C++ Crash Course For ROS

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C++ crash course

Justin Huang
Jan 12, 2015
Why C++?
Compile-time checks
Slight improvement over C
Widely used

Why not?
Slow compilation
Hello, world
# include < iostream > public class M ain {
public static void m ain(String[] args) {
int m ain(int argc, char** argv) { System .out.println("H ello, w orld!");
std::cout < < "H ello, w orld!" < < std::endl; }
return 0; }
Classes (Java)
public class Robot { Robot r = new Robot("Rosie");
private String nam e;

public Robot(String nam e) {

this.nam e = nam e;

public void sayN am e() {

System .out.println(nam e);
Classes (C++)
// robot.h // robot.cpp
# ifndef RO BO T_H _ # include < iostream >
# define RO BO T_H _ # include < string>
# include < string> # include "robot.h"

class Robot { Robot::Robot(): nam e_("") {

private: }
std::string nam e_; Robot::Robot(const std::string& nam e):
public: nam e_(nam e) {
Robot(); }
Robot(const std::string& nam e);
void SayN am e() const; void Robot::SayN am e() const {
}; std::cout < < nam e_ < < std::endl;
# endif }
Classes (C++)
// m ain.cpp

# include < iostream >

# include "robot.h"

int m ain() {
Robot r("Rosie");
r.SayN am e();
Robot r2;
r2.SayN am e();
Robot* r3 = new Robot("Rosie");
r3-> SayN am e();
return 0;
# include < iostream > for(const Robot& robot : robots) {
# include < vector> robot.SayN am e();
# include "robot.h" }

int m ain() { std::cout < < "There are " < < robots.size()
Robot r("Rosie"); < < " robots" < < std::endl;
Robot r2("M osie"); Robot rosie = robots[0];
return 0;
std::vector< Robot> robots; }

Hash tables
# include < iostream > robots["Rosie"].SayN am e();
# include < unordered_m ap> return 0;
int m ain() {
Robot r("Rosie");
Robot r2("M osie");

std::unordered_m ap< std::string, Robot>

robots["Rosie"] = r;
robots["M osie"] = r2;

// robot.h // m ain.cpp
# ifndef RO BO T_H _
# define RO BO T_H _ nam espace m yproject {
void inside() {
nam espace m yproject { Robot r;
class Robot { r.SayN am e();
... }
}; };
int m ain() {
# endif m yproject::Robot r;
r.SayN am e();
m yproject::inside();
# include < iostream > # include < iostream >
# include < string> # include < string>

using std::string; using nam espace std;

int m ain() { int m ain() {

string nam e = "Rosie"; string nam e = "Rosie";
std::cout < < nam e < < std::endl; cout < < nam e < < endl;
return 0; return 0;
} }
Transitivity of inclusion
// robot.h // m ain.cpp
# ifndef RO BO T_H _
# define RO BO T_H _ # include "robot.h"

# include < iostream > int m ain() {

using nam espace std; cout < < "H ello w orld" < < endl;
# endif
int test = 5555; data,
Robot* r = new Robot("Rosie"); BSS
cout < < & test < < endl;
cout < < r < < endl; Heap
0x00001234 Robot {
name = "Rosie"
Robot r; // A Robot object }
Robot* pr; // A pointer to a robot

&r; // The address of r

pr = r; // pr points ro r
*pr; // A Robot, r
(*pr).SayName(); 0xffffffff Stack
Pass by reference
void D oSom ething( Robot robot1("M osie");
Robot& ref, Robot robot2("M osie");
Robot value, Robot robot3("M osie");
Robot* pointer
){ D oSom ething(robot1, robot2, robot3);
ref.nam e = "Rosie"; robot1.nam e = = "Rosie";
value.nam e = "Rosie"; robot2.nam e = = "M osie";
pointer-> nam e = "Rosie"; robot3.nam e = = "Rosie";
Function convention
void D oSom ething( Inputs first, then outputs.
const Robot& input1, Inputs are const references except for
const int input2,
Robot* output1,
primitive types.
int* output2 Outputs are pointers.
){ Function return type is void.
output1-> nam e = input1.nam e;
*output2 = input2;
} Robot r("M osie");
int num 1 = 1;
Robot r2;
int num 2;

D oSom ething(r, num 1, & r2, & num 2);

Further reading
C++ tutorial
Learn C the Hard Way
ROS C++ style guide
Google C++ style guide
Building a C++ package in
Setup for tutorial
ssh hcrlab@ w alle.cs.w ashington.edu
m kdir {U W N etID }
cd {U W N etID }
m kdir -p catkin_w s/src
cd catkin_w s
catkin_m ake
source devel/setup.bash
cd src
Create the package
catkin_create_pkg cpp_tutorialroscpp std_m sgs
cd cpp_tutorial
Look at random numbers
rostopic info random_numbers
rosmsg show std_msgs/Float64
rostopic echo random_numbers
Get the sample code
Sample code is from the ROS tutorial,
Writing a simple publisher and subscriber (C++)

cp ~/samples/subscriber.cpp src
vim src/subscriber.cpp
Or nano src/subscriber.cpp
Or emacs src/subscriber.cpp
1. Change the node's name to be your UW NetID
2. Subscribe to "random_numbers" instead of "chatter"
3. Add #include "std_msgs/Float64.h"
4. Change chatterCallback to be:
void chatterCallback(const std_m sgs::Float64& m sg)
5. Change ROS_INFO to say:
RO S_IN FO ("Iheard: % f", m sg.data);
vim/nano/emacs CMakeLists.txt
Go to near the bottom, where it says
# # BU ILD # #

Uncomment include_directories(...), add_executable(...),

and target_link_libraries(...)

Change src/cpp_tutorial_node.cpp to src/subscriber.cpp

cd ../.. # You should be in ~/uwnetid/catkin_ws
rosrun cpp_tutorial cpp_tutorial_node
Now go back and compute the average of the
random numbers.

You will need global variables to keep track of

the average -- yuck!
Further reading
PCL Sample: a basic example of a C++ class,
used to process the average point in a point
ROS tutorials (C++)
ROS C++ Overview
ROS C++ Code API (Hydro)

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