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I So Immunization

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Rh Alloimmunization (Isoimmunization)

[email protected]

Rh IsoImmunization:

Define Rh Isoimmunization and determine its incidence.

Describe the indications, timing and benefits for immunoglobulin

When a pregnant woman develops antibodies to foreign
RBCs of her current or previous fetus. A significant
sensitization requires two exposures to the Rh antigen,
unless the first one was strong enough.

1- Undetected placental leak
2- Grandmother theory.

o The most antigen involved

is the big D
o We detect the antibodies
in the mommys
circulation by the indirect
Coombs test.

The initial response to exposure to Rh antigen is the
production of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies for a short
period of time, followed by the production of IgG antibodies
that are capable of crossing the placenta. If the fetus has the
Rh antigen, these antibodies will coat the fetal red blood cells

- Although transplacental hemorrhage is very common, the
incidence of Rh immunization within 6 months of the delivery of the
first Rh-positive, ABO-compatible infant is only about 8%. In
addition, the incidence of sensitization with the development of a
secondary immune response before the next Rh-positive pregnancy
is 8%. The risk for Rh sensitization following an ABO-incompatible,
Rh-positive pregnancy is only about 2%.
- The incidence of immunization following spontaneous abortion is
3.5%, whereas that following induced abortion is 5.5%.
- The risk for immunization following ectopic pregnancy is about 1%.

Risk Factors, Protective factors, and

Risk factors:


Whenever the fetal cells

enter the maternal
circulation (feto-maternal
hemorrhage) or if she is
transfused with
mismatched blood.

1- Mother must be antigen

2- Baby must be antigen positive.
(So father is +).
3- Adequate fetal RBCs must
cross over into the maternal
4- Antibodies must be associated
with Hemolytic disease of the
newborn (Erythroblastosis fetalis)
5- A significant titer of maternal
antibodies must be present to
cross over the fetus. (>1:16)

e factors:

Detecting Fetomaternal/Transplacental
The Kleihauer-Betke test is dependent on the fact that
adult hemoglobin is more readily eluted through the cell
membrane in the presence of acid than is fetal
hemoglobin (HbF).
# of fetal cells counted/# of
maternal cells counted =
Estimated fetal blood volume
(mL)/ Estimated maternal blood
volume (mL)

Techniques to Evaluate Fetal

Rh Status:
*Both the placenta and the fetal

- Amniocentesis
- Free fetal DNA in maternal
- U/S (we may see hydrops*)
- MCA doppler (most valuable
to detect fetal anemia)
- Amniotic fluid
spectrophotometry (best to
estimate fetal bilirubin
- Liley chart or modified Liley
chart (Queenan chart)
- Percutaneous umbilical blood
sampling (PUBS) we can
measure fetal Hb, Hct, blood
gases, pH, and bilirubin

liver are enlarged with hydrops.

Fetal hydrops is easily
diagnosed by the characteristic
appearance of one or more of
the following: ascites, pleural
effusion, pericardial effusion, or
skin edema.
**There is an excellent
correlation between the amount
of biliary pigment in the
fluid andofthe fetal
The incidence
beginning at 27
weeks gestation.
hemorrhage with
amnicentesis 8.411% per procedure.
The incidence of
hemorrhage with PUBS
as high as 40%.

Queenan Chart:

Management Plan/Approach:
Determine if
there is fetal

Assess the
degree of
fetal anemia
(if fetus Rh+)


Intervene in

How to Manage the Baby?

- Intrauterine transfusion (fresh O Rh- blood and packed
RBCs, repeat transfusions are scheduled at 1 to 3 week
intervals, last transfusion should be between 32 and
34 weeks).
- Intraperitoneal transfusion* (RBCs are absorbed via the
diaphragmatic lymphatics, Nonhydroptic fetuses
absorption should occur in 7 to 9 days, in hydroptic
ones its variable)
- Maternal Plasmapheresis
- Phenobarbital (Has been shown to induce fetal liver
enzyme activity
maturation, this is used 2-3 weeks
for intraperitoneal
before delivery)
Volume = [GA (wks) 20] x10

Timing of delivery:

Fetuses are evaluated at least twice weekly from 24 to 28 weeks for

fetal well-being (NST, modified biophysical profile) and fetal growth.
While the goal is a term neonate, the risks for intrauterine demise,
including that from procedure-related losses, must be balanced against
the risks for prematurity. There is no absolute gestational age cutoff for
intrauterine transfusion, but after 34 weeks, the risk for an intrauterine
loss in this setting may be greater than the risk for a neonatal death,
and it may be prudent to deliver the fetus.

If delivery is expected to occur before 34 weeks gestation (or if

amniocentesis suggests an immature lung profile), betamethasone
should be given at least 48 hours before delivery to enhance fetal


During an uncomplicated pregnancy, the Rh-negative woman whose

initial antibody screen is negative should have a repeat antibody titer at
28 weeks gestation. If the antibody screen is still negative, she should
routinely receive an intramuscular injection of 300 g of RhoGAM

RhO-GAM should also be administered during the antepartum

period at any gestational age to an Rh- negative unsensitized
(anti-Dnegative) woman at the time of spontaneous or
induced abortion, treatment of an ectopic pregnancy,
significant vaginal bleeding, performance of an amniocentesis,
abdominal trauma, or external cephalic version. Before 12
weeks of gestation, 50 to 100 g of RhO-GAM should
be sufficient to prevent isoimmunization.
RhO-GAM is probably not necessary following termination of a
complete molar pregnancy. A partial molar pregnancy

Irregular Antibodies:
- Kell Antibodies can elicit a strong IgG reaction
similar to Rh isoimmunization.
- In Kell isoimmunization, the anemia is due to more
of suppression of hematopoiesis rather than
- The predictor of anemia in this case is still the MCA
PSV. (Like in Rh)

Teaching Case:
CASE: A 32 year-old P1101 woman and her new husband present for
prenatal care at 20 weeks gestation. Her past obstetric
history is significant for a first child delivered at term following an
abruption. Her second child died of complications of prematurity following
in utero transfusions for Rh alloimmunization. Her initial prenatal labs this
pregnancy indicate her blood type as A negative and an antibody screen
positive for anti-D with a titer of 1:256. You discuss any additional
evaluation needed, her risks in this pregnancy, and the plan of
management with her and her husband.

What is Rh alloimmunization and what are the red cell

antigens involved?
Occurs when any fetal blood group factor (in this case the Rh antigens)
inherited from the father is not possessed by the mother. Antepartum or
intrapartum fetal-maternal bleeding may stimulate an immune reaction in
the mother
Most cases of Rh alloimmunization causing significant hemolytic disease
in the fetus or newborn are the result of D antigen incompatibility

What are the risk factors for Rh alloimmunization?

Any clinical situation that could lead to fetal-maternal
Obstetric procedure: pregnancy termination, chorionic villus
sampling, amniocentesis, external cephalic
Threatened abortion, ectopic pregnancy, abortion
Delivery of an Rh+ neonate to an Rh- mother (cesarean or
vaginal delivery)most common cause of
Multifetal gestation
Abdominal trauma
Bleeding placenta previa or abruption
Manual removal of placenta
Spontaneous fetal-maternal hemorrhage has been detected to
10% of cases of alloimmunization.

What is the mechanism for RhoGAM prophylaxis against Rh

disease? What is the dose of RhoGAM? What is the
recommended schedule for RhoGAM administration?
Exogenous IgG (Rho(D) immune globulin) suppresses the maternal
immune response through central inhibition. The Rh D IgG coated fetal
RBCs are sequestered in the maternal spleen and these antigenantibody
complexes inhibit the primary immune response (B cell transformation to
plasma cells) and antigen specific B cell proliferation.
300 micrograms of anti-D immune globulin can prevent Rh D
alloimmunization after an exposure to up to 30 mL of Rh D-positive blood
or 14 mL of fetal cells
In the U.S. for Rh-mothers, the recommended immunoprophylaxis
regimen using anti-D immunoglobulin is:
300 mcg dose at 28 week EGA
Second 300 mcg dose should be given if delivery has not occurred within
12 weeks of the initial dose
Within 72 hours after delivery of an Rh+ neonate
After first trimester pregnancy loss, threatened abortion, or elective
After invasive antepartum procedures
Following external cephalic version or trauma

Could this patients Rh alloimmunization have been

prevented? What are the ways in which alloimmunization
might be diagnosed? Is there any further blood work that
should be obtained before you counsel this patient on her
risks in this pregnancy? What are some ultrasound findings
that may suggest Rh disease?
Administration of an adequate dose of RhoGAM within approximately
72 hours prevents an active maternal antibody response to the fetal
antigens. The extent of fetal to maternal hemorrhage can be
estimated using the Kleihauer-Betke test.
Maternal antibody screen is recommended at the first prenatal visit, at
28 weeks gestation, at the time of any event in pregnancy associated
with possible fetal-maternal hemorrhage, and postpartum. Positive
antibody screens should be evaluated for strength of antibody
response (titer) and type of antibody. A critical titer that may be
associated with fetal hemolytic disease is most often between 1:16
and 1:32.
The paternal antigen status for the specific maternal antibody should
be assessed to determine if the fetus is at risk. This assessment is
accomplished by performing direct genotype testing of the father. If
paternal testing is not possible, fetal antigen assessment can be

Important notes all over the


- Fetus can compensate for mild anemia hat is caused by

hemolysis. So we only intervene if severe.
- If a woman has a previous pregnancy with fetal hydrops,
there is a 90% chance of it occurring again in the next
pregnancy (at the same time or earlier in the
- Only direct measure of fetal anemia is PUBS =
- Increasing levels of bilirubin will lead to fetal kernicterus
which leads to cerebral palsy.
- In Intrauterine transfusions, the goal is to transfuse
fresh group O, Rh- negative packed red blood cells.
- The overall survival rate following intrauterine
transfusion is about 85%.

Done By: Rheema Alfadhil

Revised by: Razan AlDhahri
- Hacker and Moores Essentials of OBGYN
- Kaplan OBGYN lecture notes
- Kaplan Video
- APGO Case

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