Jenis Penaakulan

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What is Mathematics Reasoning?

1. When learning new mathematics:
a) Why is (.) true? Why is (.) false?
b) Intuitive-experimental justification, logical inference,
deduction, proof.

2. When solving problems:

State known formulae or principles for intermediate

3. Used by educators, psychologists:

a) Thinking: e.g., proportional reasoning, algebraic reasoning,
visual reasoning.
b) Problem solving, decision making

Types of reasoning

~ representation reasoning
~ inductive reasoning (general
~ deductive reasoning (specific

Inductive reasoning
Inductive reasoningis the process
of making generalized decisions after
observing, or witnessing, repeated
specific instances of something.
Draw a general conclusion based on
information obtained from specific

Inductive reasoning
Example 1
This marble from the bag is black. That
marble from the bag is black. A third marble
from the bag is black. Therefore all the
marbles in the bag black.
The statement above is an example of inductive
reasoning. Since the first marble from the bag was
black, the second was black and the third was black
the conclusion reached is that all the marbles in the
bag are black.

Example 2
I counted five or six people with green eyes;
therefore all the people have green eyes.
This statement is an example of inductive
generalization which uses evidence about a limited
number of things to make an overall assumption of
most things of that type. The authentication of this
type of a statement depends on the number of
things used to make the assumption and the total
number of things.

Functions of Induction
to predict what may happen in the future and
establish a possibility of what may happen next.
allow you to establish probability and prepare
allow you to argue a point without having to
actually prove the fact. They can only prove right
or wrong following further research and
to prove our point when talking about the weather,
about persons and even general situations.

Using inductive reasoning

Observe a property that holds in
several examples
Check that the property holds in
other examples
If the property holds in every
example, a generalisation is stated

Deductive reasoning
deductive reasoningis the process
of taking the information gathered
from general observations and
making specific decisions based on
that information.

Use deductive reasoning

To show a statement Q is true, look
for a statement p such that p q is
If p is true, you can deduce that q is
true by direct reasoning.
To show that a statement p is false,
where q is

Premise 1 : I will get wet if I stand in the
Premise 2: I am standing in the rain
Conclusion: I will get wet

Differences between inductive and

deductive reasoning




Kebolehan mengguna dan membina
perkaitan di antara beberapa maklumat
perwakilan Matematik memberi kita
alat komunikasi kuantitatif.
Perhubungan Matematik dipaparkan
dalam pelbagai bentuk visual seperti
jadual, gambar, atau graf.
Boleh jadi dalam bentuk nombor,
simbol atau lisan.

Penerangan Matematik yang bagus

selalunya disertai pelbagai
perwakilan yang dapat menjelaskan
dengan lebih terperinci tentang apa
yang ingin disampaikan.
Kebolehan membina, menterjemah,
dan mentafsir di antara perwakilan
memberi murid kelebihan dalam
pemikiran Matematik.

The purpose of representation

Serve as tools for thinking about
solving problems
Helps student communicate their
thinking to others (students will use
both external models)
Something that they can build
Mental images

Representation teaching
Physical models to represent
understand multiplications and place

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