Laws On Environmental Protection

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Laws on

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As people become more vigilant about
the state of the environment and insistent
that offenders of environmental laws be
held accountable, the Philippine
Environmental Laws and government
regulations are in place with the intent of
protecting the environment and aid
people from all walks of life in their
pursuit to a balance and a healthful

Indeed, the environment has

become such an important issue. It
is imperative that people should be
fully informed on what the relevant
environmental laws are so that they
may be fully be aware what are
allowed and what are prohibited
in relation to the actions they take
towards the environment.

What is Environmental Law?

A complex and interlocking body of statuses,
common law, treaties, conventions, regulations
and policies
Operate to regulate the interaction of humanity
and the rest of the biophysical or natural
Purpose of reducing or minimizing the impacts of
human activity both on the natural environment,
for its own sake and for humanity itself

Areas of Concern

Air quality and water quality

Global climate change
Biodiversity and species protection
Pesticides and hazardous materials
Waste management and remediation of
contaminated land
Management of public lands and natural

Philippine Environmental Laws

PD 1586: Philippine Environmental
Impact System
RA 8749: Clean Air Act of 1999
RA 9275: Philippine Clean Water Act of
RA 6969: Philippine Toxic Substances
and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Act
RA 9003: Philippine Ecological Solid
Waste Management Act of 2000

RA 9729: Climate Change Act of 2009

RA 9512: Environmental Awareness
and Education Act of 2008
Pollution Control Law
Water Pollution Control
Food Security Act


(PD) 1586
Enacted and Implemented in 1978
Purpose: To attain and maintain a
rational and orderly balance between
socio-economic growth and
environmental protection
Control Area: Nationwide


Requires private corporations, firms
or entities including agencies and
instrumentalities of the government
to prepare an environmental impact
system (EIS) for every proposed
project and undertaking which
significantly affect the quality of the

Features of PD 1586
Declared environmentally critical
projects and areas are required to
obtain an Environmental Compliance
Certificate before operation
Environmentally Critical Projects
includes heavy industries, resource
extractive industries, infrastructure
projects, golf course projects

Characteristics of Environmentally
Critical Areas:
Areas declared by law as natural parks, watershed
reserves, wildlife reserves, and sanctuaries
Areas set aside as aesthetic, potential tourist
Areas which constitute the habitat for any
endangered or threatened species of indigenous
Philippine wildlife (flora and fauna)
Areas of unique historical, archeological,
geological or scientific interests
Areas which are traditionally occupied by cultural
communities or tribes

Characteristics of Environmentally

Critical Areas:
Areas frequently visited and/or hard hit by
natural calamities (geologic hazards,
floods, typhoons, volcanic activity, etc.)
Areas of critical slope
Areas classified as prime agricultural lands
Recharged areas of aquifers
Water bodies
Mangrove areas
Coral reefs

Features of PD 1586
Violators shall be punished by the
suspension of cancellation of his/its
certificate and or fine for each

Pollution Control Law

P.D. 1181 (supplements the provision
of P.D. 984) providing for the
abatement, control and prevention of
vehicular pollution & establishing the
maximum allowance emissions of
specific air pollutants from all types
of vehicle.

Water Pollution Control

P.D.600 ( amended by P.D. 979)
prohibits the discharge of oil, noxious
liquid substances, and other harmful
substances into the countrys inland
and territorial waters.

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