prominent position. One
could say that it was the culmination of the modern period of architecture and the
beginning of the post-modern era.


The Salk Institute for Biological Studies is perhaps the most poetic and largest Kahn
building in the United States.
Kahn made numerous proposals for its master plan before deciding on the version
However, in 1965, the master plan had not been completed and missing to build houses
for staff and other auxiliary structures.

The project did not have a formal program starting to work on, but emerged from
discussions between client and architect.
Kahn managed to persuade the customer that it was necessary to create two separate
(1) Consists of cells of well-furnished patio in front of a home and community
(2) Gallery space with good services.

Located in La Jolla, California, USA, on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
The city of San Diego provided the ground for the Institute.
Salk offered various locations from which to choose and Kahn took with him to help him
choose. The site chosen is a great spot located on a cliff on the coast in the area of La Jolla.


The Salk Institute project went through

three phases.

In the first phase of the project,
Kahn designed a tower that would
be in the labs.
They also placed a building known
as the Meeting House, a place to
organize meetings, which had a
cafeteria and other services.
There would be a recreation room
in which workers would relax,
placed in the top of the cliffs, like
the earlier buildings, and finally a
housing placed in the bottom of the
These four buildings are separated
from each other, communicating via
external deambulatorios.



The Difficult Whole

In the second phase of the project, Kahn reduced the

height of the laboratories gave more area and divided into
three pavilions.
The Meeting House, recreation rooms and housing were
also placed in the same places that the first phase.
The laboratories, the Meeting House and the rooms are
served by leisure deambulatorios field.
Kahn said that scientists need places to rest and relax from
work talking about other issues. It is for these reasons that
designed the Meeting House, recreation rooms and a small
number of studies next to the laboratories.
These spaces have a different dimension to the formal
work space, the studies had carpeting and wood, while the
laboratories had glass and metal.
Surrounding the laboratories, and the height of the second
and fourth floors were the studies, some medium-sized
rooms for the rest of the workers.


The Difficult Whole

The third phase of the project was the final.
In it, the laboratories are divided into two
blocks separated by a plaza.
At this stage there are three floors for
laboratories and three mezzanines situated in
the middle of the previous hosting facilities.
These floors are higher than those designed
in the second phase, so that they can walk
upright, although its use is the same.



The major design influence on the structure that consists

of two symmetric buildings with a stream of water flowing

in the middle of a courtyard that separates the two.
The buildings themselves have been designed to promote
collaboration, and thus there are no walls separating
laboratories on any floor.
There is one floor in the basement, and two above it on
both sides.


The beams of the floors of underground labs are huge,

each have a structure that leaves large holes and can
lead to "bounce" to be flexible and thus more resilient
earthquakes, because California is in an area of high
seismic activity.
The highly controlled shuttering of concrete on site
creates a sleek surface modulation that sometimes
overlap with teak wood panels, giving scale to the
courtyard and a monumental sense of grandeur to
the entire complex.
The facades are made of concrete poured, and it is
more flexible and more resistant to earthquakes.
The wood is teak study, rather sensitive to
environmental extremes.
The laboratories have some glass windows and an
exterior corridor that passes between them and the
inner courtyards formed by the studies.

1.Whats Monumental Architecture? Write its classification.

Describe important characteristics of Monumental Architecture.
2. Describe Ar.Louis I Kahns Ideologies and philosophies; prove that
hes a pre-modernist.
3. Describe one of his monumental projects design philosophy and give
reasons why its monumental architecture.

Thank You

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