Assesment Exam (Powerplant)

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1. In a convergent duct:
a) The pressure and velocity increase, the temperature decreases.
b) The pressure and temperature decrease, the velocity increases.
c) The temperature and velocity increase, the pressure decreases.
d) The pressure and velocity remain constant, the temperature
2. A method of improving "Volumetric Efficiency" is:
a) Valve overlap.
b) The use of carburettor heat.
c) Weakening the mixture.
d) To make the mixture richer.
3. Brake Horsepower is:
a) Theoretical power in the cylinder.
b) Useful power at the propeller.
c) Power lost in the engine.
d) Power required to slow the aircraft down
4. A normally aspirated engine is one which:
a) Has four cylinders.
b) Is not supercharged.
c) Is never air cooled.
d) Is all of the above.
5. The swept volume of a cylinder is:
a) The area of the piston crown x the stroke.
b) The area of the cylinder cross section x the cylinder length.
c) Half of the clearance volume.
d) The total volume + the piston volume.
6. The purpose of a crankcase breather is to:
a) Maintain the oil tank pressure at atmospheric.
b) Prevent distortion of the crankcase.
c) Allow the oil to breathe.
d) Prevent pressure building up inside the crankcase.
7. Two valve springs are fitted to each valve:
a) To minimise camshaft wear.
b) To allow a greater cam rise.
c) To prevent valve rotation.
d) To reduce valve bounce.
8. From the following list select the correct combination of statements.
The primary task of the lubrication is to:
1. Reduce friction
2. Cool the engine
3. Clean the engine
4. Reduce component wear
5. Act as a hydraulic medium

a) 1 and 3
b) 2 and 5
c) 1 and 4
d) 1 and 5
9. The "anti-knock" value of a fuel is its:
a) Degree of resistance to pre-ignition.
b) Resistance to adiabatic combustion.
c) Ability to oppose burning.
d) Resistance to detonation.
10. The Octane rating of a fuel is determined by comparison with
mixtures of:
a) Methane and orthodentine.
b) Heptane and iso octane.
c) Methane and iso octane.
d) Heptane and orthodentine.
11. Tetra ethyl lead is added to some aviation fuel to:
a) Decrease its octane rating.
b) Decrease the risk of detonation.
c) Increase its calorific value.
d) Increase its specific gravity.
12. The viscosity of a liquid is a measure of its
a. resistance to flow
b. rate of change of internal friction with the change
of temperature
c. weight, or density
13. ATA chapters that are under for powerplant are approximately
a. ATA 51-57
b. ATA 20-50
c. ATA 70-85
14. The color of the avgas fuel octane 80 is
a. blue
b. red
c. green
d. clear
15. During an ideal Brayton cycle in jet engine, the process is
isentropic in
a. process 1-2; process 3-4
b. process 3-4; process 4-1
c. process 2-3; process 1-4
d. process 1-2; process 2-3
16. Isochoric process is also known as
a. isobaric process
b. isometric process
c. isentropic process
d. isothermal process
17 Propeller blade station numbers increase from
a. hub to tip
b. tip to hub
c. leading edge to trailing edge

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