Thumb Instructions

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Thumb Instruction Set

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To understand 16-bit Thumb mode operation of ARM Processor.

To understand the features of Thumb mode operation and how
Thumb instructions decompress to ARM Mode.
To know the technique of switching between ARM and Thumb
mode of operations.
To know the similarities and differences between ARM and
Thumb mode of operation
To understand exception handling and branching in Thumb
To understand operation of data processing instructions and data
transfer instructions in Thumb mode.

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CPU Instruction Set

ARM7TDMI processor has two instruction sets:

the standard 32-bit ARM instruction set
a 16-bit THUMB instruction set.

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Processor Operating States

ARM state
which executes 32-bit, word-aligned ARM instructions.

THUMB state
which operates with 16-bit, halfword-aligned THUMB

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Thumb Instruction Set

ARM architecture versions v4T and above define a 16-bit

instruction set called the Thumb instruction set. The
functionality of the Thumb instruction set is a subset of the
functionality of the 32-bit ARM instruction set.
A processor that is executing Thumb instructions is operating in
Thumb state. A processor that is executing ARM instructions is
operating in ARM state.

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Thumb Instruction Set

A processor in ARM state cannot execute Thumb instructions,

and a processor in Thumb state cannot execute ARM
instructions. You must ensure that the processor never receives
instructions of the wrong instruction set for the current state.
Each instruction set includes instructions to change processor

Note: ARM processors always start executing code in ARM state.

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Thumb Instruction Set

The processor in Thumb mode uses same eight general-purpose

integer registers that are available ARM mode.Some Thumb
instructions also access the PC(ARM register 15),the Link
Register(ARM register 14) and Stack Pointer(ARM register 13).
When R15 is read,bit[0] is zero and bits[31:1]contain the
PC.when R15 is written,bit[0] is IGNORED and bits[31:1] are
written to the PC.
Thumb does not provide direct access to the CPSR or any
Thumb execution is flagged by the T bit(bit[5]) in the CPSR.
T==0 32-bit instructions are fetched(ARM instruction)
T==1 16-bit instructions are fetched(Thumb instruction)

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Thumb applications

In a typical embedded system:

use ARM code in 32-bit on-chip memory for small speed-
critical routines
use Thumb code in 16-bit off-chip memory for large non-
critical control routines

Switching between ARM and Thumb States of Execution
Using BX Instruction
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Thumb applications

For Most Instruction Generated by the Compiler

Condition Execution is not used.
Source and Destination Registers are identical
Only low registers used
Constants are limited size
Inline barrel shifter not used

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Byte (8-bit):
placed on any byte boundary.
Half-word (16-bit):
aligned to two-byte boundaries.
Word (32-bit):
aligned to four- byte boundaries.

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Not a complete architecture

Dynamically decompressed to ARM Instruction
Fully supported by ARM development tools
Both entry and exit are done using corresponding BX

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Mode Switching

Default entry to exception mode is always ARM

Explicit entry to Thumb is done using ARM mode BX
Explicit entry back to ARM mode is done using Thumb mode
BX Instruction

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Thumb Programmers Model

Registers r0 to r7 are accessible (Lo)

Few instructions require r8 to r15 to be specified
r13 is used as the stack pointer
r14 is used as the link register
r15 is used as the program counter

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THUMB Register Organisation
Thumb General registers and Program Counter

User / System FIQ Supervisor Abort IRQ Undefined

r0 r0 r0 r0 r0 r0
r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1
r2 r2 r2 r2 r2 r2
r3 r3 r3 r3 r3 r3
r4 r4 r4 r4 r4 r4
r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5
r6 r6 r6 r6 r6 r6
r7 r7 r7 r7 r7 r7



Thumb Program Status Registers



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ARM-Thumb Similarities

Load-store architecture
Support 8-bit byte, 16-bit half-word and 32 bit word data types
with aligned boundaries
32 bit unsegmented memory.

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ARM-Thumb differences

Unconditional Execution of instruction

2-address format for data processing
Less regular instruction formats.

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Thumb exception

With exception processor is returned to ARM mode.

While returning previous mode is restored as SPSR is

transferred to CPSR

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Thumb Branching

Short conditional branches

Medium range unconditional branches

Long range Subroutine calls

Branch to change to ARM Mode

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Branch Instruction Formats

B <cond> <label>
15 14 13 12 11 8 7 0

1 1 0 1 Condition 8-Bit Offset

B <label>
1 1 1 0 0 11 Bit Offset

BL <label>
1 1 1 H 11 Bit Offset

0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 H Rm 0 0 0

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Different format for each case

Offset is reduced to 11bit and 8 bit
Offset is shifted left by 1-bit (to give half-word alignment)
and sign-extended to 32 bits.
BL is more subtle to give 22-bit offset using link register
for temporary storage
No direct mapping to ARM instructions as Thumb require
half-word aligned offsets.

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BL Instruction

To allow for a reasonably large offset to the target subroutine

each of these two instructions is automatically translated
by the assembler into a sequence of two 16 bit thumb
1. H = 10
LR := PC + (sign-extended offset shifted left 12 places);

2. H = 11
PC := LR + (offset shifted left 1 place)

3. LR := address of next instruction

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Software Interrupt Instruction

1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 8 Bit Immediate

Address of next instruction is saved in r14_svc

CPSR is saved in r14_svc
Disables IRQ, Clears T bit, Enters Supervisor mode
PC is forced to 0x08
8 bit immediate is zero extended to fill the 24-bit field in the
ARM instruction.
Limits SWIs to first 256 of 16 million ARM SWIs.

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Data Processing

Fairly complex instruction formats

No conditional execution
Separate shift operations provided, no shifting of second
All data processing instruction set condition code bits (no need
of S)

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Instruction formats

<op> Rd, Rn, Rm

<op> Rd, Rn, # <imm3>
<op> Rd|Rn, Rm|Rs
<op> Rd, Rn, #<sh 5>
<op> Rd, #<imm 8>

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MOV Rd, #<imm8>

MVN Rd, Rm
CMP Rn, #<imm8>
CMP Rn, Rm
CMN Rn, Rm
TST Rn, Rm

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ADD Rd, Rn, #<imm3>

ADD Rd, #< imm8>
ADD Rd, Rn, Rm
ADC Rd, Rm
SUB Rd, Rn, #<imm3>
SUB Rd, #< imm8>
SUB Rd, Rn, Rm
SBC Rd, Rm
NEG Rd, Rn

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LSL Rd, Rm, #<#sh>

LSL Rd, Rs
LSR Rd, Rm, #<#sh>
LSR Rd, Rs
ASR Rd, Rm, #<#sh>
ASR Rd, Rs
ROR Rd, Rs

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AND Rd, Rm
EOR Rd, Rm
ORR Rd, Rm
BIC Rd, Rm
MUL Rd, Rm

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Instruction (using Hi registers)

ADD Rd, Rm (1 or 2 Hi registers)

CMP Rn, Rm (1 or 2 Hi registers)
MOV Rd, Rm (1 or 2 Hi registers)
ADD Rd, PC, #<imm8>
ADD Rd, SP, #<imm8>
ADD SP, SP, #<imm7>
SUB SP, SP, #<imm7>
Except others donot set condition code bits

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Data Transfer Instruction

LDR|STR Rd, [Rn, #off5]

LDR|STR Rd, [Rn, Rm]
LDRB|STRB Rd, [Rn, #off5]
LDRB|STRB Rd, [Rn, Rm]
LDRH|STRH Rd, [Rn, #off5]
LDRH|STRH Rd, [Rn, Rm]
* Signed operands:
LDR|STR {S} {H|B} Rd, [Rn, Rm]

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Multiple register transfers

LDMIA|STMIA Rn!, { <reg list> }

Rn may be any register among Ro R7

Register set can be any subset of R0 R7 but not base

register Rn

Write back to base register is always selected.

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Stack Mode

POP|PUSH { <reg list> {, R}}

R13 (sp) is used as base register

Uses Full Descending Stack

In addition any subset of Ro-R7 registers LR (lr) may be

included in PUSH instruction and PC (pc)may be included in
POP instruction

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Thumb-ARM Decompression

Translation from 16-bit Thumb instruction to 32-bit ARM

Condition bits changed to always
Lookup to translate major and minor opcodes
Zero extending 3-bit register specifiers to give 4-bit
Zero extending immediate values
Implicit S(affecting condition codes) should be explicitly
Thumb 2-address format must be mapped to ARM 3-
address format

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Thumb code requires 70% of space of ARM code

Thumb code uses 40% more instructions than the ARM
With 32-bit memory ARM code is 40% faster
With 16-bit memory Thumb code is 45% faster than ARM
Thumb code uses 30% less external memory power than
ARM code.

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Thumb ARM mode switching

Similarities and differences
Thumb exception handling
Data processing instructions
Data transfer instructions
Separate shift instructions
Restricted stack operations.

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Thank You, Any Questions ?

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