Hemostasis: Presenter-Dr. Sonu
Hemostasis: Presenter-Dr. Sonu
Hemostasis: Presenter-Dr. Sonu
Dr. Sonu
Normal hemostasis is a consequence
of tightly regulated processes that
maintain blood in a fluid state in
normal vessels, yet also permit the
rapid formation of a hemostatic clot
at the site of a vascular injury.
After initial injury there is a
brief period of arteriolar
vasoconstriction mediated
by reflex neurogenic
mechanisms and
augmented by the local
secretion of factors such as
endothelin (a potent
vasoconstrictor). The effect
is transient, however, and
bleeding would resume if
not for activation of the
platelet and coagulation After vascular injury local
systems. neurohumoral factors induce a
transient vasoconstriction
Endothelial injury exposes
highly thrombogenic
extracellular matrix (ECM),
facilitating platelet
adherence and activation.
Activation of platelets
results in a dramatic shape
change (from small
rounded discs to flat plates
with markedly increased
surface area), as well as Platelets bind via glycoprotein Ib
the release of secretory (GpIb) receptors to von Willebrand
granules. Within minutes factor (vWF) on exposed
the secreted products extracellular matrix (ECM) and are
activated, undergoing a shape
recruit additional platelets change and granule release.
(aggregation) to form a Released adenosine diphosphate
hemostatic plug; this (ADP) and thromboxane A2 (TxA2)
process is referred to as induce additional platelet
primary hemostasis. aggregation through platelet GpIIb-
IIIa receptor binding to fibrinogen,
Tissue factor is also exposed
at the site of injury. Also
known as factor III and
thromboplastin, tissue factor
is a membrane-bound
procoagulant glycoprotein
synthesized by endothelial
cells. It acts in conjunction
with factor VII as the major
in vivo initiator of the
coagulation cascade, Local activation of the
eventually culminating in coagulation cascade
(involving tissue factor and
thrombin generation. platelet phospholipids)
Thrombin cleaves circulating results in fibrin
fibrinogen into insoluble polymerization, cementing
the platelets into a definitive
fibrin, creating a fibrin secondary hemostatic plug
meshwork, and also induces
additional platelet
Polymerized fibrin and
platelet aggregates
form a solid,
permanent plug to
prevent any further
hemorrhage. At this
stage, counter-
mechanisms (e.g.,
tissue plasminogen Counter-regulatory mechanisms,
activator, t-PA) are set mediated by tissue plasminogen
into motion to limit activator (t-PA, a fibrinolytic product) and
the hemostatic plug thrombomodulin, confine the hemostatic
process to the site of injury
to the site of injury.
Role of Endothelium
Endothelial cells are key players in the regulation
of homeostasis, as the balance between the anti-
and prothrombotic activities of endothelium
determines whether thrombus formation,
propagation, or dissolution occurs.
Normally, endothelial cells exhibit antiplatelet,
anticoagulant, and fibrinolytic properties;
however, after injury or activation they acquire
numerous procoagulant activities.
Besides trauma, endothelium can be activated by
infectious agents, hemodynamic forces, plasma
mediators, and cytokines.
Anti- and procoagulant activities of endothelium. NO, nitric oxide; PGI 2,
prostacyclin; t-PA, tissue plasminogen activator; vWF, von Willebrand
factor. The thrombin receptor is also called a protease-activated receptor
Antithrombotic Properties
Under normal circumstances endothelial cells
actively prevent thrombosis by producing factors
that variously block platelet adhesion and
aggregation, inhibit coagulation, and lyse clots.
Antiplatelet effects
Intact endothelium prevents platelets (and
plasma coagulation factors) from engaging the
highly thrombogenic subendothelial ECM.
Nonactivated platelets do not adhere to
endothelial cells, and even if platelets are
activated, prostacyclin (PGI2) and nitric oxide
produced by the endothelial cells impede platelet
Both of these mediators are potent vasodilators
and inhibitors of platelet aggregation; their
synthesis by the endothelium is stimulated by
several factors produced during coagulation (e.g.,
thrombin and cytokines).
Endothelial cells also elaborate adenosine
Anticoagulant effects
These effects are mediated by endothelial membrane-
associated heparin-like molecules, thrombomodulin, and tissue
factor pathway inhibitor.
The heparin-like molecules act indirectly; they are cofactors
that greatly enhance the inactivation of thrombin and several
other coagulation factors by the plasma protein antithrombin
Thrombomodulin binds to thrombin and converts it from a
procoagulant into an anticoagulant via its ability to activate
protein C, which inhibits clotting by inactivating factors Va and
Endothelium also produces protein S, a co-factor for protein C,
and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), a cell surface
protein that directly inhibits tissue factorfactor VIIa and factor
Xa activities.
Fibrinolytic effects
Endothelial cells synthesize tissue-type
plasminogen activator (t-PA), a protease that
cleaves plasminogen to form plasmin; plasmin, in
turn, cleaves fibrin to degrade thrombi.
Prothrombotic Properties
While normal endothelial cells limit clotting,
trauma and inflammation of endothelial cells
induce a prothrombotic state that alters the
activities of platelets, coagulation proteins, and
the fibrinolytic system.
Platelet effects
Endothelial injury allows platelets to contact the
underlying extracellular matrix; subsequent
adhesion occurs through interactions with von
Willebrand factor (vWF), which is a product of
normal endothelial cells and an essential cofactor
for platelet binding to matrix elements.
Procoagulant effects
In response to cytokines (e.g., tumor necrosis
factor [TNF] or interleukin-1 [IL-1]) or bacterial
endotoxin, endothelial cells synthesize tissue
factor, the major activator of the extrinsic clotting
In addition, activated endothelial cells augment
the catalytic function of activated coagulation
factors IXa and Xa.
Antifibrinolytic effects
Endothelial cells secrete inhibitors of plasminogen
activator (PAIs), which limit fibrinolysis and tend
to favor thrombosis.
Platelet adhesion and aggregation. Von Willebrand factor functions as an adhesion bridge between
subendothelial collagen and the glycoprotein Ib (GpIb) platelet receptor. Aggregation is accomplished
by fibrinogen bridging GpIIb-IIIa receptors on different platelets. Congenital deficiencies in the various
receptors or bridging molecules lead to the diseases indicated in the colored boxes. ADP, adenosine
In summary, intact, nonactivated endothelial cells
inhibit platelet adhesion and blood clotting.
Endothelial injury or activation, however, results
in a procoagulant phenotype that enhances
thrombus formation.
Role of Platelets
Platelets are disc-shaped, anucleate cell fragments
that are shed from megakaryocytes in the bone
marrow into the blood stream.
They play a critical role in normal hemostasis, by
forming the hemostatic plug that initially seals
vascular defects, and by providing a surface that
recruits and concentrates activated coagulation
Their function depends on several glycoprotein
receptors, a contractile cytoskeleton, and two
types of cytoplasmic granules.
-Granules have the adhesion molecule P-selectin
on their membranes and contain fibrinogen,
fibronectin, factors V and VIII, platelet factor 4 (a
heparin-binding chemokine), platelet-derived
Dense (or ) granules contain ADP and ATP,
ionized calcium, histamine, serotonin, and
After vascular injury, platelets encounter ECM
constituents such as collagen and the adhesive
glycoprotein vWF.
On contact with these proteins, platelets undergo:
(1) adhesion and shape change,
(2) secretion (release reaction), and
(3) aggregation.
Platelet adhesion to ECM is mediated
largely via interactions with vWF, which acts as a
bridge between platelet surface receptors (e.g.,
glycoprotein Ib [GpIb]) and exposed collagen.
Although platelets can also adhere to other
components of the ECM (e.g., fibronectin), vWF-
GpIb associations are necessary to overcome the
high shear forces of flowing blood. Reflecting the
importance of these interactions, genetic
deficiencies of vWF (von Willebrand disease; ) or its
receptor (Bernard-Soulier syndrome) result in
bleeding disorders.
Secretion (release reaction) of both
granule types occurs soon after adhesion. Various
agonists can bind platelet surface receptors and
initiate an intracellular protein phosphorylation
cascade ultimately leading to degranulation.
Release of the contents of dense-bodies is
especially important, since calcium is required in
the coagulation cascade, and ADP is a potent
activator of platelet aggregation. ADP also begets
additional ADP release, amplifying the
aggregation process. Finally, platelet activation
leads to the appearance of negatively charged
phospholipids (particularly phosphatidylserine) on
their surfaces. These phospholipids bind calcium
and serve as critical nucleation sites for the
assembly of complexes containing the various
Platelet aggregation follows adhesion
and granule release. In addition to ADP, the
vasoconstrictor thromboxane A2 is an important
platelet-derived stimulus that amplifies platelet
aggregation, which leads to the formation of the
primary hemostatic plug. Although this initial
wave of aggregation is reversible, concurrent
activation of the coagulation cascade generates
thrombin, which stabilizes the platelet plug via
two mechanisms.
First, thrombin binds to a protease-activated
receptor on the platelet membrane and in concert
with ADP and TxA2 causes further platelet
aggregation. This is followed by platelet
contraction, an event that is dependent on the
platelet cytoskeleton that creates an irreversibly
fused mass of platelets, which constitutes the
definitive secondary hemostatic plug.
Noncleaved fibrinogen is also an important
component of platelet aggregation. Platelet
activation by ADP triggers a conformational
change in the platelet GpIIb-IIIa receptors that
induces binding to fibrinogen, a large protein that
forms bridging interactions between platelets that
promote platelet aggregation. Predictably,
inherited deficiency of GpIIb-IIIa results in a
bleeding disorder (Glanzmann thrombasthenia).
Red cells and leukocytes are also found in
hemostatic plugs. Leukocytes adhere to platelets
via P-selectin and to endothelium using several
adhesion receptors ; they contribute to the
inflammation that accompanies thrombosis.
Thrombin also drives thrombus-associated
inflammation by directly stimulating neutrophil
and monocyte adhesion and by generating
chemotactic fibrin split products during fibrinogen
Platelet-Endothelial Cell Interactions
The interplay of platelets and endothelium has a profound impact
on clot formation. The endothelial cell-derived prostaglandin PGI 2
(prostacyclin) inhibits platelet aggregation and is a potent
vasodilator; conversely, the platelet-derived prostaglandin TxA 2
activates platelet aggregation and is a vasoconstrictor. Effects
mediated by PGI2 and TxA2 are exquisitely balanced to effectively
modulate platelet and vascular wall function: at baseline, platelet
aggregation is prevented, whereas endothelial injury promotes
hemostatic plug formation. The clinical utility of aspirin (an
irreversible cyclooxygenase inhibitor) in persons at risk for coronary
thrombosis resides in its ability to permanently block platelet TxA 2
synthesis. Although endothelial PGI2 production is also inhibited by
aspirin, endothelial cells can resynthesize active cyclooxygenase
and thereby overcome the blockade. In a manner similar to PGI 2,
endothelial-derived nitric oxide also acts as a vasodilator and
inhibitor of platelet aggregation.
Coagulation Cascade
The coagulation cascade is the third arm of the
hemostatic process.
The coagulation cascade is essentially an
amplifying series of enzymatic conversions; each
step proteolytically cleaves an inactive
proenzyme into an activated enzyme, culminating
in thrombin formation. Thrombin is the most
important coagulation factor, and indeed can act
at numerous stages in the process. At the
conclusion of the proteolytic cascade, thrombin
converts the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen
into fibrin monomers that polymerize into an
insoluble gel. The fibrin gel encases platelets and
other circulating cells in the definitive secondary
hemostatic plug, and the fibrin polymers are
Each reaction in the pathway results from the
assembly of a complex composed of an enzyme
(activated coagulation factor), a substrate
(proenzyme form of coagulation factor), and a
cofactor (reaction accelerator). These
components are typically assembled on a
phospholipid surface and held together by
calcium ions (as an aside, the clotting of blood is
prevented by the presence of calcium chelators).
The requirement that coagulation factors be
brought close together ensures that clotting is
normally localized to the surface of activated
platelets or endothelium, it can be likened to a
dance of complexes, in which coagulation
factors are passed successfully from one partner
to the next. Parenthetically, the binding of
coagulation factors II, XII, IX, and X to calcium
depends on the addition of -carboxyl groups to
Schematic illustration of the conversion of factor X to factor Xa via
the extrinsic pathway, which in turn converts factor II (prothrombin)
to factor IIa (thrombin). The initial reaction complex consists of a
proteolytic enzyme (factor VIIa), a substrate (factor X), and a
reaction accelerator (tissue factor), all assembled on a platelet
phospholipid surface. Calcium ions hold the assembled components
together and are essential for the reaction. Activated factor Xa
becomes the protease for the second adjacent complex in the
coagulation cascade, converting prothrombin substrate (II) to
Blood coagulation is traditionally classified into
extrinsic and intrinsic pathways that converge on
the activation of factor X . The extrinsic pathway
was so designated because it required the
addition of an exogenous trigger (originally
provided by tissue extracts); the intrinsic pathway
only required exposing factor XII (Hageman
factor) to thrombogenic surfaces.
The extrinsic pathway is the most physiologically
relevant pathway for coagulation occurring when
vascular damage has occurred; it is activated by
tissue factor (also known as thromboplastin or
factor III), a membrane-bound lipoprotein
expressed at sites of injury.
Clinical laboratories assess the function of the two arms of the
coagulation pathway through two standard assays:
prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT).
The PT assay assesses the function of the proteins in the
extrinsic pathway (factors VII, X, II, V, and fibrinogen). This is
accomplished by adding tissue factor and phospholipids to
citrated plasma (sodium citrate chelates calcium and prevents
spontaneous clotting). Coagulation is initiated by the addition
of exogenous calcium and the time for a fibrin clot to form is
The partial thromboplastin time (PTT) screens for the function
of the proteins in the intrinsic pathway (factors XII, XI, IX, VIII,
X, V, II, and fibrinogen). In this assay, clotting is initiated
through the addition of negative charged particles (e.g.,
ground glass), which activates factor XII (Hageman factor),
phospholipids, and calcium, and the time to fibrin clot
formation is recorded.
In addition to catalyzing the final steps in the
coagulation cascade, thrombin exerts a wide
variety of proinflammatory effects. Most of these
effects of thrombin occur through its activation of
a family of protease activated receptors (PARs)
that belong to the seven-transmembrane G
proteincoupled receptor family. PARs are
expressed on endothelium, monocytes, dendritic
cells, T lymphocytes, and other cell types.
Receptor activation is initiated by cleavage of the
extracellular end of the PAR; this generates a
tethered peptide that binds to the clipped
receptor, causing a conformational change that
triggers signaling.
Role of thrombin in hemostasis and cellular activation. Thrombin
plays a critical role in generating cross-linked fibrin (by cleaving
fibrinogen to fibrin, and by activating factor XIII), as well as
activating several other coagulation factors. Through protease-
activated receptors (PARs), thrombin also modulates several cellular
activities. It directly induces platelet aggregation and TxA 2
production, and activates ECs to express adhesion molecules, and a
variety of fibrinolytic (t-PA), vasoactive (NO, PGI2), and cytokine
mediators (e.g., PDGF). Thrombin also directly activates leukocytes.
ECM, extracellular matrix; NO, nitric oxide; PDGF, platelet-derived
growth factor; PGI2, prostacyclin; TxA2, thromboxane A2; t-PA, tissue
Once activated, the coagulation cascade must be
restricted to the site of vascular injury to prevent
runaway clotting of the entire vascular tree.
Besides restricting factor activation to sites of
exposed phospholipids, three categories of
endogenous anticoagulants also control clotting.
(1) Antithrombins (e.g., antithrombin III) inhibit the
activity of thrombin and other serine proteases,
including factors IXa, Xa, XIa, and XIIa.
Antithrombin III is activated by binding to
heparin-like molecules on endothelial cells; hence
the clinical usefulness of administering heparin to
minimize thrombosis.
(2) Proteins C and S are vitamin Kdependent
proteins that act in a complex that proteolytically
inactivates factors Va and VIIIa.
(3) TFPI is a protein produced by endothelium (and
Activation of the coagulation cascade also sets into
motion a fibrinolytic cascade that moderates the size
of the ultimate clot. Fibrinolysis is largely
accomplished through the enzymatic activity of
plasmin, which breaks down fibrin and interferes with
its polymerization. The resulting fibrin split products
(FSPs or fibrin degradation products) can also act as
weak anticoagulants. Elevated levels of FSPs (most
notably fibrin-derived D-dimers) can be used in
diagnosing abnormal thrombotic states including
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), deep
venous thrombosis, or pulmonary embolism. Plasmin
is generated by enzymatic catabolism of the inactive
circulating precursor plasminogen, either by a factor
XIIdependent pathway or by plasminogen activators.
The most important of the PAs is t-PA; it is synthesized
principally by endothelium and is most active when
bound to fibrin. The affinity for fibrin makes t-PA a
useful therapeutic agent, since it largely confines
fibrinolytic activity to sites of recent thrombosis.
Urokinase-like PA (u-PA) is another PA present in
plasma and in various tissues; it can activate plasmin
in the fluid phase. Finally, plasminogen can be cleaved
to plasmin by the bacterial enzyme streptokinase, an
activity that may be clinically significant in certain
bacterial infections. As with any potent regulator,
plasmin activity is tightly restricted. To prevent excess
plasmin from lysing thrombi indiscriminately
elsewhere in the body, free plasmin is rapidly
inactivated by 2-plasmin inhibitor.
The fibrinolytic system, illustrating various plasminogen activators
and inhibitors
Endothelial cells also fine-tune the
coagulation/anticoagulation balance by releasing
plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI); it blocks
fibrinolysis by inhibiting t-PA binding to fibrin and
confers an overall procoagulant effect . PAI
production is increased by thrombin as well as
certain cytokines, and probably plays a role in the
intravascular thrombosis accompanying severe