Literacy and Readability Rallos
Literacy and Readability Rallos
Literacy and Readability Rallos
Flesch Formula
The Flesch formula is based on a
count of two basic language
elements: average sentence length
in words and average word length
measured as syllables per word in
selected samples.
Flesch formula is to measure
readability of materials between
grade five and college level.
Fog Index
This formula is appropriate for the
readability of materials from fourth
grade to college level.
It is calculated based on average
sentence length and the percentage
of syllables in words in a 100 word
SMOG formula
Used extensively to judge level
readability of patient education materials.
It has simple directions and can measure
the reading grade level of materials that
contain as few as 10 sentences.
SMOG measures readability from grade
four to college level. Smog formula is
recommended cause it is one of the most
valid test of readability