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Some key takeaways from the document are that computer forensics involves the preservation, identification, extraction, documentation, and interpretation of computer media for evidentiary analysis related to a wide range of computer crimes and misuses. Evidence gathered through computer forensics can be used in legal cases and investigations.
Computer Forensics
Topics to be covered
Defining Computer Forensics
Reasons for gathering evidence
Who uses Computer Forensics
Steps of Computer Forensics
Handling Evidence
Investigation initiation / response
Handling Information
Evidence processing guidelines
#ethods of hiding Information/data
#ethods of discovering information/data
What is Computer Forensics$$
Computer forensics involves the preservation% identification% e&traction% documentation% and interpretation of computer media for evidentiar' and/or root cause anal'sis(
Evidence might be reuired for a )ide range of computer crimes and misuses
#ultiple methods of
Discovering data on computer s'stem
Recovering deleted% encr'pted% or damaged file information
#onitoring live activit'
Detecting violations of corporate polic'
Information collected assists in arrests% prosecution% termination of emplo'ment% and preventing future illegal activit'
Definition (cont)
What Constitutes Digital Evidence$
!n' information being sub*ect to human action or not% that can be e&tracted from a computer(
#ust be in human"readable format or capable of being interpreted b' a person )ith e&pertise in the sub*ect(
Computer Forensics E&les
Recovering thousands of deleted emails
+erforming investigation post emplo'ment termination
Recovering evidence post formatting hard drive
+erforming investigation after multiple users had ta,en over the s'stem