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Question 6 Technology

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Question 6 Technology

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about technologies from

the process of
constructing this
Hardware, Software and the Internet



Examples of Our Use of Our Camera

This use of depth of field is shown as

This contrasting use of depth of field is
his right hand is in focus compared to
shown as Vicky is in focus compared to
his left hand not being in focus. This
allows the audience to focus on the
ultimately visually introduces the
bandaged hand creating enigma as
location as well as highlights the
they wonder what has lead him into
character of Vicky.
this situation.
We have used the different lenses and their
focus ring to progressively get closer to Finn as
the opening develops. This has allowed us to
create tension. The camera stayed in the same
position enabling continuity of the position,
therefore we effectively utilised our resources
to create key elements of the thriller genre.

The Tripod

An essential part of filming is the tripod. This allowed us to develop

different heights and levels in order to portray different images of
We adjusted the height by opening the leg lock on each side,
positioning it to an appropriate height and then fixed it into this
position by closing the leg locks.
In order to create a POV of Finn, we used
low angle shots to further elevate tension
and sympathy as Finn is exposed as a
vulnerable character.


In order to do this we adjusted the tripod

to the eye level of Finn. We then used the
lever to create a steady low angle shot.

Final Cut
We used the software FinalCut in
order to edit our draft and final
Subconscious. We used tutorials
from YouTube and used the search
engine Google to aid us in
learning different techniques in
order to produce the final outcome.
On the software we were able to
layer sounds, edit sound volume
and increase or slow down the
pace of shots and sound in order to
create fluidity and portray the

Final Cut - The Sound Levels

In order to effectively allow the diegetic
sounds overpower the non-diegetic
sound we used this area of FinalCut to
adjust the volume of each sound
section. By doing so we were allowing
the diegetic sound of the dialogue to be
heard over the continuous sound of the
non-diegetic sound. To do this we used
to select an area of the sound
clip to focus on. Then we used the
pull the sound volume up or down
depending on how loud or quiet we
personally felt the sound should be.

Final Cut - The Sound Layering

In order to make sure our work was adhering to the thriller genre we
wanted to build up tension. To achieve this we layered diegetic sound to
augment a tense impact of the hospital location. By scattering the start of
each layered diegetic sound we were able to create a chaotic
Once we scattered the sound, we cut the excess beginning in order to
allow the sounds to fade in at the same time, therefore creating a heavier
impact to the start of the sequence.

Final Cut - The Sound Matching

When filming we did not have the equipment to be able to record sounds
such as Connie (Vicky) walking around the hospital, therefore we had to
embed these sound effects in order to make the sequence more realistic.
This was a long process as I had to match every footstep with the sound of
the shoe hitting the floor.
In order to effectively achieve this I had to go through the clip frame-byframe to see when Connies foot reached the floor. I then found the
equivalent in the sound clip and matched it with the frame; however I could
not repeat the same section of the clip otherwise it did not sound as

Final Cut - The Text

The text was an essential part of the overall opening
title sequence. We used the font
our main font for all text.
I had to adjust the font in order to create a more
sophisticated film opening title sequence style, this
meant the name of the crew was a different size to
their name. In order to do this I adjusted the size.
Furthermore in order to create a sleek and modern
look to make the final outcome seem more
professional, we used the font colour black for every
We slightly adjusted the tracking and aspect of the

Final Cut - The Colour Wheel

The colour wheel allowed our final outcome of our opening title
sequence to adhere to the thriller genre and ultimately improved our
sequence. We used to colour wheel in order to change the tone to make
it blue so that our product would adopt
In the
order to
this we we
saturation down as well adjust the
circle to the blue side of the wheel.
Furthermore we moved the hue
down. This all created a cold and
duller atmosphere for the



Final Cut - Transitions

Transitions were imperative to create a fluid
opening title sequence. We used them both
for sound and images such as the text. A
cross dissolve transition was used on
either side of the text to allow a fluidity as
the cast names and institutional information
appears onscreen.
Transitions were also used for the sound.
Because our non-diegetic sound included a
section which we did feel was apt to the
action I looped the sound, however by the
addition of the cross fade transition it was
able to fluidly move from one section to
another. This enabled us to keep the nondiegetic music we felt sufficiently fitted with

Font Sites
In order to produce an effective title we explored different font websites.
The font was essential to create the final impact of the opening title
sequence through the film title at the end of the clip, however the use
of the font throughout the sequence for the cast names and institutional
information enables the audience to view the film to have a modern
However in the end we

As our title font.

We used YouTube to allow us to
easily access our opening title
sequence from anywhere.
Furthermore we used the social
platform to enable our research of
other thriller films to come to
fruition; we were able to find videos
of opening title sequences from our
researched films to allow us to
analyse the key elements needed

I also used YouTube to gain

knowledge of how to use
FinalCut in order to develop my
skills. By using this website I was
able to gain visual and auditory
insight of how to use the
software Final Cut. There are
many videos on YouTube that


1. Copy and Paste the URL

of a video into Offliberty.
2. Click off and wait for it
to load
3. Select the format you
wish to use
4. Save
used Offliberty to

download videos from

YouTube in order to edit
them for our analysis
commentary. This made
it easier to use the

We also used Offliberty to download

sound effects and music from
YouTube. This allowed us to easily
experiment with different sounds in
order to use the best fitting sound.

We used the website
in order to
complete research about different thriller films.
The website includes information of many films,
including their cast, director, production
companies, budget, awards and more.
This allowed us to develop understandings of
what we needed to include for our storylines
with our thriller.
For example we were able to use the
information given by IMDb for the film Black
Swan in order to learn about the psychological
thriller, which in turn allowed us to develop the

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop allowed us to create the final title image for our
opening title sequence. Although we had already downloaded the font
and used it on the software FinalCut for the institutional information,
we used Photoshop in order to manipulate the size of the image. This
allowed it to fit the screen so that the ending of our opening title
sequence would have a sudden impact.
By using Photoshop we stretched the text to fit the screen. Originally we
tried with screenshot 1 however we felt it created an image that related
more to horror than thriller, therefore we chose screenshot 2 . This
creates a more modern effect which is appropriate to our storyline.

I have used
order to document the
progress of my media
course. This has enable
me to show my research
of other films as well as
embed the development
my projects

I am able to embed video,

images and documents into
my blogs therefore making my
development more visual.

The website allows

me to document
my journey. The
sidebar shows my
uploads .

I have linked other

blogs onto my blog
in order to show my
group I have worked
with as well as gain
quick accessibility to
these blogs.

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