9th Grade English Unit 9 1 First Week

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the writing process and its steps which include prewriting, writing, revising, editing and publishing. It also discusses goals and activities for a 9th grade English class.

The writing process is discussed over multiple pages and involves the steps of prewriting, writing, revising, editing and publishing.

The steps of the writing process discussed are prewriting (brainstorming), writing, revising, editing and publishing. For each step, descriptions and activities are provided.

9th Grade English


Todays Objective
Today we will go over the writing
process to review what is done in
each step.
Initial Activities
1. In what ways does literature contribute to our understanding of the
a) Literature both reflects and contributes to knowledge.
2. How is each genre used to express ideas?
a) We use a variety of literary genres for an array of purposes in
written language.

What do we remember about the writing process?

And now

Lets discuss the writing process and what is

done in each step.
Learning Activity Writing Process Notes
Prewriting (Brainstorming) In this step, you will gather Think about who will read
your thoughts depending on your writing and why?
the topic you are writing Form your ideas for writing.
about. Gather and record
Brainstorm words and
Think about what to say.
Make a list, web, picture,
Learning Activity Writing Process Notes
Writing After gathering your thoughts, Write your draft
you may start to write and
address the topic. This will
become your first draft of
writing. Remember, there is
no revising and editing during
the development of your first
draft. Revising and editing will
come after you develop your
first draft.
Learning Activity Writing Process Notes
Revising After writing your first draft, Read the writing to yourself.
your next step is to read over Make it clearer.
your writing and determine Change any words that are
how to make it better. You can overused.
make your writing better by Read your writing to a
expanding on ideas that need friend.
further development, adding Listen to the comments your
more details, and by removing friend has to make in order to
words or sentences that don't make your writing better.
allow your writing to flow. Make any necessary changes
in your writing (words,
sentences, ideas, etc.).
Learning Activity Writing Process Notes
Editing Now that you have revised Make sentences complete.
your writing and made it Check spelling and make
clearer, it is now time to make sure to dot your is and cross
corrections in spelling, your ts.
grammar, and punctuation. Check capitals and ending
Read over your work again punctuations.
and be sure you make any Have someone else check
necessary corrections. your work.
Learning Activity Writing Process Notes
Publishing Now that you have written Write it over into a nice
your first draft, made clean draft.
revisions, and edited your Share your writing with
work, it is time to write your others.
final draft and publish it by Make it into a book.
sharing it with someone else. Record your writing into a
Illustrate your writing.

Lets talk about pre-writing strategies.

Freewriting simply means putting your pen to the paper and writing whatever
comes into your head about an assigned writing topic.
Time yourself for at least five minutes.
Read the topic, think about some ideas and then begin writing.
Don't worry about grammar or punctuation -- the purpose of free- writing is to
get ideas written out without worrying about other issues.
The key is to keep writing, even when you are having difficulty thinking of
something to say.
After you have decided on the experience you will write about, close your eyes, and try to remember the sensory
details of the experience:
Sight: What did you see during this experience? did the the people and environment look like? What things
were in the room? People? What did they look like?
Sound: What sounds did you hear? Traffic sounds? birds? music? What were people saying? Was it silent or
Smell: What smells did you smell? Smoke? Cooking smells/ Perfume? Crayons? Sweat?
Taste: What did your mouth taste like? Mint gum? dry with fear?
Touch: What did you feel? Stomach ache? Head ache? Cold or hot?
After you are done imagining all of the senses involved (this should take from 10-15 minutes) open your eyes,
and do some listing or free-writing about the details you remember.
Generate a list of all the things you
think of related to your topic.
You can think of your list as a sort of
grocery list of the items that make up
your topic.
Clustering is another way to record your thoughts and
observations for writing a paragraph or essay
1. First, in a circle near the center of the page, write out the
subject of your essay or paragraph.
2. Then write down other ideas that relate to your central ideas -
- use lines and circles to "map" how the different aspects of your
topic will relate to each other.
Outlining is a good way to organize your ideas. It's best to use an outline after you've done some freewriting, listing or clustering. It's also
good to use an outline after you've written the first draft to help you organize your paragraphs and sentences.
Intro and Thesis: Although it encourages moral behavior, "The Smurfs" reinforces stereotypical gender roles.
Body of paper: Background, basic description of the show
Moral behavior the smurfs model prosocial friendship behavior
Moral behavior importance of community transition:
Description of feminine characteristics Smurfette as a stereotype
Smurfette restricted to home-based, nurturing role in the show
Masculine characteristics in other Smurfs
Male Smurfs go on adventures
How smurfs reflect gender stereotypes in commercials and society
Consequences: Possible messages this show sends to kids
(JOURNAL 10 points)
Writing prompts will help you form opinions
and explore their ideas on paper. After spending
some time writing each day, you will get better
at presenting clear arguments, identifying
causes and effects, and expressing your
thoughts with confidence.
choose one strategy to prewrite
about this
What do you want to be when you
grow up? How will you get there?

(JOURNAL 10 points)
9th Grade English
Todays Objective
Now that weve reviewed the writing
process, today well practice editing and
revising, by editing a series of sample
paragraphs using the editing marks
Initial Activities
A. We will review the writing process and
B. We will review the editing marks
(proofreading review)
Lets review
the writing process and steps.
Prewriting (Brainstorming)
Lets review The following are
commonly used editing
the editing marks when
proofreading writing.
marks Use these marks during
(proofreading review) part of the "Revision"
stage in the writing
Unit 8.2: Writing Tool
process, and for the
Editing Marks
"Editing" stage as well.
Editing marks should also
be used during peer-
editing. Take a look at
the following marks to
see how they are used.
Development Find the Errors
Activity This letter has plenty of
mistakes! Find the mistakes
The teacher will and correct them. Record
write a paragraph how many mistakes you
(board or
projected) and found at the end of the
edit it together
with the students page.
using the editing
Near the end of 1832, Beaumont left the
armee to experimment on Alexis more.
Development Beaumont tryd a variety of diferent foods
Activity again, this time including sausige, raw oisters,
and mutton. He saw that exercize helped the
digestion. In April 1833, Beaumont publishd his
The teacher will work and findings in a book called:
write a paragraph Experiments and Observations on the Gastric
(board or Joose and the Physiology of Digestion. A month
projected) and or so lator Alexis left for Cannada, and
edit it together
with the students Beaumont went on to do privite medical
using the editing practise.
Scottys Castul is a manshun at the edge of Death
Closing Valley National Park, California, dezigned by Martin de
Dubovay and built by Mat Roy Yhompson. It gets its
name from Walter E. Scott, a con man and prospektor.
Activity However, Scott nevah owned the mansion, as it
belongd to his friend Albert Johnson. The construcshun
The teacher will had been stoppt becaus it was unaware to Johnson
handout sample
paragraphs that the that the land thay were bilding on was government
students will edit using propaty. When that matter was rezolved, they
the editing marks. continued konstruction for a short time until in
Students will work in October, 1929. Thats when the stock market crashd,
pairs to complete these sending the construction of the castle to a crashin halt.
tasks. ,m
1. Write about going back to school
after summer vacation.
journal writing
prompts 2. Write a thank you note to a friend
who gave you onion and garlic-
flavored chewing gum
20 points
9th Grade English
Todays Objective
Once we have worked with the different
steps of the writing process, we will start
their writing process (Prewriting step) for
the essay: My goals for the 9th grade.
(Performance task)
Initial Activity
The teacher will begin the class by
explaining the instructions of
performance task # 1
(My goals for the 9th grade).
My Goals for 9th Grade English
After studying the writing process, we will write a short
essay explaining their goals for English class this year.
As a pre-writing activity, we will brainstorm goals (write
them down quickly without editing for spelling or content).
We will choose the 3 goals that are most important to
them and write an outline for their essay.
My Goals for 9th Grade English
Students will use their outline to write a first draft of their essay.
After drafting the essay, students should use an editing checklist to
edit and revise their work. Peer editing may also be used. (See
attachment 9.1: Performance Task Editing checklist).
A final draft should be submitted to the teacher, along with all
graphic organizers and rough drafts. Students will be assessed on
their adherence to the topic, use of the writing process steps
including completion of each step, and accuracy of the final draft.
Review essay format/parts of the essay
(5 paragraph essay)
Parts of an Essay



Body Paragraphs
What is an essay ?
An essay is a piece of writing that usually has five or more
paragraphs. An essay is written about one topic that has
several main points. The main points are introduced in an
introductory paragraph and supported in body
paragraphs. The conclusion is the last paragraph.
Body Paragraph 3

Body Paragraph 1

Body Paragraph 2
Overview of an Essay
General statements and
information about the topic

Body Thesis statement- lists the

Paragraph 1 main ideas in the essay
Body Paragraphs
Support the main ideas of
Paragraph 2
the thesis statement
Begin with topic sentences Body
Paragraph 3

Brief summary of main
points of the essay
The Hamburger Method

Essays, like sandwiches or burgers, are divided into different parts.

Parts of an Essay
An Introduction

An introductory paragraph is the first paragraph in an essay. It contains two


1. General Statements: a few sentences about your subject that catch the
attention of your reader.

2. A Thesis Statement: one sentence that tells your reader the main points
of your topic and states the overall plan of your essay.
Parts of an Essay
Body Paragraphs

The body consists of one or more paragraphs following the

introduction. Each paragraph supports the main idea of
your essay by breaking it down into smaller ideas or sub-
topics. Each body paragraph consists of a topic sentence
and several supporting sentences. A conclusion sentence
draws the paragraph together.

Body Body Body

Introduction Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3
Parts of an Essay
The conclusion paragraph is the last paragraph in the essay. It
completes the essay by summarizing or repeating the most
important ideas. The conclusion can also include an opinion, a
prediction, or a solution to a problem.


Body Paragraph 1

Body Paragraph 2

Body Paragraph 3

An Introduction

General Statements

Going to a new school can be exciting, but for an international

student, the years of education in a different country can be
difficult and tumultuous. When I first arrived in the U.S. to attend a
university, I was overwhelmed and confused by everything new.
Fortunately, I met three very special friends who made a positive
impact on my life during those years and helped me survive the
trials of being a foreigner in a completely different educational
Thesis Statement
Body Paragraph
Topic Sentence

One of the first people I met was Joe Frieda. I first met Joe standing in a
line at the bookstore. I was having a difficult time finding the books for the
English classes I was taking my first semester here. He not only helped me
find my books, but he also gave me some good advice on where to get
tutorial help on campus and where I could find some good restaurants.
Weve become better friends since then and he has been so helpful in
answering any questions I have about going to school in the U.S. and about
American culture. If I hadnt met Joe that day, I might still be looking for the
right books for my classes!

Concluding Sentence Supporting Sentences


Summary of Main Ideas

The significance of the kindness that these three people showed me and
the impact that it has made on my life during my experience as an
international student at State University cannot be underestimated. I will
never forget their friendship and will remember their examples of kindness to
me whenever I encounter other foreigners in my own country.

Promise or Resolution
Development Activity
As a prewriting activity, the students will
make a list of at least five goals they have
for English class.
Closing Activity
The students will choose which
three goals are the most important
for them to achieve and write
Closing Activity -Create an outline for the essay.
9th Grade English
Todays Objective
After completing an outline of their essay: My
goals for the 9th grade, students will write a
first draft and revise it
Initial Activities
The teacher will review the parts of the
essay: introduction, body and
conclusion, pointing out that the body
will include their 3 goals.
Development Activities
Student will work on their first draft of
the essay.
Closing Activities
The students will revise their draft focusing on
content by answering the following questions:
1. Are my goals clear?
2. Do I explain how I am going achieve my goals?
3. Do I explain why I want to achieve these goals?
Formative Assessment - First Draft
10 Points
Four areas for you to consider:
1. Grammatical rules followed: Does the spelling, punctuation, etc. make it
easy/hard to understand your writing?
2. Form: Are your ideas easy to follow? Is there a logical order to your ideas in
each paragraph? And in the body?
3. Style: Do you vary the sentence structure? Do you use transition words and
transition sentences appropriately?
4. Meaning: Do you express your opinion or argument effectively? Do you
demonstrate that you have given considerable thought and research to the
9th Grade English
Todays Objective
Once we have completed a draft of
their essay, they will edit it using an
editing check list.
Initial Activities
The teacher will review the capitalization
rules, punctuation and commonly
misspelled words before students can edit
their own writing.
Development Activities

Students will use and editing check list to edit

their writing.
Closing Activities
Students will exchange their paper
with a peer for a final revision and

performance task # 1
My goals for the 9th grade

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