September 2010
- Protozoal disease caused by infection with parasites of genus
Plasmodium and transmitted to man by certain species of
female anopheles mosquito.
Agent Factors:
- Caused by 4 distinct species of malaria parasite:
p. vivax, p. falciparum, p. malariae, p. ovale.
- 70% of infections are due to p. vivax.
- Majority of rest are caused by p. falciparum.
- Very less proportion of infections are due to p. malariae, p.
- P.falciparum is predominant in malaria in tribal areas
- P. Vivax is predominant in malaria in Rural as well as Urban
Reservoir Of Infection:
- Man is the only reservoir of infection.
Period of Communicability:
- As long as mature and viable gametocytes are present in
blood in sufficient density to infect the mosquito.
Host Factors:
- Affects all ages.
Vector of Malaria:
- Major vectors transmitting the infection are:
Anopheles Culicifacies in rural areas
Anopheles Stephensi in Urban areas
- In absence of malaria vaccine vector control is the only
effective tool to control spread of infection
- The infected mosquito must remain alive for 10 days after an
infective blood meal to become infective.
Mode of Transmission:
- Vector transmission.
- Bite of infected female Anopheles mosquito.
- Mosquitoes are not infective until sporozoites are present
in them.
- May be transmitted directly but less commonly by IM and
IV injections of blood or plasma.
Incubation Period:
- Usually around 10 days.
- 12 days for falciparum
- 14 days for vivax malaria.
- 17 days for ovale malaria.
Clinical Features:
- Characterized by paroxysms of fever which correspond to
development of parasite in RBC.
- a typical attack comprises of 3 distinct stages:
1) Cold Stage:
- onset is with headache, nausea, chilly sensation followed by rigors in
short time.
- Parasites are detectable in blood.
- usually a short lasting stage.
2) Hot Stage:
- burning hot sensation.
- Skin is hot and dry
- headache is intense but nausea diminishes.
- respiration is rapid.
- usually lasts for 2 6 hours
3) Sweating Stage:
- Fever comes down with profuse sweating
- Temperature drops down rapidly and skin is cool and moist.
- patient feels relieved and falls asleep
- Falciparum malaria is most likely to complicate to:
Severe anemia, cerebral malaria, acute renal failure, liver
damage, GI symptoms, dehydration, collapse, black water
- Demonstration of parasite in blood.
Current Indices:
1) Annual Parasite Index (API):
- It is defined as proportion of confirmed cases of malaria
during one year of the population under survey.
- Cases are confirmed by peripheral blood smear examination.
2) Annual Blood Examination Rate (ABER):
- It is the proportion of number of slides examined to total
population under study.
- It is the index of operational efficiency.
- Total number of slides examined per year should be at least
3) Others:
- Annual Falciparum Index
- Slide positivity rate
- Slide falciparum rate
Vector Index:
- A complete malaria survey includes investigations related to insect
1) Human Blood Index:
- Proportion of freshly fed human anopheline mosquitoes whose
stomach contain fresh human blood.
2) Sporozoite Rate:
- It is the proportion of female anopheline with sporozoites in their
salivary glands.
3) Mosquito Density:
- Number of mosquitoes per man hour catch.
4) Man Biting Rate:
- Defined as average incidence of anopheline bites per person per day
5) Inoculation Rate:
- The man biting rate multiplied by the infective sporozoite rate is
called the inoculation rate.
Malaria Control
1) Management:
Includes diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnosis is by clinical suspicion + peripheral smear
Treatment is as per National Antimalaria Programme.
Treatment guidelines differ in high and low risk areas.
Chloroquine (CHQ) is the drug of choice inspite of
presence of drug resistant strains.
Best strategy to control the disease is diagnosis and
treatment on the same day.
Tab. CHQ
Tab. Primaquine
600 mg stat
45 mg stat
Day 2
Tab. CHQ
300 mg
Day 3
Tab. CHQ
300 mg
Day 4
Tab. CHQ
300 mg