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Pod Using HVDC

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Power Oscillation Damping

Using HVDC
Submitted to,
Prof. Sukumar Mishra
Electrical Department
IIT Delhi

Submitted By
Rajiv Jha
Entry No- 2015EEZ8094
PhD, Electrical Department
IIT Delhi

How oscillation comes in system
Types of oscillations
Steps to design damping controller
Use of HVDC as POD device
Use of VSC- HVDC as POD
What happens in case of loss of communication

How oscillation comes in the circuit

In earlier grid, System was destined to allow for growth.

Results in Tx- line stressing, and grid started to work closer to transient & small
signal stability limits.
When any of the two changes and other remains same acceleration comes in the
Generation load balance mechanism (GLBM) need to be maintained for stability.
Electrical torque

Where Ts = Synchronizing torque

TD = Damping torque

How oscillation comes in the circuit cont..

System stability depends on existence of both Ts & TD
In absence of TD : Aperiodic Drift

In absence of Te : Oscillatory Instability

Types of Oscillations
Inter-area Oscillation, Local Mode, Control Mode, Torsional Mode
Inter-Area Oscillation
Many machines of one part of the system against the machines of other part
Range of frequency less than 1 Hz
Usually because of weak Tie-Lines

Local Mode
Swing of one unit in a system w.r.t rest of the power system

Range of frequency 1-3 Hz

Local mode is named because it is located to one part of station

Steps to design damping controller

1. Identify the oscillatory modes
Modal analysis
Prony method
Kalman filter
Hilbert huang transform
Other techniques

2. Select the controller device

Power system stabilizer

3.Modeling of devices
Modelling varies from complex detailed model to simple model
Selection of suitable model depends on studied phenomena e.g. transient
stability study or small signal stability study
Weak ac system and MTDC require complex and detailed modeling.
Valve switching can be neglected with power electronics controlled devices
with electromechanical studies hence injection model is used for representation
of series connected power electronic devices e.g. VSC-HVDC, FACTS.
This model is valid for load flow and angle stability analysis i.e. phasor model.

4. Control technique used

Robust control technique
Fuzzy logic control method
Neural network

5. selection of feedback signal

Important stage while designing controller
Unlike local controller remote signals are also present with the help of WAMS
Which signal or combination of signals provide most effective damping.
And choice of the signal selection dedends on degree of reflection of these signals on the
oscillations modes (observability), types and location of control devices (controllability) .
Various methods used for selection of feedback signal
Transfer function Residue method
Geometric method
Hankel singular values (HSV)

6. Evaluation of control system performance

For validation root locus plots for oscillation modes before and after applying of control system
to verify obtaining targeted damping of critical modes under linear analysis.
Feedback gain is changed from 0(open loop) to 1(closed loop).
Then time domain simulations for several events are performed to ensure nonlinear performance
validation of the control system

Use of HVDC as POD device

In earlier cases DC line was used for transferring bulk power over long line.
Earlier current margin method was used for HVDC operation.
In this method terminal which performs voltage control known as slack terminal while the
other terminal operate under current or power control.
Current of the slack terminal depends on the current or power orders of other terminal.
So if other than slack terminal responds to system disturbance then current injection at
slack terminal also gets affected
Clearly the dc power injection of all the converters have to be coordinated to respond to
that change.
So power flow in a system can be changed with change in current order of converters
Power flow change in a system by DC link depends on many factors: extent of ac-dc
network interconnection, available control effort, and transfer impedances between the lines

In a parallel ac-dc system the dc link provides high controlabillity and offers extra mode
of control for POD.
For DC link reference current depends on operating conditions & parameters.
By using frequency deviation as control signal Ulhamnn, Peterson & Kauferle
showed that any degree of system damping could be produced with appropriate control of
the dc link power & ac system could be stabilize for any line angle.
Peterson & Krause showed that to study over all system behavior it is sufficient to
consider only the fundamental frequency behavior of the converter.
This is equivalent to neglect any transient associated with discrete nature of converter
opearation & filters connected to it is perfect

Let & be instantaneous values of AC & DC real power flow at Kth

sampling instant.
If = desired change in PF of the ith AC line
Accordingly DC power injection is changed
to change power flow in ac line

Dc power loss is given by

Algebraic sum of injected powers in DC N/W is equal to losses in
DC system



So our function becomes


Control scheme with selected AC lines can be shown as below

Feedback measurements are obtained by sampling the power flows in
the select group of ac line and dc powers at the rate 60 Hz.
After each set of measurements N/W flow controller uses eq. To
compute required change in dc power orders.
These required change is then transmitted to the converter controls
where they are used to update the current or power order of the

Stability limit with DC link added is increased because as line angle is

reduced because of power taken by the dc link.
This reduction in angle is greatest for lagging power factor .

Peterson showed that if the machine rotor angle is used to control

the dc link current reference

IDC,ref= IDC ref +K2 ()

IDC,ref= IDC ref +K2 ()+K1()

Use of VSC HVDC for POD

The property of VSC- HVDC is to control the active and ractive power
independent of each other allows the modulation of both when disturbances
occur in the system.
In this way both POD and voltage profile is improved by modulating both

DC control keeps the Dc voltage near to rated voltage, so losses of converter

is basically constant.
Design of control of VSC HVDC is design in 3 parts Non-linear control linear
control and selection of feedback signal.

Active and reactive power is defined as

Similar expression of power at j side where
The priority of multi choice control is the modulation of active power

1. Non- linear control function

To obtain modulated active power assume the uncontrolled system is

Let V(x) be a Lypnov function and its time derivative gives
Now a controlled function is defined as

Applying the Lypnov function of the uncontrolled system to controlled system

2. Linear control function

Purpose of linear analysis is to tune a regulator that will allow
certain selected signal to modulate the active & reactive power of
the VSC-HVDC and provide damping.
Amount of power transfer basically depends on angle of voltage

Similarly reactive power is controlled by the

magnitude of voltage source.

3. Selection of feedback signal

Power system is described by a set of DAE

Then power system is linearized around an equilibrium point

Then transfer function can be written as

residue of G(s) at i.

where Ri is

Signal for which residue value is high is selected as feedback signal or other
methods can be also be choosen.

What happens in case of loss of communication

Communication helps in centralized control scheme implementation
In case of loss of signal closed loop system performs worse than that of an open
One way of achieve coordinated control is to design all the control loops
simultaneously in a multivariable frame work.
One big problem to implement it that decentralized controller need all the
feedback signal for decision making .
Another problem is since it is a cross coupling control of individual control so loss
of any one remote signal can worsen the output
One solution is to use block
0 x1
x1 diagonal
A1 0

x 2 0

x 3


0 x 2
A3 x3

By using this individual control loops are decoupled to each other.

To achieve this 1st a MIMO controller is designed in LMI framework to

achieve coordination amongst the modulation of active & reactive power
at either end of the VSC Hvdc.

From obtained centralized model single block diagonal decentralized

controller is obtained by using one of the methods such as homotype.

Basics to implement decentralized control

Obtain a single LTI equation after linearizing system model equation around
an operating point.
Design a linear dynamic output feedback controller for above system.

Closed loop system formed by the feedback connection of above 4 equations

With above equation problem of stabilizing can be solved with the help of
dynamic feedback can be solved if
such that

closed loop TF is given by

Need to find , & such that.

However satisfying this will only result in stability i.e. poles located in LHS.
Another requirement is to settle of oscillation within 10-12 sec. This can be achieved by
taking minimum damping ratio.
This can be done with regional pole placement technique. In this closed loop poles are
assigned specific locations.
Closed loop system is guaranteed to have all its poles in conic sector with apex at origin &
internal angle only if Pi >0 such that

Resulting controller will be

Deformation of centralized to decentralized

A matrix is written in the form as

By putting this equation in

the problem becomes
equivalent to
with Pi>0.
The main idea is to fix groups of variables alternately at the iterations
to reduce BMI to LMI.
It means BMI can be converted to LMI by fixing P or Gc at one time
so only one variable is needed to be solved at one time.

Take which varies from 0 to 1 and introduce a homotopy path

from Gc to Gd such that
solution lies in the family of problems <0.
By varying from 0 to 1 we can see that term H varies from Gc to
Gd. i.e. from initial stage to final stage (decentralization).
Thus we get a decentralized block from centralized blocks.

Steps to obtain decouple block from centralized block

So steps involved in it can be can be summarized as

1. From plant model G(s) obtain centralised controller Gc(s).
2. Fix M for homotype steps then compute a feasible solution of Po under the
3. Set incremental steps k=k+1 with =k/M; compute solution of Gd under the
condition . if condition is not satisfied go to step 4 otherwise set & solve for P
under the constraint . if solution is feasible set
4. Compute a solution of P for . If condition is not satisfied got to step 5. if satisfied
then and solve for Gd under the constraint . if solution is feasible set .
5. Set M=2M under the constraint M<Mmax & got to step 2.
6. If k< M go to step 3 else if k=M a solution is reached with as block diagonal

Control strategy
Decoupled current control technology is applied in the modified
reference frame (dq) & standard PI is used.
PLL locks the d axis to the ac voltage at the inverter PCC (Eac) to
ensure decoupled control.
The rectifier operates in P-Q control mode.
Reference values of current is given as


Inverter operates in Vdc-Q mode maintaining DC bus voltage


1. B. Pal and B. Chaudhuri, Robust control in power systems, Springer, 2005
2. B. Chaudhuri and B. C. Pal, "Robust damping of multiple swing modes
employing global stabilizing signals with a TCSC," IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, vol. 19, pp. 499-506, 2004
3. Coordinating the DC Power Injections of a Multiterminal HVDC System for
Dynamic Control of AC Line Flows by Hamzei-Nejad, a.Ong, C. M.
4. power-transmission systems by Goudie, D B S, B
5. Control Coordination Within a VSC HVDC Link for Power Oscillation
Damping: A Robust Decentralized Approach Using Homotopy by Pipelzadeh,
Yousef Chaudhuri, Balarko Green, Tim C.
6. Wide-area damping control for inter-area oscillations: A comprehensive review
by Younis, MRIravani, Reza


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