The Structure of The Atom 5. Electrons in Atoms

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The Structure of the Atom

5. Electrons in Atoms
4.1 Early Theories of 5.1 Light and Quantized
Matter Energy
4.2 Subatomic Particles
and the Nuclear atom
4.3 How Atoms
4.4 Unstable Nuclei and
Radioactive Decay

Lorena Ma. Wheelock Gtz.

4.1 Early Theories of Matter
The Philosophers
Many philosophers formulate explanations based on their own
life experiences. Many of
them concluded that matter was composed of things such as earth,
water, air and fire.
Democritus (460-370 B.C.) he was the
first person to propose the idea that matter was
made up tiny individual particles. He believe
that an atom couldn’t be created, destroyed or
further divided. His ideas were amazing ahead
for his time. Aristotle rejected the atomic
“theory” entirely because it didn’t agree with
his own ideas.
Characteristics of primates
Complex and brain behaviors: primates tend to have large
brains in relation to their body size.

Reproductive rate: most primates have fewer offspring than

other animals, usually the give birth to one offspring at the time.
Primate Groups
Have diverse group of more than 200 living species. Most
primates are arboreal.

Strepsirrhines Primates Haplorhines

or “wet nosed” primate, are Include the anthropoids, or human
New World
considered the earliest most like primates, as well as a unique
basic primate. primate called tarsier (Borneo &
60 species the Philippines)
(arboreal Apes
Tropical Africa and Asia monkeys)
Old World Tesser Great
Mexico, Monkeys Apes Apes
Central and
South America 80 species
Asia, Spain,
Gibraltar, &
Primate Evolution
Arboreal Adaptation: some scientists suggest that primates
evolved form ground-dwelling animals. Others suggest that the rise
flowering provide a new niche opportunities, and that arboreal
adaptations allowed primates to take advantage of the fruits and
flowers of the trees.

Primate Ancestors: genetic data says that the firsts primates

probably lived about 80 mya. One of the earliest primate fossil is the
Altiatlasius. The earliest primate ancestor might look like a tree
Diverging Primates: by the end of the Eocene, 30-35 mya, the
anthropoids have diverged and spread widely.
Displacement: the anthropoids at the Eocene time were larger
and had bigger brains than the strepsirrhines, so the anthropoids might
have a autocompeted some strepsirrhines for resource.
Primate Evolution
Monkeys: at the end of the Eocene, monkeys appeared, there
were the New and Old World Monkeys, both with different
Journey to South America: some scientist said that New World
How evolved
Monkeys did the fromNew World
ancestral Monkeys
anthropoids that somehowarrived
drifted to
to South
South America. America,
Others said thatwhen
New WorldAfrica
Monkeys and
diverged from the anthropoid linage and made a journey millions of
years arewhen
(mya) earlier separated into
the sea levels wheretwo
and the continents

Aegyptopithecus: is one of the larges anthropoids, often called

“Dawn Ape”.
16.2 Hominoids to
Include all monkey anthropoids – the living and extinct
gibbons, orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas and humans. These
hominoids retained some ancestral primate gestures. Most had bodies
adapted for branchiation.

Proconsul is the best-known hominoid fossil, and some of the

oldest are those from the genus.
Was an early small-brained hominoid that might have been a
human ancestor.
The lineage that most likely led to human split off form the
other African apes sometime between 8 and 5 mya. The hominids
include humans and all their extinct relative. Hominids are bipedal,
they can walk upright on two legs.
Hominids fossil: the bipedalism evolved before many other
hominid traits. The earliest hominid that was trully bipedal was the
australopithecine (the most completed australopithecine's skeleton
found is named Lucy, it was discovered in 1974 in Kenya.)


Hominids evolution: within the last 30 years, scientist have

discovered many more early hominids fossils that help to determine
their evolution.
16.3 Human Ancestry
The Genus Homo
Between 3 or more mya the genus Homo first appeared and
although the fossil record is lacking fossils, many scientists infer that
they evolved form an ancestor of the australopithecines.

Homo species had bigger brains, as they evolved they

developed language and culture.
The Genus Homo
Homo habilis: the first undisputed member of the genus Homo
for witch fossils exist is Homo habilis, called “handy man”, because
of its association with primitive stones tools. Lived in Africa between
about 2.4 and 1.4 mya. Other Homo species might have coexisted
with H. habilis, among them species called Homo rudolfensis.

Homo habilis

Homo rudolfensis
The Genus Homo
Homo ergaster: after 500.000 year from the appearance of the
H. habilis, the Homo ergaster emerged with a larger brain, was taller
and lighter than H. habilis, and had longer legs and shorter arms. Its
brain averaged 1000 cm3, and scientists believe that he had the first
human like nose. He was a scavenger and a hunter, both activities
made H. ergaster migrate.
The Genus Homo
Homo erectus: after 400.000 years from the appearance of H.
ergaster and after his migration out of Africa. H. erectus was larger,
with a bigger brain and had teeth that were more human like. It was as
tall as a H. sapiens. Evidences indicate that he made sophisticated
tools, used fire, and sometimes lived in caves.
The Genus Homo
Homo florensiensis: “The Hobbit”, was only 1 m. tall when
full grown, remained on Earth until 12.000 years ago. His skull in
comparison with the human one might predict about evolutionary
relationship between H. florensiensis and H. sapiens.

Homo heidelbergensis: in his

fossil it has been found with a mixture
of H. ergaster and H. sapiens. He had a
larger brains and thinner bones than H.
ergaster, but he still had browridges.
The Genus Homo
Homo neanderthalensis: evolved exclusively in Europe and
Asia about 200.000 years ago. Evidence of heavy musculature appears
in the extremely large muscle attachments and the bowing of the long
bones. The reason why they went extinct are unknown.
Human Ancestry
Emergence of the Modern Humans: H. Sapiens made chipped
hand axes and other sophisticated stone tools. They appear to have
had the ability to use a range of resources and the environments, and
at some point the began migrating out of Africa.

Out-of-Africa hypothesis: most scientists

explain the global dominance of modern humans
with the African Replacement model. According
to this hypothesis modern humans evolved only
once, in Africa, and they migrated to all parts of
the world.
Human Ancestry
The beginning of a culture: many cultural expressions marked
the appearance of fully modern humans, or H. sapiens sapiens. Some
people call them Cro-Magnons, and they represent the beginning of
historic hunter-gathered.

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