Strategic Thinking
Strategic Thinking
Strategic Thinking
Strategic thinking is the ability to see the total enterprise, to spot the trends
and understand the competitive landscape, to see where the business needs
to go and to lead it into the future.
More and more organizations are learning that past experience is not
always the best basis for developing future strategies. Executives need to
thoughtfully consider how to create value for customers.
Strategic Thinking-isthe"What"andthe
Strategic Planning-isthe"How"and"When"...ata
At the foundation is self-awareness, which arises from the ability to think
critically, along with an intellectual openness. Those, in turn, provide the
basic business skills including decision-making, problem-solving, and a
solid grasp of both the business and the customers it serves.
The higher one rises in an organization, the more these skills are needed.
And as they are developed, they build the next layer up the ability to
embrace change and ambiguity, and in so doing create something new and
different. That, in essence, is strategic thinking.
But it all starts with critical thinking. And those who cant master the basics
dont go far in an organization.
Intellectual curiosity : A desire to
learn more about a person , thing or
way of life.
Mental Flexibility: is the ability to
see the things from different
perspective and ready to accept the
change around you.
Intuition: the act of knowing or
seeing without the use of rational
System Thinking: Systems thinking
has been defined as an approach to
problem solving, by viewing
"problems" as parts of an overall
system, rather than reacting to
specific parts, outcomes or events
and potentially contributing to
further development of unintended
Features of Strategic Thinking
Strategic Thinking is a broader and more innovative way of
thinking on a daily basis about the overall goals of your job,
team, and organization.
It is also disciplined thinking with a focus first on the desired
outcomes of your entire business as a system and then on the
relationships between your organizational components along
with constant feedback about results to find points that best
achieve your desired outcomes.
It helps you clarify your goals, desired outcomes, or
vision that you want the whole system to achieve, along with
constant feedback vs. the desired outcomes.
It allows the relationships and fit of the parts and pieces to
each other to be supporting, not hindering, achievement of the
whole It leads to a powerful synergy of people working
together to achieve the same common goals of a vision in a
better and superior way.
Five elements of thinking strategically
Critical Success Factor 3: Use all three levels of planning and results
(Mega/Outcomes; Macro/Outputs; Micro/Products).
MEGA Results These results are The client is society now and in the
called future.
MACRO Results These are results These results delivered to direct
are called OUTPUTS clients
outside of the organization.