Control of Pelvic Hemorrhage

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Control of Pelvic Hemorrhage

Howard W. Jones III

William A. Rock Jr.

Preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative hemorrhage are
potential complications in every patient undergoing gynecologic
Preoperative hemorrhage is encountered in a variety of
circumstances, such as in women with intraperitoneal bleeding
from a ruptured tubal pregnancy or in patients taking heparin who
have intraperitoneal hemorrhage associated with ovulation.
Intraoperative hemorrhage can result from vascular injury
Postoperative bleeding is often a carryover from failure to control
bleeding during surgery that was not apparent when the abdomen
was closed because of reflex vasoconstriction or hypotension.

normal coagulation mechanism and potential
Preoperative evaluation
Surgical techniques and operations are designed to
control bleeding and avoid hemorrhage

In gynecologic patients with a history of heavy or

prolonged menstrual blood loss, it is a good idea to
check the hematocrit or hemoglobin before setting a
date for elective surgery.
iron supplementation is indicated in these women
because a good hemoglobin level and adequate iron
stores are the first step in managing perioperative
Transfusion before elective gynecologic surgery is rarely
The preoperative use of epoetin alfa (recombinant
erythropoietin) for correction of preoperative anemia
has been used successfully in orthopedics. Its

Concepts of Normal Coagulation

mechanisms of normal hemostasis
Bleeding during gynecologic surgery usually results from cutting
or lacerating small or large vessels, but occasionally it may result
from or be complicated by some preexisting or intraoperative
defect in the clotting mechanism.
The surgeon should be able to recognize when normal
hemostasis is interdicted so that available remedies to protect
against or remedy excessive bleeding can be found. Hemostasis
is a complex, intricate, integrated, complementary, and
countervailing system that maintains a delicate balance between
normal coagulation and hypocoagulation or hypercoagulation.

Concepts of Normal Coagulation

Unusual clinical situations can arise that require
hematologic consultation for resolution. A specialist in
coagulation disorders can provide invaluable assistance
in the diagnosis and treatment of many rare disorders of
The following is a discussion of the principles and
concepts of normal hemostasis, abnormal hemostasis
(congenital and acquired), and management techniques.
Effective hemostasis is the result of all aspects of the
coagulation system functioning together to stop bleeding.

Concepts of Normal Coagulation

Coagulation is the working interrelation of five aspects of a complex
biochemical and vascular system that causes the formation and
dissolution of the fibrin platelet plug.
These five components are
(a) vasculature
(b) platelets
(c) plasma clotting proteins
(d) fibrinolysis and clot inhibition
(e) the hypercoagulable response.
How these five components interrelate in the normal setting must be
understood before one can appreciate how the five relate to bleeding or
abnormal clotting in disease states.

The vasculature presents an endothelial-lined flexible
conduit through which red cells, white cells, platelets,
and all of the plasma proteins flow.
At the interface between the flowing blood and vessel
wall are several inhibitory biochemical systems that
prevent the generation of the plateletethrombin clot.
The antiplatelet substance prostacyclin, produced in the
vessel wall, inhibits platelet adhesion to the vessel wall.
The surface antithrombin III heparan sulfate complex
inhibits deposition of thrombin and fibrin.

A tear in the vessel wall removes the endothelial cell layer, exposing the
basement membrane, smooth muscle, collagen, and supporting
These substances are biochemical activators of platelets and have their
own thromboplastic activity, which initiates fibrin generation and
Therefore, the disruption in the vessel wall removes the protective
covering of the endothelial cells, exposing platelet clumping and clotinitiating substances that produce a plateletfibrin mass that will plug
the tear in the vessel wall.
A disease or medication that interferes with or intensifies this process
can cause bleeding or inappropriate clotting. The vessel wall is
diagrammed in Figure 19.1.

Congenital diseases associated with inadequate connective tissue
and vascular dysfunction associated with bleeding are rare.
The more frequently seen conditions are hereditary hemorrhagic
telangiectasia, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and Marfan syndrome, which
are characterized by defects in the quality of collagen.
Defective collagen is responsible for poor clot formation and platelet
activation at the injured site.
No disease is known to be associated with excessive inappropriate
clotting related to the vasculature as a structure.
The congenital diseases closest to that definition are a predisposition
to atherosclerosis owing to abnormalities in lipid metabolism, such as
hypercholesterolemia, homocystinemia, and diabetes mellitus.

Acquired diseases of the vessel associated with
bleeding include deficiencies in vitamin C; Cushing
syndrome; acute and chronic inflammatory diseases,
such as infectious vasculitis and immune vasculitis;
pyrogenic purpura; embolic purpura; and anaphylactoid
reactions from drugs.
Myeloproliferative disorders, such as multiple myeloma
and Waldenstrm macroglobulinemia, produce
abnormal proteins that interfere with vascular function
and therefore permit bleeding.

Routine laboratory assessment of vascular function is
extremely primitive.
The capillary fragility test, the only routinely available test
used to assess vascular function, has limited value.
It is sensitive to only the severest vascular structure
abnormalities. More in-depth studies include vascular
biopsies and skin window testing procedures, which are
research procedures.
There are no routinely available methods for assessing
increased vascular activity in the area of inappropriate

Platelet Function
Platelets are disk-shaped fragments of the large
multinucleated megakaryocytes released from the bone
marrow on a daily basis (normal count is 150 103/mL
to 400 103/mL) (Fig. 19.2).
Their life span is 8 to 10 days. These microscopic
fragments have a well-defined substructure that can be
directly correlated with platelet function.

Platelet Function
The surface activation of the receptor sites on the platelet causes it to
change first to a sphere and finally to a spiderlike structure, with
pseudopods in all directions.
This release reaction is the summation of biochemical and structural
changes in the platelet, which are characterized as follows: The surface
receptor sets up a biochemical chain reaction, resulting in the generation
of thromboxane A2.
This causes contraction of the protein thrombosthenin, which causes the
ejection of the platelet contents.
Of great importance are the dense granules with nonmetabolic adenosine
diphosphate (ADP).
ADP is a potent platelet-aggregating agent that, in a dominolike
sequence, stimulates more platelets, generating a large platelet plug.

Platelet Function
The congenital diseases associated with poor platelet function are divided into four
types of dysfunction:
a) adhesion to collagen,
b) adhesion to subendothelium
c) release reaction defects
d) ADP aggregation defects.
With the exception of von Willebrand disease, a defect in the adhesion to
subendothelium, all the congenital defects are rare and not essential to this
discussion. von Willebrand disease (Table 19.1) is a classically autosomal,
dominantly inherited disorder resulting from absence, decreased production, or
abnormal function of a large multimeric protein synthesized by megakaryocytes
and vascular endothelium.
This protein is responsible for the proper binding of platelets to the collagen
surface exposed in vascular trauma.

Platelet Function
Its absence results in the failure of platelets to bind
normally to disruptions in the vasculature, preventing
formation of the platelet plug necessary for normal
hemostasis. The condition remains undetected in most
patients until some form of vascular trauma occurs or
surgery is performed. In addition, such patients are
particularly sensitive to aspirin or other antiplatelet
medications and bleed excessively in surgery while
taking this kind of medication. von Willebrand disease is
the most common congenital platelet disorder and is the
disease most likely to go undetected until surgery.

Platelet Function
This disorder is particularly dangerous because, in its milder
forms, a history of bleeding in surgery is negative and the
preoperative coagulation screen is normal. Acquired defects in
platelet function are much more common and can be classified
into two groups: (a) those that are the result or consequence of
a disease, such as renal failure, myeloproliferative disorders
(polycythemia vera, chronic myelogenous leukemia), and
increased fibrin split products in consumptive coagulopathies;
and (b) those that are iatrogenic, such as defects caused by
medications (aspirin, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs,
antibiotics, antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants, dextran)
and cardiopulmonary bypass surgery.

Platelet Function
Congenitally increased platelet function has not been
described. Acquired disorders associated with increased
platelet function, however, are common. The stress of
routine surgery or trauma (fractured hip, femur, or
pelvis) can create a hypercoagulable state with
thrombocytosis and increased platelet activity.

Platelet Function
The laboratory assessment of platelet function has been
expanded from the research laboratory and is more readily
available to the surgeon. The routine analysis of platelet
function should begin with a platelet count and PFA-100. In
special cases, platelet adhesion and platelet aggregation are
useful in identifying the inadequate or overstimulated platelet.
In addition, biochemical markers for increased platelet use or
turnover can be demonstrated with platelet factor IV and thromboglobulin assays. Studies by Gewirtz and colleagues
confirm previous studies that the bleeding time is not a good
prediction of surgical bleeding.

Plasma-Clotting Proteins
Plasma-clotting proteins are a group of serine proteases and
cofactors that interact in a synergistic system to generate fibrin.
The activation of the clotting system can be initiated in two
ways: either by contact activation with factor XII or through
thromboplastin activation of factor VII. The clotting cascade is
diagrammed in Figure 19.3.
As we will see later in the discussion of fibrinolysis and
antithrombin systems, anticoagulation forces are initiated at the
inception of clotting.
The tear in the vessel wall, described earlier, begins the orderly
activation of the plasma-clotting system.

Plasma-Clotting Proteins
The fibrin contribution to the platelet fibrin plug is
initiated with the activation of factor XII by collagen and of
factor VII by tissue juice (thromboplastin).
Any congenital or acquired disorder of the clotting factors
can lead to inadequate or no generation of fibrin.
Each clotting factor has a different role and significance in
the overall generation of fibrin.
This also is true with abnormal increases in some clotting
factors that are associated with inappropriate clotting.

Plasma-Clotting Proteins
The congenital-factor deficiencies associated with
bleeding are either relatively common or rare. The
relatively common group includes hemophilia A (factor
VIII deficiency) and hemophilia B (factor IX deficiency).
Both are seen in the male and rarely in the female
disorders with sex-linked inheritance patterns. The rare
group includes all the remaining factors that have an
autosomal recessive inheritance pattern or a dominant
pattern with variable penetrance.

Plasma-Clotting Proteins
The acquired factor deficiencies are common. Multiple deficiency is
usually owing to iatrogenic vitamin K deficiency with loss of factors
II, VII, IX, and X. This deficiency often is the result of multipleantibiotic therapy, which kills the vitamin K producing bacterial
flora in the intestine, and the nothing-by-mouth status of many
critically ill patients, which results in the loss of food sources of
vitamin K. Other common acquired multifactor deficiencies are seen
in acute and chronic liver disease, as in viral hepatitis and alcoholic
cirrhosis; consumptive coagulopathies, as in sepsis and placenta
abruptio; washout coagulopathies, as in multiple-transfusion
patients after severe blood loss (such as from ruptured abdominal
aneurysms); and major trauma, as from automobile accidents or
gunshot wounds.

Plasma-Clotting Proteins
The laboratory assessment of the plasma clotting factors has
traditionally begun with the prothrombin time (PT; factors V,
VII, and X, prothrombin, and fibrinogen) and the activated
partial thromboplastin time (APTT; factors VIII, IX, XI, and XII).
Specific factor assays also can identify the exact deficiencies.
One must remember that a factor deficiency as low as 30%
can generate a normal PT and APTT. This relation is important
in investigating minimal prolongations of the PT or APTT that
appear insignificant but could be hiding a moderately severe
deficiency. The tissue factor pathway inhibitor modulates
activated factors X and VIII but is not apparently significant in

Plasma-Clotting Proteins
The sensitivity of the PT and APTT reagents is essential to the
appreciation of the proper use of these tests as preoperative
screening tests or in monitoring warfarin and heparin anticoagulant
therapy. Recent publications from Europe and the United States
stress the importance of and need for a standardized prothrombin
reagent system in the United States. The lack of sensitivity of the
rabbit brain thromboplastin used in the United States has led to the
overcoumarinization of some patients. The original value of 2.0 to
2.5 times the control was based on the more-sensitive human
thromboplastin. Current recommendations have lower ratios (Table
19.2). These ratios are applicable only in stable, coumarinized
patients. Studies of different APTT reagents have revealed a similar
variability of sensitivity to heparin.

The activation of the fibrinolytic system begins with the
activation of the plasma substrate plasminogen. This
substrate is converted by naturally occurring activators
such as urokinase, kallikrein, and clot-activated
proteases to the active enzyme plasmin. Plasmin is the
active enzyme that if free or clot-bound lyses fibrin clots
and destroys fibrinogen. This enzyme is modulated by
2-antiplasmin and antitrypsin, which destroy the
active enzyme plasmin.

This enzymatic conversion of fibrinolysis normally is
initiated by clot formation or by a direct activator such
as urokinase or tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). tPA
released from the endothelium activates tissue
plasminogen and is neutralized by plasminogen
activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). Sometimes direct activation
is seen in liver disease and during extracorporeal
bypass. This activation also can be secondary to
disease, as in a consumptive coagulopathysuch as
bacterial sepsisor a large abdominal aneurysm.

Hypercoagulable State
With physiologic stress, such as emotional stress and
surgical stress, there is a response of fright or flight. This
response to stress is evident in the coagulation system.
The plasma-clotting proteins, such as fibrinogen and
factor VIII, increase, and the platelet count and
stickiness can increase as well. This normal response is
important in ensuring hemostasis at the time of
increased need. When this process is exaggerated,
uncontrolled, or unmodulated, inappropriate clotting can
occur, which produces venous and arterial clots and all
their sequelae.

Hypercoagulable State
In gynecologic surgery, the normal physical
hypercoagulable state, as well as the inappropriate
state, must be understood to appreciate the diagnosis,
intervention, and management of postoperative
vascular occlusive complications. Virchow, in 1845, was
the first to conceptualize the triad of blood flow, vessel
wall, and content of blood itself as a basis for
inappropriate clotting. An understanding of the relation
of the three parts is essential to explain what has
occurred in the problem patient.

Congenital Causes of Inappropriate

The congenital etiology of inappropriate arterial and venous clotting
has long been ill defined. Only recently has it been more completely
elucidated (Tables 19.3 and 19.4). Procoagulants, when increased
on a congenital basis, have been associated with a propensity to
generate clots. These procoagulants include fibrinogen and factor
VIII; however, they are not present frequently enough to warrant
testing every suspect case. Naturally occurring inhibitors of clotting
are defined as those factors that actively destroy clotting factors or
substrates as they are formed. The more common of these rare
deficiencies are antithrombin III, protein C, protein S, factor V
Leiden (R506Q) factor II mutation (G21201A), PAI-1 polymorphisms
4G/5G, and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutations
(C677T, A1298C).

Impaired Fibrinolysis
A congenital decrease in the plasma substrate plasminogen results
in inadequate fibrinolysis of thrombi. This deficiency can be
qualitative and quantitative, with similar effects.
A congenital decrease in tPA that normally is released from the
vascular endothelium is associated with impaired fibrinolysis. An
abnormal increase in plasminogen activator inhibitor also will
reduce the level of tPA, resulting in inappropriate clotting, elevated
PAI-1 secondary to obesity, metabolic syndrome, or acute phase
The decrease or absence of Fletcher factor (prekallikrein) and factor
XII also can result in impaired fibrinolysis because of a decrease in
activation of circulating plasminogen at the time of clot activation.

Acquired Causes of Inappropriate

The number of acquired causes of inappropriate clotting is much
greater than the number of congenital causes and is expanding
every day because the same chemistry found in the congenital
mechanism can be identified as a deficiency in an ongoing
disease process. These include such risk factors as an elevated
factor VIIIc, fibrinogen, metastatic cancer, myeloproliferative
disorders, and diabetes/metabolic syndrome.
Iatrogenic causes of inappropriate clotting are common findings
in the hospital setting and generate great concern. Such causes
include the postsurgical state, medication, vascular prosthetic
devices, and immobilization for any reason.

Acquired Causes of Inappropriate

Prosthetic devices such as grafts, shunts, and artificial heart valves can
provide a clottable surface that will form a nidus for initial thrombosis
quickly followed by further clot formation, resulting in obstruction or
The vascular component of acquired thrombotic disease has only recently
been described in detail. It appears that decreased blood flow through a
vein can decrease the contact between thrombin and thrombomodulin,
diminishing the contact with protein C and predisposing the vein to
thrombosis. However, the arterial side with high blood flow rates has a
rich capillary bed with greater contact with protein C, lysing clots more
efficiently. Local thrombus formation can be generated by direct
mechanical disruption of the vascular endothelium, traumatic damage to
the vessel wall, infectious or chemical damage to the vessel wall, and

Preoperative Coagulation
Assessment for Surgical Patients
Elective Surgery
Emergency Surgery

Elective Surgery

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