Rules and Procedures For The Procurement of Infrastructure Projects

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Adelaida C. Lamadrid
City Budget Officer
Catbalogan City
Definition of Infrastructure Projects
[RA 9184,Sec. 5(k)]
Includes the following:
construction, improvement, rehabilitation,
demolition, repair, restoration or maintenance of
roads and bridges, railways, airports, seaports,
communication facilities;
civil works components of IT projects;
irrigation, flood control and drainage;
water supply, sanitation, sewerage and solid waste
management systems;
shore protection;
energy/power and electrification facilities;
national buildings, school buildings, hospital
buildings; and
other related construction projects of the
government. 2
Preparing for the Procurement of
Infrastructure Projects
No bidding and award of contract shall be made
unless the detailed engineering investigations,
surveys and designs, including the acquisition of the
ROW for the project, have been sufficiently carried out
(Section 17.6, RIRR);
Investigations must be duly approved in accordance
with the standards and specifications prescribed by
the HOPE/LCE concerned, or his duly authorized
representative, and in accordance with the provisions
of Annex A of RIRR;
Exception: Design and Build Scheme wherein
bidders are allowed to submit detailed engineering
designs as part of their bids.(GPPB Res. 22-2007)
Preparing for the Procurement of
Infrastructure Projects
Feasibility or preliminary engineering
study should be drawn prior to the
conduct of the detailed engineering
investigations, surveys and designs
to establish the technical viability of
the project and its conformance to
land use and zoning guidelines
prescribed by existing laws;
Findings in the feasibility study
should be examined and specific
recommendations for changes in (Lack of feasibility study?)
the design standards of principal features, if desirable,
should be supported by detailed justifications, including
their effects on the cost, and, if necessary, the
economic justification (RIRR, Annex A).
Preparing for the Procurement of
Infrastructure Projects
Work under Detailed Engineering shall
include, but not limited to:
1. Design Standards
2. Field Surveys and Investigations
3. Contract Plans
4. Quantities
5. Special Provisions
6. Unit Prices
7. Approved Budget for the Contract
8. Bidding documents as provided for in the IRR.
9. Program of Work

Philippine Bidding Documents
1. Invitation to Bid (IB);
2. Instructions to Bidders (ITB) (used unchanged);
3. Bid Data Sheet (BDS) (specifies/modifies ITB);
4. General Conditions of Contract (GCC) (used
5. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
(specifies/modifies GCC);
6. Specifications
7. Drawings
8. Bill of Quantities;
9. Forms and Qualification Information; and
10. Foreign Assisted Projects
Philippine Bidding Documents
PBDs must contain the following information:
1. ABC and source of funds;
2. Date, time and place of the pre-bid conference (where
applicable), submission of bids and opening of bids;
3. Eligibility requirements;
4. ITB, including criteria for eligibility, bid evaluation and post-
qualification, submission of bids, and opening of bids;
5. Scope of Work (SOW), for services;
6. Form of Bid, Price Form, and Bill of Quantities;
7. Delivery Time or Completion Schedule;
8. Form, amount and validity period of Bid Security;
9. Form and amount of Performance Security and Warranty;
10. Form of Contract, GCC and SCC.

Philippine Bidding Documents
Specifications and other terms in the bidding
documents reflect only the minimum
requirements or specifications;
This rule is based on the nature of the
procedure used to evaluate the technical
proposals a pass/fail method - such that
the presence or absence of the technical
requirements is the sole basis for determining
technical compliance.
After having established compliance with the
technical specifications, the next factor to
consider would then be the price or financial
bid. 8
Procedural Steps for Procurement
of Infrastructure Projects
from time IB is first posted
7 c.d.
Conference Advertisement Issue Bidding
/Posting Documents

1 c.d.of 50/65 c.d. from last date of advertisement or posting of IB to bid opening

Opening Opening
Submission of of Opening of
Eligibility Tech.
Of Bids Financial
Docs and Proposal Pre-Bid
Eligibility & Prel. Proposal
Exam. at least 12 Conference

roposal Evaluation Award of

& Ranking Post-qualification Contract
not more than 5/7 30 c.d. max
c.d. Maximum of 113/144 c.d. with Minimum 28 c.d. 9
Pre-Procurement Conference
ABC of Contract When Conducted?
Above 2M/ 5M Mandatory Conducted at
least 7 cd prior
2M/ 5M below Discretionary
to the date of
and/or 1st day
of posting of
the IB

Pre-Procurement Conference
Forum to discuss all aspects of a specific procurement
activity, which includes:
1. Technical Specifications and Scope of Work;
2. ABC;
3. Applicability and appropriateness of the recommended
method of procurement and the related milestones;
4. Bidding documents; and
5. Availability of the pertinent budget release for the

BAC may be held administratively liable for neglect of

duty under the Civil Service Rules (Presidential Decree
807) without prejudice to other civil and criminal
liabilities under applicable law for its failure to conduct
the required Pre-procurement Conference for the
procurement of infrastructure projects with an ABC of
more P5 Million,. 11
Pre-Procurement Conference
Determine the state of readiness of the
procurement at hand by checking, among others
the following:
a. The availability of the ROW;
b. The detailed engineering investigations, surveys and
c. The ownership of affected properties; and
d. Adherence of the bidding documents, technical plans,
specifications, and scope of work to relevant general
procurement guidelines.
Review, modify and agree on the following
a) eligibility check/screening;
b) evaluation of bids;
Advertisement and Posting of
Invitation to Bid (IB)

1.Serves as the notice to the public and all interested parties of

the procurement and bidding opportunities of the PE
2.Ensures transparency and widest possible dissemination that
will increase the number of prospective bidders and intensify
3.Ensure that PE will get the best possible proposals as to
quality and cost

The BAC Sec ensures that the advertising/posting requirements

of the IB are complied with.
Advertisement and Posting of
Invitation to Bid (IB)
EO 662, as amended by EO 662-A, expressly
provides that non-compliance with posting
obligations shall render the accountable
officials liable for dereliction of duty and
conduct grossly prejudicial to the best interest
of the service, without prejudice to other charges,
whether administrative, civil or criminal

Advertisement and Posting of
Invitation to Bid (IB)
Medium and Frequency
Newspaper of General Once in one
Nationwide Circulation newspaper of
PhilGEPS website Continuous

PEs Website, if Continuous

available posting
Conspicuous Place
within the premises of For at least 7

the Procuring Entity cd
concerned 15
Advertisement and Posting of
Invitation to Bid (IB)
Distribution and Sale of Bidding Documents:

The concerned BAC, through its BAC Secretariat, shall make

the Bidding Documents for the contract to be bid available
from the time the IB is first posted and/or advertised until
the deadline for the submission and receipt of bids.
(Section 17.3, IRR of RA 9184)

Advertisement and Posting of
Invitation to Bid (IB)
Distribution and Sale of Bidding Documents:
If bidding documents are sold, the BAC shall issue the
Bidding Documents upon payment of the corresponding cost
thereof to the collecting/disbursing officer of the PE concerned
if documents have been downloaded, BAC shall only accept
the submitted bid envelopes, upon payment of the
corresponding bid fee.

Advertisement and Posting of
Invitation to Bid (IB)
Rates for Sale of Bidding Documents: (GPPB Res 04-2012)

Approved Budget for the Contract Maximum Cost of Bidding

(in Philippine Peso)

500,000 and below 500.00

More than 500,000 up to 1 Million 1,000.00

More than 1 Million up to 5 Million 5,000.00

More than 5 Million up to 10 Million 10,000.00

More than 10 Million up to 50 Million 25,000.00

More than 50 Million up to 500 Million 50,000.00

More than 500 Million 75,000.00 18

Pre-Bid Conference
ABC of the When conducted?
1M or More Mandatory Held at least 12 cd before
deadline for bid submission.
Less than 1M Discretionary May be extended to at least
30 cd considering:

Method, nature, and

complexity of contract
International participation is
more advantageous

Pre-Bid Conference

At the option of procuring entity, only

bidders who purchased bid documents are
allowed to attend or ask questions

Subject to the approval of the BAC, a pre-

bid conference may also be conducted
upon written request of any prospective
Pre-Bid Conference

The minutes of the pre-bid conference shall be

recorded and made available to all participants not
later than 3 calendar days after the pre-bid

Any statement made at the pre-bid conference shall

not modify the terms of the Bidding Documents,
UNLESS such statement is specifically identified in
writing as an amendment thereto and issued as a
Supplemental/Bid Bulletin.

Supplemental/Bid Bulletin
It is a written response to a request for clarification raised:
During the pre-bid conference or
After the pre-bid conference but at least 10 cd before the
deadline for the submission and receipt of bids.
This shall be made available at least 7 cd before the deadline for
the submission and receipt of bids

Upon the PE own initiative, its BAC may issue Supplemental/Bid

Bulletins for any clarification or modification to the Bidding
Documents and must be identified as an amendment.

Supplemental/Bid Bulletin
Supplemental/Bid bulletin must be posted
a.the website of the PE concerned, if
b.and on PhilGEPS.

Submission and Receipt of Bids (Sec. 25)
Two-Envelope System (Eligibility
requirements included in the Technical

In Infrastructure Projects, Technical (incl.

eligibility requirements) and Financial
Proposals will now be submitted at the
same time

Submission and Receipt
of Bids (Sec. 25.4)
Maximum Period (cd)
Infra (50M and below) 50
Infra (above 50M) 65

Date of submission should not be later than the

following period from the last day of posting of
the Invitation to Bid
Submission and Receipt of Bids (Sec. 25)
First Envelope
Eligibility requirements
Bid security
Project requirements
Omnibus sworn statement

Eligibility Requirements (Sec. 23)
_ Legal Documents
DTI / SEC / CDA Registration
Mayors permit from principal place of business
Tax clearance per EO 398s.2005 as finally
reviewed and approved by the BIR (GPPB Res.
No.21-2013 dtd. July30, 2013)

Technical Documents
Statement of all on-going and completed contracts
PCAB license and registration
Unless otherwise stated in treaty or international
or executive agreement

Eligibility Requirements (Sec. 23)

Financial Documents
Income Tax Return together with the audited
Financial Statement stamped received by the
BIR (GPPB Res. No. 08-2013)

NFCC computation

Eligibility Requirements (Sec. 23)

If Joint Venture -
If no JVA, sworn statements by each partner
that they will enter into and abide by provisions
of the JVA if awarded the contract


Criteria (Sec. 23)
Legal Eligibility
Duly licensed Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships
General rule: 75% Filipino (LOI 630)
If joint venture, less than 75% is allowed if -
Not less than 25% Filipino
Structures to be built require techniques not possessed
by 75% Filipinos
Foreign contractors allowed if stated in treaty or
international or executive agreement

Eligibility Criteria (Sec. 23)
Technical Eligibility
PCAB License (RA 4566)
Satisfactory CPES Rating and/or
certificate of completion and

Eligibility Criteria (Sec. 23)
Technical Eligibility

Track Record: Single Largest Contract for

At least 50% of ABC

For foreign funded procurement, a different

track record may be agreed upon

Eligibility Criteria
Capacity to Undertake the Contract:
Exception: Contractors under Small A &
B categories w/out similar experience are
allowed to bid if cost of contract to be bid
is not more than 50% of
Allowable Range of Contract Cost (ARCC)

of his registration;

Eligibility Criteria

Financial Eligibility
NFCC at least equal to ABC

Bid Security
A bid security must be
submitted with every bid.
operative on the date of bid opening, and
payable to the PE

Failure to enclose the required bid security in the

form and amount prescribed by the PE shall
automatically disqualify the bidder concerned.
(Section 27.1, IRR of RA 9184)

Bid Security
Forms and Corresponding Amounts:
Amount of Bid Security
Form of Bid Security (Equal to Percentage of
the ABC)
1. Cash, cashiers/managers check, bank draft/guarantee Two percent (2%)
confirmed by a Universal or Commercial Bank.

2. Irrevocable letter of credit issued by a Universal or

Commercial Bank: Provided, however, that it shall be
confirmed or authenticated by a Universal or Commercial
Bank, if issued by a foreign bank.

3. Surety bond callable upon demand issued by a surety Five percent (5%)
or insurance company duly certified by the Insurance
Commission as authorized to issue such security.

4. Any combination of the foregoing. Proportionate to share of

form with respect to total
amount of security
The PE cannot limit the allowable forms of bid security.
Bid Security
Forms and Corresponding Amounts:
1. Amendment of Section 27.5 of the IRR of RA 9184 to read: (GPPB Res 25-
A Bid Securing Declaration is an undertaking which states, among others,
that the bidder shall enter into contract with the procuring entity and furnish
the required performance security within ten (10) calendar days, or less, as
indicated in the Bidding Documents, from receipt of the Notice of Award, and
committing to pay the corresponding fine and be suspended for a period of
time from being qualified to participate in any government procurement
activity in the event it violates any of the conditions stated therein as required
in the guidelines issued by the GPPB.

The PE cannot limit the allowable forms of bid security.
Bid Security
Validity of Bid Securities
The validity period should not be more than one
hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of
bid opening.

PE may extend the period of validity of the bids and

the bid securities by requesting the same in writing from
all those who submitted bids before the expiry date .

However, the bidders shall have the right to refuse to

grant such extension without forfeiting their bid
securities and have the same returned to them. Refusal
however constitutes a waiver to further participate in
the bidding.
Project Requirements for Infra
Organizational chart for the contract to be bid;

List of contractors personnel;

List of contractors equipment units (owned, leased, and/or

under purchase agreements)

Omnibus Sworn Statement (prescribed by GPPB)
Not blacklisted (RIRR Section 25.1)
Docs submitted is an authentic copy of the original, complete, and
that all statements and information provided therein are true and
correct. (RIRR Section 25.2)
Authorization to the head of the PE to verify all documents
submitted (RIRR Section 25.3)
Authorization of representative (RIRR Section 25.4)
Complies with disclosure provision (RIRR Section 25.5)
Complies with responsibilities provided in the PBDs (RIRR Section
Complies with existing labor laws (RIRR Section 25.7)
It did not give or pay, directly or indirectly, any commission,
amount, fee, or any form of consideration, pecuniary or otherwise,
to any person or official, personnel or representative of the govt.
in relation to any proc. project or activity (GPPB Res. No. 22-2013

1. 40
Submission andEnvelope
Second Receipt of Bids (Sec. 25.)
Bid prices in the Bill of Quantities in the
prescribed Bid Form;
Detailed estimates, including a summary
sheet indicating the unit prices of
construction materials, labor rates and
equipment rentals used, indicating also the
direct and indirect costs, in coming up with
the bid; and
Cash flow by quarter and payments
Evaluation of Bids
Procedure for Bid Evaluation:
After the preliminary examination of bids, the BAC,
through the TWG, shall immediately conduct a detailed
evaluation of all bids rated passed, using a
nondiscretionary criteria, as stated in the IB and the
ITB, which shall include a consideration of the
a) The bid must be complete;
Unless the ITB specifically allows partial bids,
bids not addressing or providing all of the
required items in the bidding documents
including, where applicable, bill of quantities,
shall be automatically disqualified;
Where a required item is provided, but no price
is indicated, the same shall be considered as
non-responsive, but specifying a 0 (zero) for
the said item would mean that it is being offered
for free to the Government; 42
Evaluation of Bids
b) Minor arithmetical corrections to consider
computational errors, omissions and discounts, if
allowed in the bidding documents, to enable proper
comparison of all eligible bids;
Any adjustment shall be calculated in monetary
terms to determine the calculated prices. (RIRR
Section 32.2.1 [b]);
c) All bids shall be evaluated on an equal footing to
ensure fair and competitive bid evaluation;
All bidders shall be required to include the cost
of all taxes, such as, but not limited to, value
added tax (VAT), income tax, local taxes, and
other fiscal levies and duties which shall be
itemized in the bid form and reflected in the
detailed estimates;
Such bids, including said taxes, shall be the
basis for bid evaluation and comparison. (RIRR
Sections 32.2.2)
Evaluation of Bids
d) In case of discrepancies between:
1. bid prices in figures and in words, the latter
shall prevail;
2. total prices and unit prices, the latter shall
3. Stated total prices and the actual sum of
prices of component items, the latter shall
4. unit cost in the detailed estimate and unit
cost in the bill of quantities, the latter shall
prevail. (RIRR Sections 32.2.3)
The corrected per item cost for all items
shall be the basis for the corrected
grand total cost. 44
Evaluation of Bids
Total calculated bid prices, as evaluated and
corrected for computational errors, discounts and
other modifications, which exceed the ABC shall be
disqualified. (RIRR Sections 32.2.4)
After all bids have been received, opened, examined,
evaluated and ranked, BAC shall prepare the
corresponding Abstract of Bids.
All members of the BAC shall sign the Abstract of
Bids and attach thereto all the bids with their
corresponding Bid Securities and the minutes or
proceedings of the bidding. (RIRR Section 32.3);
TWG, with the assistance of the BAC Secretariat,
when directed by the BAC, should prepare the
Evaluation Report, containing details of the
evaluation conducted, preferably within three (3)
calendar days from the date the evaluation was
concluded. 45
Bid Evaluation


Members of the BAC, BAC Secretariat and TWG, as

well as its staff and personnel are prohibited from
making/accepting any communication from bid
submission until issuance of NOA.

However, BAC through its BAC Secretariat, may request

in writing bidders for clarification of its bid. (Section 32.1,
IRR of RA 9184)
Post-qualification (Sec. 34)
Submission of the ff documents:
Latest income and business tax returns
Certificate of PhilGEPS registration

Post Qualification

It must be conducted and completed within seven

(7) calendar days from the determination of the
LCB. (IRR Section 34.8) However, in exceptional
cases, the post-qualification period may be
extended by the LCE to a maximum of thirty (30)
calendar days.

Post Qualification
Criteria to consider during
verification and validation, but not
limited to the following:

Legal Requirements
Technical Requirements
Financial Requirements
Notice of Award (Sec. 37)
Conditioned on the following:
If joint venture, submission of
If foreign-funded and stated in
treaty or international or
executive agreement, PCAB
Posting of Performance Security
Performance Security
Form of Bid and Amt of Bid Amt of
Performance Security Performance
Security (% = ABC) Security
(% = Contract
a)Cash or
s check
2% 10%
guarantee/draft or
Irrevocable LC
c)Surety bond
callable upon 5% 30%
d)Combination of Proportionate to share of form with
the foregoing respect to the total amount of
security 51
Award of Contract
The contract shall be awarded to the bidder with the
Notice of Award should be issued by the HOPE/LCE
within four (4) c.d. for ABC 50M and below; seven (7)
c.d. for ABC above 50M from date of determination of
NOA shall be served personally or by registered mail or
In case the Notice of Award is not received personally, its
receipt must be confirmed in writing within two (2) days by the
successful bidder and submitted personally or sent by
registered mail or electronically to the Procuring Entity;

A copy of the NOA shall be posted in the websites of

the PhilGEPS, the Procuring Entity, and its electronic
procurement service provider, if any. 52
Contract Signing and Approval

Both parties must sign the contract within ten

(10) c.d. from receipt of the NOA;
If further approval of a higher authority is
required after contract signing, period of max
of fifteen (15) c.d. and five (5) c.d. for ABC
costing 50M and below is given to approve or
disapprove it.
GOCCs, the concerned board or its duly
authorized representative is given a max of 25

Contract Signing and Approval
Documents that form part of the
1. Contract Agreement;
2. Bidding Documents;
3. Winning bidders bid, including the
Eligibility requirements, Technical and
Financial Proposals and all other
documents/statements submitted;
4. Performance Security;
5. Notice of Award of Contract; and

Contract Signing and Approval
6. Other contract documents that may be
required by existing laws and/or the
procuring entity concerned in the Bidding
Documents, such as the construction
schedule and S-curve, manpower
schedule, construction methods,
equipment utilization schedule,
construction safety and health program
approved by the DOLE and PERT/CPM
for infrastructure projects.

Notice to Proceed
Notice to Proceed should be issued, together with a
copy of the approved contract, to the successful
bidder within two (2) c.d. for contracts costing 50M
and below, three (3) c.d. for contracts costing above
50M from date of approval of the contract;
The contract effectivity date shall be provided in the
If an effectivity date is provided in the NTP by the PE,
such date shall not be later than seven (7) calendar
days from issuance thereof (RIRR Section 37.4.1);
BAC Sec. shall post a copy of the NTP and approved
contract in the PhilGEPS within 15 CD from issuance
of NTP.

Warranty Security (Sec. 62)
Warranty period vs. Warranty security period
Warranty security period for 1 year
Liability per stage
From project construction to final acceptance
From project completion to final acceptance
From final acceptance to warranty security period

The contractor shall assume full responsibility for the
contract work from the time project construction
commenced up to final acceptance by the Procuring
Entity and shall be held responsible for any damage or
destruction of the works except those occasioned by
force majeure;

The defects liability period for infrastructure projects

shall be one year from project completion up to final
acceptance by the Procuring Entity;

During this period, the contractor shall undertake the

repair works, at his own expense, of any damage to the
infrastructure projects on account of the use of materials
of inferior quality within ninety (90) days from the time
the HOPE/LCE has issued an order to undertake repair;
In case of contractors failure or refusal to comply
with this mandate, the PE shall undertake such
repair works and shall be entitled to full
reimbursement of expenses incurred therein upon
demand at the cost of the contractor. (IRR-A
Section 62.2.1);
Applicable warranty period:

Permanent Structures Fifteen (15) years

Semi-Permanent Structures Five (5) years
Other Structures Two (2) years

After final acceptance the contractor shall be held
responsible for structural defects and/or failure of the
completed project, except those caused by force
majeure and those caused by other parties;
The contractor shall be required to put up a warranty
security in the form of cash, bank guarantee, letter of
credit, GSIS or surety bond callable on demand in
accordance with the following schedule:

Form of Warranty Minimum Amount in % of

Contract Price
1. Cash deposit, cash bond Five percent (5%)
or LC
2. Bank Guarantee Ten percent (10%)

3. Surety Bond Thirty percent (30%)

Variation Order
Refers to any increase/decrease in quantities within
the general scope of the project as bid and awarded,
in any of the following aspects:
1. Introduction of new work items that are not included in
the original contract; or
2. Reclassification of work items that are either due to
change of plans, design or alignment to suit actual field
Variation Order may either be in the form of a Change
Order or Extra Work Order;
Provided that the cumulative amount of the positive or
additive Variation Order does not exceed 10% of the
original contract price


The contractor can request for advance payment.

However, the payment must not exceed fifteen percent
(15%) of the total contract price, to be made in lump
sum or, at the most, two (2) installments according to
a schedule specified in the ITB and other relevant
bidding documents and upon submission of an
irrevocable standby letter of credit;
Advance payment shall be repaid by deducting 15%
from every progress payment a percentage equal to
the percentage of the total contract price;
The progress payment can be made once a month,
provided that the latter submits a Statement of Work
Accomplished based on the items in the Bill of
Retention Money
Retention money refers to the amount equal to ten
percent (10%) of the progress payments, before
deductions are made, that is withheld by the Procuring
Entity (PE) to cover the uncorrected discovered
defects and third party liabilities;
Collected from all progress payments until works
equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the value of works,
as determined by the PE, is accomplished. If, after fifty
percent (50%) completion, the work is satisfactorily
done and on schedule, no additional retention shall be
made; otherwise, the ten percent (10%) retention shall
continue to be imposed;
Shall be due for release after the defects liability
period, upon final acceptance of the works.
Retention Money
The contractor may request the Entity that, instead of
retention money being withheld from each progress
billing, it issues in favor of the government, irrevocable
standby letters of credit from a commercial bank, bank
guarantees or surety bonds callable on demand;
These financial instruments must be of amounts
equivalent to the retention money substituted for and
acceptable to government;
They must also be valid for a duration to be
determined by the concerned Entity and will answer
for the purpose for which the ten percent (10%)
retention is intended.

Liquidated Damages (Sec. 68)

Adopted formula of Goods

One-tenth of one percent (1%) of the
cost of the unperformed portion for
every day of delay but total not to
exceed 10% of the contract amount

Sealing and Marking of Bids
for Good and Civil Works
20.1 Bidders shall enclose their original
eligibility and technical documents described in
ITB Clause 12, in one sealed envelope marked
the original of their financial component in
another sealed envelope marked ORIGINAL -
FINANCIAL COMPONENT, sealing them all in
an outer envelope marked ORIGINAL BID.
Original TECHNIC
Technic AL
al Componen ORIGINAL
Original -
l L
20. 2 Each copy of the first and second envelopes
shall be similarly sealed duly marking the inner
envelopes as COPY NO. ___ - TECHNICAL
envelope as COPY NO. ___, respectively.

Copy 1 Technic AL
Eligibility al Componen
t COPY 1
Copy 1 -
l L
20.2 These envelopes containing the
original and the copies shall then be
enclosed in one single envelope.


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