International Human Resource Management
Group 4
Nguyen Thu HangVu Le HoangTo Duc Anh
Toyota Motor Corporation
I.Toyota Motor Corp
II.National an Corporate Culture
1. Japanese Culture2. Toyota Culture
III.Toyota !usiness
1.Business Strategies2.Strategic IHRM
Ta"le o# Content
I. Toyota Motor Corp$. Introuction
Toyota was born in a rural area near Nagoya, Japan in 1867 by Sakichi Toyoda
The first product made by the effort of Sakichi and his son was an automatic loom in 1!"
#n 1!, with the notion that the auto industry is growing
he sold his patent to $latt %rothers company
take the fund to in&est in the manufacturing and automoti&e manufacturing
'ugust !8,1(7, Toyota )otor *orporation officially launched
Reasons #or Toyota%s ecision to "ecome glo"ali&e '
1+-pand the market to the world!+Take great ad&antages of locations, technologies and cheap labor forces from other countries(+*reate the high competiti&eness and opportunities in domestic market"+%uilding a learning culture for continuous impro&ement
I. Toyota Motor Corp(. Glo"ali&ation