CH 11 Communicating Customer Value

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Principles of Marketing,
Arab World Edition
Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Anwar Habib, Ahmed
Presentation prepared by Annelie Moukaddem Baalbaki

Communicating Customer
Value: Integrated Marketing
Communications Strategy

Lecturer: Insert your name here

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Chapter Learning Outcomes
Topic Outline

11.1 The Promotion Mix

11.2 Integrated Marketing Communications
11.3 A View of the Communications Process
11.4 Steps in Developing Effective Marketing Communications
11.5 Setting the Total Promotion Budget and Mix
11.6 Socially Responsible Marketing Communications

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The Promotion Mix
Marketing Communication Mix

The promotion mix or marketing communication mix is the

specific blend of advertising, public relations, personal selling,
and direct-marketing tools that the company uses to
persuasively communicate customer value and build customer

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The Promotion Mix
Major Promotion Tools

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation

and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified

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The Promotion Mix
Major Promotion Tools

Sales promotion is the short-term incentives to encourage

the purchase or sale of a product or service.

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The Promotion Mix
Major Promotion Tools

Public relations involves building good relations with the

companys various publics by obtaining favorable publicity,
building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading
off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.
Press releases
Special events
Web pages

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The Promotion Mix
Major Promotion Tools

Personal selling is the personal presentation by the firms

sales force for the purpose of making sales and building
customer relationships.
Sales presentations
Trade shows
Incentive programs

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The Promotion Mix
Major Promotion Tools

Direct marketing involves making direct connections with

carefully targeted individual consumers to both obtain an
immediate response and cultivate lasting customer
relationshipsthrough the use of direct mail, telephone, e-
mail, and the Internet to communicate directly with specific

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Integrated Marketing Communications
The Need for Integrated Marketing Communications

Integrated marketing communications is the integration

by the company of its communication channels to deliver a
clear, consistent, and compelling message about the
organization and its brands.

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Integrated marketing Communications

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A View of the Communication Process

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Steps in Developing Effective Marketing

Ch 11 - 13 Copyright 2011 Pearson Education

Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Identifying the Target market

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Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Determining the Communication Objectives

Marketers seek a purchase response that results from a

consumer decision-making process that includes the stages of
buyer readiness.

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Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Determining the Communication Objectives
Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Designing a Message

AIDA Model: Get Attention, Hold Interest, Arouse Desire,

Obtain Action

When putting the message together, the marketing

communicator must decide:
What to say ( message content )
How to say it ( message structure and format )

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Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Choosing Media

Personal communication involves two or more people

communicating directly with each other.
Face to face
Internet chat

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Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Choosing Media: Personal Communication

Opinion leaders are people within a reference group who,

because of their special skills, knowledge, personality, or
other characteristics, exert social influence on others.

Buzz marketing involves cultivating opinion leaders and

getting them to spread information about a product or service
to others in their communities.

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Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Non-Personal Communication Channels

Non-personal communication is media that carry messages

without personal contact or feedback, including major media,
and events that affect the buyer directly.

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Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Non-Personal Communication Channels

Major media include print, broadcast, display, and online


Events a: press conferences, grand openings, exhibits, public


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Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Selecting the Message Source

The messages impact on the target audience is affected by

how the audience views the communicator.
Health care providers

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Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Collecting Feedback

The communicator must research the effect of the message

on the target audience by measuring the behavior resulting
from the message.

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