Chi Square Distributions
Prof G.R.C.Nair
To test if,
more than two population proportions
can be considered equal.
To determine if two attributes are independent of each other.
To test goodness of fit .
To test the discrepancies between observed and expected frequencies.
1. Continuous distribution. 2. Assumes non negative values only .3. Chi square distribution curve starts at the origin and lies entirely to the right of Y axis. 4.Parameter degrees of freedom (d f) also figure.5.Shape of Chi square distribution curve is skewed for very small d.f and changes drastically as d.f increases . For large d.f, Chi-square distribution looks like a normal distribution curve.
Conditions for use
1.Used for large samples.2.All expected frequency > 10 for good accuracy, and
should be minimum 5
.3.Take Ho: There is no significant difference between the sample proportions or between the observed and the corresponding expected values.