JEE Zoonosis
JEE Zoonosis
JEE Zoonosis
IHR 2005
WHO Indonesia
JEE History
The Joint External Evaluation is the first of its kind and has a short history.
IHR Monitoring
and Evaluation 2016: The
Framework first JEE
mission is
IHR Annual Reporting
Revie After Action Review
WHA w Joint External
(2005) Com JEE
mittee Exercises
allows countries to identify the most urgent needs within their health
security system, to prioritize opportunities for enhanced preparedness,
response and action, and
The Tool has 19 technical areas that are identified as important for
the implementation of IHR (2005) for Global Health Security.
JEE Tool
All the indicators of the Tool are around PREVENT, DETECT and RESPOND plus
other IHR related hazards and PoEs
1. National Legislation, 1. National Laboratory 1. Preparedness
Policy and Financing System
2. Emergency Operation Centres
2. IHR Coordination, 2. Real Time Surveillance
3. Linking Public Health and Security Authorities
Communication and 3. Reporting 4. Medical Countermeasures and Personnel
4. Workforce Deployment
3. Anti-microbial Resistance Development 5. Risk Communication
4. Zoonotic Disease Other IHR related HAZARDs and PoEs
5. Food Safety 1. Point of Entries (PoEs)
6. Biosafety and Biosecurity 2. Chemical Events
7. Immunization 3. Radiation Emergencies
Indicators - PREVENT
Capacities Indicators
P.1.1 Legislation, laws, regulations, administrative requirements, policies or other government instruments in place are
sufficient for implementation of IHR.
National Legislation,
Policy and Financing
P.1.2 The state can demonstrate that it has adjusted and aligned its domestic legislation, policies and administrative
arrangements to enable compliance with the IHR (2005)
IHR Coordination,
P.2.1 A functional mechanism is established for the coordination and integration of relevant sectors in the implementation of
Communication and
P.3.1 Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) detection
Antimicrobial P.3.2 Surveillance of infections caused by AMR pathogens
P.3.3 Healthcare associated infection (HCAI) prevention and control programs
P.3.4 Antimicrobial stewardship activities
P.4.1 Surveillance systems in place for priority zoonotic diseases/pathogens
Zoonotic Disease P.4.2 Veterinary or Animal Health Workforce
P.4.3 Mechanisms for responding to zoonoses and potential zoonoses are established and functional
P.5.1 Mechanisms are established and functioning for detecting and responding to foodborne disease and food
Food Safety
Biosafety and P.6.1 Whole-of-Government biosafety and biosecurity system is in place for human, animal, and agriculture facilities
P.6.2 Biosafety and biosecurity training and practices
Sensitivities in Incomplete
Scoring Documentation
Comprehension of Other Situation-specific
Indicators Events
JEE coordinated and central level
Country Request
(can be requested to through partners or alliance, who will inform
WHO IHR Monitoring Team)
WHO Request
Critical to ensure
All of the IHR capacities are covered
There is strong multi-sectoral representation from across all
relevant government sectors like human health, agriculture,
animal health, security, others