34 Flame Photometry
34 Flame Photometry
34 Flame Photometry
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Flame Photometry
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Session Objectives
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Spectroscopy
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Spectroscopy Methods
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Spectroscopy
To understand the relationship of these techniques to each other, It is important to
understand the atom itself and the atomic process involved in each technique.
Excited Excited
states states 3
Emission Absorption
Boltzmann equation explain the relatioship between the ground and excited state atoms N1/N =
N1: No. of excited atoms N: No. of ground state atoms E: excitation energy
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Spectroscopy
The process of excitation and decay to ground state is involved
in the two techniques of atomic spectroscopy.
We measure the energy absorbed or emitted and use it for
quantification process
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES)
(Flame Photometry)
Principle: Flame photometry is based upon those particles that are electronically
excited in the medium.
Flame photometry is used mainly for the determination of alkali metals and easily
excited elements (Na, K, Li, Ca, etc.) particularly in biological fluids and tissues
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Flame Photometry
Flame Detector
The flame temperature is the most important factor. Increase in flame temperature causes
an increase in emission intensity. This is controlled by composition of the flame.
High temperature flames should not be used for elements that ionized easily e.g. Na, K, Li
or Ce. However, high temperature flames are generally favored for transition elements and
alkaline earth metals. 12
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Flame Photometry
Effect of the solvent used to dissolve the sample ; if the solvent is water the process is
slow and if it is organic solvent the process is fast and emission intensity is increased.
It is therefore very important that calibration curves be prepared using the same
The stochiometric ratio of fuel to oxidant in the flame must be used, in which both
fuel to oxidant are totally consumed.
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Flame Photometry
The nebulizer-burner system
To convert the test sample into gaseous atoms
Nebulizer produce an aerosol of the test solution
Burner in which the mixing between fuel and oxidant
1. Simple to manufacture
2. Allows a total representative sample to reach the
3. Free from explosion hazards Oxidant
1. Aspiration rate varies with different solvents
2. Suitable only for AES
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Flame Photometry
Non Flame Atomizers
For example: Heated Granite Furnace
Sample evaporation time and temp. controlled drying and ashing
1. small samples are analysed
2. 1000-fold more sensitive than flame
3. Oven is adaptable to determination of solid samples
Analytical technique
1. Choice of the wavelength: of max. sensitivity and min. spectral interferences
2. Sample preparation:
a. It is very important to obtain the sample in a form of solution, where the spectral and chemical interferences
are absent
b. Demineralized dist. Water and very pure reagents are to be used because of the high sensitivity of the
c. Because of the instability of the very dil. Solution, it is advisable to dilute the soln just before use.
d. Several elements can be determined in blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid and other biological fluids by direct
aspiration of the sample after dilution with water.
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Flame Photometry
Chemical interferences: can often be overcome by simple dilution with a suitable
reagent solution e.g. serum is diluted by EDTA solution for the determination of
calcium in order to prevent interference from phosphate.
3. Standard curves
b s o rb a n c e ,
Deviations from linearity
may occur AIntensity
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Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology
Concentration, c 18
M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Flame Photometry
3. Qualitative analysis
Flame photometry are useful mostly for the detection of elements in group I and II of the
periodic table. The presence of certain elements can be detected by the use of a filter or
Advantages and disadvantages
The method is not as reliable as other atomic emission spectroscopic methods, but it is fast
and simple.
4. Quantitative analysis
To perform quantitative analysis, the sample is introduced into the flame and the intensity of
radiation is measured. The concentration of the emitting substance is then calculated from a
calibration curve or using standard addition method.
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Flame Photometry
Application of flame photometry in pharmaceutical analysis
1. Metals are major constituents of several pharmaceuticals such as dialysis solutions, lithium carbonate
tablets, antacids and multivitamin - mineral tablets.
2. The elements Na, K, Li, Mg, Ca, Al and Zn are among the most common elements subjected to
pharmaceutical analysis using flame emission technique.
3. Sodium and potassium levels in biological fluids are difficult to analyze by titrimetric or colorimetric
techniques. Their analysis is very important for control of infusion and dialysis solutions which must be
carefully monitored to maintain proper electrolyte balance.
2. The analysis may be carried out without prior separation as other components such as dextrose, do not
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Atomic Absorption spectroscopy involves the study of the absorption of radiant energy by
neutral (ground state) atoms in the gaseous state.
Instrument components
Hollow cathode P0 P
Lamps low-pressure inert gas
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Electrodless Discharge Lamps, EDL
For easily evaporized elements as Hg or As
Used for AAS and AES
Give much greater radiation intensities than hollow cathode
There is no electrode, but instead , the inert carrier gas is energized by an intense field
of radiofrequency or microwave radiation plasma formation which cause excitation
of the metal inside
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Degree of absorption:
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Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Spectral Interferences
1. They arise when the absorption line of an interfering species either overlaps or lies so
close to the analyte absorption line that resolution by the monochromator becomes
impossible. Ex. Mg in presence of Ca.
2. They occur from band or continuous spectra which are due to absorption of molecules or
complex ions remaining in the flame
3. They arise from flame background spectrum.
1. It may be useful to shift to another spectral line
2. Two line correction method: (Instrumental correction)
It employs a line from the source as a reference. The line should lie as close as possible to the analyte line
but must not be absorbed by the analyte. If the conditions are met, any decrease in the reference line
from that observed during calibration arises from absorption by the matrix of the sample. 26
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Chemical Interferences
occurs during atomization that prevent the gaseous atoms production of the analyte.
They are more common than spectral ones.
2. Formation of stable refractory oxides of TiO2, V2O5 or Al2O3 by reaction with O2 and
OH species in the flame
1. Increase in the flame temp. Formation of free gaseous atoms
e.g. Al2O3 is readily dissociated in acetylene-nitrous oxide flame 27
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
2. Use of releasing agents: M-X + R RX + M ex. Detn of Ca in presence of
(Ca - phosphate + SrCl2 Sr-phosphate + Ca atoms) or (Ca phosphate +
EDTA Ca-EDTA easily dissociated complex ).
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
Using Non-Flame excitation sources
1. There is no single excitation source can excite all elements
2. The emitted radiation usually consists of sharp well defined lines, which fall
in UV or visible region
3. Identification of the of these lines permits qualitative analysis of these
elements, whereas measurements of their intensities permits quantitative
Disadvantages 1. Expensive
2. Low precision and accuracy
3. Destroying the sample
4. Used mainly for metals
2. Plasma sources operate at high temperatures between 7000 and 15000 K. Thus, it produces a greater
number of excited emitted atoms, especially in the UV region, than that produced by flame.
3. Using this technique, excitation operates through a plasma produced electrically in a carrier gas such as
nitrogen or argon.
Induction coils Magnetic field
Quartz tubes
Sample flow 34
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
Inductively coupled plasma; ICP
Argon gas flows upward through a quartz tube, around which is wrapped with a copper
or selenoid induction coil.
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
Direct current, DCP
It consists of a high-voltage discharge between two graphite electrodes. The recent design
employs a third electrode arranged in an inverted Y-shaped which improves the stability
of discharge.
The sample is nebulised at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Argon is used as carrier gas. The
argon ionized by the high-voltage is able to sustain a current.
DCP generally has lower detection limits than ICP. However, DCP is less expensive than
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
Advantages of plasma excitation source:
1- The sample could be introduced in solution form through a nebulizer (easy for
quantitative analysis).
4- It is well suited for refractory (oxide forming) elements e.g. P, Ur and tungeston
and for difficult-to-excite elements such as Zn and Cd.
Laser beam is used to vaporize the sample, which is then excited electrically.
The sample is loaded just beneath the two electrodes that will be used to generate the
electrical discharge.
A ruby laser is then focused through a microscope onto the surface. The energy from the
laser causes an intense local hot spot which vaporizes a small quantity of sample.
The vapor circuits the electrodes and electrical discharge occurs which excites the metals
in vapor. The excited metals emit typical emission spectra which are collected and
measured as usual.
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
Advantages of laser excitation source
1. Laser excitation produces a high density plasma and is used for the spectrochemical
analysis of solid materials.
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Quantitative analysis
If the composition of sample and matrix is unknown. The internal standard is added to
both unknown and calibration standards.
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Standard Addition Method
in order to partially or wholly counteract the chemical and spectral interferences
introduced by the sample matrix.
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Applications of AES (using non-flame excitation sources)
AES is rapid method for qualitative and quantitative determination of most metals.
It is superior than flame and atomic absorption methods. Flame emission spectroscopy
has the limitations of being only good for few elements while atomic absorption
techniques need a separate source lamp for each element. AES methods; being very
sensitive, have numerious applications in analysis of biological samples.
For examples:
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
SUMMARY: Contd---
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Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Thanks for your kind attention
aculty of Engineering
Faculty of Pharmacy& Technology M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences