Economics Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Free Enterprise and Other Economic

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

What goods and services should be

How should these goods and services
be produced?
Who consumes these goods and

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Economic system- structure of methods and

principles a society uses to produce and
distribute goods and services
Society must decide what to produce in order
to satisfy societys needs and wants
Because resources are limited, each decision
comes with an opportunity cost

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Society must decide how to produce

goods and services
All require land, labor, and capital

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Societies must also make decisions that

determine how goods and services are
Largely determined by how societies
distribute income

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Factor payments- income people receive in

return for supplying factors of production
Land, labor, and capital

Landowners- collect rent

Workers- collect wages
Money lenders- collect interest
Includes profits that entrepreneurs earn if their
enterprises succeed

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Profit- the amount of money a business

receives in excess of its expenses
Questions answered by society based on
their priorities of economic goals


Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Societies want to maximize what they produce
If society can accurately assess what its people need and
want, it increases its economic efficiency
Reducing waste also involve answering other economic
An economy that cannot deliver the right goods in the right
quantity to the right people at the right price is not efficient

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Own property, work where we want, choice
of what we buy, etc.
Are costs that come with freedom
Possible failure

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Economic systems seek to reassure people that
goods and services will be available when needed
and that expected payments will arrive on time
Safety net- set of programs to protect people who
face unfavorable economic conditions
Many economies also provide basic income for
retired people

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Equity or Fairness
Should everyone get the same share of
goods and services a nation produces

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Standard of living- level of economic
Comes with economic growth

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Process of bringing new methods,
products, or ideas into use
Plays large roll in economic growth

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Other possible goals

Environmental protection
Full employment
National industry

Sometimes goals conflict with one another

Must prioritize economic goals

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

There are 4 different economic systems

to address these basic questions
Reflect different prioritization

Section 1: 3 Basic Economic Questions

Traditional economy- relies on habit custom,

or ritual to answer 3 economic questions

Little room for innovation or change

Revolves around family unit
Work divided along gender lines
May lack modern conveniences and have a low
standard of living

Section 2: Free Markets

Market- any arrangement that allows
buyers and sellers to exchange things
Allows us to exchange the things we have
for the things we want

Section 2: Free Markets

Specialization- the concentration of the
productive efforts of individuals and
businesses on a limited number of activities
Leads to efficiency in the use of capital, land, and
Benefits the business to allow them to use their
factors of production more efficiently

Section 2: Free Markets

In a modern market-based economy people earn
income by specializing in particular jobs- they then
use his income to buy the products that they want to
Free market economy- 3 economic questions are
answered by voluntary exchange in markets
capitalist economies
free enterprise

Section 2: Free Markets

Participants in a free market are households and
Household- a person or group living in a single residence
own the factors of production
Consumers of goods and services

Firm (business)- an organization that uses resources to

produce a product or service, which it then sells
Transforms inputs (factors of production) into outputs (goods or

Section 2: Free Markets

Can represent exchanges in a diagram
called a circular flow model

Section 2: Free Markets

Factor market- firms purchase factors of
production from households
Product market- households buy the
goods and services that firms produce

Section 2: Free Markets

According to Adam Smith- competition and
our own self-interest actually help to keep the
market functioning
The Wealth of Nations- 1776
How markets function

Self-interest is the motivation force in the free

market- the push that leads people to act

Section 2: Free Markets

Incentive- the hope of reward or fear of
penalty that encourages a person to
behave in a certain way
Adam Smith observed that people respond
in a predictable way to both positive and
negative incentives

Section 2: Free Markets

Competition- struggle among producers
for the dollar of consumers
While self-interest is the motivating force
behind the market, competition is its
regulating force

Section 2: Free Markets

Under ideal conditions, the free market meets
many goals
Economic efficiency- because its self-regulating
Can respond to rapidly changing conditions

Economic freedom- highest degree of economic

freedom of any system
Economic Growth- competition encourages

Section 2: Free Markets

Other positives: wide variety of goods,
consumer sovereignty- consumers have
the power to decide what gets
produced- consumer is king

Section 3: Centrally Planned Economies

Centrally planned economy- government

rather than individual producers and
consumers answer the 3 basic economic
A central bureaucracy decides what to produce,
how to produce, and for whom to produce
Government owns both land and capital
Controls where people work and what they get

Section 3: Centrally Planned Economies

Command economies- oppose private

property, free market pricing,
competition, and consumer choice
No consumer sovereignty

Section 3: Centrally Planned Economies

Socialism: not a single economic

Range of economic and political systems
based on belief that wealth should be
evenly distributed throughout society

Section 3: Centrally Planned Economies

Socialism can co-exist with free market

Example: Sweden
Use of heavy taxes

Or can have government ownership of the

means of production
Socialism is considered by some the intermediate
stage between capitalism and communism

Section 3: Centrally Planned Economies

Communism: central government owns and

controls all resources and means of
production and makes economic decisions
Karl Marx
Stressed conflict between labor and capital
Believed labor was the sources of all value
The inevitable result of capitalism was the exploitation of
workers and an unfair distribution of wealth

Section 3: Centrally Planned Economies

Communist governments have always

been authoritarian
Limit individual freedoms and require strict
Book examples of the USSR and China

Section 3: Centrally Planned Economies

Economic efficiency
Lack of worker incentive to work faster or produce more
Lack of flexibility

Economic freedom
Takes almost all economic choices away from producers and

Economic growth
Doesnt tend to reward innovation
No profit motive

Economic equity
Tends to be only in theory

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