Microbial Associations/Interactio NS: Nanette Ramilo-Cruz, MD, DPAFP
Microbial Associations/Interactio NS: Nanette Ramilo-Cruz, MD, DPAFP
Microbial Associations/Interactio NS: Nanette Ramilo-Cruz, MD, DPAFP
Nanette Ramilo-Cruz, MD, DPAFP
After typhoon Ondoy, several Metro Manila
residents were temporarily sheltered in
evacuation centers for safety. However, after
2 weeks in the shelter, many of the evacuees
exhibited diarrhea, many of the children also
had fever, maculopapular rash and cough.
Diagnosis of Disease?
What factors contributed to the development of these diseases?
• Define the different types of host-parasite
• Define the terms used to describe the
attributes of infectious agents
• Describe the different types of hosts.
• Describe the different types of parasites
• Enumerate some attributes of
microorganisms which help them in
producing damage/disease to the host
• Define immunity and describe the two types
of immunity
• Discuss the non-specific defenses of the
human host.
Global Burden of Infectious Diseases
• Communicable or infectious disease continue
to remain a leading cause of morbidity,
disability and mortality worldwide.
• Rich countries: 1/10 deaths Poorer countries:
6/10 deaths
• 2 M deaths annually from diarrhea
• 4 M die annually of LRTI
• 700,000 die from measles annually
• 2 M die from TB, 90% from developing
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
The Human Host
• Constant exposure to microbes
• Normal Flora
• Microbes living in and on body
Resident—always present
• Come into world sterile
Exposed areas acquire flora
closed areas remain sterile
Human Host
• Skin
GPB, GPC, Staph. Corynebacterium,
• Alimentary tract
Large intestine—anaerobic GNB
Bacteriodes, coliforms
Stomach and small intestine—almost no bacteria
Human Host
• Respiratory Tract
Upper—normal throat flora
Lower—considered sterile
• Genitourinary Tract
Vagina—changes with age
Non-menstruating—Skin flora
Urethra—normal skin flora and
sometimes coliforms
Human Host
• Sterile areas
Body cavities with serous membranes—
thoracic, abdominal, joint, pericardium
Closed organs in those body cavities
Blood, CSF, Urine
Infectious Disease Process
Etiologic Agent
Susceptible Host
Types of Host
• Reservoir
• Carrier
• Vector
• Sources
• A living organism or inanimate matter in which an
infectious agent normally lives and multiplies.
• The infectious agent depends on the reservoir
primarily for survival and reproduces itself in such a
manner that it can be transmitted to a susceptible
• May be:
– Physical environment: contaminated water supply
– Animals (insect vectors)
– Other humans (AIDS, HepB)
• Zoonoses: infectious diseases that have
vertebrate animal reservoirs; they are
potentially transmissible to humans under
natural conditions
Infectious disease
a clinically manifest disease of man resulting from an infection
Communicable Disease
an illness due to a specific infectious agent or its toxic
products that arises through transmission from a reservoir to
a susceptible host either directly or indirectly
Incubation Period
the time interval between initial contact with an
infectious agent and the first appearance of
symptoms associated with the infection
Communicable Period
the time during which an infectious agent may be
transferred from an infected host/reservoir to
another susceptible host
Portal of Entry
• Breaks in skin and mucous membranes
• Natural openings
GI, respiratory, GU tracts
• Cross placenta—STORCH
Others (HepB, HIV)
Portals of Exit
• Secretions,
• excretions,
• discharges,
• sloughed tissue
Gradient of Infection
• Ranges from subclinical infection to severe clinical
disease or even death
• Inapparent Infection
– Infection in a host without recognizable clinical signs or
– Identifiable only by laboratory means
• Severe Disease
– High rate of severe clinical manifestations
– High case fatality rate (CFR)
– High proportion of surviving patients with sequelae
– Serious problem from a public health standpoint where
the disease causes excess mortality
• The host after exposure to the agent may progress from
subclinical (inapparent) infection to a clinical case of the
• The end result may be complete recovery, permanent
disability, disfigurement or death
• Degree of infection and disease severity depends on the
defense mechanisms (immunity) of the host
• Immunity refers to the resistance of the host to a disease
Patterns of Infection
• Local infection: Confined to specific site or
• Systemic infection: Spreads to several sites or
• Focal infection: Local infection that could
Head infections—blood supply
Patterns of Infection
• Mixed infection—polymicrobial, More than
one organism involved. Ex: Dental caries
Organisms may show synergism
• Primary infection: Initial infection
• Secondary infection: Complicates primary
infection: Opportunist
Patterns of Infection
• Acute infection
Rapid, severe, short-lived
• Chronic infection
Persistent, slow progress
• Subacute infection
Onset less rapid than acute
Less persistent than chronic
Acquisition of Disease
• Direct Transmission: skin or mucous membrane
• between hosts: crossing placenta
• Indirect Transmission
Vectors—living animal
Fomites—inanimate objects
Vehicle—inanimate material
Droplet nuclei
Aerosols (fine dust, moisture)
Nosocomial Infection
• Result of stay in hospital or longterm
care medical facility
• AKA—hospital acquired infections
• Average—5% of patients
The Infectious Agent
The Types of Infectious Agents
A. Bacteria: TB, Shigellosis
B. Viruses and Rickettsia: AIDS, Hepatitis
C. Fungi: candidiasis, athlete’s foot
D. Protozoans: amoebiasis, giardiasis
E. Helminths: schistosomiasis, ascariasis
Infectious Agent
Intrinsic Properties
- properties of infectious agents that do not need
any interaction with host
- understanding a particular intrinsic property may
be essential to understanding an agent’s
epidemiology, including its mode of transmission
- strains or isolates of a particular agent from
different outbreaks, different geographic areas at
different times may vary significantly in these
intrinsic properties.
Properties related to host-agent
a) Infectivity
b) Immunogenicity
c) Pathogenicity
d) Virulence
e) Toxigenicity
f) Resistance
Mumps, Rubella,
Intermediate Rubella, Mumps Poliomyelitis
Common colds
Low TB Measles
Chicken pox,
Very Low Leprosy Leprosy Rubella, Common
Host-parasite Relationship
• Neutralism: 2 populations of Microbes found
in a microecosystem w/o affecting one
another; do not compete for nutrients
• Mutualism/Symbiosis: Each organism
benefits from the association
Syntrophism: Lactobacillus arabinosus and
Streptococcus faecalis
Host-parasite Relationship
• Commensalism: 1 microbe benefits from the
association but the other is not affected
ex: Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus
• Antagonism: A microbe adversely affects the
environment of another microbe
ex: 1. Penicillum notatum vs. gram + cocci and
2. Lactobacillus casie (lactosin) vs. V.
cholerae, Salmonella and Shigella
Host-parasite Relationship
• Parasitism: 1 microbe lives in or on another
microbe(host) w/c is commonly harmed
ex: vibriophage vs. Vibrio
Bedellovibrio bacteriovulus vs. E.coli
Diagnosis of Disease?
What factors contributed to the development of these diseases
(Agent, Transmission, Host)?