FIN 420 EXPERT Expect Success Fin420expertdotcom
FIN 420 EXPERT Expect Success Fin420expertdotcom
FIN 420 EXPERT Expect Success Fin420expertdotcom
Consider your personal cash flows. How would you adjust cash outflow
s (i.e. adjust your budget) if your household income was cut in half? If
your cash inflows increased, how would you reallocate your surplus to
meet your personal needs and objectives? How do you use credit as a
part of your personal financial plan?
Evaluate your personal risk tolerance using Exhibit 11-2 A Quick Test to
Measure Investment Risk in Ch. 11 of Focus on Personal Finance. Base
d on your results, were you considered more conservative or less cons
ervative? What factors affected your investment choices? Consider a fri
end or family member who is more conservative or less conservative t
han you. How do their money management behaviors differ from your
1 As a stockholder of Kentucky Gas and Oil, you receive its annual repo
rt. In the financial statements, the firm reported after-tax earnings of $
1,200,000 and has issued 1,500,000 shares of common stock. The stock
is currently selling for $24 a share. What is the per earnings share for K
entucky Gas and Oil?
2 Sarah and James Hernandez purchased 150 shares of Cisco Systems
stock at $18 a share. One year later, they sold the stock for $25.40 a sh
are. They paid a broker a $32 commission when they purchased the st
ock and a $40 commission when they sold the stock. During the 12-mo
nth period the couple owned the stock, Cisco Systems paid dividends t
hat totaled $0.24. Calculate the Hernandezes total return for this inves
Life insurance is a topic many people do not like to discuss, but unders
tanding your familys needs and planning appropriately in the event of
a premature death is also part of a comprehensive financial plan. Outli
ned in Ch. 10 are four methods for estimating life insurance needs. Wh
ich insurance options are most appropriate for your family situation? B
ased on what you have identified as most appropriate for you, do you
currently have enough life insurance? If not, how can you close this ga
Consider your current financial plan. Based on what you have learned ab
out your financial goals, risk tolerance, and risk and return of various inve
stment options, what adjustments should you make to the asset allocatio
n of your investment portfolio? What specific actions do you need to take
to make those adjustments or to establish your investment portfolio? Wh
at adjustments will you need to make to your budget and investment port
folio to include adequate insurance?Consider your current financial plan.
Based on what you have learned about your financial goals, risk tolerance
, and risk and return of various investment options, what adjustments sho
uld you make to the asset allocation of your investment portfolio? What s
pecific actions do you need to take to make those adjustments or to estab
lish your investment portfolio? What adjustments will you need to make t
o your budget and investment portfolio to include adequate insurance?