Suspended Roof Structures: Ar. C.N.Vaishnavi Ar.M.Padma

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The key takeaways are that tensile structures carry loads only through tension and span large distances economically. They are commonly used as roofs and come in different types like flexible membranes, cable networks, cable stayed, and cable suspended.

The different types of suspended roof structures discussed are flexible membrane, cable network, cable stayed, cable suspended, and cable cum air supported roofs.

The different shapes of cable suspended roof systems are synclastic (positive gaussian curvature), anticlastic (negative gaussian curvature), and surface of single curvature (zero gaussian curvature).


Ar. C.N.Vaishnavi
Tensile structure
Atensile structureis aconstructionof
elements carrying onlytensionand
Tensile structures are the most common type
ofthin-shell structures.
Most tensile structures are supported by some
form of compression or bending elements, such
as masts, compression rings or beams.
Atensile membrane structureis most often
used as aroof, as they can economically and
attractively span large distances.
Types of Suspended roof structures
Flexible Membrane
Cable Network

Flexible membrane is generally used for

temporary structures.

Cable network is more popularly used in

permanent structures.
Perimeter compression
Anchorages are required torings
resist the tension in
the cables. Interior tension rings
Heavy foundations
Pile foundations
Types of structure with significant tension

Linear structures
Types of Cable Network Systems
Cable Supported/Stayed
Cable Suspended
Cable cum Air Supported Roofs.

Shapes of Cable
Suspended Systems
Synclastic-Positive Gaussian
Anticlastic-Negative Gaussian
Surface of Single Curvature-Zero
Double layered
Gaussian cable Rare
systems can be used to form
synclastic or anticlastic
Cable Stayed Grid Work Cable supported Cantilever

Suspended Roof Suspended Roof Grid work

Membrane Structure
Cable Suspended Roofs can also be classified
Single Layered
Double Layered
Single Layered

Double Layered
Steel Cables : The high tensile strength of
steel combined with the efficiency of simple
tension, makes a steel cable the ideal structural
element to span large distances.

Nylon and plastics are suitable only for

temporary structures, spanning small distances.

Other structural members like masts, compression

rings, arches or beams and compression struts
may be of concrete or steel preferably. Struts may
also be of timber.

Suspension Cables, because of their being

Cable Stayed Bridge

Millau Viaduct, France

Cable Suspended Bridge
Membrane structures
Membrane structuresare spatial structures made out of
tensioned membranes.The structural use of membranes can
be divided into following:
pneumatic structures,
tensile membrane structures
cable domes.

Either a cable frame or a skeleton frame can form the

structure that sustains the membrane.

A membrane material has a natural tendency to curve, and

although it can endure tension, it cannot withstand
compression or bending.

Synthetic fibres and glass fibres are now utilized and

Membrane structures carry loads by membrane forces only, with no or
only insignificant bending.

If tensile and compressive membrane forces are permitted, we speak of


If the compressive forces are eliminated, we speak of tensile membrane


Their aim is to actually realize the surface itself with a material which is
able to carry tensile forces only, in order to achieve extreme lightness or
even translucence.

In order to eliminate the compressive forces in the membrane structure,

they are to be pretensioned or prestressed which means that tensile
stresses are to be built up in the surface to the extent, that even after
superimposing the outer loads (dead load, wind, snow, etc.) the structure
remains stable.
Types of tensile membranes
cable nets with quadrangular
(<<square) meshes
cable nets with triangular meshes
textile (foldable) membranes
metal (non-foldable) membranes.
Flexible Design Aesthetics
ustrating a conic and its anticlastic shape
nother anticlastic shape is the hypar
clastic structure with arch supports

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