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Cloning: Methodology

The basic steps in gene cloning

1. A fragment of DNA, containing the gene to be cloned,
is inserted into a circular DNA molecule called a vector,
to produce a recombinant DNA molecule.

2. The vector transports the gene into a host cell,

which is usually a bacterium, although other types of
living cell can be used.
3. Within the host cell the vector multiplies, producing
numerous identical copies, not only of itself but also
of the gene that it carries.
4. When the host cell divides, copies of the
recombinant DNA molecule are passed to the
progeny and further vector replication takes place.
5. After a large number of cell divisions, a colony, or clone,

of identical host cells is produced. Each cell in the clone

contains one or more copies of the recombinant DNA
molecule; the gene carried by the recombinant molecule is
now said to be cloned.

Basic steps involved:

Purification of DNA from Living Cells
Preparation of Plasmid DNA
Manipulation of Purified DNA
Introduction of DNA into Living Cells
Production of Protein from Cloned Genes

Purification of DNA from Living Cells

1.Preparation of total cell DNA

The basic steps in preparation of total cell DNA from a culture of bacteria

a) Growing and harvesting a bacterial culture

) Bacterial cells are inoculated onto growth medium and

incubated at 37C, aerated by shaking at 150250 rpm

) E. coli cells divide once every 20 min or so until the culture
reaches a maximum density of about 23 109 cells/ml.
) The growth of the culture can be monitored by reading the
optical density (OD) at 600 nm at which wavelength
1 OD unit corresponds to about 0.8 109 cells/ml.

Harvesting bacteria by centrifugation

Harvesting is performed by spinning the culture in a
Fairly low centrifugation speeds will pellet the bacteria at
the bottom of the centrifuge tube, allowing the culture
medium to be poured off.

b) Preparation of a cell extract

The bacterial cell is enclosed in a cytoplasmic membrane
and surrounded by a rigid cell wall. All of these barriers
have to be disrupted to release the cell components.
Techniques for breaking open bacterial cells

Physical methods
cells are disrupted
by mechanical

Chemical methods
cells are lysed by
exposure to
chemical agents

Chemical methods
Chemical lysis generally involves one agent attacking the cell wall and

another disrupting the cell membrane.

The chemicals that are used are lysozyme, ethylenediamine
tetraacetate (EDTA), or a combination of both.
Lysozyme is an enzyme which digests the polymeric compounds that
give the cell wall its rigidity.
EDTA removes magnesium ions that are essential for preserving the
overall structure of the cell envelope, and also inhibits cellular enzymes
that could degrade DNA.
Usually a detergent such as sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) is also
added which aid the process of lysis by removing lipid molecules and
thereby cause disruption of the cell membranes.

Having lysed the cells, the final step in preparation of a cell

extract is removal of insoluble cell debris.

Components such as partially digested cell wall fractions can
be pelleted by centrifugation leaving the cell extract as a
reasonably clear supernatant.

Preparation of a cell extract. (a) Cell lysis. (b) Centrifugation of the

cell extract to remove insoluble debris.

c) Purification of DNA from a cell extract

Bacterial cell extract contains significant quantities of protein and

Can be removed by
Organic extraction and enzyme digestion
Ion-exchange chromatography
Removing contaminants by organic extraction and enzyme digestion

Removal of protein contaminants by phenol extraction


The standard way to deproteinize a cell extract is to add phenol

or a 1 : 1 mixture of phenol and chloroform.

These organic solvents precipitate proteins but leave the nucleic

acids (DNA and RNA) in aqueous solution.

The result is that if the cell extract is mixed gently with the

solvent, and the layers then separated by centrifugation,

precipitated protein molecules are left as a white coagulated
mass at the interface between the aqueous and organic layers.
The aqueous solution of nucleic acids can then be removed with

a pipette.
With some cell extracts the protein content is so great that a


single phenol extraction is not sufficient to completely purify

the nucleic acids.

This problem could be solved by carrying out several phenol

extractions one after the other, but this is undesirable as each mixing
and centrifugation step results in a certain amount of breakage of the
DNA molecules.
Treating the cell extract with a protease such as pronase or

proteinase K before phenol extraction. These enzymes break

polypeptides down into smaller units, which are more easily
removed by phenol.
Some RNA molecules, especially messenger RNA (mRNA), are

removed by phenol treatment, but most remain with the DNA in the
aqueous layer, with can be removed by the enzyme ribonuclease,
which rapidly degrades these molecules into ribonucleotide subunits.


Using ion-exchange chromatography to purify DNA from a cell extract


Ion-exchange chromatography separates molecules according to

how tightly they bind to electrically charged particles present in

a chromatographic matrix or resin.
DNA and RNA and some proteins are negatively charged, so

bind to a positively charged resin.

The electrical attachment is disrupted by salt, by gradually

increasing the salt concentration, different types of molecule

can be detached from the resin one after another.
Two salt solutions are used, one whose concentration is

sufficient to elute the protein and RNA, leaving just the DNA
bound, followed by a second of a higher concentration which
elutes the DNA, now free from protein and RNA contaminants.

d) Concentration of DNA samples

Ethanol precipitation
In the presence of salt (monovalent cations such as sodium

ions (Na+), and at a temperature of -20C or less, absolute

ethanol efficiently precipitates polymeric nucleic acids and
then redissolved in an appropriate volume of water.


Collecting DNA by ethanol precipitation.

Preparation of plasmid DNA

A culture of cells, containing plasmids, is grown in liquid

medium, harvested, and a cell extract prepared. The protein

and RNA are removed, and the DNA probably concentrated
by ethanol precipitation.
In a plasmid preparation it is always
necessary to separate the plasmid DNA from
the large amount of bacterial chromosomal
DNA that is also present in the cells.


Methods for removal of bacterial DNA during plasmid purification

Separation on the basis of size
Separation on the basis of conformation
Alkaline denaturation
Ethidium bromidecaesium chloride density gradient
Separation on the basis of size
Cells are lysed under carefully controlled conditions, only a minimal

amount of chromosomal DNA breakage occurs.

The bacterial chromosome is physically attached to the cell envelope,
so fragments of the chromosome sediment with the cell debris if these
attachments are not broken.
The resulting DNA fragments which are larger than the plasmids and
can be removed with the cell debris by centrifugation.

Cell disruptions are carried out very gently to prevent wholesale

breakage of the bacterial DNA.

Treatment with EDTA and lysozyme is carried out in the presence
of sucrose, which results in Sphaeroplast formation, (cells with
partially degraded cell walls that retain an intact cytoplasmic
Cell lysis is induced by adding a non-ionic detergent such as Triton
X-100 (ionic detergents, such as SDS, cause chromosomal
This method causes very little breakage of the bacterial DNA, so
centrifugation leaves a cleared lysate, consisting almost entirely of
plasmid DNA.



Preparation of a cleared lysate.

Separation on the basis of conformation

Two conformations of circular double-stranded DNA:

(a) supercoiled-both strands are intact; (b) open-circular, strands are nicked.


Gel picture showing two conformations of plasmid DNA

Most plasmids exist in the cell as supercoiled molecules.

Supercoiling occurs because the double helix of the plasmid DNA is

partially unwound during the plasmid replication process by

enzymes called topoisomerases.
The supercoiled conformation can be maintained only if both

polynucleotide strands are intact, hence the more technical name of

covalently closed circular(ccc) DNA.
If one of the polynucleotide strands is broken the double helix

reverts to its normal relaxed state, and the plasmid takes on the
alternative conformation, called open-circular (oc)


Alkaline denaturation
The basis of this technique is that there is a narrow pH range

at which non-supercoiled DNA is denatured, whereas

supercoiled plasmids are not.
If sodium hydroxide is added to a cell extract or cleared
lysate, so that the pH is adjusted to 12.012.5, then the
hydrogen bonding in non-supercoiled DNA molecules is
broken, causing the double helix to unwind and the two
polynucleotide chains to separate.


Plasmid purification by the alkaline denaturation


If acid is now added, these denatured bacterial DNA

strands reaggregate into a tangled mass.

The insoluble network can be pelleted by centrifugation,
leaving plasmid DNA in the supernatant.
An additional advantage of this procedure is that, under
some circumstances (specifically cell lysis by SDS and
neutralization with sodium acetate), most of the protein
and RNA also becomes insoluble and can be removed by
the centrifugation step.
Further purification by organic extraction or column
chromatography may therefore not be needed if the
alkaline denaturation method is used.

Ethidium bromidecaesium chloride density gradient

Density gradient is produced by centrifuging a solution of caesium

chloride (CsCl) at a very high speed.

Macromolecules present in the CsCl solution form bands at

distinct points in the gradient when it is centrifuged.

Band formation depends on the buoyant density of the molecules:

DNA has a buoyant density of about 1.70 g/cm3, and therefore

migrates to the point in the gradient where the CsCl density is also
1.70 g/cm3.


Protein molecules have much lower buoyant densities, and so

float at the top of the tube, whereas RNA forms a pellet at the
Density gradient centrifugation can therefore separate DNA,
RNA, and protein and is an alternative to organic extraction or
column chromatography for DNA purification.

Caesium chloride density gradient centrifugation. (a) A CsCl density

gradient produced by high speed centrifugation. (b) Separation of
protein, DNA, and RNA in a density gradient.

Density gradient centrifugation in the presence of ethidium

bromide (EtBr) can be used to separate supercoiled DNA from

non-supercoiled molecules.
Ethidium bromide binds to DNA molecules by intercalating between

adjacent base pairs, causing partial unwinding of the double helix.

This unwinding results in a decrease in the buoyant density, by as

much as 0.125 g/cm3 for linear DNA.

However, supercoiled DNA, with no free ends, has very little

freedom to unwind, and can only bind a limited amount of EtBr. The
decrease in buoyant density of a supercoiled molecule is much less,
only about 0.085 g/cm3.
The supercoiled molecules form a band in an EtBrCsCl gradient at

a different position to linear and open-circular DNA.


After centrifuation, plasmids band at a distinct point, separated

from the linear bacterial DNA, with the protein floating on the
top of the gradient and RNA pelleted at the bottom.
The position of the DNA bands can be seen by shining

ultraviolet radiation on the tube, which causes the bound EtBr

to fluoresce.
The pure plasmid DNA is removed by puncturing the side of

the tube and withdrawing a sample with a syringe.

The EtBr bound to the plasmid DNA is extracted with n-butanol

and the CsCl removed by dialysis.

The resulting plasmid preparation is virtually 100% pure and

ready for use as a cloning vector.


Purification of plasmid DNA by EtBrCsCl density gradient centrifugation


Preparation of bacteriophage DNA

Bacteriophage particles can be obtained in large numbers from

the extracellular medium of an infected bacterial culture.

After centrifugation, the bacteria are pelleted, leaving the
phage particles in suspension
The phage particles are then collected from the suspension and
their DNA extracted by a single deproteinization step to
remove the phage capsid.


Preparation of a phage suspension from an

infected culture of bacteria.

Phage titer: the number of phage particles per ml of culture

The maximum titer that can be expected for is 1010 per ml;

and1010 particles will yield only 500 ng of DNA.

Large culture volumes, in the range of 5001000 ml, are
therefore needed if substantial quantities of DNA are to be
Growth of cultures to obtain a high titer
The naturally occurring phage is lysogenic. To get a high
yield of extracellular , the culture must be induced, so that all
the bacteria enter the lytic phase of the infection cycle,
resulting in cell death and release of particles into the

Preparation of non-lysogenic phages

Cloning vectors derived from are modified, by deletions of

the cI and other genes, so that lysogeny never occurs.

These phages cannot integrate into the bacterial genome and
can infect cells only by a lytic cycle.


Achieving the right balance between culture age and inoculum

size when preparing a sample of a non-lysogenic phage.

Collection of phages from an infected culture

Phage particles are so small that they are pelleted only by very

high speed centrifugation.

Collection of phages is therefore usually achieved by
precipitation with polyethylene glycol (PEG).
This is a long-chain polymeric compound which, in the
presence of salt, absorbs water, thereby causing
macromolecular assemblies such as phage particles to
The precipitate can then be collected by centrifugation, and
redissolved in a suitably small volume


PEG precipitation.

Purification of DNA from phage particles

PEG precipitate also contains a certain amount of bacterial

debris, possibly including unwanted cellular DNA.

Can be separated by CsCl density gradient centrifugation.
The phage particles band in a CsCl gradient at 1.451.50
g/cm3 and can be withdrawn from the gradient
Removal of CsCl by dialysis leaves a pure phage preparation
from which the DNA can be extracted by either phenol or
protease treatment to digest the phage protein coat.



Manipulation of Purified
a recombinant molecule, the vector,

as well as the
DNA to be cloned, must be cut at specific points and then joined
together in a controlled manner.
The cutting and joining manipulations that underlie gene cloning
are carried out by enzymes called restriction endonucleases (for
cutting) and ligases (for joining).


Restriction endonucleases
Each enzyme has a specific recognition sequence at which

it cuts a DNA molecule.


Blunt ends and sticky ends


Performing a restriction digest in the


Most restriction endonucleases function adequately at pH 7.4,

but different enzymes vary in their requirements for ionic
strength (NaCl)) and magnesium (Mg2+) concentration


1 unit of enzyme is defined as the quantity needed to cut 1 g

of DNA in 1 hour.
Incubation : 37C for 1hour
After restriction digestion the enzyme must be destroyed so

that it does not accidentally digest other DNA molecules that

may be added at a later stage.
There are several ways of killing the enzyme.
Short incubation at 70C is sufficient for many enzymes, for

others phenol extraction or the addition of ethylenediamine

tetraacetate (EDTA), which binds Mg2+ ions preventing
restriction endonuclease action, is used.


Analyzing the result of restriction endonuclease

A way of determining the number and sizes of the fragments

is needed if restriction endonucleases are to be of use in gene

Whether or not a DNA molecule is cut at all can be
determined fairly easily by testing the viscosity of the
Larger DNA molecules result in a more viscous solution than
smaller ones, so cleavage is associated with a decrease in


Separation of molecules by gel electrophoresis

Gel, which is usually made of agarose, polyacrylamide, or a mixture

of the two, comprises a complex network of pores, through which

the DNA molecules must travel to reach the positive electrode.
The smaller the DNA molecule, the faster it can migrate through the
Gel electrophoresis therefore separates DNA molecules according to
their size.
Visualizing DNA molecules in an agarose gel
DNA can be visualized by staining with Ethidium bromide (EtBr).
DNA stained with EtBr cannot be used for cloning reaction.
So the fraction of DNA to be cloned is first identified by EtBr
staining, and the corresponding DNA fragment present in the
unstained gel is excised out from the gel and used for cloning

Using a restriction map to work out which restriction endonucleases should be used to obtain
DNA fragments containing individual genes.


Ligation joining DNA molecules

The final step in construction of a recombinant DNA

molecule is the joining together of the vector molecule and

the DNA to be cloned.
This process is referred to as ligation, and the enzyme that
catalyzes the reaction is called DNA ligase.



The different joining reactions catalysed by DNA ligase: (a) ligation

of blunt-ended molecules; (b) ligation of sticky-ended molecules.


Sticky ends increase the efficiency of ligation

Ligation of complementary sticky ends is much more efficient.
This is because compatible sticky ends can base pair with one

another by hydrogen bonding forming a relatively stable

structure for the enzyme to work on.
Ligase is unable to catch hold of the blunt end molecule to be

ligated, and has to wait for chance associations to bring the

ends together.
If possible, blunt end ligation should be performed at high

DNA concentrations, to increase the chances of the ends of the

molecules coming together in the correct way.

Putting sticky ends onto a blunt-ended molecule

Sticky ends can be provided by digesting both the vector and

the DNA to be cloned with the same restriction endonuclease,

or with different enzymes that produce the same sticky end,
but it is not always possible to do this.

A possible problem with the use of linkers.

Linkers : (a) the structure of a typical linker; (b) the

45 attachment of linkers to a blunt-ended molecule.


Adaptors and the potential problem with their use.

(a) A typical adaptor. (b) Two adaptors could
ligate to one another to produce a molecule similar
to a linker, so that (c) after ligation of adaptors a
blunt-ended molecule is still blunt-ended and the
restriction step is still needed.

The use of adaptors: (a) the actual structure of an

adaptor, showing the modified 5-OH terminus;
(b) conversion of blunt ends to sticky ends
through the attachment of adaptors.

Producing sticky ends by homopolymer tailing


Introduction of DNA into Living Cells

The next step in a gene cloning experiment is to introduce

these molecules into living cells, usually bacteria, which then

grow and divide to produce clones

Cloning can supply large amounts of recombinant DNA.



From a mixture of different molecules, clones containing copies

of just one molecule can be obtained.

Transformation-the uptake of DNA by bacterial cells

Most species of bacteria, including E. coli, take up only

limited amounts of DNA under normal circumstances.

In order to transform these species efficiently, the bacteria
have to undergo some form of physical and/or chemical
treatment that enhances their ability to take up DNA.
Cells that have undergone this treatment are said to be


Preparation of competent cells

A solution of 50 mM calcium chloride (CaCl2) is commonly used,

although other salt like rubidium chloride, is also effective.

Exactly why this treatment works is not understood. Possibly CaCl2
causes the DNA to precipitate onto the outside of the cells, or perhaps
the salt is responsible for some kind of change in the cell wall that
improves DNA binding.
In any case, soaking in CaCl2 affects only DNA binding, and not the
actual uptake into the cell.
When DNA is added to treated cells, it remains attached to the cell
exterior, and is not at this stage transported into the cytoplasm.
The actual movement of DNA into competent cells is stimulated by
briefly raising the temperature to 42C. Once again, the exact reason
why this heat shock is effective is not understood.

Selection for transformed cells

Most plasmid cloning vectors carry at least one gene that

confers antibiotic resistance on the host cells, with

selection of transformants being achieved by plating onto
an agar medium that contains the relevant antibiotic.


Identification of recombinants
Insertional inactivation
With most cloning vectors, insertion of a DNA fragment into
the plasmid destroys the integrity of one of the genes present on
the molecule.
Recombinants can therefore be identified because the
characteristic coded by the inactivated gene is no longer
displayed by the host cells
Recombinant selection with pBR322-insertional inactivation
of an antibiotic resistance gene



Screening for pBR322 recombinants by insertional inactivation of

the tetracycline resistance gene.

Insertion inactivation of lacZ gene

An example is pUC8 which carries the ampicillin resistance

gene and a gene called lacZ, which codes for part of the
enzyme -galactosidase.
Cloning with pUC8 involves insertional inactivation of the
lacZ gene, with recombinants identified because of their
inability to synthesize -galactosidase


Bacterial strains used as host for cloning have a modified lacZ gene,

one that lacks the segment referred to as lacZ and coding for the peptide portion of -galactosidase
These mutants can synthesize the enzyme only when they harbor a

plasmid, such as pUC8, that carries the missing lacZ segment of the
For screenig for recombinants, rather than assay for lactose being split

to glucose and galactose, a lactose analog called X-gal (5-bromo-4chloro-3-indolyl- -D-galactopyranoside) which is broken down by bgalactosidase to a product that is colored deep blue.
X-gal (plus an inducer of the enzyme such as isopropylthiogalactoside,

IPTG) is added to the agar, along with ampicillin, then nonrecombinant colonies, the cells of which synthesize -galactosidase,
will be colored blue, whereas recombinants with a disrupted lacZ gene
and unable to make -galactosidase, will be white.

Insertional inactivation of the lacZ gene carried by pUC8. (a) The

bacterial and plasmid genes complement each other to produce a
functional -galactosidase molecule. (b) Recombinants are screened
by plating onto agar containing X-gal and IPTG.

Introduction of phage DNA into bacterial cells

There are two different methods by which a recombinant
DNA - phage vector can be introduced into a bacterial cell:
transfection and in vitro packaging
Transfection is equivalent to transformation, the only
difference being that phage DNA rather than a plasmid is
Just as with a plasmid, the purified phage DNA, or
recombinant phage molecule, is mixed with competent E.
coli cells and DNA uptake induced by heat shock.


In vitro packaging of cloning vectors

Packaging requires a number of different proteins coded by the

genome, but these can be prepared at a high concentration

from cells infected with defective e phage strains.

Two different systems are in use:
With the single strain system, the defective phage carries a
mutation in the cos sites, so that these are not recognized by the
endonuclease that normally cleaves the catenanes during
phage replication.
This means that the defective phage cannot replicate, though it
does direct synthesis of all the proteins needed for packaging.
The proteins accumulate in the bacterium and can be purified
from cultures of E. coli infected with the mutated .
The protein preparation is then used for in vitro packaging of
recombinant molecules



Phage infection is visualized as plaques


Identification of recombinant phages

Insertional inactivation of a lacZ gene carried by the phage

Recombinants are plated onto X-gal agar: plaques comprising
normal phages are blue; recombinant plaques are clear
Insertional inactivation of the cI gene
Normal plaques appear turbid, whereas recombinants with a
disrupted cI gene are clear
Selection using the Spi phenotype
Some cloning vectors are designed so that insertion of new
DNA causes a change from Spi+ to Spi-, enabling the
recombinants to infect cells that carry P2 prophages.


Selection on the basis of genome size

The packaging system, which assembles the mature

phage particles, can only insert DNA molecules of between

37 and 52 kb into the head structure.
Anything less than 37 kb is not packaged.
Many vectors have been constructed by deleting large
segments of the DNA molecule and so are less than 37
kb in length. These can only be packaged into mature
phage particles after extra DNA has been inserted, bringing
the total genome size up to 37 kb or more
Therefore, with these vectors only recombinant phages are
able to replicate.


Strategies for the selection of recombinant phage.

How to Obtain a Clone of a Specific Gene


Production of Protein from Cloned

Vectors for expression of foreign genes in E. coli
Expression of recombinant protein is dependent on the gene
being surrounded by a collection of signals.
The promoter, which marks the point at which transcription
of the gene should start. In E. coli, the promoter is recognized
the transcribing enzyme RNA polymerase.
The terminator, which marks the point at the end of the gene
where transcription should stop.
The ribosome binding site, a short nucleotide sequence
recognized by the ribosome



Two basic strategies for obtaining the desired clone:

Direct selection for the desired gene, which means that the cloning
experiment is designed in such a way that the only clones that are
obtained are clones of the required gene. Selection occurs at the
plating-out stage.
Identification of the clone from a gene library, which entails an
initial shotgun cloning experiment, to produce a clone library
representing all or most of the genes present in the cell, followed by
analysis of the individual clones to identify the correct one.



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