Lecture 22 Structure of Federal Govt

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Issues in Public Administration

MPA 509

Structure Of Federal Government

Agenda for Today

Structure of Federal Government

Legislative Branch
Judicial Branch
Executive Branch
Trends in Ministries and Divisions
Transaction of Duties at Federal Level
Autonomous Bodies
Attached Departments
Restructuring of Executive Departments and
Autonomous Bodies
Privatization Candidates
Transformation of Councils/Committees/Commissions
Liquidations and Mergers
Quote of the Day

Federal Government
Branches of




1. Legislative Branch
(Head of State)

(Upper House)

National Assembly
(Lower House)

100 Members
22 from each
8 from FATA
4 from Federal Capital
Elected for 6 years
17 seats reserved for
Elected indirectly
through the system
of proportional

National Assembly

342 Members
272 General seats
60 for women
10 for non-muslims
General seats are filled
by direct and free vote

2. Judicial Branch
Legal arm of the government
Constitution provides for the separation of
judiciary from the executive and the
independence of judiciary
Entrusts the superior courts with an
obligation to preserve, protect and defend
the Constitution
Consists of

Supreme Court
High Courts
Federal Sharia Court
Subordinate Judiciary

3. Executive Branch
(Head of State)
Prime Minister
(Chief Executive/Head of Government)

arm of

Federal Cabinet

PM Secretariat
Cabinet Division
Establishment Division

Federal Cabinet






Trends in Ministries & Divisions

Number of central government ministries averages
16 on a worldwide basis, with little variation among
regions from an average of 10 in the small Pacific
countries to 20 in the Middle East and North Africa.
In Africa, the number of ministries ranges from a low
of 10 in Botswana to 28 in Nigeria.
from 7 to 35 in Asia,
from 11 to 27 in Latin America, and
from 6 to 16 in the Pacific.
Pakistan; in 2002, 41 ministries and 48 divisions
NCGR in 2008, recommended 23 ministries and 37
February 2011, Ministries reduced to 23 by the PM

Organization of Federal Government in Pakistan

Rules of Business-1973 define the function of
ministries, ministers
Central Secretariat: For the proper functioning of the
Federal Government there are ministries, divisions,
attached departments, autonomous and semiautonomous bodies.
Ministry: A ministry is a division or group of divisions
constituted into a ministry or it may comprise one or
more divisions for the conduct of business of Federal
Government in a specified sphere. Each ministry is
headed by a Cabinet Minister and a Secretary is the
administrative in-charge of the ministry.
Division: It also performs functions like Ministry to
formulate policies and to ensure their implementation. It
is headed by a Minister for State and administrative in
charge is Secretary or Additional Secretary.


Attached Department: It has a direct relation with Ministry

or Division And provide assistance to the Ministry in the
formulation and execution of the policies and they are under
the control of Ministry or Division.
Subordinate Offices: Each attached department has many
subordinate offices, which are known as field offices. They
are under the attached department and perform specific
duties. They are responsible for the execution of all the filed
activities of attached departments. They are headed by an
administrator or Director.
Autonomous/Semi Autonomous Bodies: Certain Ministries
or Divisions have a number of autonomous, semi-autonomous
bodies representing the trend of decentralization for arriving at
speedy decisions. The main sectors, under which these bodies
are working are Finance, Education and Banking.


Hierarchy In Federal Ministry

Federal Secretary

Additional Secretary

Joint Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Section Officer

Transaction of Duties at
Federal Level

Prime Minister: At the top of the hierarchy of Federal

Government is Prime Minister, who has authority and
responsibility for the transaction of the responsibilities
and duties.

Federal Minister: A Federal Minister or Minister for

State is to assist the Prime Minister in the formulation of
public policy.

Secretary: A Secretary in-charge of Ministry or Division

is a senior civil servant, and administrative head of his
ministry or division. He has to assist his Minister or
Minister for state in policy formulation, keep the Minister
generally informed of the working of the Ministry or

Additional Secretary: Additional Secretary is also a

senior civil servant and assists Secretary in a ministry,
some time, he works as in-charge of the division and
performs the functions like a Secretary in the ministry.


Joint Secretary: Joint Secretary is junior to

the Additional Secretary, In Ministry he
works at the third level of administrative
hierarchy; while in Division, he assists the
additional secretary in charge as second in
command. He performs the duties as
assigned by Secretary/Additional Secretary.
Deputy Secretary: A division/ministry is
divided into wings and a wing is further
divided into sections. Administrative head of
a group of sections is called Deputy
Section Officer/Under Secretary: Section
officer is the in-charge of a section. He is an
officer at the lowest ebb of the hierarchy. He
controls the officials of his section i.e.
assistant, clerks, record keepers, stenotypist etc.

Headed by: chief executive
a) regulatory,
b) operational,
c) corporate,
d) promotional,
e) research and development or
g)quasi-judicial functions,

Criteria for autonomous bodies:

significance of the goals and objectives
its size and capacity to generate its own
The employees of these autonomous
bodies are treated as civil servants
rules formulated by the Board of Directors.
do not receive any grant-in-aid from the
Federal Government

The ABs have their Boards of Directors

appointed by the Federal Government
As a broad guiding principle of federal
government, all the existing corporate
bodies established under an act of
legislation or Companies Ordinance or
otherwise, all the regulatory bodies, all
the tribunals or quasi-judicial bodies,
all research and development
institutions, all training institutions
should function as autonomous bodies.
The category of semi autonomous
bodies should be abolished

Relationship with ministry:

The Board of ABs have appropriate
representation from the Federal
In cases where the Federal
Government has to make financial
In case where the entire or partial
expenditure is borne by the


No references should be made to

the Ministry after the Boards
In case they are using their own
financial resources.
The procurement of goods and
services by ABs should be made in
a transparent and competitive


The AB will prepare an Annual

Performance Report that will be placed
before the Parliament.
All regulatory agencies would enjoy quasijudicial powers and the Ministry concerned
will have no representation in the agencys
governance structure. All regulatory
agencies, except for the financial sector,
will be clustered under the Ministry of
Regulatory Affairs. All the legislative and
parliamentary business and international
coordination activities, except of purely
technical nature will be channeled through
the Ministry of Regulatory Affairs, to the
Prime Minister/ Cabinet.

Headed By: Head of the Executive Department (ED)
the executing arms of the Ministries in additions to
the Abs.
should be re-designated as Executive Departments
Main criteria of designating or setting up an ED
(i) integral part of the operations and implementation
of Ministrys policies, programs and projects.
(ii) fully dependent for their finances and manpower
on Government.
(iii)Other existing entities such as subordinate offices,
should either be absorbed within the Division or the
Ministry, if the content of their responsibilities are
mainly operational.

Relation with the ministries:

report to the Ministry.
prepare an Annual Work Plan and Budget to be
reviewed and approved by the Ministry.
the head of the Executive Departments will be
delegated the powers of Principal Accounting Officer
by the Secretary of the Division and the budget for the
department will be transferred to him at the beginning
of the year.
The goals and targets will be monitored by the Minister
and Secretary jointly and the HED will be held
accountable for the results.
The audit rules should be suitably modified, so that the
responsibility for compliance with the financial rules,
adherence to the budgetary discipline and prudent use
of resources lies with the head of the Executive
department and not the Secretary of the Division.




The organizing principles proposed for re-organizing

the Federal Government and the Provincial
Governments are:
(a)efficient distribution of span of control
(b)clear delineation of roles/ responsibilities along
with accountabilities
(c)separation of policy making, operational,
implementation and regulatory functions of the
(d)reducing the hierarchical tie-ring and the turnover
time for government business
(e)strengthening intra and inter ministerial
coordination and collaboration
(f)empowering the head of the Division, the head of
the executing departments and the head of the
autonomous bodies to deliver agreed goals and

The Federal Government has at present 411

organizational entities (OEs) under the control of its
various Divisions/ Ministries.
An attempt to categorize these OEs by the nature
of their functions, in consultation with the
Administrative Ministries/ Divisions reveals that out
of 411 OEs, the majority i.e 26% belong to the
categories of commercial/ semi-commercial/
manufacturing; public utilities and service
providers and financial institutions. 14% are
attached departments or executing agencies, 9%
are training institutions. The remaining 50%
entities are scattered over 12 functional categories.

Constitutional bodies
Regulatory bodies
Courts/ Tribunals
Commercial/ Semi Commercial/Manufacturing
Public Utilities/ Service Providers
Promotion Bodies
Financial Institutions
Training Institutions
Research/ Data/ Documentation
Education Institutions
Quality Assurance
Development Authorities
Councils/ Commissions/ Committees
Trusts/ Foundation
Executive Agencies
Security/ Enforcement



The Commission analyses the remaining 314 OEs and

makes recommendations either for
(i)transfer to the Provincial Government, Islamabad
Capital Territory and the Northern Areas Administration (46)
(ii)Liquidation, winding up or closure (10)
(iii)separation of independent Commissions/ Councils/
Committees (15) from the control of the Ministries/ Divisions
(iv)Mergers (15)
The 228 OEs that have been recommended for retention
have been further divided between two broad classes Executive departments and autonomous bodies, abolishing
all other classifications such as subordinate offices, semi
autonomous bodies etc. In some instances it is
recommended that the Administrative Ministry should carry
out an expert evaluation, whether the OE should be
retained in its present form, wound up, merged or

1) Privatization Candidates
Three categories of Federal Government
organizations as possible candidates for privatization
have been considered.
These are:
(a) Commercial/ Semi Commercial/ Manufacturing
Business (46)
(b) Public Utilities/ service providers (42) and
(c) Financial Institutions (21)


2) Transfer to the Provincial Governments, Northern Area

Administration and Islamabad Administration

The Federal Government is running many institutions and

projects that fall within the purview of the Provincial
Governments. In view of the assessments made by NCGR
commission, it has been proposed that some of the
organizations/ entities should be transferred to the Provincial
Governments, Northern Area Administration and Islamabad
Capital Territory Administration.

The transfer should take place after the modalities are agreed
between the Federal Ministry and the Provincial Government


3) Transformation of Councils/ Commissions/


At present there are 17 councils/ commissions/ committees,

working under various Ministries/ Divisions. Some of them are
permanent statutory bodies, others are regulatory bodies of
sorts, some of them are of ad-hoc nature for specific purposes.

It has been proposed that some of the Councils/ Commissions/

Committee should work as independent bodies and not under
the control of any Ministry. The Ministry will continue to act as
liaison between these bodies and the Government.

The NCGR is proposing the formation of National Sectorial

Ministerial Councils and National Sectorial Secretaries
Committees for subjects such as Education, Health, Agriculture,
Population Welfare, Social Welfare, Labor, Social Protection.


4) Liquidation or Winding up
The ten organizations enlisted by NCGR are, by the
admission of their own Ministries, not performing a
meaningful role any more. Their history and past
track record are also not that impressive. Going
forward, it is not clear if there is any cogent reason
for some of these, for their continued existence in
the present form or shape.
Out of these, the organizations managing properties
and real estate working under different laws, may
have some legal obligations that have to be fulfilled
before they are wound up.

5) Mergers

In view of the restructuring proposals made

elsewhere it has been proposed that some enlisted
OEs may be considered for merger including
Pakistan Manpower Institute into the proposed
Human Development Policy Institute (HDPI).
Secretariat Training Institute into National School of
Public Policy (NSPP).
Civil Service Academy
National Transport Research Centre into the proposed
Infrastructure Policy Institute. Etc


6) Retention of the ABs

The current diffused responsibility and unclear accountability

do not help in practicing good governance. The acceptance and
implementation of the proposals made in the preceding
paragraphs would result in a much tighter, clearly defined, well
focused organizational structure of the Federal Government.
The proposed governance structure will ensure that each of
these organizations enjoys financial and administrative
autonomy, has adequate resources at its disposal to meet its
targets and objectives and is accountable to the parliament and
the general public for the results.

As a result of the these changes, the Federal Government

would have 230 of the Organizational entities, compared to the
present strength of 411. But this loss in numbers will be made
up by improvement in quality, efficiency and service standards.

Quote of the Day

Governments tend not to solve
problems, only to rearrange

Ronald Reagan


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