Kato Thick Smear Technique 0

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In 1954, Kato and Miura were the frst tointroduce a new method, the “cellophanethick-smear technique” which inoled a principle o! direct !ecal samplin" #Kato and Miura,1954$%
It is di&erent !rom the standard directsmear procedure in that a lar"er amount o&ecal sample is emplo'ed and cellophanestrips are used as coer slips instead o! "lass%()er !urther refnement, the Kato thick smeartechnique, was adopted in control pro"ramsin *apan #Kato, 19+$%
 ( quantae stud' o! helminthic in!econs usin" the Kato method was iniall' carried out .' Marn and /eaer in 19+0 !or thedetecon o! specifc helminth e""s%
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%/% 2he ideal me !or o.serin" 3chistosoma e""s is 4 hrs a)er preparaon ecept in .ri"ht sunli"ht , the slide will clear rapidl' 6 can .e eamined%
(scaris 6 2richuris e""s are isi.le at an' me 6 hookworm e""s are isi.le 7 min a)er preparaon %
2he kato- kat8 template deliers 41% m" o! !aeces % 2he num.er o! e""s o.sered is mulplied .' 4 to o.tain the num.er o! e""s per "m % o! !aeces%
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2he aim o! this paper is to show the appearanceo! the helminth e""s when malachite "reen is replacedwith a stain comprised o! ni"rosin and eosin 'ellow in!ormalin%
3eeral feld studies confrm the simplicit',qualit', and cost e&eceness o! the proposed modifcaon %
a isual re!erence o! the results o! the methodcan .e use!ul to !acilitate the reco"nion o! parasite e""s .' microscopists willin" to adopt this methodolo"'%
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