Climate Responsive Buildings: Design Considerations in

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Presented by:
Mona Malhotra Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
Climate Responsive Buildings An Introduction
Background: Buildings, as they are designed and used today, contribute to serious environmental problems such as
global warming, ozone layer depletion and shortage of fossil fuels because of excessive consumption of energy
and other natural resources. With the input of sufficient energy almost everything seems possible and too often
climatic factors are neglected in construction. The unrestricted demand by the affluent for more comfort and living
standards, changing life-styles and the unconsidered use of technical means increase these tendencies. On the
other hand, those who cannot afford these suffer in unhealthy, overheated or cold shelters.

Climate Responsive Design- An Integrated Approach - A possible

alternative is the application of soft measures and natural means to
reduce energy consumption by design, construction and materials which
are adapted to a specific climate. Climate Responsive design is based
on the way a buildings form and structure moderates the climate for
human good and well being. The shape/form of buildings and their
orientation, the integration of suitable vegetation and the arrangement
of the external/internal space require careful consideration. The
correct use of building materials, designs of openings and their
shading, natural cooling, passive solar heating and the well-aimed
utilization of prevailing winds for ventilation are important supporting Climate responsive design can save energy, reduce
elements. This also has its positive consequences in terms of economy, costs, and preserve natural resources while reducing
environmental pollution
proper use of local resources and reduced energy consumption.

Climate and Comfort: The climate of a location is affected by its latitude, terrain and altitude, as well as nearby
vegetation, water bodies and their currents. The most important elements of climate and weather parameters that
affect human thermal comfort and are relevant to building design are: Solar Radiation, Long wave Radiation,
Temperature, Humidity, Wind, Precipitation.
Climate Responsive Design Considerations in Hot and Dry Region
Climatic data: The climate of hot-dry zones is in general characterized by high
temperatures (40 - 50C in summer), with sharp variations in both diurnal (day
/ night) and seasonal (summer-/ winter) temperatures; precipitation (rainfall,
snow) which is scarce, irregular and unreliable. Cold winds and dust/sandstorms
prevail in winter. The solar radiation intensity is high and enhanced by the
radiation reflected from the ground. The air humidity is low and the humidity
tends to reduce diurnal variations and moderate temperatures.

Design objectives : The main goal of climatic design, on a macro (settlement) and micro (building) level, is to
reduce uncomfortable conditions created by extremes of heat and dryness. Buildings must be adapted to extreme
summer/winter and day/night conditions. Not only cooling is needed; passive heating may also be needed in
winter and during cold nights. For humans, a good shelter in arid areas is the one that could protect them from the
intense radiation from the sun, ground/surrounding buildings, from dust, sandstorms; provide them with moisture
and ventilation as well. Glare has to be reduced and dust penetration prevented.

Design Considerations :
1. Compact Planning : The volume of space inside a building that needs to be
heated or cooled and its relationship with the area of the envelope enclosing
the volume affects the thermal performance of the building This is known as the
S/V (surface-to-volume) ratio, determined by the building form. For any given
building volume, the more compact the shape, the less wasteful it is in gaining/
losing heat. Hence, in hot, dry, regions buildings are compact in form with a
low S/V ratio. Compact planning for groups of buildings also provides shade
to each other along with a shaded network of narrow streets and small spaces
in between. Compact forms with a low surface/volume ratio
2. Narrow and shaded streets: Plan narrow winding alleys/streets, which are shaded and
relatively cool and break stormy winds, but allow through-ventilation and adequate natural
lighting. There are different ways of properly designing an urban form taking into account
solar radiation and wind.

Arcades - shading the streets

Arcades shading the streets
Grid diagonal to east-west Winding/zigzagging narrow alleys receive Straight and parallel
axis - maximizes radiation minimum radiation, reduce the effect of streets open the city to
throughout its straight streets stormy winds, establish shaded spaces wind ventilation

3. Orientation of Buildings: The larger building dimension should face north and south.
It allows for sun and wind protection and controlled wind channeling (airflow).

4. Courtyard Planning: A compact, inward-looking building with an interior courtyard

minimizes the solar radiation impact on the outside walls and provides a cool area
within the building. When the courtyard is provided with water and plants, it acts as a
cooling source and modifies the microclimate accordingly Proper orientation, to reduce
the sun exposure in summer

Courtyard house with

covered galleries and
an internal pool for
evaporation, day and
night situation

Cooling system of a courtyard house

5. Air Movement and Ventilation: Main walls and windows should face the prevailing (cool) wind direction in
order to allow maximum cross-ventilation of the rooms. Air intake openings should be located so that the coolest
and most dust-free air is taken. Thus the cool conditions existing at dawn can be maintained inside the building for
the longest possible period. Moderate the effects of undesired winds.

With openings near the top of Wind-catchers are ventilation flues carried above the
The location of openings for stacks, warm air can escape whereas roof to catch cool and clean air. It creates a pressure
ventilation determined by cooler air enters the building from gradient which allows less dense hot air to travel
prevalent wind direction openings near the ground. upwards and escape out the top and cold air is sucked

6. Thermal mass: Thermal mass is the ability of a material to

absorb heat energy, store it, and at a later time, release it in
support of maintaining uniform temperature profiles. The comfort
of people inside the buildings depends largely on the thermal
properties of the outer and inner walls and the roof. Thermal mass
acts as a 'thermal battery'. During summer, it absorbs heat, keeping
the house relatively cool. In winter, the same thermal mass can store
the heat from the sun to release it at night, helping the home stay
warm. Higher the density of the material, higher is the heat storage
capability. Buildings in hot-arid zones are traditionally constructed
Thermal mass stores the Heat flow in daytime
with thick walls and roofs and with very small openings. heat from the sun and at night
7. Roofs: As the roof is the most critical part, high
solar reflectivity and emissivity for long-wave
radiation are essential, as well as thermal insulation
and/or adequate time lag. The vault, the dome and
the flat roof are the traditional roof shapes. A vaulted roof provides a larger surface area for heat loss compared to a flat roof.

8. Fenestrations and Shading devices: Of all the

elements in the building envelope, windows and
other glazed areas are most vulnerable to heat
gain or losses. Proper location, sizing, and detailing
of windows and shading form an important part of
bioclimatic design as they help to keep the sun and
wind out of a building or allow them when needed. The openings should be protected by the shading devices

9. Landscaping:. Proper landscaping reduces direct

sun from striking and heating up of building
surfaces. It prevents reflected light carrying heat
into a building from the ground or other surfaces.
Trees act as barriers against hot
Landscaping creates different airflow patterns can and dusty windsH
be used to direct or divert the wind advantageously
by causing a pressure difference. Additionally, the
shade created by trees and the effect of grass and
shrubs reduce air temperatures adjoining the
building. Water takes up a large amount of heat in
evaporation and causes significant cooling, thereby
modifying the microclimate. Channelizing breeze over Landscaping for creating cool microclimate
pools of a place
Climate Responsive Design Considerations in Warm and Humid Region
Climatic data: Places that are close to sea or oceans have a humid climate as
there is large amount of water vapour in the air. It is characterized by high
rainfall and high humidity. The temperature range is relatively high at around 30
- 35C and is fairly even during the day and throughout the year. Due to minimal
temperature differences, winds are light or even non-existent for longer periods.
However, heavy precipitation and storms occur frequently.

Design objectives : The solar radiation is intense and to a great extent diffuse due to haze. The haze may cause
sky glare which can also be reduced by large shading devices. Vegetation is rich and provides an excellent means
of improving the climatic conditions. Its surface does not heat up and it provides efficient shading at low cost.
However, it has to be arranged in a way that does not impede air circulation. Since the temperature difference
between day and night is minimal, undertake measures which avoid heat absorption and heat storage. The use of
low thermal mass, high reflective outer surfaces or double-skin structures are the result. The indoor temperature can
hardly be kept much below the outdoor temperature. However, by efficient design the indoor temperature can
avoid exceeding the outdoor temperature and inner surfaces can remain relatively cool. Together with proper
ventilation, comfortable conditions can be achieved in most cases. Existing air movements should be utilized as
much as possible to provide evaporative cooling and to avoid mould growth.

Design Considerations : Groups of buildings should

1. Open and Scattered Planning : An open settlement pattern not be built in too compact
a manner. Extended
is the appropriate response to the climate. To provide sufficient settlements, arranged in a
air circulation, buildings should be scattered and have a low line across the prevailing
population density. Buildings should be separated with large, wind direction give low
resistance to air movement
free spaces between them. This allows airflow which provides and are, therefore, the
ventilation for cooling and a hygienic environment. ideal solution
2. Open street Network: The settlement pattern should allow for a loose open street
network. Squares and passages should be covered, but cross-ventilation should not
be impeded. Generous and well distributed areas of vegetation help to improve the
microclimate. Street spaces should be long and straight to facilitate air movement
and lined by high, shade-providing trees.
3. Orientation of buildings:
Sun orientation: Shading of the east and west
elevations is difficult because of the low sun, and may
require special devices; whereas the south and north Open streets and Building
spacing promote air flow
sides can easily be protected by an overhanging roof.
Thus the best orientation for protection from the sun is
along the east-west axis.

Wind orientation: Where a predominant wind

direction can clearly be identified, long-shaped
buildings should be arranged across this direction.

Acceptable wind
directions for the The intense diffuse solar radiation
orientation that calls for buildings that have large
is best for sun overhanging roofs and wide shaded
verandahs. Row houses elongated
along the east-west axis provide the
best shading of the critical east and
Optimization of the orientation west walls.
4. Shape and Volume: Forms with large surface areas are preferred to compact
buildings. This favors ventilation and heat emission at nighttime.

5. Shape and Volume: The main goal is the reduction of direct heat gain by radiation
through openings and of the internal surface temperature. The building should therefore
be designed not only with protected openings, but also with protected walls. This task
will be much easier if the building is kept low. In addition, the roof should extend far
beyond the line of walls, with broad overhanging eaves and other means of shading.
Low building with wide
overhanging roof
6. Room Arrangements: The arrangement of rooms depends on their function. Since the
thermal load is related to the orientation, rooms on the east side are warm in the
morning and, if not built with much thermal mass, cool down in the afternoon. Rooms on
the west side are cooler in the morning and heat up in the afternoon. Rooms facing north
and south remain relatively cool if provided with adequate shading.

7. Heat storage and time lag: Constructions with a high thermal storage capacity and
a long time lag are to be avoided. Due to the relatively narrow diurnal temperature
fluctuation it is not possible to achieve much cooling by utilization of the thermodynamic
properties of building components. The main goal is, on the one hand to store as little Room arrangement according to
heat as possible in the structure in order to obtain the maximum benefit of the cooler climatic preferences
night temperatures. A relatively short time lag of some 5 hours may be adequate..

8. Thermal insulation: Thermal insulation has very little effectiveness. Due to the free flow of air, the ambient air
temperatures inside and outside the building are very much the same. Insulation may be justified only in places
where sun radiation is received, e.g. for roofs and sun-exposed walls. High reflectivity and high emissivity are
required properties for keeping the indoor temperature and the inner surface temperature low. The same effect
can be achieved with properly ventilated double skin constructions.
9. Cross-ventilation: The high humidity and warm temperatures
require maximum ventilation, which leads to very open buildings.
Free passage of air for cross-ventilation through the interior is
important. This can be achieved by large openings, not only in the
outer walls but also in the internal partitions. An even more efficient
solution is that of single-banked rooms with access from open
verandahs or galleries. The floor is preferably elevated above the
ground to allow for a better ventilation. Houses are best built on
stilts or at least on raised platforms.
10. Walls - both external and internal, should be as light as
possible with a minimal heat storage capacity. These should
obstruct the airflow as little as possible and should reflect The main elements: Shading trees, wide overhanging
roof, raised floor, free flow of air through the building
radiation, at least in places where solar radiation strikes the
surfaces. The outer surface should be reflective, light colored. Walls
should be shaded as much as possible. If, however, exposed to the
sun, they should be built in the form of a ventilated double leaf
construction, the inner leaf having a reflective surface on its outer
side and perhaps with thermal insulation.

11. Roofs - In warm-humid areas the roof is preferably pitched to

allow heavy rains to run off. Large overhangs protect the walls and
openings from radiation and precipitation. The roof should be
made of lightweight materials with a low thermal capacity and
high reflectivity. Metallic and light colored surfaces have the best
Construction details showing enhanced
reflective capacity . A more efficient solution is the properly ventilation of the roof space
ventilated double roof.
12. Windows and Openings: In warm humid areas openings are important elements
for the regulation of the indoor climate. They should be large and fully openable, with
inlets of a similar size on both sides of the room allowing a proper cross-ventilation.
Windows are preferably equipped with flexible louvres allowing a regulation of
ventilation. To avoid direct solar radiation and glare, openings should be shaded by
an overhanging roof, screens, lattices, grills etc. All these measures have to be Large openings and screened-in
designed to give minimal resistance to the airflow. Openings should be placed porches.
according to the prevailing breezes, so as to permit a natural airflow through the
internal space. This airflow is most effective if concentrated at body level.

13. Landscaping: High trees with wide, shading crowns provide significant protection
from solar radiation and should be incorporated as much as possible into any
landscape planning.. An unshaded pavement exposed to the sun heats up, hence a
vegetal cover of the ground, keeps it comparatively cool and contributes much to a
cooler outdoor microclimate. Another efficient solution is to grow a green cover over
roofs and walls. This cover functions as a second skin which provides protection against
Window with glass louvres
solar radiant heat, reduction of glare, noise, dust, protection of the wall and roof
surfaces from wind and a regulating effect on humidity

Cannopy effect by trees The proper arrangement of vegetation, mainly of shade-providing trees, within the surrounding space is
an important aspect for the improvement of the indoor climate

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