Scotck Yoke PPT Veltech 2016

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To design and manufacture a working

model of Scotch yoke mechanism.
To get a practical exposure of
machine tools and other
manufacturing equipments.
The aim of the paper is to design and develop a dual

side water pumping system using scotch yoke

mechanism. The reciprocating motion of the plunger

is utilized for the pumping action. The plunger is

reciprocated with the help of a cam plate. By this

action the water is pumped with very high pressure

and to various heads. This can be utilized for various

applications like lubrication in machines and water

pumping in agriculture field. The cam plate gets the

drive from the motor for its rotation and converts

that rotary motion to useful dual side reciprocating

Concept of mechanism

The Scotch yoke is a reciprocating motion mechanism,

converting the linear motion of a slider into rotational
motion or vice-versa. The piston or other reciprocating part
is directly coupled to a sliding yoke with a slot that engages
a pin on the rotating part. The shape of the motion of the
piston is a pure sine wave over time given a constant
rotational speed. This mechanism is used for converting
rotary motion into a reciprocating motion. The inversion is
obtained by fixing either the link 1 or link 3. In Fig, link 1 is
fixed. In this mechanism, when the link 2 (which
corresponds to crank) rotates about B as centre, the link 4
(which corresponds to a frame) reciprocates. The fixed link
1 guides the frame
This unit consists of following parts ;
1. 24VDC moor with built in gear box
2. 24 VDC power supply
3. two air cylinders used as
reciprogating pump
4. crank disc with motor coupler
5. yoke
6.M.S. Fabricated stand
In pumping system, the piston rod in air cylinder is moved by the scotch yoke

mechanism. The cylinder A is connected to the sump and outlet delivery line through

two numbers of non return valves . The 6mm connector is used to connect this cylinder

port and valve.

During suction stroke the water enters into cylinder through the non return valve and

the forward stroke , the water inside the cylinder pushed towards the delivery pipe line

through the non return valve. When the power is supplied to the 24v Dc motor, shaft

and crank attached to the shaft start rotating. As the crank rotates the pin slides inside

the yoke and also moves the yoke forward. When the crank rotates throughin

clockwise direction the yoke will get a displacement in the forward direction. The

maximum displacement will be equal to the length of the crank. When the crank

completes the nextof rotation the yoke comes back to its initial position. For the

nextof rotation, yoke moves in the backward direction. When the crank completes a

full rotation the yoke moves back to the initial position. For a complete rotation of

crank the yoke moves through a length equal to double the length of the crank.
High torque output with a small cylinder size.
Fewer moving parts.
Smoother operation.
Higher percentage of the time spent at top dead
centre (dwell) improving engine efficiency.
In an engine application, elimination of joint
typically served by a wrist pin, and near
elimination of piston skirt and cylinder scuffing,
as side loading of piston due to sine of
connecting rod angle is eliminated.
Rapid wear of the slot in the yoke
caused by sliding friction and high
contact pressures.
Lesser percentage of the time spent
at bottom dead centre reducing blow
down time for two stroke engines.
The shape of the motion of the piston
is a pure sine wave over time given a
constant rotational speed.
This setup is most commonly used in
control valveactuatorsin high
pressureoil and gas pipelines.
Shaper uses a Scotch yoke which has
been adjusted to provide a slow speed
forward stroke and a faster return.
It has been used in various internal
combustion engines, such as the Bourke
engine, SyTech engine,and manyhot
air enginesandsteam engines.
Every one of us will need of some kind of water source for drinking,
bathing, washing clothes, preparing food and for irrigation. We may get
the water from various sources like, lake, river, ponds, open well, bore
well. So we have to pump the water from the source and use the water
for the various purposes. Pumps operate by some mechanism (typically
reciprocating or rotary), and consume energy to perform mechanical
work by moving the fluid. Pumps operate via many energy sources,
including manual operation, electricity, engines, or wind power which
usually come in many sizes that vary from microscopic for use in
medical applications to large industrial pumps. Generally these
mechanical pumps have numerous applications such as pumping water
from wells, filtering of dust in the aquarium, filtering the ponds and
aeration, also used in car industry for water-cooling and fuel injection,
and finally in the energy industry for pumping oil and natural gas or for
operating cooling towers. This Scotch yoke mechanism could be used
for conversion between rotational motion and linear reciproca ting
motion. In general this linear motion
can take place in various forms
depending on the shape of the slot,
but mostly the basic yoke with a
constant rotation speed produces a
linear motion that is simple harmonic
in nature.
. Literature Review
X Wang et al. 1 have studied about the Scotch Yoke crank
mechanism whose application could be used in a reciprocating
internal combustion engine which will reduce the engines size
and weight in-turn generates sinusoidal piston motion that
allowsfor complete balance of the engine. C. Gopal et al. 2 have
reviewed the research developments with Renewable Energy
Source Water Pumping Systems (RESWPSs). Alireza Rezae et al.
3 have studied about the technical and financial aspects of
photovoltaic water pumping system for irrigation purpose in the
GORGANs farm fields (one of Northern Province of Iran) with the
RET Screen software tools. Abdeen Mustafa Omer4 has reviewed
the means of using wind energy for water pumping in rural
areas in Sudan. Ahmed Mohammedi et al. 5 has designed a
model which will express about the water flow output (Q) that
will be directly a function of
the electrical power input (P) to the motor-pump, for various total heads. Arif Hepbasli et al.6 has

given review on HPWH systems in terms of energetic and exergetic aspects in which the technology

along with its historical development was briefed and a comprehensive review of studies were

subsequently conducted over them and hence they were classified and presented in the form of

tables. P. Amrutesh et al.7 has made a study to change the existing setup so that an unskilled

operator could operate and maintain the lawn very fine and attain a uniform surface look with an

application easier and also at reduced cost where they finally achieved in pollution control too. M.

Sermaraj8 have made a study about the foot pedal pump which is powered by our legs instead of

arms to lift the water from a depth range of seven meters. In the past human energy has generally

been applied through the use of the arms, hands, and back. Rizgar Baker Weli et al.9 has made

experimental investigation on a rig which is specially designed to perform the study at residential

area in city of Erbil that is used to find out the amount of water which could be lifted from the

ground floor to a static head of 8 meters over the roof using two modules of 50 W photovoltaic solar

modules, the system contains AC centrifugal pump, inverter, charging control and a 88 Ah battery

for energy saving in addition to photovoltaic panels. The electricity generation has many difficulties

in our area and it is about 900 W.h/m2 .day for PV module positioned toward south at a tilt angle of

360. Oghogho Ikponmwosa et al.10 has made a system that could be used for elimination of the

cost and inefficiency of human interference that could be associated with monitoring and controlling

the pump by increasing the performance and life span of the electric water pThe aim of this work is

to design the dual side water pumping system for increased discharge and efficiency also analyse
Basic Scotch yoke
Compact size and portable

Easy to move from one place to

another place

Operating principle is simple.

Non-skilled person also operate this

P = 2NT /60 watts
P = power
N = Speed of motor
T = Torque
Then P=V*I

P=V*I =12*25 =300W

N= 800 RPM
Then P = 2NT /60
300=2800T/ 60

P=V*I =12*29 =348W

N=600 RPM
Then P = 2NT /60
348=2600T /60
T=5.53 N-m
Torque with No Load Conditions =3.58N-M
Torque with Load Conditions =5.53 N-M
1. It can be used in scrap industries
for crushing cans.
2. It can be used in multiplexes,
malls ,and in places where there is a
lot of use of cans
Cost Estimation
Scotch Yoke Mechanism = Rs. 2000
Pumping Elements (Pump) = Rs. 2500
Motor = Rs. 1750
Power supply= Rs1000
Supporting elements = Rs. 1000
Machining cost = Rs. 1000
Pipes and Tubes = Rs. 500
Other expenses = Rs. 1500
Total cost = Rs. 11,250
Thus the detailed study of our paper is carried
out. By the design calculations provided above,
the dual side water pumping system using scotch
yoke mechanism is designed and analyzed for a
prototype. It is inferred that the improved
discharge and efficiency is achieved by the dual
side water pumping system using scotch yoke
mechanism. This method of pumping water is
very efficient compared to other pumping system.
The implementation of the design will definitely
give excellent performance to the society.
Future Scope
The future work will be the dual side
water pumping system can run with
the aid of solar power by means of
using solar panel and battery
system. By using the solar power the
electricity expenses will be reduced
and the system can work at the time
of electrical source is not available.
1. Wang X, Subic A, Watson H. Two-dimensional lubrication analysis and design optimization
of a Scotch Yoke engine linear bearing. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
2. Gopal C, Mohanraj M, Chandramohan P, Chandrasekar P. Renewable energy source water
pumping systems - A literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2013;
3. Rezae A, Asghar Gholamian S. Technical and Financial Analysis of Photovoltaic Water
Pumping System for GORGAN, IRAN. IJCI. 2013 Apr; 2(2):2203.
4. Mustafa Omer A. Wind Mechanical Engineering: Energy for Water Pumping in Rural Areas in
Sudan. Journal of Engineering and Technology.
5. Mohammedi1 A, Rekioua D, Mezzai N. Experimental Study of a PV Water Pumping System.
Journal of Electrical Systems. 2013; 9-2:21222.
6. Hepbasli A, Kalinci Y. A review of heat pump water heating systems. Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews.
7. Amrutesh P, Sagar B, Venu B. Solar grass cutter with linear blades by using scotch yoke
mechanism. Int Journal of Engineering Research and Applications. 2014 Sep; 4(9):1021.
8. Sermaraj M. Design and Fabrication of Pedal Operator Reciprocating Water Pump. IOSR
Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering.
9. Weli RB, Ibraheem RR, Abdulla KA. Water pumping using solar energy. Journal of Science
and Engineering. 2013; 3(1):3543.
10. Ikponmwosa O, Charles A. Development of an electric water pump controller and level
indicator. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

1.Theory of machine; by khurmi


2. Design data book : by B. D.

Shiwalkar 3.Theory of machine;by


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