Himalaya Publishing HouseProduction and Operations ManagementBy K. Aswathappa & K. Shridhara BhatChapter 5Design of Production Systems
Product Design, Process Design and Production Design
Product Design: Concerned with form and function of a product. It refers to the arrangement of elements or parts that collectively form a product.
Process Design: Concerned with the overall sequence of operations required to achieve the design specification of the product.
Production Design: Concept of designing products from the point of view of producibility.
Himalaya Publishing HouseProduction and Operations ManagementBy K. Aswathappa & K. Shridhara BhatChapter 5Design of Production Systems
Importance of Product Design
A good product design can improve the marketability of a product by making it easier to operate or use, upgrading its quality, improving its appearance, and/or reducing manufacturing costs.
An excellent design provides competitive advantage to the manufacturer, by ensuring appropriate quality, reasonable cost and the expected product features.
Himalaya Publishing HouseProduction and Operations ManagementBy K. Aswathappa & K. Shridhara BhatChapter 5Design of Production Systems
Objectives of Product Design
i)The overall objective is profit generation in the long run.(ii)To achieve the desired product quality.(iii)To reduce the development time and cost to the minimum.(iv)To reduce the cost of the product.(v)To ensure producibility or manufacturability (design for manufacturing and assembly).