English Course: Instructor'S Contact Info Ahmad Ridho Rojabi, S.PD, M.PD

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English Course


Ahmad Ridho Rojabi,S.Pd, M.Pd

Tel. : 085 232323 933

Email: [email protected]
Blog : ridhorojabi.blogspot.com

Class participation/attendance: 10%
Assignments, quizzes, & spoken test: 40%
Midterm test: 25%
Final test: 25%
Grading Scale:
A 80-100
B 70-79
C 60-69
D 50-59
E <49

1. A minimum of 75% class attendance is required. A
maximum of 3 absences will be allowed.
2. A maximum of 20 minutes late to a class will be allowed.
This rule applies to both instructor and students.
3. Late submission of homework/assignment will not be
accepted unless there is a legitimate reason.
4. Any form of cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated,
and may result in a zero (0) on a paper, or a failing grade
for a course.
5. During classroom sessions, all mobile phones must be
switched off or turned to silent mode.

1. Students are able to understand basic sentences
structure in English
2. 2. Students are able to understand the article and parts
of speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb,
preposition, conjunction, and interjection)
3. Students are able to understand degrees of comparison
4. Students are able to understand subject and verb
5. Students are able to understand and make sentences of
active and passive voice ( simple present, present
progressive, simple past, past progressive, present
perfect, past perfect, and future tense)

6. Students are able to answer the questions in listening
7. Students are able to answer the questions in reading
8. Students are able to communicate in English well
9. Students are having IELTS or TOEFL speaking test and


(a)The nurses go to the hospital every day.
(b)Ann usually eats lunch at the cafeteria.
(c)The earth revolves around the sun.
(d)A square has four equal sides.
(e)The world is round. The sky is blue.
The simple present expresses daily habits or
usual activities, as in (a) and (b).
The simple present expresses general
statements of fact, as in (c), (d), (e). In sum,
the simple present is used for events or
situations that exist always, usually, or habitually
in the past, present, and future.

Check the positive, negative and the question

(+) The midwife gives the injection to the patient.
(-) The midwife does not give the injection to the
(?) Does the midwife give the injection to the
patient? Yes, she does
(?)What does the midwife give to the patient? The
Now, Make your own sentences!


Jumbled words
Write sentences from these words and change
into negative and questions.
Example: always/early/Sari/arriveSari always
arrives early.

dinner/we/have/sometimes/at 7.30
open/banks/at 8.00/usually
his hair/washes/twice a week/Peter
goes/home/Sue/once a year


Ann cant come to the phone right now because

she is taking a shower.
Its noon. I am eating lunch at the cafeteria right
Jimmy and Susie are babies. They are crying. I
can hear them right now. Maybe they are

Check the positive, negative and the question words.

(+) The midwife is giving the injection to the patient.
(-) The midwife is not giving the injection to the
(?) Is the midwife giving the injection to the patient?
Yes, she is
(?)What is the midwife giving to the patient? The
Now, Make your own sentences!

Simple Past Tense

Mary walked downtown yesterday.
I slept for eight hours last night.
The simple past is used to talk about activities or
situations that began and ended in the past (e.g.
yesterday, last night, two days ago, in 1990).

Check the positive, negative and the question

(+) She gave the injection to the patient.
(-) She did not give the injection to the patient.
(?) Did she give the injection to the patient? Yes,
she did
(?)What did she give to the patient? The injection
Now, Make your own sentences!

Simple Past Tense

Choose the correct words and change them to the past forms to fill
in the gaps. Use the verbs once only.



I ______ an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday.

Marty walked to school. Sandy ______ the bus.
We ______ a delicious dinner at a Padang restaurant last
When it ______ to rain yesterday afternoon, I ______ all of
the window in the boarding house.
Sam hurt his finger when he was fixing his dinner last
night. He accidentally ______ it with a sharp knife.
Jessica didnt throw her old shoes away. She ______ them
because they were comfortable.
Dave ______ his apartment in a hurry this morning because
he was late for school.
Jack ______ his pocketknife at the park yesterday. This
morning he ______ back to the park to look for it. Finally he
______ it in the grass. He was glad to have it back.
Peter was nervous when he ______ his baby in his arms for
the first time.
I ______ Jennifers parents when they visited her. She
introduced me to them.

Mixed Forms
Make the past simple negative or question:
(I / not / go out last night)
(you / not / come to the meeting)
(she / not / love chocolate as a child)

(Lucy / not / meet her friends last week)

(you / not / do your homework)

(it / not / rain yesterday)

(we / meet in 1997?)

(the film / start on time?)
(I / leave my bag in the taxi?)

(they / stay in last night?)

(Julie / watch a film on Saturday?)
(Lucy / pass the exam?)

(who / you / meet at the party?)

(how / she / come to work this morning?)
(where / I / leave my glasses?)

Simple past with be

Make the past simple (use positive, negative or
(I / be / at the cinema last night.)
(the children / be / naughty?)
(we / be / in a cafe when you called.)
(I / be / late?)
(she / be / a teacher when she was young.)
(where / we / be?)
(you / be / okay?)
(we / be / too tired?)
(how / the party / be?)
(they / be / late for the interview.)

Present Perfect Tense

I have finished my work.
The students have finished Chapter 1.
Julie has eaten lunch.
I have not (havent) finished my work.
Ann has not (hasnt) eaten lunch.
Have you finished your work?
Has Jim eaten lunch?

Present Perfect Tense

Exercise 1 Mixed forms
Make the present perfect - choose positive, negative or

(I / go / to the library today)

(it / rain all day?)
(who / we / forgot to invite?)
(we / not / hear that song already)
(she / steal all the chocolate!)
(I / explain it well?)
(how / we / finish already?)
(he / study English)
(I / know him for three months)
(where / you / study Arabic?)

Past simple, or present perfect?

Last night I ______ (lose) my keys I had to call my flatmate to let
me in.
I ______ (lose) my keys can you help me look for them?
I ______ (visit) Jakarta three times.
Last year I ______ (visit) Jakarta.
I ______ (know) my great grandmother for a few years - she died
when I was eight.
I ______ (know) Julie for three years we still meet once a month.
Last month I ______ (go) to Surabaya.
Im sorry, John isnt here now. He ______ (go) to the shops.
We ______ (finish) this room last week.
I ______ (finish) my exams finally Im so happy!
Yesterday, I ______ (go) to the library, the post office and the
I ______ (go) to the supermarket three times this week!
She ______ (live) in Glenmore since 1994.
She ______ (live) in Glenmore when she was a child.

Past simple, or present perfect?

Last night I ______ (lose) my keys I had to call my flatmate to let
me in.
I ______ (lose) my keys can you help me look for them?
I ______ (visit) Jakarta three times.
Last year I ______ (visit) Jakarta.
I ______ (know) my great grandmother for a few years - she died
when I was eight.
I ______ (know) Julie for three years we still meet once a month.
Last month I ______ (go) to Surabaya.
Im sorry, John isnt here now. He ______ (go) to the shops.
We ______ (finish) this room last week.
I ______ (finish) my exams finally Im so happy!
Yesterday, I ______ (go) to the library, the post office and the
I ______ (go) to the supermarket three times this week!
She ______ (live) in Glenmore since 1994.
She ______ (live) in Glenmore when she was a child.

Jo Wilson

Jo Wilson

Jo Wilson

Exercise 1: Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice

in each of the following sentences. Then, indicate if the
sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I).
1. _______ My best friend always helpful with problems.
2. _______ The bus schedule has changed since last week.
3._________ Accidentally dropped the glass on the floor.
4. ________ The customer paying the clerk for the clothes.
5 _________ The professor handed the syllabus to the
6. ________ Each day practiced the piano for hours.
7. ________ The basketball player tossed the ball into the
8. ________ The new student in the class very talkative and
9. ________ Walking with the children to school.
Jo Wilson south for the winter.
10. _______The whales headed

Exercises: Identifying subject

I. See on the English module
II. Underline the subjects of the following sentences.
Example: The truck overturned on a sharp curve outside Eversly.
1. In 1953, the companys business increased a great deal.

2. The ball traveled only about twenty-five yards to midfield.

3. Since high school, Edith has been going steady with Ed.
4. There were several reasons for Lees objections to the plan.
5. Hockey is widely played in Canada.
6. Either a bus or a taxi is sure to come along soon.
7. Building the church was interrupted by labor disputes.
8. A list of books dealing with career choices is available.
9. Across the river is the little Iowa town of West Glen.
10. The book was a massive volume of over a thousand pages.
Jo Wilson

11. Painting a car is a very difficult job for an amateur.

Finding Subjects and Verbs Quiz

1. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in
bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) He depends on her in times of need. B) He depends on her in
times of need. C) He depends on her in times of need. D) He
depends on her in times of need.
2. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in
bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) Watch your step. B) (You) Watch your step. C) (You) Watch your
step. D) Watch your step.
3. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in
bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) The insurance agent gave her sound advice. B) The insurance
agent gave her sound advice. C) The insurance agent gave her
sound advice. D) The insurance agent gave her sound advice.
Jo Wilson

4. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in

bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) On the table was her purse. B) On the table was her purse.
C) On the table was her purse. D) On the table was her purse.
5. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in
bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) In the newspaper, an interesting article appeared. B) In the
newspaper, an interesting article appeared. C) In the newspaper, an
interesting article appeared. D) In the newspaper, an interesting
article appeared.
6. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in
bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) Look before you leap. B) (You) Look before you leap. C) Look
before you leap. D) Look before you leap.

Jo Wilson

7. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in

bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) Across the road lived her boyfriend. B) Across the road lived her
boyfriend. C) Across the road lived her boyfriend. D) Across the
road lived her boyfriend.
8. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in
bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) We are forced to inhale and exhale this smog-filled air. B) We are
forced to inhale and exhale this smog-filled air. C) We are forced to
inhale and exhale this smog-filled air. D) We are forced to inhale and
exhale this smog-filled air.
9. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in
bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) In the gutter, I found a shiny new dime. B) In the gutter, I found a
shiny new dime. C) In the gutter, I found a shiny new dime. D) In the
gutter, I found a shiny new dime.
Jo Wilson

10. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in
bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) Around every cloud is a silver lining. B) Around every cloud is a
silver lining. C) Around every cloud is a silver lining. D) Around every
cloud is a silver lining.
11. Identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in
bold and the verbs are underlined.
A) Every one of the roses bloomed. B) Every one of the roses
bloomed. C) Every one of the roses bloomed. D) Every one of the
roses bloomed.

Jo Wilson


Conditional sentences are used to

express that the action in the main
clause (without if) can only take
place if a certain condition (in the
clause with if) is fulfilled.
And divided into 3 types conditional
type 1, 2, and 3

Conditional Sentence . . .
What is that ?
Conditional Sentences are also known as
Conditional Clauses or If Clauses.
They are used to express that the action in the
main clause (without if) can only take place if a
certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled.

There are 3 types of Conditional Sentences :

Conditional Sentence Type 1
Conditional Sentence Type 2
Conditional Sentence Type 3

Conditional Sentence Type 1

Conditional Sentences Type 1 refer to the future.

An action in the future will only happen if a certain condition is fulfilled by that
We don't know for sure whether the condition actually will be fulfilled or not,
but the conditions seems rather realistic so we think it is likely to happen.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I will send her an invitation.
I want to send an invitation to a friend. I just have to find her address. I am
quite sure, however, that I will find it.
Example: If John has the money, he will buy a Ferrari.
I know John very well and I know that he earns a lot of money and that he
loves Ferraris. So I think it is very likely that sooner or later he will have the
money to buy a Ferrari.

Conditional Sentence Type 2

Conditional Sentences Type 2 refer to situations in the present.

An action could happen if the present situation were different.
We don't really expect the situation to change, however. We just imagine
what would happen if . . .
Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
I would like to send an invitation to a friend. I have looked everywhere for her
address, but I cannot find it. So now I think it is rather unlikely that I will
eventually find her address.
Example: If John had the money, he would buy a Ferrari.
I know John very well and I know that he doesn't have much money, but he
loves Ferrari. He would like to own a Ferrari (in his dreams). But I think it is
very unlikely that he will have the money to buy one in the near future.

Conditional Sentence Type 3

Conditional Sentences Type 3 refer to situations in the past.

An action could have happened in the past if a certain condition had been
Things were different then, however. We just imagine, what would have
happened if the situation had been fulfilled.
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
Example : If I had found her address, I would have sent her an
Sometime in the past, I wanted to send an invitation to a friend. I didn't find
her address, however. So in the end I didn't send her an invitation.
Example : If he had had the money, he would have bought a Ferrari.
I knew John very well and I know that he never had much money, but he
loved Ferraris. He would have loved to own a Ferrari, but he never had the
money to buy one.

Exercise 1 Sentence Completion and Error Recognition

If Jane _____________ with us, she would have had a good time.
would have
had come
would have come
__________ two waves pass a given point simultaneously, they will have no effect on
each others subsequent
So that
They are
If the customer ___________ not satisfied, please have call the manager.
If the waiter cannot handle your request, the captain _____ assist you.

Exercise 1. Sentence Completion and Error Recognition

5.___________ a reservation, it will be impossible to get a hotel room this

weekend because of the jazz festival.
a. without you have
b. If you have
c. Unless you have
d. Unless having
6.She will have to go as soon as possible if she wanted to catch the last flight.
7. If potatoes are cultivated in every state, Idaho produced the largest crop of all.
8. If the Democratic party would reorganize on a more moderate platform, it could
win the next election.
9. The proposal would be submitted last week, if the resignation of the director
had not made necessary to revise the entire set of options.
10. If the company appreciated Janes success in increasing the market share, he
would not have thought of leaving the company.

Task 1- Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional
sentence - type I. Only use the will-future in the main clauses. Mind the
negations in the sentences.
Example: If I __ (go) to the caf, I ________ (not/drink) milk.
Answer: If I go to the caf, I will not drink milk.

1) If it (rain), the children (not/ go) for a walk.

2) If she (not/read) the novel, she (not/pass) the literature test.
3) If I (not/argue) with my father, he ( lend) me his motorbike.
4) If we (take) the bus, we (not/arrive) in time.
5) If Dick (not/buy) the book, his friends (to be) angry with him.
6) If Tom (not/ tidy up) his room, Victoria (not/ help) him with the muffins.
7) If the boys (not/ play) football, the girls (not/come) to the football pitch.
8) If you (eat) too much junk food, you (not/ lose) weight.
9) If I (not/make) breakfast tomorrow morning, my girlfriend (not/ love) me anymore.
10) If they (not/hurry), they (not/catch) the train.

Task 2- Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional
sentence - type II. Mind the negations in the sentences.
Example: If I __ (go) to the caf, I ________ (not/drink) milk.
Answer: If I went to the caf, I would not drink milk.

1) If Oliver ( find) money, he (not/ keep) it.

2) If they (not/ wear) pullovers in the mountains, it (to be) too cold during the night.
3) If Tony ( know) her phone number, he (not/ give) it to Frank.
4) If we (not/ visit) this museum, you (not/ write) a good report.
5) If it (not/to be) so late, we ( play) a game of chess.
6) If Jeff (not/ like) Jessica, he (not/ buy) her an ice-cream.
7) If I (to be) you, I (not/ go) to Eric's party.
8) If you ( drop) this bottle, it (not/ break).
9) If she (not/ bully) her classmates, she ( have) more friends.
10) If he (not/ print) the document, I (not/correct) it.

Task 3- Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional
sentence - type III. Mind the negations in the sentences.
Example: If I _______ (to go) to the caf, I ________ (not/to drink) milk.
Answer: If I had gone to the caf, I would not have drunk milk. or
If I'd gone to the caf, I wouldn't have drunk milk.
1) If you (to check) the car, it (not/to break) down in the middle of the
2) If it (not/to rain), the children (to play) outside.
3) If my parents (not/to be) so tired, they (to watch) the film on TV.
4) If she (to buy) a new hard disk, she (not/to lose) all data.
5) If we (to use) the town map, we (not/to get) lost.
6) If Tom (to eat) more salad, he (not/to catch) a cold.
7) If the police (not/to stop) me, I (to reach) you in time.
8) If his older brother (not/to drive) so fast, he (not/to crash) into the other
9) If Fred (not/to cheat) at the test, his teacher (not/to phone) his father.
10) If I (not/to switch off) the radio, I (to know) about the second goal.

Passive Voice
(1) The nurse gives the injection to the
Injection is given to the patient by
the nurse.
Present Simple
(2) . The nurse is explaining the
personal hygiene to the family.
The personal hygiene is being
explained by the nurse
Present Continuous

(3) He motivated a mother to take

care her baby.
A mother was motivated to take
care her baby by him.
Past Simple
(4) The clients were brushing
their teeth.
Their teeth were being brushed
by them.
Jo Wilson

(5)They have taken the prescription.

The prescription has been taken by them..
Present Perfect
(6) They are going to build a new hospital in Portland.
A new hospital is going to be built in Portland.
Future Intention with Going to
(7) I will finish it tomorrow.
It will be finished tomorrow.
Future Simple

Exercise 1- Write down passive forms of the

sentences! Some sentences have no passive forms.
1. The president canceled the meeting.
2. Mother has served the coffee to the guests.
3. The teacher announces the final exam.
4. Someone is building a new house in this village.
5. Reza was repairing my computer.
6. All the students must do the assignment.
7. They have seen the accident.
8. The train was twenty minutes late.
9. The boy should send the flowers soon.
10. Dicks walks to his office.

Exercise 2- Revise forms of the words in the brackets into the passive.
1.It was a good thing that oil . (discover) in the part of Java Island.
(simple past)
2.For years the future of the country . (consider) very problematical. (past
3.A new source of income . badly (need). (simple past)
4.Besides, source of energy . (need) throughout the world. (present tense)
5.Beginning next March drilling rights . (give) to private companies. (future
6.Applications .. (accept) from March to June. (future tense)
7.Companies must agree that part of the profit (pay) to the Dept. of
Transportation. (future tense)
8.This fund .. (use) to build roads and study solar energy. (future tense)
9.May sources of energy .. (explore) these days resources. (present
10.It . (hope) that oil .. (replace) as an energy source. (present

Booking a Doctor's Appointment

I need to make an appointment.
I need to see the doctor.
When is the doctor free?
I need to renew my prescription.
Do you think the doctor could squeeze us in today?
I need to make an appointment for my husband.
My child needs to come in for a check-up.
The doctor wants to see me again in two week's time.
What is your chart number?
What is the appointment regarding?
Which day/what time is good for you?
Is January the 3rd okay with you?
How does four o'clock sound?
We'll see you then.
I'm sorry the doctor is not taking new patients.
We'll call you if there are any cancellations.
We're running an hour behind schedule.
Dr Jones is away. You'll be seeing Dr Lindsay.
Jo Wilson

Sample Conversation

Doctor's office. Jane speaking. How can I help you?


I need to make an appointment with Dr. Harris.


Do you know your chart number?


No, sorry. It's at home and I'm at work right now.


No problem. What's your name, please?


George Mason.


Okay Mr Mason. Hold one moment while I grab your chart, please.




Thanks for waiting. Now, what do you need to see the doctor about?


Well, I've been fighting a cold for more than a week, and I think I might
have a chest infection or something. My cough is getting worse each


Hmm. Doctor Harris is off tomorrow. Do you think it can wait until


Oh, I was really hoping to get in today or tomorrow in case I need some
antibiotics. Maybe I'll have to go to the walk-in-clinic instead.


Actually, we had a cancellation for 2:00pm today if you can get away
from the office.


Gee, it's almost 1:00pm already. I think I can make it if I leave right


We're running a bit behind schedule, so you can probably count on

seeing the doctor around 2:30.


That's great. Thanks for fitting me in.


No problem, Mr. Mason. We'll see you in an hour or so.

Jo Wilson

part of speech


Example sentence


not normal for the

human body

This amount of weight

loss is abnormal for
women your age.


pain that won't go away

I can't sleep because my

knees ache in the night.

quick to become

We knew the baby was

coming right away
because the woman's
labor pains were acute.


Jo Wilson

allergy noun
allergic adj

a body's abnormal
reaction to certain foods
or environmental
substances (eg causes a

Your son is extremely

allergic to peanuts.


emergency vehicle that

rushes people to a

We called the ambulance

when Josh stopped


a condition that causes

people to lose their

I can't remember the

accident because I had

amputation noun
amputate verb

permanent removal of a

We had to amputate his

leg because the infection
spread so quickly.

Jo Wilson

anaemia noun
anaemic adj

occurs when the body

doesn't have enough red
blood cells

I have low energy because

I am anaemic.


medication that kills

bacteria and cures

My throat infection went

away after I started the


medication that helps

relieve anxiety and

The anti-depressants
helped me get on with life
after Lucy died.


I've made you an

a scheduled meeting with appointment with a
a medical professional
specialist in three week's
Jo Wilson


My mother has already

type of treatment used on
had three rounds of
cancer patients


a virus commonly
contracted by children,
characterized by itchy
spots all over the body

It is best to get
chickenpox as a child so
that you don't get it worse
as an adult.


a person who determines

the cause of death after a
person dies

We only call the coroner

if we think a death is

critical condition

You can't see her right

requiring immediate and
now; she's in critical
constant medical attention
Jo Wilson


type of disease typically

involving insulin

People with diabetes

have to constantly check
their blood sugar levels.


The doctor would prefer

medical explanation of an
to share the diagnosis
illness or condition
with the patient himself.
This pain medication
should relieve some of
your discomfort.


experiencing pain


a medical disorder that is I understand that this

harmful to a person's
disease runs in your
Jo Wilson

The nurse will

demonstrate how to bathe
an infant.


young baby

infection noun
infected adj

The wound should be

diseased area of the body covered when you swim
(viral or bacterial)
to prevent it from
becoming infected.


appearance (red and

swollen) of an injured
body part

My right ankle was so

inflamed it was twice the
size of my left one.

damage to the body

Her injuries were minor;

just a few cuts and


Jo Wilson


a person staying in a
hospital or medical


a person who fills a

Ask the pharmacist if
doctor's prescription and
there is a generic brand of
gives people advice about
this medication.

pharmacy, drugstore

a place where people go

to buy medication and
other medical supplies

You should be able to buy

a bandage at the


Ask your family

physician to refer you to
a specialist.


Jo Wilson

The patients in Room 4

are not getting along.

Change the following into passive
1. They sell the medicine.
2. He bought the bandage yesterday.
3. The midwife gives injection to the
4. We are studying English in the class
5. The students have visited the library.
Jo Wilson

Planning is essential. Even in situations where time is limited, you should plan by briefly noting your points.
A plan can look like this:

Jo Wilson


There is no one correct structure. However, a useful structure is:

1. Topic Sentence
This is the first sentence and it
expresses the main idea.
2. Supporting Sentences
Details that expand your main idea.
3. Concluding Sentence
a rounding off, possibly by
summarizing what has been said or
drawing a logical conclusion from it.

Jo Wilson

Sample of the finished paragraph:

There are three levels of government in Australia. The Commonwealth looks

after areas of national importance such as postal services, foreign affairs, and
collecting and distributing taxes. It also supervises the armed forces. The State
Governments' responsibilities include hospitals, schools and the state police
forces. Local concerns, such as suburban streets and garbage services, are
looked after by Local Government. So, in general, the responsibilities of each
level of government are appropriate to the geographical area it serves.

Jo Wilson


Smoking is one of the leading killers in North America and

innocent people shouldn't die because of it. Firstly, For
years people have been smoking in public thinking 'it's
my body, I can do whatever I want to it,' but now that it
has been proven that smoking not only harms the smoker,
but also those around him or her, they should not be
allowed to smoke around other people in public. Secondly,
Smoking in public places causes a considerable amount of
harm to people and the government should be doing
more to protect its citizens. Thirdly, Cigarettes are full of
many harmful substances and if many people knew what
they were inhaling they would probably quit immediately.
In conclusion, as it has dangerous effects to children,
teenagers as well as adult, the government should take

Exercise - Select among these topic sentences for writing a good paragraph.
1. Sports are great to watch as well as to play.
2. Many things make learning English difficult.
3. The Honda Jazz is an excellent automobile.
4. Malang is an ideal place to live.
5. Gold is prized for two important characteristics.
6. Although wealthy, she is not an arrogant girl.
7. Spectacular beaches make Bali as a tourist paradise.
8. Participation in class discussion in English is a problem for foreign students
9. Educating the public can slow the spread of AIDS
10. Many requirements to be a professional nurse.

Thank You!

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