Class Newsletter - May
Class Newsletter - May
Class Newsletter - May
Fourth GRADE
Miss Sheets
Fourth grade
Hot topics this Homework
Language Arts: We have enjoyed Review: We are still working hard on
presenting and watching our reinforcing the importance of reviewing
classmates Character Interview each subject on a regular basis. Please
projects this week. The students remind your child that they should be
worked so hard on this assignment bringing home a different subject each
and their efforts came through in night to quickly review anything we
some great presentations. Our next have been learning and discussing in
big Language Arts unit is focusing on that subject.
the book we are reading as a class, Math: Our Measurement unit requires a
Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We will be lot of review and practice to build the
talking a lot about celebrating students skills around telling time on
differences and overcoming struggles analog and digital clocks. We will also be
due to this books story and themes. discussing measurement in cm2 and m2.
The students are loving it so far! These topics are easy ones to practice
Social studies: We are wrapping up our nightly with your child by asking them to
unit on Albertas history. Our final practice reading the time on a clock or
project will be called Builders of watch in your home, working on
Alberta. Each student will research an estimating the areas of household items
individual who has had a lasting in cm2 and m2 and translating from
impact on our province. Our next step twelve hour time to twenty-four hour
in Social studies will be focusing on time. The students are becoming very
our A Kids Guide to Canada online confident in their time-telling ability and
May 3: Hats on for Mental Health HAT DAY. May 12: Marian
projects. Celebration
practice will only at 9:00am.
increase May 14:
Mothers Day. confidence!
May 19: PD Day, no school. May 22: Victoria Day, no school.
Message from Miss Sheets
This school year is coming to an end but there is still lots to learn and accomplish in grade
four! The students are continuing to work hard in all subjects and it has been so exciting to
celebrate their gains this year. Thank you to Mrs. Meier, Mrs. Gay and Mrs. Wagman for
volunteering on our field trip to the science center; the students loved every minute of it!