Fria Presentation1

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(A) Banks and Other Financial Institution Under

Rehabilitation Receivership Pursuant to a State- funded
or State- mandated Insurance System.
Provision of Assistance
The court shall issue:
Adjudicate claims
And provide other relief

Necessary to assist in the liquidation of a financial under

rehabilitition receivership established by a state- funded or
state- mandated insurance system.

Application of Relevant
The liquidation of:

Financial Institution
Insurance companies
And pre- need companies

Shall be determined by relevant legislation. The

provision in this Act shall apply in a suppletory

(B) Cross- Border Insolvency Proceedings.

Adoption of Uncitral Model Law on Cross- Border
The model Law on Cross- Border Insolvency of the United Nations
Center for International Trade and Development is hereby adopted
as part of this Act.

Initiation of Proceedings
The court shall set a hearing in connection with an
insolvency or rehabilitation proceeding taking place in a
foreign jurisdiction, upon the submission of a petition by
the representative of the foreign entity that is the subject
of the foreign proceeding.

Provision of Relief
The court may issue orders:

Suspending any action to enforce claims against the entity or otherwise

seize or foreclose on property of the foreign entity located in the
Requiring the surrender property of the foreign entity of the foreign
representative; or
Providing other necessary relief.

Factor in Granting Relief

In determining whether to grant relief under this subchapter, the court
shall consider;

The prtection of creditors in the Philippines and the inconvenience

in pursuing their claim in a foreign proceeding;
The just treatment of all creditors through resort to a unified
insolvency or rehabilitation proceedings;
Whether other jurisdiction have given recognition to the foreign
The extent that the foreign proceeding recognizes the rights of
creditors and other interested parties in a manner substantially in
accordance with the manner prescribed in this Act; and
The extend that the foreign proceeding has recognized and shown
deference to proceeding under this Act and previous legislation.


Funs for Rehabilitation of Government- Owned and controlled
Public funds for the rehabilitation of government- owned and
controlled corporations shall be released only pursuant to an
appropriation by Congress and shall supported by funds actually
as certified
the National
Treasurer. with the Department of
The Department
in collaboration
Budget and Management, shall promulgate the rules for the use and
release of said funds.

An owner, partner, director, officer or other employee of the
debtor who commits any one of the following acts shall, upon
conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than One
million pesos (Php 1, 000, 000.oo) and imprisonment for not less
than three (3) months nor more than five (5) years for each offense;

(a) If he shall, having notice of the commencement of the proceedings,

or having reason to believe that proceeding are about to be
commented, or in contemplation of the proceedings.
Hide or conceal
Or destroy or cause to be destroyed
Or hidden any property belonging to the debtor or shall
Destroy, after mutilate or falsify,
Or cause to be hidden
Destroyed, altered, mutilated o falsified
Any book, deed, document or writing relating thereto, if he shall,
with intent to defraud the creditors of the debtor, make any payment
sale, assignment, transfer or conveyance of any property belongings
to the debtor.

(b) If he shall, having knowledge belief of any person having proved

a false or fictitious claim against the debtor, fail to disclose the
same to the rehabilitation receiver of liquidator within (1) month
after coming to said knowledge of belief.
Or if he shall attempt to account for any of the debtors property
by fictitious losses or expense; or
if he shall knowingly violate a prohibition or knowingly fail to
undertake an obligation established by this Act.

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