Heat Treatment

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With focus on Steels

Bulk and Surface Treatments

Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening, Tempering
Part of & AALearners
Anandh Subramaniam & Kantesh Balani
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur- 208016
Email: [email protected], URL: home.iitk.ac.in/~anandh

Principles of Heat Treatment of Steels

Romesh C Sharma
New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, New Delhi, 1993.
Heat Treatment of Steels Click here to revise the basics required for this topic: Phase_Transformations

We have noted that how TTT and CCT diagrams can help us design heat treatments to
design the microstructure of steels and hence engineer the properties. In some cases a
gradation in properties may be desired (usually from the surface to the interior- a hard
surface with a ductile/tough interior/bulk).
In general three kinds of treatments are: (i) Thermal (heat treatment), (ii) Mechanical
(working), (iii) Chemical (alteration of composition). A combination of these treatments are
also possible (e.g. thermo-mechanical treatments, thermo-chemical treatments).
The treatment may affect the whole sample or only the surface.
A typical industrial treatment cycle may be complicated with many steps (i.e. a combination
of the simple steps which are outlined in the chapter).

Thermal (heat treatment)

E.g. heat and quench
Or a combination
Treatments Mechanical (Thermo-mechanical,
E.g. shot peeningthermo-chemical)
E.g. case carburizing

An overview of important heat treatments
A broad classification of heat treatments possible are given below. Many more specialized
treatments or combinations of these are possible.




Full Annealing Carburizing
Recrystallization Annealing Induction Nitriding

Stress Relief Annealing AUSTEMPERING LASER Carbo-nitriding

Spheroidization Annealing Electron Beam

Ranges of temperature where Annealing, Normalizing and Spheroidization treatment are
carried out for hypo- and hyper-eutectoid steels.
Details are in the coming slides.

l An
910 C

li ng t i on Acm
No l i za
r ma ma
liza r
A3 tion No

723C Full Annealing


Spheroidization Stress Relief Annealing

T Recrystallization Annealing

Wt% C
0.8 %
Full Annealing

The purpose of this heat treatment is to obtain a material with high ductility. A microstructure
with coarse pearlite (i.e. pearlite having high interlamellar spacing) is endowed with such
The range of temperatures used is given in the figure below.
The steel is heated above A3 (for hypo-eutectoid steels) & A1 (for hyper-eutectoid steels) (hold) then the
steel is furnace cooled to obtain Coarse Pearlite.
Coarse Pearlite has low () Hardness but high () Ductility.
For hyper-eutectoid steels the heating is not done above Acm to avoid a continuous network of
proeutectoid cementite along prior Austenite grain boundaries (presence of cementite along grain boundaries
provides easy path for crack propagation).
Recrystallization Annealing

During any cold working operation (say cold rolling), the material becomes harder (due to
work hardening), but loses its ductility. This implies that to continue deformation the material
needs to be recrystallized (wherein strain free grains replace the cold worked grains).
Hence, recrystallization annealing is used as an intermediate step in (cold) deformation
To belowthis
achieve A1 theSufficient
sample is time below
heated Recrystallization
A1 and held there for sufficient time for
recrystallization to be completed.
Stress Relief Annealing

Due to various processes like quenching (differential cooling of surface and interior),
machining, phase transformations (like martensitic transformation), welding, etc. the residual
stresses develop in the sample. Residual stress can lead to undesirable effects like warpage of
the component.
The annealing is carried out just below A1 , wherein recovery* processes are active
(Annihilation of dislocations, polygonization).

Residual stresses Heat below A1 Recovery Annihilation of dislocations,


Differential cooling

Machining and cold working

Martensite formation


* It is to be noted that recovery is a technical term.

Spheroidization Annealing

This is a very specific heat treatment given to high carbon steel requiring extensive
machining prior to final hardening & tempering. The main purpose of the treatment is to
increase the ductility of the sample.
Like stress relief annealing the treatment is done just below A 1.
Long time heating leads cementite plates to form cementite spheroids. The driving force for
this (microstructural) transformation is the reduction in interfacial energy.
The sample is heat above A3 | Acm to complete Austenization. The sample is then air cooled to
obtain Fine pearlite. Fine pearlite has a reasonably good hardness and ductility.
In hypo-eutectoid steels normalizing is done 50C above the annealing temperature.
In hyper-eutectoid steels normalizing done above Acm due to faster cooling cementite does
not form a continuous film along GB.
The list of uses of normalizing are listed below.

Refine grain structure prior to hardening

Purposes To harden the steel slightly

To reduce segregation in casting or forgings

The sample is heated above A3 | Acm to cause Austenization. The sample is then quenched at a
cooling rate higher than the critical cooling rate (i.e. to avoid the nose of the CCT diagram).
The quenching process produces residual strains (thermal, phase transformation).
The transformation to Martensite is usually not complete and the sample will have some
Heat above
retained A3 | Acm Austenization Quench (higher than critical cooling rate)
The Martensite produced is hard and brittle and tempering operation usually follows
hardening. This gives a good combination of strength and toughness.
Severity of quench values of some typical quenching
Before we proceed further we note that we have a variety of quenching media at our
disposal, with varying degrees of cooling effect. The severity of quench is indicated by the
H factor (defined below), with an ideal quench having a H-value of .
Severity of Quench as indicated by the heat transfer equivalent H
f -1 f heat transfer factor Note that apart from the nature of the
H= [m ]
K K Thermal conductivity quenching medium, the vigorousness of the
shake determines the severity of the quench.
When a hot solid is put into a liquid
Process Variable H medium, gas bubbles form on the surface of
Air No agitation 0.02 the solid (interface with medium). As gas
Oil quench No agitation 0.2 has a poor conductivity the quenching rate is
" Slight agitation 0.35 reduced. Providing agitation (shaking the
Increasing severity of quench
" Good agitation 0.5 solid in the liquid) helps in bringing the
" Vigorous agitation 0.7 liquid medium in direct contact with the
Water quench No agitation 1.0 solid; thus improving the heat transfer (and
" Vigorous agitation 1.5 the cooling rate). The H value/index
Brine quench compares the relative ability of various
No agitation 2.0
(saturated Salt water) media (gases and liquids) to cool a hot solid.
" Vigorous agitation 5.0 Ideal quench is a conceptual idea with a heat
Ideal quench transfer factor of ( H = ).
Through hardening of the sample
The surface of is affected by the quenching medium and experiences the best possible
cooling rate. The interior of the sample is cooled by conduction through the (hot) sample and
hence experiences a lower cooling rate. This implies that different parts of the same sample
follow different cooling curves on a CCT diagram and give rise to different microstructures.
This gives to a varying hardness from centre to circumference. Critical diameter (d c) is that
diameter, which can be through hardened (i.e. we obtain 50% Martensite and 50% pearlite at
the centre of the sample).

Schematic showing variation

in cooling rate from surface
to interior leading to
different microstructures
Typical hardness test survey made along a
diameter of a quenched cylinder
Schematic of Jominy End Quench Test

Jominy hardenability test Variation of hardness along a Jominy bar

(schematic for eutectoid steel)
Q&A How to increase
Hardenability should not be confused with the ability to obtain high hardness. A material
with low hardenability may have a higher surface hardness compared to another sample
with higher hardenability.
A material with a high hardenability can be cooled relatively slowly to produce 50%
martensite (& 50% pearlite). A material with a high hardenability has the nose of the CCT
curve far to the right (i.e. at higher times). Such a material can be through hardened easily.

Hardenability of plain carbon steel can increased by

alloying with most elements (it is to be noted that this is
an added advantage as alloying is usually done to
improve other properties).
However, alloying gives two separate C-curves for
Pearlitic and Bainitic transformations (e.g. figure to the
This implies that the nose of the Bainitic
transformation has to be avoided to get complete
TTT diagram of low alloy steel (0.42%
Martensite on quenching. C, 0.78% Mn, 1.79% Ni, 0.80% Cr,
0.33% Mo)
U.S.S. Carilloy Steels, United States
Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, 1948)
Tempering ' ( BCT ) Temper

( BCC ) Fe3C (OR)

Martensite Ferrite Cementite

A sample with martensitic microstructure is hard but brittle. Hence after quenching the
sample (or component) is tempered. Maternsite being a metastable phase decomposes to
ferrite and cementite on heating (providing thermal activation).
Tempering is carried out just below the eutectoid temperature (heat wait slow cool).
In reality the microstructural changes which take place during tempering are very complex.
The time temperature cycle for tempering is chosen so as to optimize strength and
toughness. E.g. tool steel has a as quenched hardness of Rc65, which is tempered to get a
hardness of Rc45-55.
These processes have been developed to avoid residual stresses generated during quenching.
In both these processes Austenized steel is quenched above Ms (say to a temperature T1) for
homogenization of temperature across the sample.
In Martempering the steel is then quenched and the entire sample transforms simultaneously
to martensite. This is followed by tempering.
In Austempering instead of quenching the sample, it is held at T 1 for it to transform to

Eutectoid temperature
723 Austenite
+ Fe3C
500 Pearlite + Bainite

400 Bainite

300 T1
200 Austempering
Martempering Martensite

0.1 1 10 102 103 104 105

t (s)
Funda Check Why do we need high

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