Fundamenal C!un"n# P$"n%"&le
states that if one event has m possible outcomes an a secon inepenent event has n possible outcomes! then the"e a"e m # n total possible outcomes fo" the t$o events to%ethe".
'undamenal %!un"n# &$"n%"&le
is a mathematical "ule that allo$s &ou to 'n the numbe" of $a&s that a combination of events can occu". (o" e#ample! if the '"st event can occu" ) $a&s! the secon event can occu" * $a&s! an the thi" event can occu" + $a&s! then &ou can 'n out the numbe" of uni,ue combinations b& multipl&in%: ) - * - + /0 uni,ue combinations.
Ima%ine that &ou have a nec1tie se$in% business. You can ma1e uni,ue ties b& chan%in% an& of the follo$in% facto"s: colo" 2+ options3 an shape 2) options3. 4o$ man& uni,ue ties can &ou ma1e5 6ne $a& to thin1 about it is b& ma1in% a ia%"am. The"e a"e + colo"s. Each of the + colo"s can be mae into ) shapes 7 blue $ith ) shape choices! "e $ith ) shape choices! etc.
B& multipl&in%! &ou %et the total numbe" of paths that &ou can ta1e th"ou%h the ia%"am. You can ma1e 8+ i9e"ent 1ins of ties 2+ - )3.
No$ suppose that &ou also a ) patte"n choices to &ou" tie options: st"ipe! soli! o" pol1a7ot. 4o$ man& ties can &ou ma1e no$5 impl& ima%ine one of the possibilities &ou ha o"i%inall& 7 ma&be a %"een tie that is sho"t an fat. That %"een sho"t tie can no$ be mae th"ee $a&s: st"ipe! soli! o" pol1a7ot. The same is t"ue of the othe" 8* o"i%inal ties. o! no$ &ou have 8+ - ) *+ i9e"ent t&pes of ties.
This multiplication metho $o"1s an& time &ou have seve"al facto"s 2colo"! shape! an esi%n3 an each of those facto"s can be combine $ith each othe" in an& $a& possible. You can use the funamental countin% "ule 2multiplication3 an& time &ou have a set of cate%o"ies an one out of seve"al choices in each cate%o"& $ill be selecte. You mi%ht thin1 of it as havin% seve"al empt& ;slots; to 'll. Each ;slot; %ets onl& one item