Basic Drilling Fluids

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Functions Of Mud. 1
Drilling Mud Additives .2
Drilling Fluid Types .3
Drilling Mud Properties .4
Drilling Fluid Selection. 5
Drilling Mud Problems .6
Solids Control. 7

The drilling-fluid systemcommonly
known as the mud systemis the
single component of the wellconstruction process that remains in
contact with the wellbore throughout
the entire drilling operation.
Drilling-fluid systems are designed and
formulated to perform efficiently under
expected wellbore conditions.
Advances in drilling-fluid technology
have made it possible to implement a
cost-effective, fit-for-purpose system for
each interval in the well-construction

Drilling Fluid Function

Transport cutting and dispose to surface -.1
The drilling fluid brings the drilled
material to the ground surface
either by mud rheology and velocity

Drilling Fluid
Clean drill bits As. 2
drilling fluid exits the bit
jets, fluid velocity
removes cutting from the
.bit teeth and bit body
This prevents bit
. ball up situation

Drilling Fluid Function

3. Provide hydrostatic pressure to
control well while drilling
Hydrostatic pressure provided
from drilling fluid is the primary
well control. Mud weight should
be high enough
to control formation pressure
while drilling.

Drilling Fluid
Prevent excessive mud loss -. 4
While drilling, clay particle will
form a thin layer over porous
zones called mud cake or
filter cake. Mud cake acts as
barrier to prevent excessive
drilling fluid loss into formation
..and provides wellbore stability

Drilling Fluid
Prevent formation damage by using. 5
reservoir drill-in fluid While drilling
long reach zone in horizontal wells,
the special drilling fluid will be
utilized in order to prevent formation

Drilling Fluid Function

Provide hydraulic pressure to down hole assembly (BHA)- as. 6
mud motor, measuring
, while drilling (MWD)
logging while drilling (LWD), etc
, Without enough hydraulic power
down hole tool will not be properly
operated, hence, drilling fluid plays
essential role to provide power to
.sophisticated down hole tool

Drilling Fluid Function

Facilitate down hole measurement as open. 7
hole logging, MWD, LWD, mud logging,
Mud will assist tool to measure
.everything down hole

Drilling Fluid
Clean, Cool, and.8
Lubricate the
Bit and Drill string

Transmit hydraulic.9
horsepower to the

Drilling Fluid Function

Drilling Fluid Function

Drilling Fluid Selection

The following requirements and criteria should be
applied when considering the selection of drilling
fluid or fluids for a particular well. It should be
noted that it is common to utilise two or three
different fluid types on one well.

Pore pressure /fracture gradient plots to

establish the minimum / maximum mud
weights to be used on the whole well,

Drilling Fluid Selection

Offset well data (drilling completion reports,
mud recaps, mud logs etc.) from similar wells in
the area to help establish successful systems,
problematic formations, potential hazards,
estimated drilling time etc.
Geological plot of the prognosed lithology.
Casing design to give each casing point and the
casing programmer. This will give a good
indication of what the mud has to deal with per
hole section i.e. formation type, hole size and
length etc.

Drilling Fluid Additives

There are many drilling fluid additives which are used to
either change the mud weight(density) or change its
chemical properties .

1.Weighting Materials:
Weighting materials (densifiers) are compounds that are
dissolved or suspended in drilling fluid to increase its
density. They are used to control formation pressures
and to help combat the effects of sloughing or heaving
shales that may be encountered in stressed areas.
Any substance that is denser than water and that
does not adversely

Drilling Fluid Additives

Mud weights higher than water (8.3 ppg) are required to
control formation pressures and to help combat the
effects of sloughing or heaving shales that may be
encountered in stressed areas.

Materials used as
Barite is preferred to other weighting
materials because of its low cost
and high purity.
Barite is normally used when mud
weights in excess of 10 ppg are
Barite can be Aa very high muds
weights (22.0 ppg))
the rheological properties of the fluid
used to achieve densities up to
(22.0 ppg) in both water- based and

Materials used as
2. Iron Minerals
Iron ores have specific gravities in excess of 5.
They are more erosive than other weighting
materials and may contain toxic materials.
The mineral iron comes from several iron ores
sources including: haematite/magnetite,
Illmenite and siderite. Iron ores are available
in nearly unlimited quantities worldwide.
Because iron ores always contain impurities,
problems such as thickening of muds and
temperature instability are seen in waterbased fluids weighted with ground, naturally
occurring iron ores
The most commonly used iron minerals are:
Iron Oxides
Iron Titanate:
Iron Carbonate

Materials used as
3. Calcium Carbonates
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is one of the most useful weighting
agents especially in no damaging
drilling fluids. Its main advantage comes from the its ability to
react and dissolve in hydrochloric acid. Hence any filter cake
formed on productive zones can be easily removed thereby
enhancing production. Calcium carbonate is dispersed in oil
muds more

4. Lead Sulphides
Soluble Salts. 5

Materials used as

Materials used as
1.Clays are added to water to provide the
viscosity and yield point properties
necessary to lift the drilling cutting or
to keep them in suspension.
There are two types of clay currently in
use for making water-base muds.
Bentoniticclay (using in fresh water)
Attapulgite(or salt gel) (using in both
fresh and saltwater).
Polymers are chemicals consistingof. 2
chains made up of manyrepeated small
units called monomers

Types of drilling Fluid

:Three types of drilling mud are in common use
water-base mud
oil-base mud
Gas based fluids

Water Base Mud

This fluid is the mud in which water is the continuous phase.
This is the most common drilling mud used in oil drilling.
The following designations are normally used to define the
classifications of water base drilling fluid

the classifications of water

base drilling fluid

Oil base mud

This drilling mud is made up
of oil as the continuous
phase. Diesel oil is widely
used to provide the oil
This type of mud is
commonly used in swelling
shale formation.
There are two types of oilbased muds:
Invert Emulsion Oil Muds.

Disadvantage of Oil-base

The main disadvantage of Oil-base

mud are:
the environment is contaminated
flammability becomes a hazard
drilled-solids removal from an oilbase mud is usually more difficult
than from a water-base mud.
electric logging is more difficult

gas based fluids

There are four main types
of gas based fluids:
1. Air
2. Mist
3. Foam
4. Aerated Drilling Fluid

Drilling Fluids
Mud weight or mud
Funnel Viscosity.
Plastic Viscosity (PV).
Gel Strengths.
Yield Point.
Fluid Loss and Filter

((Any accepted terminology that indicates
the weight per unit volume of drilling
-Pounds per gallon (ppg).
-Pounds per cubic feet (pcf).
-Gram per cubic centimeter (g/cc).
-Kilogram per liter (kg/l).

Mud weight is measured in the field
using a mud balance, as shown in

Viscosity is a measure of the internal
((resistance of a fluid to flow

Funnel Viscosity- 1
Apparent Viscosity (vis)
is the measured times it takes
for one quart of mud to gravity
feed through a hole of a
.specific diameter

2. Plastic viscosity (Pv)
is that part of flow resistance in a mud caused primarily
by the friction between the suspended particles and
by the viscosity of the continuous liquid phase
The viscosities are defined as follows:
p = 600 - 300
aF = 600
Yb = 300 - p

p = plastic viscosity, cp

aF = apparent viscosity, cp
Yb = Bingham yield point, lb/100 ft2
= Torque readings from instrument dial at 600 and


Gel strength
Gel strength (Gel)

The gel strength of a mud is a measure of

the shearing stress necessary to initiate a
.finite rate of shear
With proper gel strength can help suspend
solids in the hole and allow them to settle
out on the surface, excessive gel strength
.can cause a number drilling problems

Gel strength

Yield point (Yp)

is a measurement under flowing
conditions of the forces in the mud
which cause gel structure to
develop when the mud is at res

Fluid Loss and Filter Cake

The filtration, water loss or wall building
test is conducted with a filter press.

The rate at which filtrate will invade

permeable zone and the thickness of
the filter cake that will be deposited on
the wall of the hole as filtration takes
place are important keys to trouble-free

Drilling Mud Problems

Water flows
CO2 intrusions
Cement / Lime Contamination.
Sodium Chloride Contamination.
Calcium / Magnesium Contamination.
Carbonate / Bicarbonate
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)

Drilling hazards
The following are some of the most common hazards
in drilling and can be overcome by proper control
.of the mud properties

Salt section hole enlargement.1

Salt section can be eroded by the drilling

fluid and causes hole enlargement.
These enlargement will require larger
mud volume to fill the system and in case
of casing the hole, larger cement volume
. is required
To avoid these problems a
salt saturated mud system is prepared

2.Heaving shale problems

Areas with shale sections containing

bentonite or other hydratable clays will
continually absorb water, swell and slough
.into the hole
Such beds are referred to as heaving shales
and constitute a severe drilling hazard
.when encountered
Pipe sticking, excessive solid buildup in the
mud and hole bridging are typical
Various treatments of the mud are sometimes
successful, such as
Changing mud system to high calcium content
by adding lime, gypsum etc which reduces
the tendency of the mud to hydrate water
.sensitive clays
Increasing circulation rate for more rapid
removal of particles.
Increasing mud density for greater wall

Blowout is the most spectacular, expensive and highly
.feared hazard of drilling
This occurs when encountered formation pressure
exceed the mud column pressure which allows the
.formation fluids to blow out of the hole
Mud density or the mud weight is the principal factor in
.controlling this hazard

In drilling a blow out preventer (BOP) stack is always

attached at the top of the conductor pipe. In case of
a gas kick (a sign that may lead to a blow out) the
BOP stack can close the annular space between the
drilling pipe and the conductor pipe or casing or shut

4.Lost Circulation

Lost circulation means the loss of

substantial amount of drilling
mud to an encountered

Lost circulation materials are

commonly circulated in the mud
system both as a cure and a
. continuous preventive

These materials are the fibrous

materials such as the hay,
sawdust or padi husk and

Beware the man who has
received charity from you

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