Identifying Purposes and Characteristics

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Lesson 5

Identifying Purposes and

of Processors
Central Processing Unit
The CPU performs the system's
calculating and processing.
The terms chip ,chip carrier,
carrier also
known as a chip container or chip
package are has grown to describe
the entire package that a technician
might install in a socket.
processor chip consisting of an array
of millions of transistors.
Intel and Advanced Micro Devices
(AMD) are the two largest PC-
compatible CPU manufacturers.
Processor form factors

DIP (Dual In-line Package

PGA (Pin Grid Array)


Single Edge Contact Cartridge (SECC)

SECC is essentially a PGA-type
socket on a special expansion card. LGA (Land
( Grid Array) Socket T
More information
Processor Sockets and

Slot 1 receptacle is often referred to as

the Single Edge Contact or SEC

slot-to-socket adapter (SSA)

Determine which CPU your
computer is using
open the case and view the numbers
stamped on the CPU Or
sticker on the case indicating the
processor type (go to the manufacturers
website and look up the information on
the model of computer you have.) Or
System Properties pages Or
System Information utility Or
restart the computer
Processors can be
identified by two main
1. Speed of a processor
2. Front Side Bus (FSB)
Data Path width
3. Cash memory
1-Speed of a processor
Speed is counted in megahertz (MHz) and gigahertz (GHz),
which means millions and billions, respectively, of cycles
per second and faster is better
be careful in comparing systems based on pure MHz alone
because many other factors affect system performance.
Example 1
A single cycle is the smallest element of time for the
processor. Every action requires at least one cycle and
usually multiple cycles.
The time required to execute instructions varies:
8086 and 8088. The original 8086 and 8088 processors
take an average of 12 cycles to execute a single
Pentium Pro, Pentium II/III/4 processors can execute as
many as
3 or more instructions per cycle.
The clock rate of a CPU is only useful for providing
comparisons between CPUs in the same family.
More information
2. Front Side Bus (FSB)
is also called the Front side bus
(FSB), processor data bus, processor
side bus (PSB), or just CPU bus.
All these terms refer to the bus that
is between the CPU and
the main chipset component
(North Bridge or Memory
Controller Hub).
Front Side Bus (FSB)
This defines the rate at which data
can be moved into or out of the
Front Side Bus (FSB)
Data Path width
the bundle of wires (or pins) used to
send and receive data.
The more signals that can be sent at
the same time, the more data can be
transmitted in a specified interval
and, therefore, the faster (and wider)
the bus.
How does FSB determine
CPU speed?
CPU speed is determined by the
following formula:
FSB x Multiplier = CPU Speed
For example, if you had a FSB setting
of 133MHz and a 10x Multiplier, your
CPU speed would be 1330MHz or
Clock multiplying
Clock multiplying is the concept that the
processor will run faster than the
motherboard that the processor sits in.
For example, the original Pentium processor
ran on 60 or 66 MHz motherboards.
Say that the computer is marketed as being a
Pentium 90.
Since we know that the motherboard runs
at60 or 66 MHz, we can determine that the 90
comes from 60 * 1.5 meaning that the
processor runs 1.5 times the speed of the
motherboard.uld be 1330MHz or 1.33GHz.
know what the motherboard
speed is, too, not just the
advertised speed of the
From a consumers point of view, clock multipliers
become important when you take a look at
computers such as the Pentium 133 and the
Pentium 150.
Which is faster? The obvious answer is the
Pentium 150, the system with the higher
megahertz speed. But is it really? The Pentium
133 is a clock double of the 66 MHz board, while
the Pentium 150 is a clock double and a half of
the 60 MHz board.
My point being that the overall performance of
the system is controlled by more than just the
speed of the processor you

ALU ALU Internal data


Back side

C bus

A Control
Front Side bus
External data bus
32- and 64-bit
The set of data lines between the CPU and the
primary memory of the system can be 32 or 64
bits wide, among other widths.
The wider the bus, the more data that can be
processed per unit of time, and hence, the more
work that can be performed.
Internal registers in the CPU might be only 32 bits
wide, but with a 64-bit system bus, two separate
pipelines can receive information simultaneously.
For true 64-bit CPUs, which have 64-bit internal
registers and can run x64 versions of Microsoft
operating systems, the external system data bus
should be 64 bits wide or some larger multiple
3- Processor Cache
Cache memory
is a very fast chip memory that is used to
hold data and instructions that are most
likely to be requested next by the CPU.
An area of high-speed memory linked
directly to the CPU.
The CPU can access information in the
processor cache much more quickly than
information stored in main memory.
Frequently-used data is stored here.
The more caching the processor has, the
more it can hold before needing to go
elsewhere to get it.
there are three kinds
level 1 (L1) or internal cache
level 2 (L2) or external cache
level 3 (L3) cache.
level 1 (L1) or internal
L1 is the fastest
its integrated directly into the processors
Fast (it runs at the same speed as the core.
This, combined with the hit ratio of 90% or
greater, )
cache size is also small (because it has to fit
on the chip).
L1 cache is typically 16 KB to 32 KB in size
each of the processors in the dual core each
have a block of L1 cache available.
level 2 (L2) or external
L2 cache has been integrated into the
processor packaging.
Previously, it had been built into the
The dual core processor also has a block
of shared L2 cache between the two
processors in the dual core chip.
Todays L2 caches are 512 KB and up to
12 MB
that L1 cache is SRAM integrated into
the processors chip, whereas L2
cache is SRAM located outside the
CPU, usually on the system board or
in the casing of the processor.
level 3 (L3) cache.
Level 3 cache is now the name for
the extra cache built into
motherboards between the
microprocessor and the main
How cash works

processor L1 cache cache controller

system memory

one bite (byte? <g>) takes 60 seconds

every four seconds for the kitchen to
(233MHz = about 4ns produce any given
cycling). The waiter guessed wrong
item that you order
(60ns main
cache miss, in which the cache controller did not memory).
correctly fill the cache with the data the processor
actually needed next
According to Intel, the L1 cache in most of its
processors has approximately a 90% hit ratio (some
processors, such as the Pentium 4, are slightly
This means that the cache has the correct data
90% of the time, and consequently the processor
runs at full speed233MHz in this example90% of
the time.
However, 10% of the time the cache controller
guesses wrong and the data has to be retrieved out
of the significantly slower main memory, meaning
the processor has to wait.
This essentially throttles the system back to RAM
speed, which in this example was 60ns or 16MHz.
Modern processors can
feature the following:
Microcode and multimedia
Intel's Hyper-Threading (HT) Technology allows
a single processor to handle two independent
sets of instructions at the same time.
HT Technology converts a single physical
processor into two virtual processors
operating system must support SMP
(symmetric multiprocessing) in order to take
advantage of HTT.
many applications do not support HT
Technology and slow down when HT Technology
is enabled
It can be disabled form the BOIS
How Hyper-Threading
A multi-core processor implements
multiprocessing in a single physical package.
A dual-core processor contains two cores, and
a quad-core processor contains four cores.
A dual-core processor provides virtually all the
advantages of a multiple-processor computer
at a cost lower than two matched processors.
A dual-core processor is designed for users
who frequently multitask (run multiple
programs at the same time) or who use
multithreaded applications.
It's important to realize that a dual-core
processor does not improve single-task
CPU throttling allows reducing the operating
frequency of the CPU during times of less
demand or during battery operation.
CPU throttling is very common in processors
for mobile devices, where heat generation
and system-battery drain are key issues of
full power usage.
You might discover throttling in action when
you use a utility that reports a lower CPU
clock frequency than expected.
If the load on the system does not require
full-throttle operation, there is no need to
push such a limit.
Microcode and
multimedia extensions
Microcode is the set of instructions (known as an
instruction set) that make up the various microprograms
that the processor executes while carrying out its
various duties.
The Multimedia Extensions (MMX) microcode is a
specialized example of a separate microprogram that
carries out a particular set of functions.
Microcode is at a much lower level than the code that
makes up application programs.
Each instruction in an application will end up being
represented by many microinstructions, on average.
The MMX instruction set is incorporated into most
modern CPUs from Intel and others.MMX came about as
a way to take much of the multimedia processing off the
CPUs hands, leaving the processor to other tasks.
Think of it as sort of a coprocessor for multimedia, much
like the floating-point unit (FPU) is a math coprocessor.

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