A Hist Exam 2

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AHIST Exam 2

Review Slides
Dates of Eras - Greek
Geometric – 700 BCE (Greek)
Archaic – 550 BCE (Greek)
Early Classical – 480 BCE (Greek)
Classical – 450 BCE (Greek)
Late Classical – 350 BCE (Greek)
Hellenistic – 250 BCE (Greek)
Dates of Eras - Roman
Etruscan – 500 BCE (Roman)
Roman Republic – 100 BCE (Roman)
Early Imperial – 100 CE (Roman)
Late Imperial – 300 CE (Roman)
Greek Art
Geometric Art – 700 BCE
Dipylon Vase
Many repeating geometric shapes
Simplistic human forms
Archaic Art – 550 BCE
Kouros, Metropolitan
Museum of Art
Kouros from
Peplos Kore
Dying Warrior from the East Pediment
of the Doric Temple at Aegina
Early Classical Art – 480 BCE
Kritios Boy
Classical Art – 450 BCE
Zeus or
Acropolis -Birds’ eye view
Computer generated reconstruction of the
Acropolis and Parthenon.
Nike Fastening or
Adjusting her Sandal
You can see the “swoosh” depicted behind her.
Ionic Order
Temple of Athena Nike
Erechtheum (or Erechtheion) 
Caryatids from the Erechtheum
Late Classical Art – 350 BCE
Hermes and the
Infant Dionysus

Likely was holding a group of grapes.

Marble is carved in such a way to make

them look more tactile and human like.
Tree trunk again denotes a roman copy
of the original statue.
Aphrodite of

Most famous work by


Venus of pudica – a modest

Venus (covering of the vaginal
Do you understand the styles below
and can you identify their characteristics?

Archaic Greek Early Classical Classical Late Classical

Hellenistic Art – 250 BCE
The Dying Gual
Barberini Faun
(Sleeping satyr)
Hellenistic (Roman copy)
Fallen asleep on a rock outdoors.
Depicts a drunk sayter

Open composition. Drama, movement,

expressive shows that it is Hellenistic.

Unearthed in Rome.

Trojan king, at time of Trojan War. Myth goes:

He knew of Trojan horse, and was killed by Greek gods to prevent him from speaking.
(being strangled by sea serpents )

His large size, with his sons depicted as much smaller, shows Hieratic scale.
Aphrodite of Melos
(Venus de Milo)
Made of marble
Roman Art
Etruscan Art – 500 BCE
Banqueters and Musicians
Painters are not comfortable with overlapping shapes, charters, or objects.
Painting of men feasting. They are reclining and banqueting.
Figure is in motion, vigorous.

The influence from Archaic Greek art is undeniable

(notice the Archaic smile, and the headdress)
She-Wolf of the Capitol (Capitoline Wolf)
Made of Bronze
Husband and Wife Sarcophagus
Made of Terracotta
Roman Republic – 100 BCE
Still Life with Peaches

& Carafe
Garden Scene
The use of atmospheric perspective and linear perspective make
this a very real looking piece of art.
Early Imperial Art – 100 CE
Pont du Gard, Nimes
A bridge, the walkway is under the second set of large arches. The top level help
terracotta pipes, which brought clean water down to the people of Nimes.
Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)
Concrete for construction, and the rounded arches in architecture.
(Both of these things signify a very “Roman” design)
Imperial Forums in Rome
Pantheon, Rome

The recessed areas (indentions) into

the dome ceilings are called “Coffers.”

They reduced the weight of the

overhanging dome.
Augustus of Primaporta

Marble copy of a Bronze

Equestrian Portrait of

Shown with Aurelius
a full beard, as
opposed to Augustus’ clean
shaven face.
Ara Pacis Augustae
Made of Marble
Tellus relief panel (Freeze of Tellus)
This is a panel on the Alter of Peace portion of
the Ara Pacis Augustae
Arch of Titus
Commemorates a military victory
 Spoils from the Temple of Jerusalem
Relief frame from the Arch of Titus
Triumph of Titus
Relief frame from the Arch of Titus
Late Imperial Art – 300 CE
Basilica of Constantine
Basilica of Constantine, cont.
Massive statute of Constantine sits in the nave.
Random Helpful Facts
• Nude Figure
– Signifies Greek art
– Heroic, athletic
• Portrait, Clothed figure
– Signifies Roman art

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