Philippines' NDC Roadmap

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Nationally Determined
Contribution (NDC)

Source: Philippine Climate Change

Features of the Philippine INDC
70% reduction of emissions by 2030 from the
business-as-usual scenario of 2000-2030 in energy,
transport, forestry, industry and waste
Reduction target is conditioned on Philipinnes
financing resources, including technology
development and transfer, and capacity building.
Adaptation is a priority

Ensure that Loss and Damage are minimized to

ensure achievement of development goals

The INDC will be updated as more data becomes

Priority Adaptation Measures
Institutional and system strengthening for
downscaling climate change models, climate
scenario-building, climate monitoring and
Roll-out of science-based climate/disaster risk
and vulnerability assessment process as the
basis for mainstreaming climate and disaster
risks reduction in development plans, programs
and projects
Development of climate and disaster-resilient
Priority Adaptation Measures
Enhancement of climate and disaster-resilience
of key sectors agriculture, water and health
Systematic transition to a climate and disaster-
resilient social and economic growth
Research and development on climate change,
extremes and impacts for improved risk
assessment and management
Developing a sustainable
NDC Roadmap

The Philippines is revisiting its INDC,

with the aim of possibly revising it and
developing a sustainable NDC
Draft NDC Roadmap
Revisit Reconstruct Report
Calculations, assumptions 1st NDC (by 2018)
INDC assumptions and methodologies
and parameters Enhanced adaptation Update NDCs every 5
Adaptation priorities priorities years
Adaptation-Mitigation Robust M&E/MRV
MRV Framework
(NICCDIES - National Climate Finance and other
Integrated Climate Change MOI
Database Information and Setting up the institutional
Exchange System
MRV system improvements
Implementation of Integrate in development
EO 174 (Philippine and sectoral plans
Greenhouse Gas Identify legislative policies
Private Sector engagement
Inventory Sub-national level activities
Management and
Reporting System)
NDC Development Timeline

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Determine final
Identify adaptation
Validate mitigation
Prepare policy
guidance document
Consultations with
stakeholders (CSOs, LGUs,
Private Sector, Academe)

Cost-benefit analysis
trainings (NGAs)
NDC Development Timeline

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Initial Draft Technical
CCAM Deliberation

NDC Implementation
M&E/MRV System
Projected Timeline in NDC Development

January 2016 Extend NDC timeline to 2018

2016- 2017 Ongoing consultations with
different sectors and shareholders
September 2016 - Focus on adaptation,
establish NDC TWG
March 2017 Adoption of NDC principles
April 2017 Creation of NDC parameters
April 2017 Formulation of Adaptation
New NDC by 2018
Consultations with Different Sectors
Solid waste subsector consultation with EMB and NSWMC
April 18-20, 2016
Energy sector consultation with DOE 20-22 April 2016
AFOLU Sector with FMB and PSA 21-23 April 2016
Transport Sector with DOTC 22 & 25 April 2016
Wastewater subsector with EMB and Private Sector
26-27 April 2016
Special consultation with CCC 25-26 April 2016
Industrial Processes with Private Sector 27 April 2016
Special consultation with ERC 27 April 27 2016
Special consultation with Private Sector 27-28 April 2016
Focus Group DIscussions on Climate
Change Mitigation Options
Assess the policy, financial and technical
support required to implement the mitigation
Cement Industry - 18 December 2015
Solid Waste Subsector - 11 December 2015
Forestry Sector - 12 July 2016
Industry Sector - 29 July 2016
Wastewater Subsector - 1 September 2016
Transport Sector - 20 October 2016
Energy Sector - 21 October 2016
NDC Development Considerations
Pursuit of mitigation actions will be
contingent on the financing resources that
will be received, including technology
transfer and capacity building
The Philippines need to peak its
emissions, with an opportunity to transition
as early as possible to an efficient, resilient,
adaptive, sustainable clean energy-driven
NDC Development Considerations
In consideration of the Philippines
vulnerability to climate change impacts, the
NDC will reflect adaptation as the anchor
strategy and mitigation will be pursued as a
function of adaptation

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