Cross-Cultural Communication in Health Care
Cross-Cultural Communication in Health Care
Cross-Cultural Communication in Health Care
in Health Care
Definition of cross-cultural communication
Advantage of establishing good cross-cultural co
Factors contribute to
cross-cultural communication gap
Lack of control by the patients
Differing modes of discourse
Dominance of the biomedical model
What factors contribute
Lack of shared knowledge and understanding
communication gap between health
Cultural gap and cross-cultural communication
and patients from different
cultural background?
(Cass et al., 2002)
Cross-cultural communication:
Strategy to improve
Train staff in intercultural communication; communi
cation skills.
Train interpreters to prepare them for work with hea
lthcare workers.
strategy to improve the quality
Provide adequate time visits.
Develop educational resources to facilitate a shared
care?processes and treat
of physiological
ment options.
Promote strategies to monitor the effectiveness of c
(Cass et al., 2002)
(Tionghoa: ;pinyin:gu sh)
dical care?
Who gives permission to go to seek medical care?
Is there any major gender issues in decision making?
Ask patients about whom they want to be included i
n their medical decisions.
Do patients consider their family as the main emotio
nal support?
Do we need to involve the family in managing medic
al news?
Cass, A., Lowell, A., Christie, M., Snelling, P. L., Flack, M., Marrnganyin, B., & Bro
wn, I. (2002). Sharing the true stories: improving communication between Abo
riginal patients and healthcare workers. Medical Journal of Australia, 176(10), 4
Detmar, S. B., Muller, M. J., Schornagel, J. H., Wever, L. D., & Aaronson, N. K. (20
02). Health-related quality-of-life assessments and patient-physician communi
cation: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 288(23), 3027-3034.
Green, A. R., NgoMetzger, Q., Legedza, A. T., Massagli, M. P., Phillips, R. S., & Ie
zzoni, L. I. (2005). Interpreter services, language concordance, and health care
quality. Journal of general internal medicine , 20(11), 1050-1056.
Jacobs, E. A., Lauderdale, D. S., Meltzer, D., Shorey, J. M., Levinson, W., & Thiste
d, R. A. (2001). Impact of Interpreter Services on Delivery of Health Care to Lim
itedEnglishproficient Patients. Journal of General Internal Medicine , 16(7), 46
Schouten, B. C., & Meeuwesen, L. (2006). Cultural differences in medical comm
unication: a review of the literature. Patient education and counseling, 64(1), 2