Quantum Physics

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Quantum Physics

a discretepacket {or quantum} of

energyof anelectromagnetic radiation/wave.
Energy of a photon,E = h f = hc /
where h: Planck's constant
violet 4 x 10-7m, red 7 x 10-7m


electromagnetic radiation,

P = Rate of incidence of photon x Energy of a photon

= (N/t)(hc/)


effectrefers to theemission of
electronsfrom a coldmetal
radiationofsufficiently high frequencyfalls on it.

4 Major Observations:

electrons are emitted if the frequency of the light is below a

minimum frequency {called thethreshold frequency},
regardless of the intensity of light
Rate of electron emission {ie photoelectric current} is proportional
to the light intensity.
{Emitted electrons have a range of kinetic energy,ranging from
zero to a certain maximum value. Increasing the freq increases
the kinetic energies of the emitted electrons and in particular,
increases the maximum kinetic energy.}Thismaximumkinetic
energy depends only on the frequency and the metal used
{}; the intensity has no effect on the kinetic energy of
the electrons.
Emission of electrons beginsinstantaneously{i.e. no time lag
between emission & illumination} even if the intensity is very low.
NB: (1), (3) & (4) cannot be explained by Wave Theory of Light;
instead they provide evidence for the particulate/particle nature of
electromagnetic radiation.

Explanation for how photoelectric effect

provides evidence for the particulate
nature of em radiation:

the observations (1), (3) &

(4).Useany 2observations above to
describe how they provide evidence that em
radiation has a particle nature.}
According to the Particle Theory of Light, em
radiation consists of a stream of
particles/photons/discrete energy packets,each of
energy hf. Also,no more than one electron can
absorb the energy of one photon.
Thus if the energy of a photon hf < the minimum
energy required for emission (), no emission can
take place no matter how intense the light may be.
{Explains observation (1)}


also explains why,{even at very low

intensities}, as long as hf > , emission
takes place without a time delay between
illumination of the metal & ejection of
electrons{Explains observation (4)}.
Threshold frequencyis
theminimumfrequency of the em radiation
required to eject an electron from a metal
surface. {This is because the electrons are
held back by the attractive forces of the
positive nuclei in the metal.}
Work functionof a metal is
theminimumenergy required
to eject an
f0 = threshold
electron from a metal surface
= h f0 = hc/0

0 = threshold




onlyintensitydoubles, thesaturation
currentdoubles (Vs: no change)
If onlyfrequencyincreases,magnitude of
Vsalso increases, thus no change to
saturation current.


rate of emission of electrons << rate

of incidence of photons {for f>f0}:
Not every photon would collide with an
electron;most are reflected by the metal or
miss hitting any electron.
On the way out to the metal surface, an electron
may lose its kinetic energy to ions and other
electrons it encounters along the way. This energy
loss prevents it from overcoming the work function.

eV = (1.6 x 10-19C)x (1V) = 1.6 x 10-19J

= QV}

1 nanometre (nm) = 1 x 10-9m

Photoelectric equation:
Energy of photon = Work function (energy)
+Max.KE of electrons
hf = + mev2max

{Using W

Wave-Particle Duality Concept


to the idea thatlight and

matter{such as electrons} have both
wave & particle properties.
The wavelength of an object is given by
= h/p{p: momentum of the particle.}
evidence for the wave nature of E.M.
Photoelectric effect provides evidence for
theparticulate natureof E.M. radiation.
These evidences led to the concept of
thewave-particle duality of light.


evidence thatmatter/ particles
have also a wave nature & thus,
have a dual nature.
de Broglie wavelengthof a
particle {matter waves}, =

Levels of Isolated

Arediscrete{i.e. can only have certain
energy values.}
Difference between successive energy

Explain how existence of electron

energy levels in atoms gives rise to
line spectra:


levels are discrete.

During a downward transition, a
photon is emitted.
Freq of photon f = (Ei- Ef) / h
Since Ei& Efcan only have
discrete values, the freq are also
discrete and so a line {rather than
a continuous} spectrum is
produced. {No need to mention
role of spectrometer}

2 common ways to cause Excitation of an



bombarded by an
incidentelectronwhereKE of
incident electron > E
i.e. ( meu2)before collision= E + (
mev2)after collision


an incidentphotonof
frequency f wherehf must = E


line spectrum:A
series of discrete/separate bright
lines on a dark background,
produced by electron transitions
within an atom from higher to
lower energy levels and emitting
An excited atom during a
downward transition emits a
photon of frequency f, such that
Ei- Ef= hf


line spectrum:A
continuous bright spectrum
crossed by dark lines. It is
produced when white light
passes through acoolgas.
Atoms/electrons of the cool gas
absorb photons of certain
frequencies and get excited to
higher energy levels which are
then quicklyre-emitted in all

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